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Option 1 : Research project

Format of the report:

1. A separate front cover/title page: This must clearly contain topic title, group member
names and student ID, section number.

2. The word document should include:

-Abstract (not mandatory)

- Introduction

- Objective / Interest of research

- Literature Review (plus a summary table) including AIS issues

- Findings

- Conclusion

-References: Harvard Referencing – surname followed by first initials , year of publication ,

article title (in single inverted commas), journal title (in italics), volume of journal, issue number
of journal, page range in article.

Size for the normal body text is 12

For the title: bold and size 16

For the main headings: bold and size 14

For sub-Headings: bold and size 12



Students will investigate the chosen topic area using articles, books, journals papers and
website: Collect research papers for the period 2019-2020-2021 from google scholar.

Plagiarism is: “The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as
one's own” In precise words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. You are required to use your own
words to prepare the report. Any similarities of work will result in zero marks.

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