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to all this, environmental considerations

such as global warming, will surely add
significant pressure in all these matters. In
Geothermal energy is energy derived from this scenario renewable energies are rapidly
the natural heat of the earth. The earth’s increasing their contribution to the global
temperature varies widely, and geothermal mix, being clearly solar energy the one with
energy is usable for a wide range of higher potential. Therefore, if solar energy
temperatures from room temperature to has the highest potential among all the
well over 300°C. Geothermal energy can be renewable and there is also the
used for both electricity generation and coincidence, all over the world, that where
direct uses depending on the temperature water stress and/or scarcity exists, also
and chemistry of the resources. High to there are good levels of solar radiation, the
medium resources are used for electricity conclusion seems also clear: it is needed to
generation while medium to low resources develop suitable technologies which would
are is mainly used for direct application. For permit to use solar energy to,
efficient utilization of resources, geothermal simultaneously, help to solve the energy
energy is being utilized for combined heat and water problems. Main solar energy
and power. Since geothermal energy is applications to water processes, presented
renewable, indigenous and environmentally at this paper are: i) Solar Desalination; ii)
benign, and can be used as base load, its Solar Detoxification and; iii) Solar
will be the future source of energy in Kenya Disinfection.
and most of the Eastern African countries
especially those that are located within the
east Africa Rift. This will reduce uses of 1. INTRODUCTION
fossil fuels and hence address global
The word geothermal was developed from
two Greek words, “geo”, meaning earth,
In a context of coming energy crisis, due to and “thermos”, meaning heat since it is
the declining of oil era, water problems are power extracted from heat stored in the
expected to substantially worsen. And vice earth. This geothermal energy originates
versa, due to the close relationship from radioactive decay of minerals, and
between water and energy issues, water from solar energy absorbed at the surface.
problems are also expected to contribute to Geothermal heat, is estimated to be about
increase the energy problems. In addition 5,500oC at the Earth’s core – about as hot
as the surface of the sun. This energy been from the geothermal reservoir as it comes
used for bathing since paleolithic times and from wells and route it directly through
for space heating since ancient roman turbine/generator units to produce
times. Nowadays, it is used commercially electricity (Figure 2). An example of a dry
for both generating electricity and direct steam generation operation is at the
uses. Worldwide, geothermal plants have Geysers in northern California
the capacity to generate about 10 GW of
electricity as of 2007, and in practice supply
0.3% of global electricity demand. An
additional 28 GW of direct geothermal
heating capacity is installed for district
heating, space heating, hot spas, industrial
processes, desalination and agricultural
applications (Fridleifsson et. al, 2008).
Because of the near limitless ability of the
earth to produce magma, and the
continuous transfer of heat between
subsurface rock and water, geothermal
energy is considered a renewable resource.
It is also cost effective, reliable, sustainable,
and environmentally friendly, but has Flash Steam Power Plant:
historically been limited to areas near
Flash steam power plants (Figure 3) are the
tectonic plate boundaries. Recent
most common type of geothermal power
technological advances have dramatically
plant. The steam, once it has been
expanded the range and size of viable
separated from the water, is piped to the
resources, especially for applications such
powerhouse where it is used to drive the
as home heating, opening a potential for
steam turbine. The steam is condensed
widespread exploitation. Geothermal
after leaving the turbine, creating a partial
power has the potential to help mitigate
vacuum and thereby maximizing the power
global warming if widely deployed in place
generated by the turbine-generator. The
of fossil fuels.
steam is usually condensed either in a
Dry steam power plants : direct contact condenser, or a heat
exchanger type condenser. In a direct
Power plants using dry steam systems were contact condenser the cooling water from
the first type of geothermal power he cooling tower is sprayed onto and mixes
generation plants built. They use steam
with the steam. The condensed steam then called well head units as they only require
forms part of the cooling water circuit, and the steam of one well and are located
a substantial portion is subsequently adjacent to the well on the drilling pad in
evaporated and is dispersed into the order to reduce pipeline costs. Often such
atmosphere through the cooling tower. well head units do not have a condenser,
Excess cooling water called blow down is and are called backpressure units. They are
often disposed of in shallow injection wells. very cheap and simple to install, but are
As an alternative to direct contact inefficient (typically 10-20 tonne per hour of
condensers shell and tube type condensers steam for every MW of electricity) and can
are sometimes used, as is shown in the have higher environmental impacts.
schematic below. In this type of plant, the
condensed steam does not come into
contact with the cooling water, and is
disposed of in injection wells. Binary cycle power plants :

In reservoirs where temperatures are

typically less than 220C. but greater than
100 C binary cycle plants are often utilised.
The illustration (Figure 4) shows the
principal elements of this type of plant. The
reservoir fluid (either steam or water or
both) is passed through a heat exchanger
which heats a secondary working fluid
(organic) which has a boiling point lower
than 100o C. This is typically an organic fluid
such as Isopentane, which is vaporised and
is used to drive the turbine. The organic
fluid is then condensed in a similar manner
Typically, flash condensing geothermal to the steam in the flash power plant
power plants vary in size from 5 MW to described above, except that a shell and
over 100 MW. Depending on the steam tube type condenser rather than direct
characteristics, gas content, pressures, and contact is used. The fluid in a binary plant is
power plant design, between 6000 kg and recycled back to the heat exchanger and
9000 kg of steam each hour is required to forms a closed loop. The cooled reservoir
produce each MW of electrical power. Small fluid is again re-injected back into the
power plants (less than 10 MW) are often
reservoir. and the USA. Furthermore the possibility to
utilize ground source (geothermal) heat
pumps to either heat homes directly or
through energy efficiency programs,
allowing savings in energy costs, has vast
possibilities for individual or industrial use.
All those "direct use" applications utilize
geothermal energy produced from lower
temperature water of less than 150 degrees
centigrade that is being derived from wells
of 100-3,000 m deep wells. Today, around
73 nations utilize geothermal energy
directly, with an overall energy output of
75.9 TWh thermal per year. The number of
nations using geothermal heat is growing
constantly. Approximately 70 countries
Binary cycle type plants are usually
made direct use of a total of 270 PJ of
between 7 and 12 % efficient, depending on
geothermal heating in 2004. More than half
the temperature of the primary
of this energy is being used for space
(geothermal) fluid. Binary Cycle plant
heating, and another third for heated pools.
typically vary in size from 500 kW to 10
The remainder supported industrial and
agricultural applications. The global
Direct uses of geothermal energy :
installed capacity was 28 GW, but capacity
Low to medium temperature geothermal factors tend to be low (30% on average)
resources are utilized for direct uses or since heat is mostly needed in the winter.
binary power plants. The oldest and The above figures are dominated by 88 PJ of
probably best known direct application of space heating extracted by an estimated 1.3
geothermal energy is in baths and spas, million geothermal heat pumps with a total
used during Roman times. Other more capacity of 15 GW. Heat pumps for are the
coordinated and commercial uses include fastest-growing means of exploiting
district heating systems, like those found in geothermal energy, with a global annual
Iceland which are the largest geothermal growth rate of 30% in energy production.
district heating system in the world, tourist Most of these new heat pumps are being
centres thermal baths in Hungary and installed for home heating. Direct heating in
China; geothermally heated fish farms and all its forms is far more efficient than
food processing and de-hydration in Greece electricity generation and places less
demanding temperature requirements on
the heat resource. Heat may come from co-
generation with a geothermal electrical
plant or from smaller wells or heat Solar energy:
exchangers buried in shallow ground. As a
result, geothermal heating is economical Introduction :
over a much greater geographical range
In 1953, an article in a magazine with a title
than geothermal electricity. Where natural
“Why Don’t We Have ..Sun Power” with a
hot springs are available, the heated water
statement “ Every hour, it floods the earth
can be piped directly into radiators. If the
with a deluge of thermal energy equal to 21
ground is hot but dry, earth tubes or
billion tons of coal”. In fact according to
downhole heat exchangers can collect the
latest figures published, the surface of the
heat. But even in areas where the ground is
earth receives about 124 exa (1018) Watts
colder than room temperature, heat can
or 3,850 zetta (1024) Joules per year of
still be extracted with a geothermal heat
solar power [1]. The spectrum of the solar
pump more cost-effectively and cleanly
light coming from sun covers from about
than it can be produced by conventional
250 nm to about 2500 nm in wavelength, as
furnaces (Lund, 2006). These devices draw
can be seen in the figure (1). By the way
on much shallower and colder resources
visible light of human beings covers from
than traditional geothermal techniques, and
400 to 700 nm, at which band the light is
they frequently combine a variety of other
very dense, about 1.5 W/m2/nm at 400 nm,
functions, including air conditioning,
going up to about 1.75 W/m2/nm at about
seasonal energy storage, solar energy
550 nm and then comes back to 1.5
collection, and electric heating. Geothermal
W/m2/nm at 700 nm as can be deduced
heat pumps can be used for space heating
from the figure. Solar thermal heating is the
essentially anywhere in the world.
result of the hole solar spectrum, for this
Geothermal heat supports many
reason, even white painted cars, get hot,
applications. In Iceland, Reykjavík and
because though most of the visible light is
Akureyri pipe hot water from eothermal
reflected, but the other parts of the
plants below pavement to melt snow.
spectrum, heats the car. Though mirrors
District heating applications use networks
reflect most of the wide spectrum of sun,
of piped hot water to heat buildings in
but the glass covering the mirror, gets hot.
whole communities. Geothermal
There are two methods for converting solar
desalination has been demonstrated.
power into electricity, thermal which is
based on concentrating solar power by
mirrors or other type of reflectors to ways to do that. Some use curved mirrors
produce high temperature to generate which are usually parabolic mirrors that
water vapour or other liquids with high track the movement of the sun and focus
pressure to rotate turbines to generate the sunlight at pipes filled by water or other
electricity or by making use of photovoltaic liquids. The other type of designs use long
(PV) effect to convert solar power to flat rotating mirrors, which are cheaper.
electric power directly. A photovoltaic Andasol-1Plant in Gaudix and Astexol-2
complete system usually consists of the Plant in Andalosia of Spain with a capacity
followings: Photovoltaic units, batteries, of about 50 MW use the Parabolic Trough
charging controllers, inverters, load design which consists of long parallel rows
controllers, circuit breakers and wiring. We of modular solar collectors, as can be seen
shall explain the principle of solar thermal in Figure (2). Tracking the sun from East to
technology, but we shall go into detail West by rotation on one axis, the high
about PV system. precision reflector panels concentrate the
solar radiation coming directly from the sun
onto an absorber pipe located along the
focal line of the collector. A heat transfer
medium, a synthetic oil like in car engines,
is circulated through the absorber pipes at
temperatures up to 400°C and generates
live steam to drive the steam turbine
generator of a conventional power block.
The two plants mentioned above are in
operation. Two more similar plants will be
constructed in 2011 in Solana-Spain of 250
MW with six hours of molten salt thermal
energy capability [5][6]. Concentrating solar
power systems are a fast growing source of
sustainable energy. Full-scale parabolic
trough systes consist of many such troughs
laid out in parallel over a large area of land.
Since 1985 a solar thermal system using this
principle has been in full operation in
This method is based on concentrated solar alifornia in the United States. It is called the
thermal (CST) technology by using mirrors SEGS system. Other CSP designs lack this
to concentrate sunlight. There are several kind of long experience and therefore it can
currently be said that the parabolic trough timing. Solar cells made of 1 m2, produce
design is the most thoroughly proven CSP about 140-170 W peak, for the reason
technology. mentioned above, but the average (with no
tracking facilities) solar power produced
within the 8 hours mentioned above is
about 70-85 W/m2. By the way, the cost of
A. Introduction photovoltaic systems came down especially
during the past ten years. As technology is
There are many types of technologies used advancing, efficiency of most systems is
to produce electricity based on solar going up and thereby the cost is coming
photovoltaic principle. Crystalline silicon at down [8]. sillicon cells are manufactured
the moment is the main technology sed with two adjacent layers, the first is made
commercially, but there are other of silicon doped with small amount of
technologies under intense research work phosphorus which has one more electron in
to produce more efficient solar cells. ar its outer orbital than silicon. When a
Power level during day time at solar cells phosphorus atom takes place of a silicon
with two axis trackers, single axis trackers, atom, the extra electron is crystal lattice. As
on roof with tracking, on roof with no these electrons with negative charge are
tracking and stationary. [3] The efficiency of free to move, so this material is known as n-
silicon solar cells is in the range of 13-18%. type silicon. P-type silicon gets its positively
The average of sun light power or solar charged particles from tiny amounts of
power covering all the spectrum is about boron, an element that has no less electron
1KW/m2 peak, that is in the direction of the than silicon in its outer shell. In this case
sun and when the sun has reached its peak there are not enough electrons to form all
power, not early in the morning or late in the covalent bonds required, so the
the evening as seen in figure (3); the electrons move around to try to fill this
average solar power with no tracking deficiency, which is called a hole. Holes act
between 6 AM to 6 PM is about half the like free, positively charged particles. When
peak power . For this reason, usually the p-type and n-type materials are placed
day time is considered to start at 8 AM and together, they form a p-n junction .
ends at 4 PM. As can be seen from this
figure, by using good tracking system, the
average solar power between 8 AM and 4
PM is about more than 90% of the peak. But
that depends on the location of the area,
how far it is from the equator and seasonal
capture the suns energy. Collectors are
usually arranged together especially when
electricity is to be produced and used in the
same location.
6. Solar power is used to charge batteries so
that solar powered devices can be used at
night. However, the batteries are large and
heavy and need storage space. They also
need replacing from time to time.

Advantages: REFERENCES

1. Solar energy is free although there is a cost in the building of ‘collectors’ and other equipment required to co
energy into electricity or hot water.
[1] George Johnson “ Plugging into The Sun”
2. Solar energy does not cause pollution. However, solar collectors and other associated equipment / machines
, National
manufactured in factories that in turn cause some pollution.
3. Solar energy can be used in remote areas where it is too expensive to extend the electricity power grid.
Geographic magazine, Sept. 2009.
4. Many everyday items such as calculators and other low power consuming devices can be powered by solar e
effectively. [2] website “
5. It is estimated that the worlds oil reserves will last for 30 to 40 years. On the other hand, solar energy is infin
  [3] Assoc. Prof. Nessimi Ertugrul “ Solar Cell
1. Solar energy can only be harnessed when
Systems & Research”, School of Electrical
it is daytime and sunny.
2. Solar collectors, panels and cells are
relatively expensive to manufacture Electronic Engineering, University of
although prices are falling rapidly. Adelaide.
3. Solar power stations can be built but they
do not match the power output of similar [4] Renewable Energy Magazine, 13
sized conventional power stations. They are Dec.2010, online.
also very expensive. [5] Dr.David W. Kearney “ Parabolic Trough
4. In countries such as the UK, the Collector
unreliable climate means that solar energy
is also unreliable as a source of energy. Overview”, Parabolic Trough Workshop
Cloudy skies reduce its effectiveness. 2007 at the
5. Large areas of land are required to
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Report TP-520-43208, Nov.2009.
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of High Temperature Solar Selective concentrator solar
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Proceedings of ISEC2005, August 6-12,2005, Energy

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[8] L.L.Kazmerski (NREL) [13] 12-C.R. Osterwald and T.J.McMahon “

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[9] Ryan Wiser, Mark Bolinger, Peter
Cappers and Accelerated and Qualification Testing of
Robert Margolis “Letting the Sun Shine on
Solar Photovoltaic Modules: A Literature
Review”, NREL
Costs: An Empirical Investigation of
Photovoltaic report No.17-11-13, 7 Oct.2008.

Cost Trends in California”, Berkeley National [14] “PHOTOVOLTAICS Design and

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[10] Online report []
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by William
H.Kemp, AZTEXT Press, 2005.

[17] 16-“Solar Living Source Book” by John


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