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Dosen Pengampu:
Mr. Kadek Yogi Susana

I Gede Pasek Darma Putra


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022
1. This scenario where I will role play a purchaser for clothing wholesaler. Zea will role-
play the manufacturer’s representative, and we will be negotiating a deal. So let’s get start
Zea : I’ve read your proposal, and I understand you are looking for unbranded clothing in
a variety of styles
Ares : That’s right
Zea : Meaning: t-shirts, thank tops, hoodies, zip-up tops, and long-sleeved tees, right?
Ares : Corrert
Zea : Alright! So, my first question is what kind of volumes are we looking at?
Ares : Well, we are a reseller, so we rebrand the clothing and sell it on to retailers. We can
potentially move quite a lot of product, but I suggest starting small and scaling up letter. We
are thinking of starting with around 500 to 1500 unit per SKU, with more in popular sizes and
Zea : And that would be per-month, or..?
Ares : We’d prefer to keep things flexible to begin with.
Zea : What do you have in mind exactly? I’m not against flexibility, but logistics require a
certain amount of forward planning.
Ares : Of course! Let me ask you something, what is the situation regarding production and
delivery? How long does it take you to process orders?
Zea : It’s not completely fixed, but around two weeks. Larger orders can take more time.
Ares : That’s fine, so here’s our situation. We don’t have a lot of warehousing space. That
means we can’t commit to a fixed schedule for deliveries. Instead, we’ll have to make orders
once our stock level is low enough and we have the space.
Zea : Hmm… that’s possible. One thing you should know, we won’t be able to offer the
lowest prices if we can’t be sure of your delivery schedule in advance.
Ares : I understand. And for one product category, for example short-sleeved t-shirts, how
many variations of size and colour do you need?
Zea : We need all the common sizes, from XS to XXL each in 16 colours.
Ares : OK! So, if we’re ordering around 100.000 units at one time, what kind of per-unit
pricing can you offer?
Zea : That depends if you can commit to a regular delivery schedule or not. Assuming that
you need a flexible schedule, we could offer six dollars per unit for tees and thank tops, and
fifteen for hoodies and zip-ups.
Ares : If we need higher volumes, would you able to go lower?
Zea : Possibly, but the schedule is more important to us. Supposing you could commit to a
minimum monthly volume, we could go down to five-fifty and fourteen.
Are : If we commit to a minimum volume over a six-month period, but with flexible
delivery schedule, could you offer us the same price?
Zea : As long as there were some limitations on the delivery timing, I think that would be
acceptable. And let’s work out the details about delivery and scheduling. For us to make this
work at the lower price, we’d need to have monthly deliveries but, we could let you adjust the
size of order to some extent, so that you can manage your warehousing space.
Ares : I will come right out and say that’s not going to work for us. Flexibility is essential
for us, our whole model is based on just-in-time logistics, so there’s no way around this.
Zea : Well, in that case, we won’t be able to offer you the lower price. I have no problem
with flexible deliveries as such, but we can’t offer our best prices without a regular
commitment on your part.
Ares : I’m sorry to be blunt, but this seems a little short-sighted on your part. We’re
potentially looking to order millions of units each year. Flexible delivery doesn’t mean that
we won’t make orders regularly, it just means that we need to control the timing and
Zea : I understand completely, nut you need to realise that we have our own logistics
issues to deal with if we don’t know exactly when and how big an order will be, that creates
costs for us. We’re not willing to absorb those costs. I feel that if you need this flexibility,
than you should be willing to pay for it. I’m sorry but I have to draw a line here.It’s simply
too risky for us to give you what you’re asking.
Ares : It seems like we’ve reached a bit of an impasse. Shall we take a five-minute break?
Zea : Good idea. ----- Right, I’ve spoken to a few people and I have a proposal which I
hope can make this work for everyone.
Ares : Sound good. What’s your idea?
Zea : The problem for us is that if you don’t maintain a certain monthly volume, we might
lose money at the lower pieces, which obviously we can’t do.
Ares : Sure
Zea : So, here’s my solution, we have an annual contract with a flexible delivery schedule,
but with a minimum volume per-quarter. At the end quarter, if you haven’t met the volume
requirements, you’re liable for the difference in price between your orders and the minimum.
Ares : I like the basic idea, but earlier I suggested a six-month contract, and this sounds like
a much worse deal for us.
Zea : Well, I want to make this work, but the lower prices only work if we can guarantee
orders over a full year. I will make another offer, you pay five seventy-five for tees and tank
tops and fourteen-fifty for hoodies and zip-up tops. Then, you can have six-month contract,
with minimum volume per-quarter.
Ares : That’s a good offer, but can we have the minimum over the whole period, just to
have more flexibility?
Zea : I can’t make more concessions that I already have, I’m afraid. I think this is a good
compromise which allows us to move forwards.
Ares : I will need to call my team to confirm, but I think this should be feasible.
Zea : Great!----- Let’s go through the main points. You will order a minimum of 500.00
units in six-month period, at a price of five seventy-five for short-sleeved t-shirts, long-
sleeved t-shirts and tank tops, and fourteen-fifty for hoodies and zip-up tops.
Ares : That’s right!
Zea : Regarding delivery, orders are flexible, but you commit to giving us three weeks
notice for each order.
Ares : Yes1 We still need to settle the exact details of sizes, colours, and so on.
Zea : Of course, but from our point of view, that isn’t an issue. Production costs are almost
Ares : Ok, so we can work that out later.
Zea : There’s also the matter of penalties in case you don’t meet your minimum volume
over the course of the contract…
Ares : I thought we agrees that we should simply pay the unit cost for the shortfall?
Zea : Yes, but which unit cost? We need to agree separate minimums for the t-shirts and
tank tops, and for the heavier items
Ares : True, but I don’t see that being a problem.
Zea : No, me neither. So, we will put this in writing and send you a provisional agreement
within the next few days. If everything looks ok, we can work on getting a contract drawn up.
Ares : Perfect!
2. A. About New apps match travelers with trips that fit their budgets, interests, rewards
points and so on.
B. the purposes of the founders in developing the apps is to help someone elsefor a
vacation with a very minimal budget and can also feel a pleasant entertainment like a
desired vacation with an expensive budget

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