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Management Theory & Practice

Question 1:

Introduction: Henry Fayols principle are very logical and very relevant in modern times.It
enables in running the organisation run efficiently.These principle should be followed by the
management from day one.In the given scenario few management trainees have joined the
organisation .I would explain them the principles of Henry fayol as follows:

Application and Concept:

1.Principle of Work: The work will be divided among the employees based on their
speciality and expertise. According to Henry’s principle specialisation increased the
efficiency leads to improvement in the productivity and ultimately resulting in earning
Profits for Rustica Mettalics .

2. Principle of Authority and Responsibility: According to this principle the management

trainees will be given an authority to take decisions on their own to achieve the goal.Along
with this authority come a responsibility. So it is the responsibility of the management
trainee’s to complete the task within the given time frame.Incase if the managers fail to
complete the assigned task he will be held accountable hence the MT’s should ensure they
complete the given task on time.

3. Principle of Discipline: The Management trainees should obey the rules and policies
govern by Rustica Mettalics.They should ensure their team also follow the rules .According
to Fayol’s principle discipline is very essential to achieve the goals of the organisation.Basic
disciple should be observed at all level of management.

4. Principle of Unity of Command: Every employee will be assigned a supervisor. They will
receive orders from that one supervisor. The employees should reach out to their respective
supervisor in case if they are having any doubts or facing any issue. This will avoid confusion
and enable smooth functioning of the department.

5. Principle of Unity of Direction: There will be one head and one plan for the group of
employees with similar objectives which will be directed by one manger and will have a
uniform plan.For example: People joined in the Marketing team of Rustica Mettalics will be
responsible for the marketing activities such as pricing policy,advertisement,etc will have
one head for the Marketing team who will be directing the plans on how to achive the

6. Principle of Subordination of Individual Interest to Organisation interest:According to this

the employees should focus on the interest or goals of Rustica Metallics .This is important
because if the employee give more importance to individual interest rather than general
interest it will not led to the growth of the organisation.

7.Principle of Remuneration: The main motto of Rustica Mettalics is to keep its employees
satisfied. So I will inform the Management trainees that fair remuneration will be provided
through time appraisals and promotions based on the performance of the employees also
the hard work of the employees will be recognised by the organisation.

8.Principle of Centralisation: The authority should be utilised properly .The managetment

trainnes should be aware that to go ahead with certain this they should ensure proper level
of approvals are taken. For example if they have planned any activity which comes with a
cost ,they must ensure that they discuss the same with the higher authorities before making
any such plan.So a proper balance should be maintained.

9.Principle of Scalar Chain: The employees should be made aware of the hierarchy in the
organisations. They should be aware who to report in case of any emergencies occur to
avoid any delay .

10.Principle of Order: The employees should ensure they are punctual.This principle says
that human resources should be in a right place at a right time for utilization of physical

11.Principle of Equity: Management will be treating all the emnployees equally irrespective
of their age ,gender,colour,caste,etc. Remuneration will be given purely based on the level
of work and efficiency.

12.Principle of Stability or Tenure: I will tell them about our tensured employees in Rustica
Metallics and ensure that their job would be stable.

13.Principle of Intitiative:I will motivate the employees to come up with new innviative ideas
while working on a given task .They will be give complete freedom to represent their ideas
or innovation to implement in the working style of the organisation.

14.Esprit de corps:Team work is very important for the growth of the organisation.The
employees should trust each other ,this will lead to resolve the difficulties easily.

Conclusion: It is very important to manage the organisations efficiently.These are very

supportive to the functions of the management.

Question 2:

Introduction:In the given scenario there is a conflict of nature of management. I am a

chairperson of forum where a discussion is happening on the research of Management.
They are many people on the forum who feel that the management is just an art ,some
people feel its an science wheres some people feels its both. This is a very old and
misleading conflict.There is a person name Geeta.Suppose we have to identify whether
Geeta is an literate person or illiterate person .If Ram can read the feature of reading is a
sign of literate person so we will say Geeta is a literate and If geeta cannot read we would
tag her as an illiterate person. Similarly to find out whether Management is an art or Science
we will have to compare the features or both before coming to a conclusion.

Concept and Application:

Management as an Science: Science refers to the systematics body of knowledge which is

acquired on the basis of observation .The verification of this knowledge is possible. For
example: Ram completes his engineering. During this course he get a theoretical knowledge
of the subject.the process of acquiring knowledge in this manner is a science. Similarly
management is a systematic body as it has its own principles which are developed by the
experts after years of research. Based on the above characteristic I would say that
Management cannot be treated as pure science as it needs to be changed as per

Management as an Art:This refers to the practical application of existing knowledge. Let us

take the same example of Ram as mentioned above Ram completed the Engineering course
started to apply the knowledge in his job is an Art.The process of applying this knowledge
practically differs from person to person based on ones ability. Similarly the managers style
of managing his team would differ from manager to manager based of his innovation. Hence
I would say that Management can be called as an Art.

Conclusion: Based on the above comparison I would conclude by saying that Management is
both an Art and a science. Science helps the mangers to use the techniques to achieve the
productivity with the help of art managers can use it to overcome all type of difficulties with
the use of Innovation.Hence it should be treated as both science as well as art.

Question 3 A)

Introduction:Conflict is an emotional state of a person. This arises when two indivials are
not on the same page.It can be dangerous if it is not resolved on time.

Concept and Application:

There are different type of conflicts that arises in a work place:

1.Interdependence /task Based Conflicts:This arises when the work is depended on each
other.For example: If finance team need some data from HR team ,but the HR team is late
this will ultimate affect the finance team delivery process. In such scenarios clashes arise.

2.Leadership Conflicts:Every person has a different style of working.Some leaders are more
aggressive towards the work and may unknowingly get hyper on their team if the work gets
delayed or not achieved on time.In such cases conflicts arires.

3.Personality Based Conflicts:As discussed earlier,every individual is different and some may
not connect as just not like any one for no reasons.Then again the conflicts may arise.

Conclusion: It is the responsibility of the managers to handle the team and connect with
each of this team mebers on daily basis .

Question 3 B)

Introduction: In an decision making process that is a possibility that the conflict may
develop. People may find it difficult to work together as they might have different values
and interest or their personalities and attitudes are different. It is very important to resolve
the conflicts on time.Let us understand how we can resolve the issues in Spicejet

Application and Concept:

Listen carefully to other person: I have to be open minded curious and interested.I need to
set aside your judgements ,assumption and biases atleast temporarily. I will absorb the
information they are sharing with me,I will try to understand it to check my understand.

Embrace Conflict:Don’t avoid conflict.Accept it as it is very important to under the root

cause of the problem. It is very important to talk about the confict before it gets worst.

Talk together:Both the parties should talk with about any interferenceevery individual
should talk about the disagreements and understand what went wrong

Conclusion: It the responsibility of the consultant to make both the parties sit together and
make discuss about the issues.

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