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Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.

File: 02 Lesson: Listen and Consider 01

Function: Expressing ability Lag. Form: Modal can
N. Lexis: talent, show, contest.. V. Aids: the book,...

Objective: To get the students to be exposed to the first grammar item of the file
(can) and to raise awareness about the intonation of can.

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Before you Listen.

T. introduces Act P43. ( tow friends speaking about their follow
F1: Can you dance, Said ? listen
F2: Yes, I can.
T. asks the pupils to look at the pictures on P:43 and play
similar exchanges. play exchanges
Stage Two: As you Listen.
Task 01:
Step 01:
T. introduces task 01 P43. Listen to the teacher reading the listen then do
snippets of the dialogue in the box then, underline the form of
the modal can. Expected answers:
*( strong form of can: /kn/, /k:n/, /k:nt/ ) -Can you help me ?
*( weak form of can: /kn/ ) /kn/
Step 02: -I can play the guitar
T. asks for correction. /kn/
Task 02: -Yes, I can. /k:n/
Step 01:
-No, I can't. /k:nt/
T. introduces task 2 P44 . Read the questions carefully before
you listen to the script then, make notes down for your answers
Read the questions
as you listen.
Step 02:
T. reads the script and asks pupils to use their notes to
Listen and make notes
answer their questions.
Step 03:
T. asks for correction.
Give full answer using
a-Can you spare a moment to answer a few questions, please?
their notes
b-Sure, what can I do for you ?
c-Yes, she can.
d-No, she can't.
e-No, she couldn't.
f-..because she was able to convice them that music wouldn't
interfere with her studies.
Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.
File: 02 Lesson: Listen and Consider 02
Function: Expressing ability, asking for
Lag. Form: can, could, be able to
permission and making requests
N. Lexis: request - permission – verb idiom.. V. Aids: the book,...

Objective: To get the students think analytically, ask and answer questions about
the language form ( can , could , be able to )

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Warming up.
The teacher presents the following examples:
 Mary can swim 1000 metres now. Listen and repeat
 Ten years ago, she could swim 10 metres only.
 She will be able to swim 1500 metres soon.
T.says "These three sentences express Mary's abilities:
1-present ability. 2-past ability. 3-future ability."
Stage Two: Presentation.
Step 01:
The teacher uses the following substitutions: Repeat the
is able to / was able to , instead of can / could in the examples substitutions
T. writes the following:
- Can = is able to → present ability
- Could = was able to → past ability
will be able to → future ability listen
Step 02:
T. introduces the following sentences :
A- It is hot. Can you open the window ?
B- It is raining. Can I take your umbrella ?
T.says: -Sentence (A) makes a request.
-Sentence (B) asks for permission.
Stage Three: Grammar Window.
Step 01: Presentation of the task
T. introduces the activities of the grammar window. Open their books on
T. explains the task : P44 and do the Act
1-Which sentence expresses present ability ? 1-sentence (b)
2-Which sentence asks for permission and which one makes 2- (c) permission (I)
a request? - (a) request (you)
3- When is " be able to " used for and for what purpose ? 3- will be able to and
Step 02: Correction of the Activity: was able to
T. asks PPs to give the answers.
Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.
File: 02 Lesson: Read and Consider
Function: Expressing possibility and permission Lag. Form:
N. Lexis: suffer-anxiety-stress-perhaps-failure.. V. Aids: book, bb..

Objective : To enable pupils to read and know the grammatical use of : may/might.

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Before you read.
The teacher asks pps to open their books on P:46 and guess why
the pupil has stopped taking his test ? guess
may be he does not
Stage Two: As you read. know the answer
Step 01: The teacher reads asks to read the lead-in to a
newspaper report (P:46) and check their answer to the above the pupil has
question. panicked.He suffers
Step 02: from test anxiety.
The teacher reads the text (P:47) and explains the new words,
then, he lets PPs read it
Stage Three: After reading.
Step 01:
The teacher introduces the following sentences: Listen and try to
- Ahmed is absent. He may be ill ( possibility) repeat
- It may rain tomorrow. The sky is a little bit cloudy today. (future
possibility. not sure)
- It might/could rain tomorrow, but there are no clouds in the sky. ( remote may well is more sure
possibility. less sure) but may possibly
- May I go out ? (Asking for permission) is less sure
- Don't eat a lot of sugar;you might/could have diabetes. (Expressing a
warning) for possibility:
- "I'm not good at Maths." "Well you might revise with me."
(Making a suggestion)
-can't is sure
Step 02: Grammar window P47 -may not is not sure
The teacher asks PPs to answer questions .
 Sentences that express positive future possibility are:
-This method may possibly be suitable for some children.
-It may well be the cause of the failure of many others.
-Group preparation may also reduce stress.
-You may not believe it. (may has not a contracted form)
- They might have in exams. ( might is the past form of Answer
may/ it refers to the future. It expresses remote possibility)
-The journalist used (Can pupils fail their exams?)
(Can instead of may is used when asking about possibility)
- The journalist used ( May I ask you a personal question ?)
( asking for permission. May is polite but can is formal )
- May God bless you. ( Expressing a wish)
Step 03: T. asks to copy the correction. write
Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.
File: 02 Lesson: Words and Sounds
N. Lexis: prefix, legal, justice, obey… V. Aids: the book, the board

Objective: To enable the pupils to form and pronounce new words using prefixes:
il- , im- , in- , ir , un- and dis-

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Warming up.
The teacher reviews briefly the consonant sounds then asks pps to say consonant sounds
give the opposites of the following words: new, long, right,.... and opossites
Stage Two: Prefixes:il-im-in-ir-un and dis
Step 01:
The teacher supplies pps with some words asking listen and try to form
them to try to form new words: replaceable, literate, like, new words
do, patient, correct. Then, he adds prefixes in colour:
irreplaceable / iri'pleisbl / , illiterate / i'litrt/ ,
dislike / dis'laik / , undo / n'du:/ , impatient / im'peint / ,
incorrect / ink'rekt /. Then, he defines a prefix :
A prefix /'pri:fiks/: is an element placed at the beginning of a listen and repeat
word to adjust its meaning.
 We generally add the prefix im- before a word beginning
with 'm' or 'p' like: immoral , impatient. ir- before a word
beginning with 'r', and il- before a word beginning with 'l'
eg. irreplaceable and illegible.
Step 02: Practice
The teacher gives pps words to form new ones by adding answer
prefixes: ..relevant, ..loyal, ..comfortable, ..mature, ..efficient,
Step 03:
The teacher asks pps to do Act 1 P 50. ir-,in-,im-, irr-,il,
(tick in the appropriate box of the prefix to form the opposites) in-, im-, in-, im-, dis-,
Stage Three: Act 02 P 50 dis-.
Step 01: do the Act
 T. explains that adding a prefix does not change the stress
patterns of the words.
Pupils are asked to re-write the new words using the phonetic listen and repeat
scripts and mark the stressed syllable.
Step 02: The teacher asks pps for correction. do the Act
Stage four: Act 04 P 50
Step 01:T. asks to fill in the gaps with the suitable opposites
from the box in Exercise 1.
Step 02:T. asks to correct the Act then, to write
a-irregular,b-indefinite,c-illegal, d-impossible, e-incapable, f-impolite,
g-disobeyed, h-improbable,i-irresponsible,j-disagree, k-incapable. do the Act
Teacher: Mr. Bahmed Abdelkader Level: 4 A.M.
File: 02 Lesson: Listening and Speaking
Function: Expressing agreement & disagreement Lag. Forms: so …I /Neither …I
N. Lexis: bulldog, mistreat, cruel, bubbles,.. V. Aids: pictures and drawings

Objective: To enable the pupils to express agreement and disagreement.

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One : Warming-up
Activity of the previous lesson ( prefixes ) answer / write
T asks some questions using modal 'can': -No, I can't or
Can you swim ? Can you prepare tea ?.. -Yes, I can
Stage Two : Listen & Check
The teacher asks pupils to do act 1 P 54. do the act
( Fill in each of the blanks in the speech bubbles with: can, do
or have )
Step2: T reads script 2 P 168 and asks them to check their check their answers
answers. listen

Stage Three : Your Turn to Speak

Step1: When we agree with someone in a positive point we use :
so + auxiliary + subject
e.g: I can sing So can I. listen and understand
When we agree with someone in a negative point we use:
neither + auxiliary + subject repeat
e.g: I can't play tennis. Neither can I.
Step2:T talks about disagreement
Stage Four : Write it up complete the dialogue
Step1: T asks pps tp do act 2 p 56
Step2: T asks pps for the correction answer
Step3: T asks pps to copy the answer down . write

Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.

File: 02 Lesson: Reading and Writing I 15
Function: Expressing agreement & disagreement Lag. Form: verb idiom (be able to)
N. Lexis: rivals, maid, Mars, issue.. V. Aids: Pictures, , magazine...

Objective: To enable PPS to read for a specific information.

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Warming-up

The teacher shows a magazine and asks about its name. PPs answer
Give me names of other magazines and their topics:
(sport, fashion, science..)
What's the title of this issue ?

Stage Two: Read and Check

Step 01: Pre-reading
The teacher shows picture on P.57 (magazine) and asks about -popular science
the name of the magazine and its issue. He shows a picture of a -flash forward
robot and says what can it do ? -life in the future
- can write
Step 02: Reading Comprehension - can speak
The teacher sets task 03 P.58 ( these pictures illustrate some
sentences in the article. Find them out ?)
T.reads the article and answer with PPs orally

Step 03: Understand:

The teacher explains Act 04 P.58 ( read 2nd paragraph of the PPs read and
article and rank the predictions that the author makes about do the activity
robots from the most to the least probable/possible)
Degree of certainty and..

100% - Scientist will be able to invent robots cook

80% - They'll be able to make robots maids
60% - They may be able to invent robots students
40% - They might even invent robot mechanics.
0% - It is impossible for them to be man's rivals
Tasks to be performed (or not) by robots.

Stage Three: Writing Phase

The teacher asks pps to write on their copybooks.
PPs write on their

Teacher: Level: 4 A.M.

File: 02 Lesson: Reading and Writing II
Function: Expressing agreement & disagreement Lag. Form: verb idiom (be able to)
N. Lexis: astronaut, spaceship, NASA V. Aids: Pictures, the book,...

Objective: To enable pupils to write a short article (magazine).

Procedure Pupils’ tasks

Stage One: Warming-up
The teacher reviews the previous lesson ( predictions about
robots) using ( act 04 P.58) the graph. PPs answer

Stage Two: Write it out

Step 01:
T. sets task 01 P.59 ( a jumbled predictions about technological
advances and PPs are asked to give their opinion sabout them
using: will be able/may well/may/might/or won't be able) PPs listen and give
The activity will be done orally. different answers
a-Someday/people/to do/ all their shopping by computer. a-might
b-Scientists/to invent/a computer which can read your mind b-won't be able
soon . c-will be able
c-In the future/all the children/to study at home using the d-may
d-Scientist/to make/a vaccine/against cancer in the future.
T. corrects PPs answers.
Step 02:
T. explains Act 03 P.59 ( Write a six-line newspaper article to PPs do
say: What the NASA will/may/might/will be able to do with
robots in the future. -will be able to make
-NASA scientists/to make/a new type of a spaceship. -may well be a new
-Future astronauts/to be/a new generation of robots. -might be able to go
-These robots/to go/on missions of exploration to Mars. -may be able to
-They/to communicate/ with NASA specialists. -will be able to carry
-They/to carry/with them another robot.Hyperion. -can.. / runs..
-Hyperion/to work/24 hours a day because it/to run with solar
Step 03:
Teacher writes the article on the BB with the help of PPs. give correct sentences

Stage Three: Writing Phase write

PPs are asked to read the article then to copy it down on their

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