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Who Is Jesus?

Guest Notes



Millions of people do not believe in Jesus. Millions of people do believe in Jesus. People seem to believe lots of
different things about Jesus – so who is right?

John 14:6 (CEV)

‘ “I am the way, the truth and the life!’ Jesus answered. “Without me, no one can go to the father.” ’

The Bible is saying that to know God, you have to get to know Jesus.
The word Christian means someone who follows Christ – a CHRIST-ian. It is about having faith in this man called

But, how do we know that Jesus was a real man?


• Many people have written and spoken about Jesus over thousands of years
• The Bible – the most famous book in the world – speaks about Jesus’ life

The Bible tells us:

Jesus was a real man:

• Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem.

• He lived in the town of Nazareth.
• He was a carpenter.
• He became a famous teacher.
• Jesus was thirty-three years old when he died in Jerusalem.

Jesus was fully human: he had a human body:

• He ate, drank and got hungry (Matthew 4:2)

• He got tired (John 4:6)
• He suffered pain (Luke 22:63)

Jesus had human feelings and emotions:

• Love (Mark 10:21)

• Sadness (John 11:35)
• Anger (Mark 11:15–17)

Jesus had human experiences:

• Birth (Matthew 1:18–2:12)

• Learning (Luke 2:46–52)
• Temptation (Mark 1:13)
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Who Is Jesus? Guest Notes

• Work (Mark 6:3)

• Death (Mark 15:33–40)

Many people think that Jesus was only a human being – a man – who was a great religious teacher.

Christians believe that Jesus is God.

Matthew 16:16 (NIrV®)

‘Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”’

1. Have you heard about Jesus before?
2. Who do you think Jesus was?


Many people (both Christians and non-Christians) believe that Jesus is the greatest teacher that ever lived.
Many laws in countries around the world came from the lessons of Jesus.

Matthew 5:44 (NIrV®)

‘Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you.’

Matthew 7:12 (CEV)

‘Treat others as you want them to treat you.’

Jesus also teaches us: love your neighbour as you love yourself; honour your mother and your father; love your
husband or wife and children.

Jesus also spoke about himself: He said, ‘If you want to know who God is, you need to come to me first.’ He
was saying it is only possible to get to know God if we have a relationship with Jesus.

Many people ask, ‘What is the point of life? What is the meaning of life? Why are we here?’

John 14:6a (CEV)

‘ “I am the way, the truth and the life!” Jesus answered.’

John 6:35 (NIV)

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me
will never be thirsty.”

A relationship with Jesus will satisfy you – like bread and water will satisfy someone who is hungry and thirsty.

1. If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be?
2. How do you think Jesus would reply to your question? What might he say to you?

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Who Is Jesus? Guest Notes


What made Jesus different from other religious teachers?

Jesus said he was God.

There are two possible answers: Either he was right or, he was wrong.

What do you think? Do you think Jesus was bad, or crazy, or is he God?

Bad: Jesus said he was God, but really he knew he wasn’t.

Crazy: Jesus said he was God. He really believed that he was – but the truth is that he wasn’t God.
God: Jesus said he was God – and he was telling the truth.


Jesus said the miracles he performed were evidence that Jesus and God were the same.

John 14:10–11 (NIrV®)

Jesus answered: “... The words I say to you are not just my own. The Father lives in me. He is the One who is
doing his work. Believe me when I say I am in the Father. Also believe that the Father is in me. Or at least
believe what the miracles show about me.” ’

Jesus’ miracles:

• He turned water into wine (John 2:11).

• Jesus took five small bread rolls and fed thousands of people (Mark 6:30–44).
• Jesus had control over the weather. He could speak to the wind and the waves and stop a storm (Mark
• Jesus healed people: he made blind people see; he made deaf people hear; he made lame people walk.

1. Have you ever heard about any of the miracles Jesus did?
2. Do you think Jesus still does miracles today? What do you believe?
3. What do you think when you hear that Jesus loves every person who has ever lived on this earth,
even the very bad people?
4. What do you think it would be like to have a relationship with Jesus?


Jesus’ character was one of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-

Jesus was never selfish. Jesus had peace and joy, even when life was difficult. He was always kind. The Bible
tells us that not even Jesus’ enemies could find fault in him.

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Who Is Jesus? Guest Notes

Jesus was not crazy. He had real power. He was not evil. He did good things. And Jesus still does wonderful
things today.


Jesus died on the cross and was raised back to life after three days.

Some evidence:

1. Jesus’ body wasn’t in the tomb

2. Jesus appeared to many people after he died

3. The church: the number of people that follow Jesus today is evidence that he is alive.

4. Millions of people have experienced Jesus’ love and power in their lives
Jesus is alive today. People all around the world are experiencing a relationship with Jesus right now.

1. What have you learnt about Jesus in this session that you didn’t know before?
2. What do you find attractive about him?
3. Is there anything that makes you feel unsure about Jesus? Explain.
4. Do you think Jesus teaching from 2000 years ago could still be relevant?

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