Shapirenko Oksana. November 5

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Unit 6.

Art of entertainment

Define these words:

Deprivation – a situation in which you do not have things or conditions that are
usually considered necessary for a pleasant life.
Sentiment – a thought, opinion, or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way
of thinking about something.
Negate – cause something to have no effect.
Polarized – divided into two completely opposing groups.
Skepticism – doubt that something is true or useful.
Deliberate – (often of something bad) intentional or planned.
Vital – necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely
Benchmarks – a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other
Vulnerable – able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced,
or attacked.
Trimester – a three-month period.
Grave threat - a very serious threat.

What is your opinion about in-person schooling during this pandemic? Give specific
In my opinion, students shouldn`t attend schools during the pandemic before
the vaccine isn`t be invented, because of it`s so easy get the COVID-19 and this
disease can be a threat for children, their parents and for people at risk (such as
cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease or diabetes) and older people.
But self-isolation also has disadvantages. Students could be rare outdoors,
breathe with fresh air, rare communicate with their friends (for examples, students
much communicate with each others at school breaks or they walk after school). And
I guess it`s much better to meet personal than connect each other with Skype or
another application or messenger.
In addiction, no everyone has necessary conditions for online education. For
instance, in English lessons it`s so essential to listen the speaking of teacher, or
teacher should listen student`s speaking clearly to correct the mistakes. Also, it could
be so tediously to hear static or interference when you are listening teacher, or your
eyes could hurt after hours of sitting behind the screen.
So, to my mind, online education is worse compared with in-person schooling,
but in these specious times we should care about our health and stay home if possible.
But students, who spend more time at the computer, should follow some of the
recommendations. They should breathe fresh air on the balcony or by the window
more often, walk and get vitamin D from the sun, whenever possible, take a break
from screens.
Find and correct the error:
“Meanwhile at Utica Public Schools, one of Michigan’s largest districts is bringing
students back in small groups.” (There should be no comma)

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