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How does Art affect our daily lives as a student and as a person?

To each their own, and art, just like religion is personal to the individual practicing it. I may not
be a professional artist, not even mediocre nor art is my habit. But every time the clock strikes at 11:11, I
dream to be fulfilled spiritually someday by investing more time in creating art. Adulting, as I’ve
observed, offers little to no time to creative endeavors. And I wish it doesn’t happen to me. Going back
to reality, I love grooving to a dance and doodling cute animals and facial expressions. While those
activities may appear childish, it is fun and mind calming. Besides, to be an artist is to keep the
imagination wild like a child seeing the world for the first time.

During dusk, at my rooftop, it has become my habit to look carefully around and be immersed to
the beauty of the colors scattered in the sky, appreciating the artist behind the magnificence of the sky. I
love taking the minute details, the light, the shadow that seems to form something. One time, I was
convinced that there is a scenery in the sky where a monster is walking on the ocean. And suddenly,
excitement overtook my life worries for a while.

Although I was once an avid fan of Harry Potter, arguably the most famous fantasy series ever,
there was a point in my life where I became an “atheist” and a non-believer of magic, even called it
“ridiculous. I hated fiction, overall. My hunch is that it was because of the overwhelming and

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intimidating amount of artwork that needs to be done for school grades that annoyed me. But,
ultimately, it’s my insecurity of not being creative enough. My classmates were talented, their ideas were

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original, fun and could even pass as a professional work. Maybe we just tend to hate feeling like a failure.
My point is, it is like how most students speak ill of doing math, deem it as unnecessary because it is

something that makes them feel less capable.
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In hindsight, the experience, no matter how shameful it was, happened to let me know that,
“not being good by social standards shouldn’t stop me from trying something that is fun; practicing art in
that case.”
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