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Morphological characterisation of the digestive tract of the catfish

Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1876 (Siluriformes,

Article  in  Acta Zoologica · October 2017

DOI: 10.1111/azo.12224


6 115

6 authors, including:

Gabriel Caetano Guimarães Mello Fabio Arantes

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais


Tiago C. Pessali Marcelo Fulgêncio Guedes Brito

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Sergipe


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Accepted: 20 September 2017

DOI: 10.1111/azo.12224


Morphological characterisation of the digestive tract of the

catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1876 (Siluriformes,

Gabriel C. G. Mello1  |  Marcella L. Santos1  |  Fábio P. Arantes1  |  Thiago C. Pessali2  | 

Marcelo F. G. Brito3  |  José E. Santos1,4

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia
de Vertebrados da PUC Minas, Belo
Horizonte, MG, Brazil The anatomical arrangement of the digestive tract and the length (cm) of the oe-
Museu de Ciências Naturais da PUC sophagus and intestine of the catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri were described, and the
Minas, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
intestinal coefficient was determined. L. alexandri oesophagus is short, in median
Departamento de Biologia da
position, and presents longitudinally folded mucosa, whilst its epithelium is stratified
UFS, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Sergipe,
Brazil and non-­keratinised, with mucous, claviform and epithelial cells. Stomach has “C”
Tutor PET Biologia PUC Minas, Belo shape, with folded mucosa along cardiac region, disordered in the fundic region, and
Horizonte, MG, Brazil directed to the sphincter in the pyloric region. Its epithelium is simple prismatic, and
Correspondence cardiac and fundic portions have gastric glands. Cranial intestine is formed by py-
José Enemir dos Santos, Graduate Program loric flexure and descending loop attached to the right side of stomach. Middle intes-
in Vertebrate Biology, Pontifical Catholic
tine is winding and positioned to the right of caudal portion of stomach. Caudal
University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Belo
Horizonte, MG, Brazil. intestine is linear and with a median position up to the anus. Intestinal coefficient was
Email: 1.39 ± 0.30 cm. Epithelium is simple prismatic with brush border and contains epi-
Funding information thelial and goblet cells. Caudal region has highest concentration of goblet cells. Were
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado detected neutral glycoproteins, carboxylated and sulphated acid glycoconjugates for
de Minas Gerais; FIP PUC Minas
mucous cells and goblet cells, and neutral glycoproteins for the apical region of gas-
tric epithelial cells. Morphological features could be related to piscivorous species
feeding habit.

catfish, intestinal coefficient, mucosa morphometry, mucosubstances

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION Godinho, 2007; Melillo Filho et al., 2016). It is a carnivorous

fish with piscivorous tendencies, lurking on the sandy sub-
The pacamã Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1876 be- strate to catch other fish. The species was introduced into the
longs to the Siluriformes order and Pseudopimelodidae fam- Doce River basin, south-­east Brazil, where it is well estab-
ily and is native to the São Francisco River Basin, south-­east lished, being the fourth most important species for commer-
Brazil (Shibatta, 2003). According to the IUCN (2017) list, cial fishing in the region (Alves, Vieira, Magalhães, & Brito,
its conservation status is vulnerable. It reproduces naturally 2007), and studies on its biology in this basin are extremely
in captivity, does not migrate for reproduction, builds nests on scarce. Lophiosilurus alexandri is interesting for aquaculture,
a sandy bottom, exhibits parental care and has high commer- and studies have been carried out recently aimed at the devel-
cial value (Assega, Birindelli, Bialetzki, & Shibatta, 2016; opment of its conservation and commercial farming, such as
Barros, Guimarães-­ Cruz, Veloso-­ Júnior, & Santos, 2007; Barros et al. (2007); Santos and Luz (2009); Guimarães-­Cruz,

© 2017 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences     1

Acta Zoologica. 2017;1–10. |
2       MELLO et al.

Santos, Sato, and Veloso-­ Junior (2009); Mello, Santos, housed in the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Pontifícia
Guimarães-­Cruz, Godinho, and Godinho (2015); Cordeiro Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte
et al. (2016). The structure of the digestive tract of teleost var- (MCNIP-­0116).
ies with different factors, and its functions include digestion, Morphometry: For each specimen, the standard length
nutriments absorption, hormone secretion and immune pro- (SL; cm), body weight (g) and intestine length (CI, mm)
tection. Its structure is also variable according to the nature were recorded. The digestive tract was dissected for anal-
of the diet. Rather short in carnivorous species (20% of body ysis of the mucosa and the anatomical relationship of the
length), the digestive tract is long (20 times the body length) oesophagus, stomach, intestines. Subsequently, the intes-
in herbivorous fish. It comprises distinct portions: the mouth tinal coefficient (CO) was calculated using the equation:
cavity, the oesophagus, the stomach (some fishes are stom- CO = CI/SL, according to Angelescu and Gneri (1949). To
achless), the anterior and posterior intestine and the rectum measure the intestines, a tape measure (MACROLIFE) was
(Banan Khojasteh, 2012). The digestive tract of fishes shows used to measure length and flexure. The results are given
a remarkable diversity of morphological and functional char- as mean and standard deviation (M ± SD). All structures
acteristics, been associated with different feeding habits and were analysed using an Olympus SZ-­11 stereomicroscope.
to taxonomy, as well as to body shape and weight, size and To the intestinal mucosa, the height and width (μm) of mu-
sex (Banan Khojasteh, Sheikhzadeh, Mohammadnejad, & cous folds and the thickness (μm) of the muscle layer of
Azami, 2009; Diaz, Gracia, & Goldemberg, 2008; Kapoor, the cranial, middle and caudal regions of the intestine were
Smith, & Verighina, 1975). The digestive tract of fish is a determined by analysis of histological slides prepared from
widely studied topic, from the classic works of Al-­Hussaini ten individuals. The number of goblet cells in a 250 μm
(1949); Angelescu and Gneri (1949) to recent works, such length from the mucosa folds of the cranial, middle and
as Germano et al. (2013); Santos, Arantes, Santiago, and caudal intestines, extending up to the villi, was determined.
Santos (2015), Santos, Arantes, Pessali, and Santos (2015); Ten slides from each region were made, and twenty random
Fagundes, Rotundo, and Mari (2016); Andrade, Guimarães, measurement replicates from each slide were taken. The
Rotundo, and Mari (2017). These studies provide crucial results referring to the number of goblet cells are given as
information for the cultivation and conservation of species mean and standard deviation (M ± SD). From scanned im-
(Santos, Arantes, Santiago et al., 2015; Wilson & Castro, ages, measurements were performed using the free ImageJ
2011). Therefore, the aim of our work was to describe the software. To determine whether there were differences in
anatomical and histological characteristics of the oesopha- the number of goblet cells between the three intestinal re-
gus, stomach, and intestine of the L. alexandri, relating these gions, we used the arithmetic mean of the measurement rep-
characteristics to its eating habits and expand their biological licates, according to Jaroszewska, Dabrowski, Wilczynska,
knowledge to improve conservation programmes. and Kakareko (2008).
Light microscopy: Fragments of the oesophagus, stom-
ach (cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions), intestine (cranial,
2  |  M AT E R IA L A N D ME T H O DS middle and caudal sections) were fixed in Bouin’s fluid for
six hours and submitted to routine histological technique, and
Thirty specimens of L. alexandri were collected from the sections were stained with haematoxylin–eosin (HE) or sub-
Doce River (19°02′15″S and 42°08′11″W), south-­eastern mitted to histochemical assays. Some sections were used for
Brazil, between November 2013 and August 2014. Sampling carbohydrate and protein analysis, following Pearse (1985):
was conducted using gillnets with mesh sizes of 8–20 cm periodic acid-­Schiff (PAS) for carbohydrates with 1:2 glycol
between opposite knots. Thirty specimens, 17 females and groups; glycogen, neutral glycoproteins and sialomucin; al-
13 males (standard length 44.6 ± 10.4 cm; standart weight cian blue pH 2.5 (Ab pH 2.5) for carboxylated and sulphated
2,058 ± 1,267 g) in good condition of health were fixed in glycoconjugate acids including sialomucines, alcian blue pH
10% formalin for 12 hours and transferred to 70% ethanol, 0.5 (Ab pH 0.5) for sulphated glycoconjugates.
which were then used for morphometric and anatomical Statistical analysis: Appropriate statistical analysis was
study. Fragments from different regions of the digestive conducted using the Lilliefors test of normality and we used
tract of ten other specimens were taken for histological M ± SD. Data with normal distribution were compared using
study and statistical analysis. The handling of the speci- analysis of variance for a randomised block design (RBD
mens followed the guidelines of the National Council for ANOVA), where the blocks were the individuals and the
the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) for eu- treatment was the intestinal regions. Post hoc (Tukey) tests
thanising animals (Brazil, 2013) and CEUA PUC Minas were performed when the ANOVA indicated a significant
(003/2016), and the fish collection was authorised by the difference between treatments or between blocks to detect the
State Forest Institute of Minas Gerais (IEF – licenses 086-­ difference between the means. All analyses were performed
08). Voucher specimens are deposited in the fish collection using the BioStat 5.0 package (p < .05).
MELLO et al.   

3  |   R E S U LTS
3.1  |  Oesophagus: anatomy and histology
The average length of the oesophagus was 3.1 ± 0.8 cm,
being considered short. It had a median position and the
mucosa layer contained longitudinal folds throughout its
length (Figure 1). The oesophagus was organised in the fol-
lowing layers: mucosa with epithelium plus lamina propria,
submucosa with stratum compactum and stratum laxum, in-
ternal and external muscular layer, and serosa (Figure 2a).
The mucosa layer consisted of stratified non-­ keratinised
squamous epithelium which presented three types of cells:
claviform, epithelial and mucous (Figure 2b). The claviform
cells were the largest ones, with a dense and central nucleus,
and their cytoplasm was acidophilus. They were supported
in the stratum compactum of the lamina propria and formed
disorganised strata. Epithelial cells were present in different
layers in the epithelium tissue and were cubical at the base
and squamous at the apex. They had a central, dense nucleus
and scant cytoplasm. The mucous cells were arranged at the
apex of the epithelium and presented a basal nucleus and
cytoplasm with neutral glycoproteins, glycoconjugates car-
boxylated and glycoconjugates sulphated acids. Taste buds
were not observed in the cranial region of the mucosa. The
lamina propria-­submucosa consisted of two strata: stratum
compactum and stratum laxum. The stratum compactum con-
sisted of dense connective tissue formed by densely packed
layers of collagen fibres, blood vessels and dispersed strata
of smooth muscle. The stratum laxum was thicker, located
below the stratum compactum and consisted of loose connec- F I G U R E   1   Anatomical view of the digestive tract in the
tive tissue, collagen fibres and blood vessels. The muscular coelomic cavity with mesoscopic details of the mucosa indicated in
layer consisted of two striated muscle sublayers. The inner longitudinal sections: Segments of the digestive tract: oesophagus (O),
layer was longitudinally orientated, and muscle packages de- cardiac stomach (CS), fundic stomach (FS), pyloric stomach (PS),
cranial intestine (CRI), middle intestine (MI) and caudal intestine
limited by connective tissue were observed, whilst the outer
(CDI). Bar = 1 cm. Side inserts: (O) mucosa of the oesophagus
layer is circularly orientated circular and has continuous bun-
longitudinally folded. Bar = 2 mm. (CS) mucosa of the cardiac stomach
dles of fibres. The serosa was the outermost layer, consisting
with longitudinal and transverse folds. Bar = 2 mm. (FS) mucosa of the
of dense connective tissue and involved by the mesothelium. fundic stomach with disorganised folds. Bar = 2 mm. (PS) Mucosa of
The transition between oesophageal and stomach mucosa the pyloric stomach with folds oriented towards the pyloric sphincter.
was characterised by the change from non-­keratinized squa- (CRI) mucosa of the cranial intestine with longitudinal primary folds
mous epithelium to simple cubic epithelium and the presence and oblique secondary folds, in a network arrangement. Bar = 1 mm.
of gastric glands in the lamina propria (Figure 2c). (MI) mucosa of the middle intestine with longitudinal primary folds
and oblique secondary folds, in a network arrangement. Bar = 1 mm.
(CDI) mucosa of the caudal intestine with large and spaced longitudinal
3.2  |  Stomach: anatomy and histology primary folds and scarce secondary folds. Bar = 1 mm [Colour figure
The stomach, when empty, had a “C” shape, with cardiac, can be viewed at]
fundic and pyloric regions (Fig. 1). It communicated with the
oesophagus through the cardiac region and with the intestine cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions differ from each other
through the pyloric region. The cardiac region was tubular, in the organisation of the mucosa and the absence of gastric
cranial and median and had transverse folds separated by glands in the pyloric region (Figure 2e). The stomach was
larger longitudinal folds. The fundic region was saculiform, organised into mucosa, submucosa, internal and external
caudal, median and with disordered folds. The pyloric region muscular, and serosa layers (Figure 2d). The gastric mucosa
was tapered and located on the left side of the coelomic cav- layer presented simple prismatic epithelium with epithelial
ity, with folds oriented towards the pyloric sphincter. The cells showing an oval and basal nucleus with accumulation of
4       MELLO et al.

F I G U R E   2   Histological cross
sections of the oesophagus and stomach of
pacamã. (a) Layers of the oesophagus wall
showing mucosa (m), stratum compactum
(sc), stratum laxum (sl), internal muscular
layer (ime), external muscle layer (eme),
serosa (s). HE. (b) Epithelium consisting
of mucosal cells (arrow head), claviform
cells (arrow) and stratum compactum (sc).
HE. (c) Transition from the oesophageal
epithelium (O) to the stomach epithelium
(S), gastric glands of the stomach (gg).
PAS. (d) Layers of the cardiac stomach
walls showing mucosa (m), gastric glands
(gg), submucosa (sm), internal muscular
layer (imc), external muscle layer (emc)
and serosa (s). HE. (e) Layers of the
pyloric stomach wall showing mucosa
(m), submucosa (sm), internal muscular
layer (imc), external muscle layer (emc)
and serosa(s). HE. (a, d-­e) bars = 400 μm;
B bar = 50 μm; C bar = 100 μm [Colour
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

neutral glycoproteins in the apex of the cell. The lamina pro- tissue. The submucosa was thick and consisted of loose con-
pria consisted of connective tissue and gastric glands only in nective tissue. The pyloric sphincter consisted of the thicken-
the cardiac and fundic regions. The gastric crypts communi- ing of the inner muscle layer.
cated with the gastric glands in the lamina propria. Thin and
discontinuous bundles of smooth muscle were observed in
3.3  |  Intestine: anatomy and histology
the lamina propria below the gastric glands, but they did not
form a defined muscular layer of the mucosa. The submucosa The intestine of pacamã had 62.3 ± 19.5 cm in length and
layer presented a layer of loose connective tissue with col- showed an intestinal coefficient of 1.39 ± 0.30. The intestine
lagen fibres, thicker than the lamina propria, and blood ves- was divided into cranial (23,9%), middle (70,7%) and caudal
sels. The muscular layer contained two sublayers of smooth (5,4%) parts, according to the anatomical and morphologi-
muscle. The orientation of the inner layer was circular, and cal organisation (Figure 1), histologically showed four folds:
the outer layer was longitudinal. The serosa layer consisted mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serosa layers. The cranial
of dense connective tissue and blood vessels and externally intestine was formed by pyloric flexure, which was ventral to
presented a layer of mesothelium squamous cells. The py- the oesophagus and by the descending loop that runs attached
loric region had a thin lamina propria with dense connective to the right side of the stomach. The middle intestine was
MELLO et al.   

convoluted, with many folds and it remained to the right of Statistically, they were different from each other (p < .05).
the caudal portion of the stomach. The caudal intestine was The caudal region of the intestine had a significantly higher
linear and positioned medially in the coelomic cavity until concentrations of goblet cells compared to the cranial and
the anal opening. The mucosa of the cranial and middle in- middle regions (p < .05) (Figure 3c-­e). The mean number of
testine showed primary and secondary folds longitudinally goblet cells was calculated by each 250 μm of tissue to each
oriented and secondary folds obliquely oriented, forming a intestinal region, being 14.0 ± 2.5 to cranial, 10.5 ± 1.9 to
network. The mucosa of the caudal intestine had a less devel- middle and 20.6 ± 4.0 to caudal region (Figure 4).
oped network and exhibited pleated primary folds longitudi-
nally oriented. In the specimens, examined pyloric caeca are
3.4  |  Histochemical analysis
not observed. The intestine segments showed lamina propria-­
submucosa consisting of a dense connective tissue layer and By histochemical analysis, we detected neutral glycoproteins
blood vessels, accompanying the folds of the mucosa. The and carboxylated and sulphated acid glycoconjugates for the
muscular layer consisted of two smooth muscle sublayers, mucous and goblet cells and neutral glycoproteins for the api-
the internal one with circular orientation and the external one cal region of gastric epithelial cells (Table 1).
with longitudinal orientation. The serosa layer consisted of
dense connective tissue surrounded by a layer of mesothelial
squamous cells and blood vessels (Figure 3a). The mucosa 4  |  DISCUSSION
layer of the epithelium of the three segments of the intestine
was simple, prismatic with brush border with epithelial gob- Most teleosts have a short oesophagus, including Leporinus
let cells supported by the lamina propria. The goblet cells had macrocephalus (Rodrigues, Navarro, & Menin, 2008),
cytoplasm filled with mucosubstances and were interspersed Salminus brasiliensis (Rodrigues & Menin, 2008) and L. al-
between the epithelial cells. Intra-­ epithelial lymphocytes exandri. However, the oesophagus can also be long, as ob-
were observed between the epithelial cells (Figure 3b). The served in Gymnotus carapo (Menin, 1989). In pacamã, the
epithelial cells had a basal, spherical and vesicular nucleus longitudinal folds of the oesophageal mucosa were like
and abundant cytoplasm. The intestinal folds of the cranial those of other Siluriformes (Jaroszewska et al., 2008; Raji
and middle regions were significantly taller and thinner than & Norouzi, 2010) and this adaptation can be related to the
those of the caudal region (p < .05). The muscular layer of stretching capacity of its wall, which is a feature of piscivo-
the caudal region was thicker than that of the cranial and rous species. The oesophagus of fish can present two types
middle regions, and the cranial was higher than the average. of epithelium: stratified, as in Glyptosternum maculatum

F I G U R E   3   Cross sections of the

cranial, middle and caudal intestine: (a)
Layers of the cranial intestine wall showing
mucosa (m), lamina propria-­submucosa
(lp), internal muscular layer (imc), external
muscle layer (emc) and serosa (s). HE.
(b) Epithelium of the caudal intestine with
epithelial cells (arrow head) and intra-­
epithelial lymphocytes (red arrow), lamina
propria-­submucosa (lp) and the brush
border (br). HE. Bar = (c) Epithelium of
the cranial intestine showing goblet cells
(black arrow). PAS. (d Epithelium of the
middle intestine showing goblet cells (black
arrow). PAS. Bar = 20 μm. (e) Epithelium
of the caudal intestine showing goblet cells
(black arrow). PAS. A Bar = 400 μm; B-­E
bars = 20 μm [Colour figure can be viewed
6       MELLO et al.

T A B L E   1   Histochemistry characteristics of secretion present in

digestive tract

Histochemistry Mucous cells cells Goblet cells
Periodic acid-­ + + +
schiff (PAS)
Alcian blue pH 2.5 + − +
Alcian blue pH 0.5 ± − ±
(a) (b) (c)
(+) positive reaction; (±) weak positive reaction; (−) negative reaction.

that food selection is performed in the oral cavity after prey

capture (Albrecht et al., 2001).
The presence of claviform cells in the epithelium of
the pacamã oesophagus has also been described for other
Siluriformes, such as Trichomycterus brasiliensis (Ribeiro &
Fanta, 2000). The function of the claviform cells still not well
understood. Some authors suggest that these cells are related
to the globular epidermal cells that are responsible for the
alarm chemistry, and take part in digestion, as well as hav-
ing immunological, cellular regeneration and healing func-
tions (Alexander & Ingram, 1992; Al-­Hassan, Thomson, &
Oriddle, 1983; Nakamura, Watanabe, Kamiya, & Muramoto,
2001; Perillo, Pace, Seilhamer, & Baum, 1995). The oesoph-
ageal epithelium in teleosts presents mucous cells throughout
its length (Al-­Abdulhadi, 2005; Marchetti et al., 2006; Park
(d) & Kim, 2001; Raji & Norouzi, 2010; Xiong et al., 2011). In
our study, L. alexandri presented mucous cells with acidic
F I G U R E   4   Histochemistry cross sections of the oesophagus and neutral glycoconjugate synthesis. This can provide pro-
and stomach of pacamã. (a) Epithelium with mucosal cells reactive tection against injuries caused by mechanical damage, as well
to histochemistry with Ab pH 2.5 (arrowhead). (b) Epithelium with
as facilitating the swallowing of food and aiding in digestion.
mucous cells reactive to histochemistry Ab pH 0.5 (arrowhead). (c)
The stomach of fishes is divided into many categories
Epithelium with mucosal cells reactive to histochemistry with Ab
pH 2.5 +  PAS. (arrowhead). (d) Transition from the oesophagus
depending on their shape: (i) no stomach as in Cryprinids
epithelium (esf) to the epithelium of the stomach (est). Arrowhead = and Labrids; (ii) J-­shape in African and American catfish;
mucous cells of the oesophagus; gg = gastric glands of the stomach, (iii) straight with enlarged lumen in pike; (iv) channel catfish
with PAS + H. Ab = alcian blue; PAS = periodic acid-­schiff. A-­C and halibut; (v) U-­shaped in salmonide; and (vi) Y-­shaped in
bars = 50 μm; D bar = 100 μm [Colour figure can be viewed at tilapia (Moawada, Awaadb, & Tawfiekb, 2017). The anatom-] ical shape of the pacamã stomach differs from that of most
teleosts due to its “C” shape, whilst most studies report a
“U” shape (Andrade et al., 2017; Cao & Wang, 2009; Xiong
(Xiong et al., 2011), and pseudostratified in L. alexan- et al., 2011), “J” shape (Sis, Ives, Jones, Lewis, & Haensly,
dri, as in Leporinus taeniofasciatus (Albrecht, Ferreira, & 1979) and “Y” shape (Rodrigues & Menin, 2008). The latter
Caramaschi, 2001). These epithelial variations may be re- two authors suggest that the different anatomical shapes of
lated to the feeding habits of the species and provide protec- fish stomachs may be related to different eating habits, but
tion from food abrasion. the anatomical shape may well be related to phylogeny, as
Several authors have reported the presence of taste buds there are no conclusive studies. The stomachs of other fish
in the cranial portion of fish oesophagus (Jaroszewska have been divided into cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions,
et al., 2008; Santos, Arantes, Pessali et al., 2015; Xiong like that of pacamã (Cao & Wang, 2009; Raji & Norouzi,
et al., 2011). The absence of taste buds in the oesophagus 2010; Santos, Arantes, Santiago et al., 2015). This anatom-
of the pacamã, as well as in Odontesthes bonariensis, (Diaz, ical division may be a characteristic of teleosts that have a
Escalantes, Garcia, & Goldemberg, 2006), Clarias batrachus true stomach and indicates the specialisation of regions of the
and Serrasalmus nattereri (Raji & Norouzi, 2010), suggests stomach for gastric secretion, maceration, homogenisation
MELLO et al.   
and guidance of food. The pattern of the folds of the stomach P. maculatus, whose coefficient ranged from 0.4 to 1.1
mucosa of the pacamã is defined by the shape and function (Godinho, 1967). The length of the intestine is used as a
of the region and differs from other fish which have longitu- trophic-­level morphological indicator in nutritional ecology
dinal folds in the three regions of the stomach, such as in the (Horn, 1997). However, intestinal length is influenced by sev-
species studied by Scocco, Ceccarelli, and Menghi (1996). In eral factors other than the diet, including fish size, body shape,
the pacamã, the folds of the cardiac region were related to the recent feeding history, ontogeny and phylogeny (Clements &
movement of food from the oesophagus to the fundic portion Raubenheimer, 2005; Horn, 1997). Although Seixas-­Filho
of the stomach and the stretching capacity of the region. The et al. (2001) have described four regions in the intestine of
disorganised folds of the fundic region were related to the the Siluriformes Ictalurus punctatus and Pseudoplatystoma
saculiform shape and the stretching capacity of the stomach corruscans, other authors mentioned only three regions for
for food storage. The fundic portion presented folds directed Siluriformes (Cao & Wang, 2009; Raji & Norouzi, 2010;
to the sphincter, which facilitates the passage of food from Rodrigues et al., 2009; Xiong et al., 2011). The convolution
the stomach to the intestine. The simple columnar epithelium of middle intestine of pacamã has also been observed in other
of the stomach is a common characteristic of teleosts (Al-­ Siluriformes, such as P. fasciatum (Rodrigues et al., 2009),
Abdulhadi, 2005; Raji & Norouzi, 2010; Xiong et al., 2011). and less convolution in and G. maculatum (Xiong et al.,
The synthesis of neutral glycoproteins in the apical por- 2011). These anatomical variations may occur among species
tion of the stomach cells has been reported by several authors to allow for greater food plasticity. Pyloric caeca have been
(Al-­Abdulhadi, 2005; Albrecht et al., 2001; Raji & Norouzi, reported in several species of teleosts (Albrecht et al., 2001;
2010; Ribeiro & Fanta, 2000) and can be related to the pro- Nachi et al., 1998; Seixas-­Filho et al., 2001). However, this
tection of the gastric epithelium against the action of secreted structure was not identified in the pacamã intestine, which
acids and enzymes, as well as increasing mucous viscosity. is like that of 65 other Siluriformes species (Cao & Wang,
The presence of crypts associated with tubular gastric glands 2009; Raji & Norouzi, 2010; Rodrigues et al., 2009; Xiong
in the cardiac and fundic regions and the absence in the py- et al., 2011), possibly indicating the absence of such structure
loric region are a feature of fish stomachs (Al-­Abdulhadi, for fish of the Siluriformes order.
2005; Albrecht et al., 2001; Marchetti et al., 2006; Xiong The intestinal folds of pacamã were similar to those of the
et al., 2011). In contrast, Raji and Norouzi (2010) only re- Siluriformes P. maculatus (Godinho, 1967), differing only by
ported a reduced concentration of gastric glands in the py- a “zig-­zag” arrangement in the cranial region of the P. mac-
loric region, suggesting that the pyloric region acts mainly ulatus intestine. They are different than the complex mor-
to direct food towards the intestine. The layers of connective phology of L. macrocephalus (Rodrigues et al., 2008), which
tissue of the lamina propria and submucosa are developed exhibits longitudinal folds in the first loop, transverse in the
and thick in the stomach of carnivorous Siluriformes (Cao second and an oblique “V” in the third loop of the posterior
& Wang, 2009; Ribeiro & Fanta, 2000; Xiong et al., 2011). intestine. The morphology of the intestinal mucosa folds has
The thick layer of connective tissue observed in L. alexandri been associated with feeding habits (Rodrigues et al., 2008),
allows the organ to expand, which permits the intake of a as they can increase the absorption area, as well as influence
large amount of food. the velocity of bolus transport. The results of our study were
In teleost fishes, the length of the intestine provides a similar to those of Cao and Wang (2009) who, through mor-
good gauge on their feeding. Behaviour being longer in ilio- phometry of the intestinal folds, observed a decrease in height
phagous, omnivorous and herbivorous species, and shorter in of the folds in the caudal region. The intestine epithelium in
insectivorous and carnivorous species (Canan, Nascimento, teleosts is the simple, columnar type. It presents epithelial
Silva, & Chellappa, 2012; Machado et al., 2013). The in- cells with a brush border interspersed by goblet cells (Banan
testinal coefficient of L. alexandri is relatively low (1.3) Khojasteh et al., 2009; Morrison & Wright, 1999; Ribeiro &
and falls within the range expected for carnivorous fishes Fanta, 2000). In L. alexandri, it is suggested that mucosub-
(0.2–2.5). On the other hand, the intestinal coefficient of pa- stances in the goblet cells can be associated with the lubri-
camã was higher than that of other carnivorous Siluriformes. cation of the intestinal mucosa which facilitates transport of
In Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, the coefficient ranges from food macromolecules. The concentration of goblet cells in
0.68 to 0.84 (Rodrigues et al., 2009) and in G. maculatum, the caudal region is associated with the need of greater pro-
the coefficient is 0.89 (Xiong et al., 2011). Another thirteen tection of the mucosa and to increase its viscosity for faecal
carnivorous teleosts studied by Carrassón and Matallanas expulsion.
(1994) showed an intestinal coefficient lower than that of Due to the absence of the muscularis mucosa in the intes-
pacamã, ranging from 0.27 to 0.90. Furthermore, the intes- tine of pacamã, it was impossible to differentiate the lamina
tinal coefficient of the pacamã was close to that of the om- propria and submucosa, like other teleosts studied by Albrecht
nivorous Characiforms L. friderici and L. taeniofasciatus et al. (2001) and Xiong et al. (2011). The orientation of the
(Albrecht et al., 2001) and higher than that of the omnivorous smooth muscle layers of the pacamã intestine was similar
8       MELLO et al.

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