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University Automated Chat bot Using Text Classification

with Machine learning and NLP

Ali Shan Muhammad Ali Raja Zayad Sadiq

051-18-129805 051-18-129790 051-18-129820

Supervised by
Ms. Maria Hanif

A Final Year Project Proposal Report is

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in [Computer Science | Software Engineering]

Department of Computing & Technology

Iqra University
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Overall Description

In simple words, the goal of the chat bots is to understand users’ queries and provide the response according
to the user need. Simple chat bots look for the general keywords so they can go through the list of their
predefined list of answers to provide the answer’s according to the user queries. On the other hand, modern
chat bots try to understand the query of the user and their intent so they can provide the correct response to
the user for that they employ AI, Machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) [1].
Educational Institutes are evolving day by day and they want to evolve more so they can provide best
facilities to the user. So they are making their campuses smart that are intelligent [2]. Now the smart
Campuses are sophisticated and conducive environments where everybody can interact with each other
students and the staff so the full focus can be diverted to the students and their betterment.
1.1.1. Objectives

The use of text classification for the creation of a user-friendly chat bot, interactive and efficient web
application is one of the key motivating factors. The objectives of our project are as below:
 To provide quick response to save the time of student as well as save the resources.
 To provide good and fast web browsing experience.
 To provide a platform where a student can complain or talk about what they need.
1.1.2 Problem Description

In this modern era of technology, Students want to save their time instead of visiting the Universities to get
some kind of information. Because the Traditional ways are, time consuming, as the students have to visit
the university personally. It would be much more time saving if the student can obtain that information by
staying at home and just visit our web application. Where will be our Chat bot to answer his all questions.
1.1.3 Methodology

In this section, we discuss our proposed solution along with data-set used and ML algorithms
employed as shown in figure. We will first collect our dataset, process the data and use that dataset
for training the model. This will involve collection of all relative data to extract important features
from data.
Figure 1 Project flow diagram

1.1.4 Product Scope

We are going to develop a website that can be student friendly and will be easy to use for every
one. This website will provide ease of access to the students who want to join the institution and
also help the newly registered students to explore about the institution.
1.1.5 User Classes and Characteristics
 Users
 Users can access the web application.
 Users can get the information from the chat bot.
 Admin
 Admin can grant and revoke privileges of user.
 Admin can manage the chat bot.

1.1.6 Operating Environment

As stated above our project has two main modules. Module one which is chat bot for which we
will first collect a dataset then by applying we will train and improve this machine learning
algorithm and then again test and improve this system. The second module (web application) shall
be user friendly.
1.1.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

 Sample size of dataset is very important

 Chat bot will answer certain questions not every question.
 Similarly, the language of chat bot will be English so the user should be able to understand

1.2 External Interface Requirements


1.2.1 User Interfaces

We plan on using Node JS for the final front-end user interface. Which is user friendly and easy
to use and fast as well.

1.2.2 Communication Interfaces

Rest API

1.3 System Features

Our project has two main modules. Module one which is chat bot for which we will first collect a
dataset then by applying we will train and improve this machine learning algorithm and then again
test and improve this system. The second module (web application) shall be user friendly.
 Chat bot
 University Web Application

1.3.1 System Feature 1: Chat bot

It is a system which interact with the user and the user interact with it by using the modern
techniques of NLP and by using machine learning algorithms and the dataset it will solve the
queries of the user.

1.3.2 System Feature 2: University Web Application

The second module makes the user able to interact with the chat bot this module will be made by
Node JS which is quite fast and will provide the user a quick and interactive interface.
1.4 Nonfunctional Requirements

Non-functional Requirements refer to the constraints or restrictions on the system. They

include emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and store

occupancy or the platform, implementation techniques and tools.

Following are some nonfunctional requirements

1.4.1 Performance Requirements

All data used to train the models must be up to mark and no flaws.

1.4.2 Safety Requirements

Our project is a machine learning based project; our aim is to provide user correct information.

1.4.3 Security Requirements

Data security is our foremost priority and security is at the forefront when designing the system

1.4.4 Software Quality Attributes

Real Time Details available

Security Strong

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