Interview Questions: Amazon

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1. Give your brief introduction./tell me about yourself?

2. Some questions on your experience and skills.

3. Why do you want to leave your current company ?
I’ve enjoyed working with a great group of people at my current employer, but this
in this company fits very well with the direction I want to take my career.
4. Why you find yourself a good fit for Amazon.

4. Why Amazon?
I want to work at Amazon because, in my opinion, it is the greatest company in the
world and I feel I will be able to learn,grow and develop myself while working
alongside other self-motivated people. Amazon has revolutionized e-commerce, not
just in quality products and services it offers, but how it delivers its products
to consumers, and how it always puts customers at the forefront of everything it
does. It start with the customer and then work backwards.I believe Amazon will
be a place where I can put my skills to good use and build great experience and I
will be contantly pushed and challenegd.Another reason, I want to work here is
because of the company's Leadership principles. If I demonstrate these in my work,
I will reach my full potential and I will get to achieve some pretty amazing

5. If A do a task in 15 days, B in 20 days and both A & B takes 6 days to complete

a task. How much days are required to do the rest of the task?
6. Some series & decoding reasonings questions.
7. If A works for ₹X in his company and due to pandemic he gets 50% less salary, so
after a job change if has been offered a 50% hike on his current salary so is it a
loss, profit or no profit no loss.
8. If it is 8’o clock in the morning then how much degree the hour hand should
rotate to make 2’o clock in the afternoon?
9. At the end you can ask any question from the interviewer if you want.
10.About my previous job role
11.speed n distance topic
12.How do u convince me that i need 3/4 extra employees to finish ur project
13.How do u deal with your staff,one who is overworking,other working less but are
collectively able to finish target by the end of day.
14.Aptitude questions including self introduction
15.Few SQL questions related to timestamps and logic based puzzles
16.why would we hire you?
17.technical questions regarding your project ?
18.questions on resume
19.How many street lights are there in your city, how would you calculate, give a
number and reasoning for the calculation?
20.Given only 3 cuts how would you cut a cake into 8 equal parts?
21.How good are you in maths and aptitude?(Certainly asked couple of questions)
22.What would you do if you have 50 packages to deliver and only 5 delivery agents
are available, how will you manage the deliveries?
23.Willing to work in night Shifts and some scenario based questions.
24.How can you deliver 100 packages in madhapur in 8 hours all by yourself
25.Basic Aptitude questions will be asked. ( Distance and Time, Profit and Loss
26.What are your long term and short term goals?
27.If a delivery guy has to finish his delivery till 3pm but it's 4pm and delivery
not done what could be the reasons
Difficulty in finding routes, weather problems, vehicle broke down
28.Why did you apply for this job
29.questions like upstream downstream, mensuration, modern mathematics etc were
asked. there's no time constraint. You just need to get the right answer.
30.If you are a manager of a logistics godown, what problems will you face? how
will you tackle them?
31.Family Background, Strength & Weakness.
32.Why shift from a technical profile to a non technical profile.
33.Rate yourself in SQL.
34.Questions regarding my job experience.
35.The interviewer asked questions on SQL (Joins, Normalization as I had mentioned
SQL in my resume)
36.Puzzle on painted cube.
37.Give 7 factors which you'll consider while opening a store in the city.
38.Then he gave a scenario and asked me to optimize the delivery of 80000 packages
with least number of delivery associates.
39.How will you count the number of streetlights in the city, with no help from the
municipal corporation and no prior data given to you. How will you optimize this
40.How will you contribute to amazon?
41.What are you expecting from our company.
42.Why did you choose non- tech field?Coming from technical background opens many
opportunities in both tech and non- tech field.
43.What are some parameters that you would consider if you had to open a new
delivery warehouse?
1) The rent
2) Distance from the main localities
3) Traffic flow
4) Floorspace.
44.Microsoft Excel ,Aptitude ,MySQL, Project, Internship
45.How to select distinct values from database without using the "DISTINCT"
keyword?W4e can use UNIQUE keyword
46.trick questions like the 3 ltr & 5 ltr bucket question

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