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'British Standard


BS 6399 :.. Part 1 :.' '~1984 .:-~ .~

• •••. ... --- ..... ~ ... ~ ••• LII ..... ;... .:

UOC 69.04: 624.042.2/.3. ' .,.. .... ~ -. ,'?;::;~:'> .. '

© British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the

prior permission in writing or 8 S I. ~


"~Design loading for buildings


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~~;~Part 1. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads

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~;(Formerly CP 3: Chapter V: Part 1)

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.~~ Charges de calcul pour Ie batiment .

"'~--;f Partie 1. Charges mortes et chanqes irnposees. Code de bonne pratique


British Standards Institution

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-sasodrnd u5!sap JOJ aianbape s! pao] pa1nq!J1SIP palelnqel a41 1e41 psumss s aq Aew l! 'peo] paleJl uaouoo JOJ uar'! 5 ilJ2 san] 211 ou '~L 01 9 sajqai U! 'aJa4M 'asn lewJOU JO spaJJ<l alJ1 JOJ ap!lIoJd pus eaJe ueld JO aJ1aW aianbs Jad spso] :Jpels pamqj ns] P AIWJOHU n alll aJB spaoj pamqr.nsip 9111 'l alqBl ul uell!5 5! sejqsi asa41 ul sdno.if aui 01 Aa:>j V 'z L 01 5 salqel U! uall!B ara and aq Aew arruonns JO BW!PI!nq 2 to nJed 941 4::l111M 01 sasn ll!aJaHI p alll 01 81epdoJdde spao] 841 'SAool::! ~ 'V

speo] 5u!l!a:J pue JOO.!! pasodur] "P

'Aldwa sill uallM pue lin} Sj aloeldaoaJ JO :>jue1 e ual.!M sasso a41 J0J. palelnole::J aq 01 paau spec] asa4.L -spao] peap sa paJap!SUOO ,lJe 'siuaiuoo Jla4l J.O pue '~;:;I:Je}d908J J9410 pue s:>juel J.O s14fi!aM a41 'peol peap a41 ul pspnjou] aJB Sl461aM lem::Je Jja41 'SU,eld 841 ui UM04s aJe suouurad luau eWJad aJa4M -pesn slelJalBW all1 J.o H45laM UMOU>j pml:Je a41 WOJ! )08;9 S8 U! uall.!S Slll6!aM l!un 841 WO)l paleln:Jle:l aJe spec] pead

spso] pea a "£

-uouons JO ainssard PU!M J.O l::laHa a41 01 anp peoj a4.L .. peal PU!M P"Z -uouonnsqo J8410 )0 lOO) 'JOOU e J.o llH05 'BUI lla::J e ,l,q pauuo, a6eJ01S J.O 14Bla4 a41 OllUleJisuo::J le:JjsA~d e pue JOOH e uailM1aq scads alj1 J.o ly5!olj 841 '146!84 a5eJ01S E'Z -spao] PU!M 6ulpnl::Jxa inq 'spao] MOUS pue e!lJaul 'lOedw! 'paleJ1ue::Juoo 'pa1nqplS!p 'suop[lJed alqe/low J.0 1461aM a41 BUlpnl::JUj 'asn JO ,l,ouedn::Joo papumu; a41 ,l,q paonpo id eqci pawnsse peo] 841 -peo] pasodun Z·Z

L '

'UOjl:lnJlSUO:llU8UeWJ8d Ja410 I]B pue S8:JllI.laS liulpnl:lUI 'sa4s!U1J. pus SlOOJ 'SJOOH 'SUO!l!ped lUaUe~Jad 'slleM lie J.O 145!aM eui 01 anp pao; 0341 -paoj peap 1'2

'Aldde SUO!l!ullap 6U!MOIIOJ. a41 aonoard ~o apoo S!Yl :to sasodrnd alj1 J0::l

SUO!l!u!}aa '£:

• l8r.O::J )j::!eq apjsu] 84~ uo P8~S!1 ale apoo S!4~ U! 01 pall6f8J SUO!le::Juqnd a4l ~O sall!~ 84.L '31.0N 'spao] le}Uap!::Joe (4) :sPIWI 1sal (5) :uOll::JnJ1SUOO 01 lelUap!::JU! spaoj (J.)

o :(599(; $8 aas) Sli!1 o; anp spsoj (al :uopelql/\ AJaU!4:Jew 01 ant: spec] pue Bu!peOI ::J!weuAp uo o::luep!nli p81!81ap {PI !AI\Er.P!I\!PUi pa1elnol'.!:l 8Cj :,;1 cl\elj 4::J!4M '(S!>jue1 Ja1eM pue SOI!S 'SJa!>junq "6'a) Slua1UO::J J!a41 WOJl amssaid leuJalUI 011:la[qns sarruon.ns uo spec] (:J)

: (.(; lJed : 1\ la1de4J : £ dJ aas) speoj PU!M (q] :00179 S8 'B'a 'sPJepUelS 4S!11J8 J8410 U! 41!M lleap aJe asaY1 sa 'sa6p[Jq I!el pue paor uo spao] (e) :JaI\OJ lOU saop a:J!l::JeJd J.0 apoo 5!41 Z'L -asn }O a6u E!4:l OU Sl 8Ja4l aJa4M pue s6ujPIlnq liu!ls!xa 'Jo slJed}o luaUJa::Jeldal alp JO 'fo a::JueualU!eW a41 01 Aldde lOU saop 11 'asn J.O abueuo UO UOll:lnllsuO::J 6ups!xa (::J) .sarruonns liUllS!Xa pue s6u!pl!nq BU!lSlxa 01 suoujppa pue sU0!lBJalle (q) :sampnJ1S Mau pue s6u!p1!nq Meu (e)

:01 salldde 11 'sliuIPI!nq 6u!u6!sap ul ssn JOJ. spao] pasocun p'ue peap sall.!1i 66£9 S8 :to lJed S!Y1 ~'L adoog 'L

,speol pasodurj pue peep JO} 8:)!PEUd jo apO:) . ~ :pEd

sfiuipunq JO} 6U!peOI u6!seo

prepu ElS 4S!l!J 8


l lJed : 66£9 S8


• !

BS 6399 : Pan

Table 1. Occupancy class index

Typical structures in class·

Self-contained dwelling units

Apartment houses, boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, lodging houses, residential clubs and communal areas

in blocks of flats

Hotels and motels

Prisons, hospitals, schools, colleges

Halls, auditoria, restaurants, museums, libraries, non-residential clubs, theatres, brodcasting studios, grandstands

Offices, banks

Shops, departmental stores, supermarkets Workshops, factorles


Garages, ~ar parks; vehicle accessramps



Type 1 Type 2

Type 3

Institutional and educational Public assembly

Offices Retail Industrial Storage


No. of table containinll usages and loads

5 5

5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12

• The lists are not intended to be exhaustive but merely to indicate the type of structures included in the classes.

The imposed loads for floors are given in tables 5 to 12. Recommendations on the use of these loads will be fou nd in codes of practice for the structural use of materials.

Where recommendations are not given, the appropriate load will be whichever produce's the greater stresses in the part of the floor under consideration. I n the design of floors,' concentrated loads are considered to be applied in the positions which produce the maximum stresses and, where deflection is the design criterion, in the positions which produce maximum deflections. The concentrated load need not be considered where the floors are capable of effective lateral distribution of this load.

Concentrated loads when used for the calculation of bending and shear are assumed to act at a point. When used for the calculation of local effects, such as crushing or

O punching, they are assumed to act over the actual area of application. The sufficiency of the material needed to sustain the concentrated loads will be found in the

appropriate code of practice for the use of that material.

The imposed loads for beams are the dlstrlbuted-loads appropriate to the uses to which they are to be put,

as given in tables 5 to 12.

The general recommendations are not applicable to certain atypical usages particularly where mechanical stack ing, plant or machinery are to be installed and in these cases the designer should determine the loads from a knowledge of the equipment and processes likely to be employed.

The additional imposed load to provide for partitions, where their positions are not shown on the plans, on beams and floors, where these are capable of effective lateral distribution of the load, is a uniformly distributed load per square metre of not less than one third of the weight per metre run of the finished partitions, but not less than

1 kN/m2•

::.4.2 Ceiling supports and similar structures. The following ': loads are appropriate to the design of frames and coverings hatches (other than glazing), the supports of

ngs and similar structures:

(a) without access: no imposed load; or

(b) with access: 0.25 kN/m'l uniform:y distributed over the whole area or the area supported and a concentrated load of 0.9 kNso placed as to produce maximum stresses in the affected mem bars,

5. Beductionln 'total ~~p~sed floor loads

5.1 'No reduction should be made for any plant or machinery which is specifically allowed for, or for buildings for storage purposes, warehouses and garages.

5.2 Except as provided for in 5.1 and 5.3, the reductions, in assumed total imposed floor loads given in table 2 and table 3 may be taken in desiqninq colum ns, piers, walls, beams, thelrsupports and foundations. Where the floor is designed for 5 kN/m2 or more, 'the reductions shown in table 2 may be taken provided that the loading assumed is not less than it would have been if all floors had been ' designed for 5 kN/m2 with no reductions. The reductions given in table 3 do not apply to roofs.

Table 2. Reduction in total distributed imposed floor loads with number of storeys

Number of floors, including the roof, carried by member under construction

o 10 20 30 40 50

Reduction in total distributed imposed load on all floors carried by the member under consideratio n


2 3 4

5 to 10 over 10


.~ ..

, '6UlllnsaJ ,)11) 'jOOJ all) ;0 adeLls all) JO 6~1)laW 'pUIM '6ulpqs 01 6UjMO 'wJOJjun IOU 5j MOUS 10 ljldap aLll ua4.\\ •

',t,II&':101 P(lSEuJ:>U! oq nEW peO] . . , ..

'tpee uo peol atp Dupeln:Jle:J UrlYl Aq pue sluaw5as lenba a"!~ ueYl sssj iou OIU! JOOl aYl DU!P!"!P Aq pall1ln:Jle:> S! JOOl paxrno e uo peo] pasodun a4.l 'SID OJ pal\ln::> P'S

'edOIS lOO) oSL e )OJ O)aZ pue adojs JOOl 00£ e JOI z WIN>! 9['0 uaaMlaq uou ejodraiu] )l1au!1 Aq paureiqo aq Aew pso] pasodun a41 '05 L pue DOt: uaaMlaq sadojs lOOJ J0::l -pao] OJaZ :aJOW JO oSL JO adols·,OOJ e JO::l (q) 'uop:Jallap umunxeui saonpo.rd tp!4M ucujsco

a41 U! pe 01 paumssa 5! peal paiaauacuoo a41 'uopell):J u6!sep eljl S! u0!l:>aIJep aJa4M 'SSeJl. Jallli:uB eljl sacnpo rd Jafle4:>!YM 'PIlOI paie.uueouoo N>l6'O e JO uajd uo pamssaur tW/N>I 9L"0 .ssa] JO 00£ 10 adcjs-joos e J0::l [e)

'sMollOJ SI1 aJe '(l!edel pue 6u!ueep JOI AJesse:>au 1841 ueYl laY10) JOOl a41 01 pap! "old 5! ssaooa ou aJa4M '00 L ue41 lalea15 adojs e 41!M SlOOJ UO '*peol MOUS DU!pnpU! 'speol pssodun a4.L 'SJOOl 5u!dOIS £'S

'uop:>allap uinun xew Y:>!ljM uoujsod atll U! pe 01 pawnsse 5! pao] paianuaouoo a41 'UOpal!JO u5!sap a41 5! uouoauep <JJeYM 'SSeJlS JaleaJ6 e41 saonpord Ja"iltp!4M 'peOI paUlJlue:>uo:> N>l6'O e JO usjd uo pamse,<'w tW/N>lSL'O 51 '(JledeJ pue

6u!uealO JOJ AJeSsa:>au le41.ueljl Jaljl0) JOOl a41 01 pep!l\oJd 5! sssooe ou .lJa4M '00 l Bu! pnjou] pue 01 dn SlOOJ BU!dOIS pue SlOOJ lell uo '*peol MOUS 6u!pnpuj 'pno] pasodun alj.L

. 'u0!l:>allap umunxeui 40!ljM

uoursod aYl U! l:>e 01 paumssa 5! peo] paleJluaouo:> <141 'UO!Jal!JO U6!5ap a41 5! uop:>alFlp aJa4M '55;>llS .lal~<lJ6 a4~ saonpord 19119tj:l!tjM 'peol paia.nuaouoo N>I 8' L e JO usjd uo pamsesiu tW/N>ls·l. 5! ',l001 aljl,ol papjxo.rd S! (l!.edal pue 6u!l!eaIO JOl AJess<loau le41 01 U0!l!PPIl U!) ssaooa ala4M '00 L fiu!pnjou! pue oi dn sJOOJ 5u!dolS pus StOOJ ~elt uo .peOj MoUS 5u!pnl:>U! 'peol pasodun a4.l 'SlOOl lel::l Z'g

-spsan J!elS a4l ~o sfiuisou a41 4BnoJYl UMeJp au! I 401!d alf) JO 'wJOjleld ssaoas a4) 10 laM I pa4slu!1 aY1 se ua>je1 aq pjnous laMI uiruap a41 asod.ln~ sl41 J0::l 'Ja!JJeq 941 JO 14B!94 len)~e aYl JO 9"p:lad5aJJ! laMI urruap axoqe w ~'L JO 140!ay e Ie BU!loe saoroj jelUOZp04 wnWIUIW sa p9SS9Jdxa aJe spao] a4.l 'p9!ldde AlaleJedas ua4M t ~lqel U! U9"!0 speoj aYl lS!SaJ 0) paufiisap aq pjnoqs sape.usnjeq pus SladeJed '17 alqel U! U9,,!fi aJI? sapansrueq pue SladeJed JO u6!sap a41 or 91epdoldde spao] ay.l L'6

sape.nsruaq pua Slade,Jed '6

':)'lenbapeu! aJ\oJd Aew Sl:>SUa :>jweuAp lU!!:ljJju6!S iuasardar 0) peol :lj)elS pasodur] paJOl:lB; e to asn 8Ll1 8JOlaJa4) pue 'adeLlS apow pUB A:luanbaJJ ]BJOIBU '5u!dwep 'ssew Slj se 4:lns 'sJalawBJed palBlaJ-JalU! IEJaflaS uo spuadap wSlsAs 84) JO asuodsar aLl.l 'l!>aHa peol :lpelS aLll u841 JuLl5!Ll A]qeJap!suo:> aq uao pUB 'JODI; aLll '6'S 'wa)sAs ]EJnJ:>nJ1S 9Ll1 ;0 aSUOdS8J 8LlI uo spuadap l!>aua PEOI aLll ;0 apOl!u6ew 8Lll 'Sase:> Jal1!!1 a5BLll U I ·3J.ON

'SPMOJ:l 01 anp spec] ~!weuAp

JOI MolIl? Aa41 op JOU (S)]:lnJl 1J! I >jJOj jO uopeJala:loe pue 6u!>jeJq 'sau!4:lew 6U!leJq!1I Jo/pue fiujlelol 'D'al AJaU!4:lew 10 108149 ~!weuAp 9ljl JOj MOlle AlpeSS9:Jau lOU op spec] a4.L 'aJn1!UJnj JO suran pue ajdoad jo luSWat.Dw lensn a41 oi anp aS041 se qons 'sloaHa O!WeUAp Ilews JOI MOllel~ 01 9 salqe1 Uj U9i\!D pao] pasodun JOJ sanlell a4.L 'leJaua£) L'8

(PU!M fiu!pnjOxa) 5u!peOI :l!weuAa '8

'nloddns le~!llall J!a41 pue SJ9Pl!6 AJlue6 uo pee] leO!lJall a4l se aun; awes a411e loe Aew 9i\oqe (:» JO (q) U! sa:JJOlle1UOZ!J04 a41 JO Ja41!3.

'swa15As 6U!110ddns a41 0) pall! WSUeJl Alalepdoldde 6u!aq pue JaMI l!eJ a411e 6uppe se parapisuoo aq Aew afloqe (0) JO (q) Ja41!a U! pSjt!:Jads sao ro; 94.l

'p<llelado-pue4 .10 :l!J1~ala Ja41!a aJe y:l!4M sauaro paaqraxo JOj 's!!eJ aY1 UO In:lOO usa 40!4M speoj laaYM ~!lels a41 jo % 5 'sHeJ a4) 6uol2 BU!l:le ssoro; JelUOZ!104 841 Joj [:»

.auero paiarado-pueq e JOJ % 5 (l)

JO :aU2J:J paaqraoo :l[Jl:>aja ue JOj % 0 L (L) :pall!l peo] a4l pue qaro 941 to '146!aM paujquroo a4110 aBe~uaoJad 6u!M01101 a41 'sl!eJ a41 01 9SJal\SUeJ1 6u!loe aOJoj je1uozp04 a41 JOt (q)

:aueJ~ psrarado-pueq e JOI % 0 L

JO auaro pea4Jall0 :>jlloara ue JOj % Sl Aq paseaJou! speoj laa4M :lnelS umunxeui a41 'Alleo!lJall oupoe spao] JOt (e)

.spao] laa4M jO l:>edw! pue u0!lepJelaJ pus uO!leJaJa:J:>e JO uo!pe :ljl9uPI 's6u!ls JO 6u!dd!j5 WOl} >jOOYS 'UopeJq!1\ Aq dn las saoro, Ije JallOO 01 pasn aei uao S90ueMoJle .fiU!MOIIOt a41 'sJapJ!B AJ1Uefi auaro Jo;f 'palelnoleo Alle!oads aq 01 911e4 AJ1Ue6 -aI5u!s e uo sauaro 91d!11nW JO uouaredo paads-y5!4 'S8UeJO Aflea4 JOt spe01 'Uo!~:>nJ~suoo AJlUefi 9UeJ:> jo SWJ0:l- 9jdw!s o; pus uouarado aueJ:>-aI5u!s 01 AIUO 59!1dde asnejo S!4.l

sJapJ!fi ;U:j.ue6 aueJ::l 'L

'5u!zel6 01 81epdo)dde 9Je 80UeUa1U!eW oi lelUap!OU! spao] ON 'e.ue al04M J!941 Jaflo lJoddns lelnl:ln)lS BU!l!nbaJ lOU a504l 'a'! ,0SP ue4l SS8110 adDIS e Ie soujJalloo :1-00) fiU!lJOddns,tlas lie uo aoUeU81U!ew 01 jelU9ppU! speo1 JOJ sap!"old ap!s WW Sll e 411M aJenbs Aue uo N)j 6'0 JO peol 'iI 'S6U!JaflOO :l-00H 5'9

'E'S pue Z'9 4l!M a:>ueploooe U! 'adDIs ueaw s1-! 0l alepdoJdde










'Alleo!U811 pa!ldde are spso] lie pue jll1UOZjJOlj a41- urcr; painseeur ale .ssdojs !OOJ Ill! 'afl!snrOUl 5'9 01- Z'S ul ·Iel.aua~ l'S

spsoj joor pasodw I '9



'uopl1JodJalU! Jl1au!l Aq pSll1ln::J]B:) aq Aew seaJIl alEjpaWJalU! JOl SUOjl:>npal:l '3.l0N


sl OPZ <:
SL 09l'
Ol OZl
5 08
0 017 >
% ~w
peol psscduq pe~nq!J+S!p
le~o. U! UO!lOnp9H pa).Joddns 1!aJ'Ii' I



eaJe JOOU 4:j.!M Japol!fi .ro weaq fiurj.,lOddns e uo speoJ JOOU pasodun pa:j.nq!J:j.slP le:j.o}, U! uouonpajj 's alqBJ.


'wllaq e 40ns DUl1Joddns J9qW9W 10 sadAr JaljlO 10 suw1!I0:> 10 uBjsap a41 U! 1unoo:>e OlUj ua>jel aq Aew 'Jaleal6 a41 S! lalla4:>!4M 'l alqe1 U! uall!B 1e41 10 'Uo!lOnpaJ S!lfJ. '% SZ 10 uOjlonpaJ wnw!xew e Oll~a!qns"t: a1qel Yl!M a:>uepJOo:le U! pa_onpaJ aq JapJ!fi Jo weaq a41- to ufi!sap alJl ui Mw peol pasodw! a4l '191\81 leJaua5 auo 1e Joolt 10 tW 017 ueYl ssal lOU SlJoddns )apJ!B Jo weaq e JO ueds ajBu!s e aJaljM £'g




va6 L L :j.Jed : 66£9 S8

- ~. I

BS 6399 : Part 1 1984

Table 4. Horizontal loads on parapets and balustrades

Use A horizontal A UOL applied A point load applied
UOL to the infill of: to part of the i,nfill u

I kN/m run

I kN

I kN/m2

1i (a) Ught access stairs, gangways and the like not more
c. than 600 rnrn wide 0.22 N/A N/A
U (b] Staircases, balconies, ramps, landings or floors
., within, or servi ng exclusively, one dwelling 0.36 0.5 0.25
'" (c) Staircases in residential buildings not covered by (a)
>- or (b) 0.36 1.0 0.50
0.>- (d) Staircases. landings, floors, balconies, flat roofs with
g ~ access, walkways and edges of sunken areas not covered I
- on
<! : by (a) to (c) or (el to (i) 0.74 1.0 0.50
(e) Balconies or parts of balconies, stands, etc. having I
fixed ssatinq" within 530 mm t of the barrier 1.5 1.5 1.5
(f) Staircases, ramps, landings or floors in theatres,
cinemas, concert halls, assembly halls, stadlum.retc. 3.0 " 1.5 1.5
. ~ ~
u (g) 'Designated' stadia See note N/A N/A
E (h) Footways or pavements, within building curtilage,
.. adjacent to access roads, basement or sunken areas 1.0 1.0 1.0
.~ -
:0 (i) Pavements or areas not less than 3 m wide adjacent
Q. to sunken areas, e.q. light wells, basement areas 3.0 1.5 1.5 o

• Fixed seating is seating where its removal and the use of the space for other purposes is improbable.

t The dimension of 530 mm is take'n to be'the minimum distance measured f.rom any part of the fixed seating to the barrier. Tip-up seats

should be considered in the up position. '

NOTE. Designated stadia are those requiring a safety certificate under the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 (see also BS 61801.

" . .;'

10. Vehicle barriers for car parks

10.1 The horizontal force F (in kNl. normal to and uniform ly distributed over any length of 1.5 m of a barrier

O for a car park, required to withstand the impact of a vehicle is given by:

F => 0.5 mt? s, + Ob

the force F appropriate to vehicles up to 2500 kg gross mass is taken as 150 kN.

10.3 Where the car park has been designed for vehicles whose gross mass exceeds 2500 kg the fallowing values are

used to determine the force F: '

m is the actual mass of the vehicle for which the car park is designed (in kg);

v .. 4.5 m/s;

o e = 100 mm. unless better evidence is available.


m is the gross mass of the vehicle (in kg);

v is the velocity of the vehicle (in m/s) normal to the barrier;

oe is the deformation of the vehicle (in mm); 0b is the deflexion of the barrier (in mm).

, 0.2 Where the car park has been designed On the basis that the gross mass of the vehicles using it will not exceed

2500 kg the following values are used to determ ine the force F:

m <; 1500 kg" v '" 4.5 m/s

fie = 100 mm unless better evidence is available.

For a rigid barrier, for which Ob may be taken as zero,

10.4 The force determined as in 10.2 or 10.3 may be considered to act at bumper height. In the case of car parks intended for motor cars whose gross mass does not exceed 2500 kg this height may be taken as 375 mm above the floor I evel.

10.5 'Barriers to access ramps of car parks have to withstand one half of the force determined in 10.2 or 10.3 acting at a height of 610 rnrn above the ramp.

Opposite the ends of stra ight ramps intended for downward travel which exceed 20 m in length the barrier has to withstand twice the force determined in 10.2 or 10.3 acting at a neight of 610 mm above the ramp.

-,The mass of 1500 kg is taken as being more representative of the vehicle population than the extreme value' of 2500 kg.

~, 4

;.r~1~r~---- --






SaJ1Ua:> UJ ~ 1e 0' ~ - S'!leM 1e8
O'V ~O
e ljl!M
rnq ssaooa ahi6
a6pa .ramo 9ljl 1e Aalj1 ljJ!ljM 01
p91eJ1U9~UO~ uru aJlaUl lad s- ~ SUlOOJ se aUles sa]UO~le8
- O-~ SUlOOl1anOj_
S't O'~ SUlOOJpaS
L'~ O'~ SUlOOl pJe!11lq 'sa6unOl 'SUlOOl 6u!u]O
S'V 0'£ ssupunej 'sua4J1! >I
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- .. 6Ltpeas pax!} lj1!M seale Alqwass\f
- a-v
- O'g sJe8
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S'V S'L 6u!pnl~l:l! til,!!! a41 pue SWOOl ue:!- 'SUlOOl JOlOW 'SUlOOJ Jal!OS
<- sla~oUJ pue sjaio H '8 adAj_
sanuao ui t 1e 0' t - s'!leM 1eJ
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e ljl]M
mq ssscos a",6 r-:»
a6pa ramo a41 1e Aa41 4:>!4M 01
paiauuaouoo uru anaui lad S'l- SUlOOJ se aUles 5a!uo::>le8
S'V 0'£ '~la 'safipuqroo; 'S5u]Puel 'Sl!el-S 'sAeMllelj 'SJOPPlOJ
S'L g't sapOl!WlOP 'SWOOJpa8
- 0'2: suroor aepcj,
C~ O-~ SUlOOl pJe!lI]q 'safiuno] 'SUlOOl 5u!u!O
S'V 0'£ saupuna] 'sualj~lplleunWUlOJ
9-L: Alaul4JeW :1-0 146!aM a41
g'v 6u!pnj::lu! a'l!l 941 pue SWOOl ue} 'SUlOOl roiour 'SUlOOl Jal!08
Slel} }O S,!JOlq
U! seaJe [eUnUlWO~ pue sqnjo lepuaplsal 'sla1s04 'sasnoq lsanfi
: 'sasnoq 6u!fipo[ 'sasnoq BUlpleoq 'sasnoq luaW1led\f '(; adAj_
v'l S'L !IV
Sl!U n 6u!llaMP pau!elUO~-}las 'L adAj_
N'! 1;W/N'>1
peol pe~nq!llS!p
peo] pellmU~uOO JO Al!$UelU I ' ellesn ee,JIl JODI:! I














p;:"o,,)/!;!;:;! • rdH I • ,,,",,,,-. ~ ..


Table 6. I nstitutional and educational occupancy class (prisons, hospitals, schools, colleges}

. I ntensity of distributed load

floor area usage

Conc8ntrated load


4.8 for each metre of stack height but with a minimum

of 9.6

2.4 for each metre of stack height but with a minimum

of 6.5

4.0 for each metre of

storage height

Boiler rooms, motor rooms, fan rooms and the like, including 7.5

Neight of machinery· '.

bolridors: hallways, etc. subjectto load~ ~reater than from crowds.. 5.0

such as wheeled vehicles, trolleys and the like

Dense mobile stacking (books) on mobile trolleys

Stack rooms (books)

Stationery stores

Drill rooms and drill halls 5.0

Assembly areas without fixed seating, stages, gymnasia 5.0

Bars 5.0

Projection rooms 5.0

Corridors, hallways, aisles, stairs, landings, footbridges, etc. -4.0

Reading rooms with book storage, e.g. libraries (!O)

Assembly areas with fixed seating* 4.0

Laboratories (includ ing equ ipment}, kitchens, laundries 3.0

Classrooms, chapels 3.0

Reading rooms without book storage 2.5

Areas for equipment 2.0

X·ray r00:'15, operating rooms, utility rooms On~ rooms; lounges, billiard rooms Dressing rooms, hospital bedrooms and wards Toilet rooms

Bedrooms, dormitories


2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5

Fly galleries

Same as rooms to which they give access

but with

a minimum of 4.0

4.5 kN per metre run distributed uniformly over the width

Cat walks

kN 7.0


9.0 .;"
4.5 .~
3.6 4.5 .
1.8 1.8

1.5 per metre run concentrated at the outer edge

1.0 at 1 m centres

• Fixed seating is seating where its removal and the use of the space for other purposes is improbable.


S'L 'S'g to

wnw!u!w e 41!M anq llj6!a4 '>j:JelS to anaui 4:Jea J01 v'l:

9'6 !O wnw!u!l.U

e 411M mq 146!alj '>j:JelS to aJlaW

qosa JO,L S'v s'>j:JnJl al!qow uo (s'>jooq) 6u[>pelS al!qow asuaa

tWIN>! I


afipa JalnO aui 1e paranuaouoo uru aJl;;JW .iad S'l

st Cl S'l

9'8 0'6


O'L N'>\

lllP!M a41 JallO AlwJ0l!un pa1nq!J1S!P uru a.naui lad N>1 S'V

O'v lO umunuuu a 4l!M mq ssaooa all!D . Aa41 4:J! 4M 01 SWOOJ sa awes

0'5 0'5





sa!J9l1eB A1:l I


sa!uo:Jleel SWOOJ lal!o j_ SWOOJ BULSSaJO SWOOJ PJel1l1Q 'saBun01 'SWOOJ ~UlU!a I JO,L seaJ\f

spP:J I aBe'J01S '>jooq lnoljl!M SWDOJ fiu!peal:l

saqornqo 'slade4:) sappunel'SUalj:J1j)l I .fiujleas pax!] 41!M seaJe Alqwassv

sa!JeJqll 'B'9 !afieJ01S '>jDOq lIHM SWOOJ 6u!peal:l I 'Ola 'saBppqloOJ. 'SBulPue1 'SJlelS 'sAeMlle4 'sJOppJo:)

sasodrnd U0!l!Q!4xa JOt sapal1eB lJe pue SJ,?Oll wnasnw sraq 'SWOOJ uo!pa[oJd I spuaispuaif 'ejseuwAB 'sllelj aouep :.Bu!leaS paXl,L lno41!M seaJe Alqwassv

. sllelj 11tJP pue SWOOJ IlPO I

spueispuaif uJ sAeMaBessed pus 'sJ!elS 'SJOPlJJo:) 'a>j!l a41 pue sAallOJ1 'Sap!49f1 palaa'ljM se qons I 'SpMOJ:J wOll Ul1lj1 'jaleaJ6 spsoj olloa!qns ':J1a 'sAeMlle4 'sJOppJo:)


, .' AJaulljoew ,Lo lljDjaM aljl I

BUlpnpuj 'a'>jll alj1 pue SWOOJ uel 'SWOOJ J010W 'SWOOJ 'J,al!og



peol p9~nq!JlS!p

pl!O) p9~l!JlU90~0:l 10 }.l!SU9~Ut 91lll$n 1!9JI! Jool;:!

(SPUBl-SPUEJ6 'sOlpms 6U!l-SBOpeOJq 'S9J:ieaql- 'sqnp le!l-Uap!S9J-UOU I 'S9peJq!l'swnasnw 'Sl-UemB1SaJ 'e!JOl-!pne 'Sll(4) ssap k>uednooo Alqwasse O!lqnd 'L alqeJ_


"~i V86l :~ L· l-JBd : 66£9 sa



y,ss 6399 : Part 1 1984

Table 8, .Offices occupancy class (offices, banks)

Floor ana usage

Concentrated load

I ntensityof distributed load

Stationery stores

Boiler rooms, motor rooms, fan rooms and the like, including the weight of machinery

Corridors, hall Nays, etc. subject to loads greater than from crowds, such as wheeled vehicles, trolleys and the like'

File rooms, filing and storage space

Corridors, hallways, stairs, landings, footbridges, etc. Offices with fixed computers or similar equipment Laboratories (including equipment), kitchens, laundries Banking halls

o O!fices for general use Toilet rooms Balconies

Cat walks


4.0 for each metre of storage height



5.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.0

Same as rooms to wh ich they give access

but with

a minimum. of 4.0

kN 9.0





4.5 4.5


1.5 per metre run concentrated at tlie outer edge

1.0 at 1 m centre



.~_" •••••. __ • __ ~T'.· .• , ••.. ._ • __

• ""r .~, - .

....._.,_.,,__ .•.

<J:: - ~






s>llBM le:J I r

O'v fa wnw -!U!W e 41!M rnq ssa:l:)e al\[5 Aal_n 4:)]4M 01 SUlOOJ SB awes


a5pa ramo a41 aa pa1BJ1Ua:lUOO uru aJl(IUl rad 9'L


SUlOOJ lal[O.L I sappune!'SUa401!)!


g'v O'E

9'E O'V

g'v O'V

'as!puB40Jaw :10 ales pue AB[dS1P a41 JO:l SJOO[:I d04S I ' 'ola 'sa5p[1Q100:l 's6u!pue! 'SJ!e1S 'sABMlle4 'SJOppJo:J

a'lll 941 pue 5A3110J1 'S3[O!4ar. pa[3a4M sa 40n5 'SpMOJO WOlf UE!41 ;a1ea;5 spso] 01 pafqns ':)la 'SAeMI1Blj 'SJOP1JJO:) I

AJaU!40BW :10 14513M a41 5u!pn1:)U[ 'a'l[[ 941 pue SUlOO; ue:l 'SWOOJ J010W 'SWOOJ Jal[08

g'v g'[

145[a4 a52J015 }O aJ1aW

0' L qoea J0:l v'l

145!a4 a52JO,lS :10 aJ1<J'w

0'6 4:)ea JO:l O't?

0"9l}0 urruu -juuu e 41!M 145]a4 a5eJ01S :10 anaui 4:)ea J0:l O'g

SaJ015 AJauOL1e1S I


a5eJ015 Plo:) I



!!!! (Sl,njJ2WJadns 'SeJOlS 12luaw:pedap 'sd04S) ssap Aouadnooo l!e18l:l '6 8(qe_L



~-- .. '


. .). ...

BS 6399': Part 1 1984

Table 10. Industrial occupancy class (workshops, factories)

I ntensity of distributed load

Concentrated load

Floor area usaga

4.0 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0

kN/m2 20.0

Foundries Cold storage

5.0 for each metre of storage height with a minimum of 15.0

4.0 for each metre of storage height

2.4 for each metre of storage height



Paper storage, for printing plants

Storage, other than types listed separately


Type storage and other areas in printing plants

Boiler rooms, motor rooms, fan rooms and the like, including the weight of machinery

Factories, workshops and similar bulldings

Corridors, hallways, footbridges, etc. subject to loads greater than for crowds, such as wheeled vehicles, trolleys and the I ike

Corridors, hallways, stairs, landings, footbridges, etc.

Machinery halls, circulation spaces therein

Laboratories (including equipment), kitchens, laundries Workrooms, light without storage

Toilet rooms

Cat walks

5.0 5.0





9.0 4.5

4.5 4.5

4.5 4.5 4.5 1.8

1.0 at 1 m centres

-I /

.... ,.. .... ,,_ ti' 1Ft I

Sa1lU<l:J, ill L ~e O· L

peol palnq!JUlP JO hll5U91U I



g'V N>I


a61!Sn eue .1001:1


5>11eM le:) sdweJ pue sAeMa"pp 'sa5ele6 BUlPnl:Jul SSl?lU SSOJ6 6>1 009Z 5uJpaa:Jxa lOU SUE" l4DJI pue sal:J!4a" Ja5uassed JOl 'AIUO fiU!>l1ed Je:)

"'IUO :J!Hen uep1sapad 0) pa1:JjJlsaJ inq lallal punoJ6 WOll6ulpe<l1 sezeld pus s<l:JeJla1 'sl.pedloo;l

6ulpeol PM01::> 01 pa!qns ':J1a 'safip]Jqlool 'sfiujpua] 'SJ!e1S 'sAeMlleLJ 'S10PlJJO:)

SlLJ611 lU<lwalled ':>!JlI?J1 1eln:>]yafl 01 UO!1:>n11sqo ou lj1!M laflal puoo.if W01J BUlpeal sazsjd pue sa:JeJla1 'sl.jledloo;l

sdurai pue sAeM<l"lJp 6uJpnpu] sseui S50J6 6>1 DOSe; 6ulpaa:>x<l sal:J!4<lfl 101 fiupped 'Sa[:J!4a" JO sad/q lie 10J sdOlJS>lJOM J!eda!:l

ssew s50J5 6>1 OOSZ 6u!paa:>xa lOU sUefl146!1 pue sal:>]4a" Ja6uassed to AluO 6u!>lJed aLJ1 104 saEieJe6 uJ ue41 laLJlo 'sdurar al:J!lJafl pue SAeMafl!10

AJaUlLJ:>ew lO 146!aM a41 EiUJpnl:JU! 'a>lll a41 pue SWOO) ua, 'SWOOJ JOlOW


(sdwe.l SS"-l::lB al~! 4811 's>jJed Je~ 'sa5eJefi) ssap Aouedn:>:>o .lelno! 48/\ 'Z L 81qe.l·



lLj5la486el01s JO aJlaW

O' L lpea JOt t'Z

146!84 a5eJ015 to aJlaw

0'6 qcaa JOt O'V

ly5! aLJ a6eJ015 to a.naui

0'6 4::>ea ro] O'v

O'St to wnw -!U!W e 41]M llJ6! 014 a6el015 to anaui

O' L qcaa JOt S'v

0·51 to wnw -ju!we LJ1!M lLJ5]i3lJ a6el01s to 8JlaW qoea JOt O'g




. BBllsn I181B JOOI:!

PII01 palnql.QS]P JO hl!SUB1UI


S>lI!lM le:) 8>1!1 a41 pue 5AaIIOJ) 'sal:J!4a" palaa4M 51? qons 'SpMOJ:J JOt ueLJ1 Ja1ea)6 spaoj 01 l:Ja!qns 'Ola 'sa6ppq100J 'sAeMlle4 'S10P1JJO:)

AJaU14:Jew JD 146!i3M a41 6u]pnpu! '9>1[1 a41 pue SWOD) uet 'SWOOJ J010W



, I




a6el015 PIO:)


1 , VS6 L L -l-I2d : 66£9 sa


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