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Dominare – Simplified Rules

Game Set Up
Each player takes a turn reference card and a colour and places a cube on the zero space of the exposure track.
(The round disks are used to represent 5 cubes.)
Each player places one of their cubes near the turn order track. (player order to be determined by exposure)
Take one of the round discs from an unused colour and place at the start of the Season track across the top.
Place Victory Point markers (brown cubes) on each district’s highlighted starting value.
Place the District Ability cards next to the District side of the board.
Give each player 5 crowns.
Shuffle and deal 8 agent cards to each player.

Each agent does the following

1. Increases your exposure (Eg. 1)

2. Provides income (Eg. 0)

3. Number of influence cubes you are allowed to place.

4. District in which influence cubes must be placed.

5. Has traits (+1 influence if an agent shares

trait(s) with one or both of adjacent agents). Agents of the
same trait work well together.

6. Has abilities numbered 1- 7 which only can be used if the

agent is positioned in a rank equal to or higher than that

7. Often agents have an ability that is activated when the

agent is revealed.

Each player chooses 3 agents and the remainder are shuffled back into the deck.

Game Turns.
Game lasts 7 seasons.
After Season 3 each player is dealt 8 new agent cards and they add 5 NEW agents to their hands. The remaining 3
are discarded.
Each Season consists of 5 phases.
1. Conspiracy.
a. Each player adds an agent to their ranks 1- 7 matching the current season. (Remember that to use an
agent’s ability, it must be equal to or lower than its rank) If someone has no cards, draw from top of the
deck until you find a legal play.
b. Resolve Reveal abilities in turn order.
c. Increase Exposure by value shown on agent card.
d. Set new turn order (Highest to lowest exposure) Ties broken by highest single exposure agent.
Scapegoat = first player.
2. Event
a. Scapegoat reveals top card of event deck. Resolve each section if the Season number shown is equal or
below the current season (You may be resolving up to 3 events). “Instead” indicates the effect replaces
the one above if it’s season number is high enough.
b. On the right of the event card are 2 district icons. The scapegoat increase the VP of one district by the
number indicated and decreases the VP of the other.
3. Canvas.
In turn order, all players use their face up agents in Rank 1 and then in turn order all players use their face
up agents in Rank 2 and so on.
To use an agent
a. Collect the income of the agent.
b. Take the influence value of that agent (+1 if it shares a trait) and place those cubes on a single space in
that agent’s district.(Artisans may go anywhere, Shadowmen may spend 1 crown to go anywhere). If
another player’s cubes are present, each cube cancels each other 1 to 1.
c. You may then spread cubes into spaces adjacent to the original space at a cost of 1 crown/extra space
(May only spread into 1 other district) (Shadowmen may spread into any space ignoring adjacency).
4. Actions x 2
Starting with the Scapegoat and then in turn order, each player takes one action and then in turn order each
player takes a second action. Goes around 3 X in Season 7)
Choose one of the following actions
a. Use Agent Ability
May only use an agent’s ability once /season.
May only use an agent’s ability if the ability number is equal to or less than an agent’s rank
If the ability places cubes, no spreading is allowed.
b. Use District Ability.
Once per District per Season
You may only use the District ability if you have control of that district. Once it is used, flip the District
Ability card over to show it as used. (As control of a district may change during a season, once that
ability has been used, it may not be used again until the next season)
c. Inspire
You may place cubes anywhere you like but each cube you place costs as many crowns as that
District’s current VP value
Place in one space. (No spreading)
d. Rally
Flip all your face down agents face up.
e. Recruit
Draw 2 agents, keep 1 and discard the other.
f. Replace an Agent
Remove one of your agents Rank 1-6 from the game and replace with an agent from your hand. +1 to
your Exposure and resolve Reveal abilities immediately.
g. Whitewash
Adjust your exposure up or down with each point costing Current Season +2 crowns
h. Gain 1 Crown

Final Scoring
After 7 Seasons sum
+VP from controlled districts
+VP from blocks on board (worth -1 to 3VP)
-VP based on Exposure
Player(s) with most exposure = -1 VP / 3 exposure
Player(s) with least exposure = -0 VP
Other players = -1 VP / 5 exposure
Highest total wins
Tiebreaker = most crowns

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