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Product Hiring - 

Please provide examples of past experiences :) 

1. Turn them into a user story, no need to use any software. 

a. Certain Stakeholders have discussed with you about a feature that they would love 
to be added to the product. You have been charged with ensuring that this feature is 
delivered three months from today. This feature is: ​Cash on Delivery​.  

i. What are the steps you would take to ensure that this feature will be delivered 
by the proposed deadline?   
ii. How would you work with the various different teams to validate and deliver 
this feature? 

2. How would you improve the sign-up and pick up conversion on Lion Parcel app? Pls share a 
roadmap for next 3-6 months with a prioritisation framework. 

3. Improve retention & engagement on the Lion Parcel app.  

a. How would you define OKRs and set goals for the product team? 
b. What would your roadmap look like for - what are some initiatives that you’ll do 
to increase retention & engagement? 
4. Market sizing (pick one) 

a. Lion Parcel wants to create a shuttle service (eg: truck with a fixed schedule 
from point a to point b) for certain routes (eg: Jakarta to Surabaya). What would 
be the best approach to determine the market size? 
b. Lion Parcel wants to provide a direct to customer trucking service (eg: 
Deliveree-esque). What would be the best approach to determine the market 

5. Explain your most successful product! What is the metric? 

6. Give us top 3-5 interesting insights you could find from this dataset (raw data invoice) 

7. Please create sql query to get the number of users and revenue generated for each member 
level tiering in January 2021 

Here’s the detail you need: 

● member level basic : have never done a transaction 

● member level regular : at least did 1 transaction after registration 
● member level premium : at least did 8 transactions after registration 
● table user : user_id, name, phone, created_at 
● table transaction : transaction_id, user_id, amount, created_at, service_type 


-Lion Parcel Hiring Test- 

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to attempt the PM’s assessment. We 
highly appreciate your efforts and we will keep in touch with you shortly once you’ve sent this 
back to us for my hiring team to understand your experience, thought process and your 
approach :) 

Best regards, 

The Product Team 


-Lion Parcel Hiring Test- 

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