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To guide means to indicate, to point out, and to show the way. It means more than to
assist. A man falls on the street; we assist him to get up but we do not guide him unless
we help him to go in a certain direction.

The synonyms of ‘to guide’ are – to lead, to conduct, to regulate, to direct, to steer, to

show, to channel, to point.
Guidance involves personal help given by someone; it is designed to assist a person to
decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do, or how he can best accomplish his
purpose; it assists him to solve problems that arise in his life. It does not solve problems
for the individual but helps him to solve them.

The focus of guidance is the individual, not the problem; its purpose is to promote the
growth of the individual in self-direction. This guidance may be given to groups or to
individuals, but it is always designed to help individual even though they may be in


Ruth Strang. “Guidance is a process of helping every individual, through his own

efforts, to discover and develop his potentialities for his personal happiness and social

A.J. Jones. “Guidance involves personal help given by a competent person; it is

designed to assist a person in deciding where he wants to go, what he wants to do, or
how he can best accomplish his purposes; it assists him in solving problems that arise
in his life. It does not solve problems for the individual, but helps him to solve them. The
focus of guidance is the individual and not the problem; its purpose is to promote the
growth of the individual in self-direction.”

Knapps. “Learning about the individual student, helping him to understand himself,

effecting changes in him and in his environment which will help him to grow and develop
as much as possible – these are the elements of guidance.”

Secondary Education Commission, 1952. “Guidance involves the difficult art of

helping boys and girls to plan their own future wisely in the full light of all the factors that
can be mastered about themselves and about the world in which they are to live and

Crow and Crow. “Guidance is assistance made available by personally and adequately
trained men or women to an individual of any age to help him manage his own life
activities, develop his own points of view, make his own decisions and carry his own
John Brewer. “Guidance is a process through which an individual is able to solve his
problems and pursue a path suited to his abilities and aspirations.”

Woodworth. “Guidance helps an individual to develop his personality and enables him

to serve the society to the best of his capabilities and talents.”

Kitson. “Guidance is ‘individualised education’. Each student is to be helped to develop

himself to the maximum possible degree in all respects.”

V.M. Proctor. “Guidance is a process through which an individual or groups of

individuals are helped to make necessary adjustment to the environment – inside or
outside the school.”


Education acts as the best panacea for development of the innate potentialities of the

individuals. So proper care of education for the individual should be taken into

considerations. Keeping this in view our constitution has declared “Fundamental

Rights” to provide due respect and dignity to the individual. On the same line “Rights

of the Child” have been announced by the UNESCO which gives hopes and
aspirations for children of the world.

In our constitution “Right of Education” receives special status and position so far

Fundamental Rights are concerned. Hence every individual would be able to attain self-

direction, self-growth and self-realization if he is provided suitable education starting

from primary to university education with full freedom and proper educational

opportunities. Freedom implies awareness of various alternatives to choose better one

in the field of education or vocation according to one’s strength and weaknesses,

abilities and aspirations; efficiency and goals.

The constitutional promise like equality of opportunity means creating equal oppor-

tunities and providing equal facilities in the sphere of education to get the highest

development of individual potentialities by which one would be able get job of his own

liking and abilities.

This would be possible if we take initiative for guidance programmes in all most all

schools of the country. Being an integral part of education guidance helps individual to

understand himself and his surroundings. At the same time guidance also helps

individual to take his own appropriate decisions and solve his own problems wisely.

Besides this guidance helps a lot in identifying individuals interests and capacities and

to gain the educational privileges given by nation or social set-up.

Actually, the philosophical basis of guidance is as old as our civilization is. The same is

proved especially in India through several examples of mythology and ancient

“Puranas” For example, Srikrishna was guiding or advising Arjun keeping certain better

objectives in the mind in the sacred battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra which proved

the philosophical basis of guidance very clearly.

In western countries guidance service in schools and other formal and informal

agencies of education takes proper care about the individual, his educational and

vocational rights and freedom, respect and status or dignity of the individual which gives

clear hints about the philosophical basis of guidance.

1. Know the individual. This involves recognition of the essential dignity and worth
of the individual.

2. Guidance is primarily dedicated to implement the essential concern of democracy

for the dignity and worth of the individual.

3. Guidance is a life-long process. Guidance is forever.

4. Guidance is based on human needs.

5. Guidance is an art of helping individuals to plan their own action wisely, in the full
light of all the facts about the world in which they will live and work.


Need and Importance of Guidance

Life problems are becoming more and more complex. Traditional mores and personal
convictions concerning rightness and wrongness of attitude and behaviour are breaking
down. Many diverse factors inherent within our home, school and social and
occupational activities and relationships pull us in different directions. We often find
ourselves in such a state of confusion and bewilderment that it is difficult to steer ahead
without the help of a proper guide.

It has been assumed that more is the advancement and modernization; more will be the
need for guidance. It will be needed from the point of the individual, (i.e., interests,
attitudes, aptitudes, personality etc.) from the view of society (i.e., team work,
socialization, migration, job performance etc.). The absence of guidance may result all
types of wastages. If a person makes a wrong selection of profession, he is simply
wasting his energy. If a student, having attitude for Arts subjects, takes up Science
subjects, he is also wasting his time, money and energy. If all these persons had made
use of guidance services, they would have made the proper use of human energy. It
reveals that every individual or student stands in great need of guidance service.

We are all witness to the increasing problems of millions of children addicted to drugs
and alcohol, alarming number of abused children, teen suicides, gender bias disgraceful
number of homeless, resurfacing of various forms of prejudices, crime, violence, the
school dropout and unemployment problems, bankruptcy of values pervading all over
the world and more so in the third world countries. Many of these problems not only
require remedial treatment but more importantly, preventive efforts of the guidance
profession, if they are to reduce to any degree.

Guidance helps an individual achieve well on various areas personal and social life, as
well as in educational and career pursuits, which would ultimately help in proper
utilization of manpower. A society consisting of well-achieving and adjusted individuals
would contribute more to achieving the national and social goals. Such a society would
also have individuals who are aware of social problems and can deal with them more

We shall highlight the need for guidance considering some reasons and factors:

1. Different stages of development. The bringing up of the human beings can be
divided into the stages of infant, childhood, pre-adolescent, adolescence and manhood.
One needs different types of help to adjust with every stage. The maximum problems
are faced at the time of adolescence, when there are problems due to physical
development, mental development, emotional development and social development.
2. Differences among persons. Psychology reveals that no two persons are alike and
no two person get similar opportunities in life. Hence, every individual needs the help of
guidance service, in order to know the particular kind of profession for which he is most

3. Changing conditions of work. Gone are the days when a child was supposed to
take up the profession of his father for earning his livelihood. Now-a-days professions or
occupations have become so varied and so complex that everyone has at first to get
general education and then to undergo a long training for the profession to be adopted.
He has also to get a special education pertaining to that profession.

4. Educational growth. Guidance is needed for development of abilities and skills

facilitating learning and achievement, and habits and skills for lifelong learning.

5. Career Maturity. Guidance is required for the development of healthy and positive

attitudes, habits, values, etc. towards work through broadening aware of the world of
work, planning and preparing for one’s career.

6. Psycho-social development. Guidance is required for assistance for understanding

and developing a positive self-image and development of social skills for learning an
effective and satisfying personal-social life.

7. Guidance for good family life. It includes working with parents and children for
understanding of family relationship, attitudes towards home and role of family for
healthy growth.

8. Guidance for good citizenship. Guidance creates an understanding of socio-

cultural values and awareness of social issues, concerns and problems, overcoming
prejudices, developing right attitudes and values of co-operation, tolerance,
righteousness and social justice for peace and equality. Promoting ideas and values of
democratic and secular constitution and promoting unity and national integration.

9. Guidance for channelization of manpower requirements. Efforts at development

and channelization of individual potential with a view to meeting manpower and social
requirements for national growth and betterment of society.

10. Proper use of leisure time. Today many individuals waste their precious time with
a lot of unhealthy activities. People need to be guided to use their leisure time profitably.
Proper balancing of work and family is also important. Many youngsters roam around
the streets with nothing to do, having no purpose in life, waste away their health and

time through drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. Guidance will help them to make use of their
leisure time to achieve happiness, to enhance their education and career advancement.

11. Lack of Instructions at home. There is a lack of guidance for the young ones at

home. In the past, home acted as the most important agency of informal education. The
children followed the instructions given by parents and elders. Today, many parents are
failed in this responsibility. They are too busy in their work and transfer this
responsibility to the teachers who are also not in a position to guide them with their own
responsibilities. So, there is a need for guidance cell in schools.

12. Improvement in the status of women. Due to the influx of women in almost all

spheres including active defense services, more and more women are taking up jobs.
Because of the double responsibility of home and office, women are facing all kinds of
trauma, anxiety and stress. They need guidance to adjust to this changing scenario,
especially in a male dominated society.

In short, Guidance will be required:

 To understand oneself, one’s talents, abilities and potentialities and also the

 To recognize and develop favorable attitudes and habits and the elimination
of undesirable traits.

 To develop resourcefulness and self-direction in adapting to changes in


 To select appropriate courses in line with individual needs, interests, abilities

and circumstances.

 To get information on occupational opportunities and trends and suitable



Like education, the guidance has various aims and objectives which draw the attentions

of teachers, educational planners and guidance workers. It is known that without aims

and objectives the entire plan, proposal and service related to guidance become

fruitless. Therefore, if it barely necessary to know the aims and objectives of the

guidance clearly without any conflict and confusion.

To continue the same discussions certain aims of guidance are stated below at


(i) Psycho-physical aim:

The first and foremost aim of guidance is meant for development of the mental health

and physical health of student. Otherwise, the individual will not be free from his

weakness and incapability so far, his psycho- physical health is concerned.

(ii) Educational aim:

In the second situation, student faces many problems such as selection of suitable

courses, choice for essential books and problems related to class teaching, study

lessons and examinations. So that educational aim of guidance come to picture to solve

the problems in the context of educational career and progress by which student gets

maximum benefits.

(iii) Vocational aim:

The vocational aim of guidance is meant to prepare students for future vocation and to

show better efficiency in profession with much more job satisfaction. So that school

guidance service helps students providing accurate available information and

prospectus of different jobs in relation to their ability, interests, aptitudes and hidden

potentialities. At the same time, it also keeps up-to-date students to have better choice

for liking occupation.

(iv) Recreational aim:

Guidance gives hints to the students regarding the utilization of leisure hours in best

possible use has become another important aim of guidance for the individual


(v) Social aim:

The social aim of guidance is considered as another important aim of guidance which is

meant for social development concerning role and activities of individual students.

Really guidance keeps its eye on the students teaching them for society to gain

maximum social prosperity.

(vi) Personal & psychological aim:

The personal and psychological aim of guidance seems to be more important aim

relating the personal adjustment and psychological adjustment of the students both in

the family and personal situation as well as school situation. So that this aim of

guidance suggests students how to adjust better in personal life and solve problems

which occur in the psychological sphere of life.

About aims and objectives of guidance, the Education Commission (1964-66) gave

certain valuable recommendations that guidance should be adjective as well as

developmental when it is offered in secondary school level.


Guidance is purposeful process. It is assistance to the person which contributes for his
development and brings excellence at the job performances.

It is essential in every walk of life.

It has the following objectives:

1. To develop competency to solve the problems related to individual adjustment and

social process.
2. To assist individual to adjust adequately with the environment.
3. To provide information about educational and vocational opportunities or
occupational information.
4. To provide the awareness of his potentialities and abilities.
5. To help him for developing potentialities and abilities.
6. To organize the follow-up programmes for the job placement and evaluation of its

According to the views given by Education Commission, the objectives of

guidance are stated as below:

(a) To aid the students to know and develop their abilities and interests.

(b) To help them understand their strengths and weaknesses.

(c) To help them making realistic choices in education and vocation.

(d) To inform students about their educational opportunities.

(e) To help them find solutions to their problems personal and social adjustments in the

schools, homes and in the society.

(f) To help the headmasters and teachers to understand their pupils better.

After the discussion of aims and bases of guidance, certain general objectives of

guidance related to secondary schools may be pointed out as follows:

(a) To provide adequate, complete, comprehensive, reliable and necessary meaningful

information to the students about their inner abilities, interests and potentialities.

(b) To assist adolescent boys and girls to understand themselves and to develop insight

to the solution of problems on the basis of realization of their strength and limitations.

(c) To study the needs, interests, abilities, limitations, ambitions and parental aspirations

of younger boys and girls with much more care and attentions.

(d) To help parents to understand their off springs better by which they become able to

provide right type of education to them for their expected developments.

(e) To help teachers as well as headmasters to understand the students better as a

result of which they become able to organize curricular and co-curricular activities for

them taking demands, needs, interests and abilities of the students in-to account.

(f) To assist students to find suitable solutions to the problems according to best of their


(g) To help pupils to take their own suitable decision in regards to their selection of

useful courses and to plan for better educational career.

(h) To help youngsters to choose, plan, prepare for a better occupation according to

their vocational interests.

(i) To enable the individuals to adjust successfully in the home as well as school


(j) To assist students to think and act better for social adjustment and social


(k) To enable students to gain maximum development of their innate abilities

considering their needs, demands, interests, aptitudes and other creative talents.

In the light of above discussions, it may be concluded that providing successful

guidance is not an easy and careless job. Because it is meant for every individual of the

society at the time of his need as it is related to educational development, vocational

prosperity and personal progress including adjustment, of the individual in different

spheres of life. So that guidance draws the attention of guidance worker, guidance

planner, educationist etc.


Guidance enables each individual to understand abilities and interests, to develop them
as well as possible and to relate them to life-goals, and finally to reach a state of
complete and mature self-guidance as a desirable member of the social order.
It helps to shape a student’s behaviour and also instill enough discipline in them. Proper
guidance helps them achieve their goals, well guided & counselled students know what
to do and how to do things in the best possible way.
Guidance is not a panacea or remedy for all types of problems but has some specific
functions. It is a process of helping younger persons learn to adjust to self, to others and
to circumstances.
Some of the important functions are enumerated here:
1. Guidance helps in good adjustment in all situations.
2. The task of guidance is to assist the individual learner to discover his unique personal
resources, to develop them properly and to use them wisely in the pursuits of his goals
that are satisfying to him and constructive for society.
3. It is a scientific procedure applied to develop the concept of guidance that has been
so richly productive that it is not inappropriate to refer to guidance in a broad sense as a
new dimension of creative teaching.
4. In the rapid change and progress, growing persons need to help in learning to adjust
to themselves, to other people to changing situations. Guidance may be regarded as
the process of providing his type of help.
5. The task of guidance is to have accurate measurement and diagnostic procedure for
scientific remedial assistance.

6. Guidance has a positive interest in both preparative and remedial assistance.
7. It has the uniqueness for the individual need for personalized assistance.
8. The main function of guidance is to provide assistance when, where and when and to
whom is needed. Thus, it is a very specific and individual procedure for helping the
9. Guidance is not a trial-and-error method but it is a well-planned and well-organized
action that aims to provide many of the individual and group experiences of a pupil for
growing up in family and school.
10. The function of guidance is to help the child maintain the relationship between his
abilities and the demands of his environment with proper emphasis upon maturation of
capacities for socialized self-direction.
11. It has the contribution of the fact- “Individual emerges in theory and disappears in
practice.” Guidance contributes in the emergence of an individual for adjusting in the
class and society at large. Guidance is for all and for all stages, but not for a few.
12. Guidance is the key stone for school progress. It makes teaching more effective and


The guidance counselors play a big part in our society. This is what we can say as we
read the recent trends and issues about guidance and counseling.  At present, students
are being involved in different issues or difficulties such as participating in in gangs,
dropping out of school youth, becoming a teenage parent, using drugs and participating
in or becoming victims of acts of violence and guidance counselors share their part on
these issues by trying to prevent these instances rather than remediation which is also
one of the issues about guidance and counseling. Opposite to the old practice where in
the school counselor would interact to the students after the incident happened, the new
focus is to interact with them to prevent the possible problems that may encounter
which we think is better. By giving the consequences that might happen along the way
and helping the students to understand their problems, the difficulties maybe prevented.
The issues regarding the prevention versus remediation reflects how big the role of a
guidance counselor in our society. This maybe the reason why there are guidance
counselors who prefer to be called as School counselor. This issue is not about the way
how guidance counselors wanted to called. This issue is about how guidance
counselors be seen in a large system. Many school counselors think that their names
should reflect their duties and roles in our society and we agree because their
involvement in helping the students is not an easy task that is why they deserve it.
The evaluation on the techniques of school counselor is another trend in guidance and
counseling. This is very important in order to continually improve the techniques of the
school counselors.
 Professional Title
Some professional in the field prefer to be called guidance counselor or prefer the term
as a school counselor. The expected duties are more extensive than those practiced by
vocational guidance counselors of the past, and the feeling of many school counselors
that the name of the profession should reflect its expanded roles.

 Evaluation
The demand for accountability and evaluation has led to the development of numerous
criteria to help school counselors evaluate their specific intervention techniques.
 Prevention vs. Remediation
A growing trend in the field of counseling is the focus on prevention instead of
remediation. A shift for school counselors to intercede prior to any incidents and to
become more proactive in developing and enacting school-wide prevention plans in the
students from being involved with many difficulties, such as participating in gangs,
dropping out of school, becoming a teenage parent, using drugs, and participating in or
becoming victims of acts of violence.
There is a possibility to encounter clients having different cultures; this is the issue
behind multicultural counseling. As a guidance counselor, it is important to understand
not only your own culture but also the culture of other people. Somebody’s way of
thinking or action may be different from what you practice and one reason behind it is
his culture. Understanding other’s culture may be a big help in understanding clients
having different culture. The article of Don. C. Locke suggest that a counselor in order
to become an effective counselor dealing in multicultural counseling. It also enumerates
process of counseling a culturally different client. 
       The topic presented on this article gives information on how to counsel a client
having a different culture. From this, counselors may be able to assess themselves if
they attain the characteristics of being an effective counseling in counseling a culturally
different client. They would also have an idea on how to counsel them.
           Multiculturalism or the fourth force in psychology that one which complements
the psychodynamic, behavioral and humanistic explanations of human behavior.
           Holfstede (1984) identified four dimensions of cultures which includes the
1.   Power Distance - the extent to which a culture accepts that power in institutions
and organizations is distributed unequally.
2.   Uncertainty Avoidance - the extent to which members of a culture feel threatened
by uncertain or ambiguous situations.
3.   Individualism - a social framework in which people are supposed to take care of
themselves and of their immediate families only. Collectivism refers to a social
framework in which people distinguish between in - groups and out - groups, expecting
their in- group to look after them, and in exchange for that owe loyalty to it.
4.   Masculinity/ Femininity - the extent to which the dominant values within a culture
are assertiveness, money and things, caring for others, quality of life, and people.

For the counselor to be effective, he/ she must be able to:
1.Express respect for the client in a manner that is felt, understood, accepted, and
appreciated by the client.
2.Feel and express empathy for culturally different clients.
3.Personalize his/ her observations.
4.Withhold judgment and remain objective until one has enough information and an
understanding of the world of the client.
5.Tolerate ambiguity.
6.Have patience and perseverance when unable to get things done immediately.
         The Multicultural Awareness Continuum (Locke, 1986) was designed to illustrate
the areas of awareness through which a counselor must go in the process of counseling
a culturally different client. The continuum is linear and the process is developmental,
best understood as a lifelong process and includes the following:
 Self-Awareness
 Awareness of one’s own culture.
 Awareness of racism, sexism, and poverty.
 Awareness of individual differences.
 Awareness of other cultures.
 Awareness of diversity.
 Skills and Techniques.


 Cyber counseling is worth considering, especially when you have tight schedules. It
save time, money and energy.
       If cyber counseling has its advantages, it also has its disadvantage.  One who is
consulting cyber counseling does not have the assurance that the counselor dealing
with him has a license. Another is there is no assurance that the counselor has the
necessary knowledge about cyber counseling or is there an assurance that what you
are receiving is actually from a licensed counselor who has the knowledge in cyber
      Moreover, this may mean that issues regarding the cyber counseling can be taken
for granted. It is also important to evaluate how counseling can be effective with the aid
of technology. And the government should impose law in order to assure that the
counseling that the clients will be receiving are reliable and quality.
       Cyber counseling or web counseling was called by the National Board of Certified
Counselors, is defined as the practice of professional counseling and information

delivery that occurs when client(s) and counselor(s) are in separate or remote locations
and utilize electronic means to communicate over the internet. And there are critical
issues about cyber counseling and it includes the following:
1. Truth in advertising.
2.Confidentiality and privileged communication.
3.Duty to warn.
5. Dual relationships
6.How does a counselee know that the assigned homework is valid for the type of
problem presented?
7.Some cyber counselors may do inadequate pre-screening of potential counselees.
8.Lack of cyber counselor knowledge of the circumstances or culture of the client.
9.The anonymity of the counselee may be problematic for the cyber counselor.
10.  Fee structures vary.
11.  Is the counselee actually receiving advice from the person who is on the web page?


APPROACHES Definitions

Focused on how past experiences affect current problems

Concerned with unconscious drives and conflicting aspects of
Traditionally, the therapist takes the expert role

Diagnosis focused
Interpersonal Counseling Concerned with interpersonal relationships
Therapist functions as a client’s ally

Humanistic approach
Focused on realizing human potential
Client-Centered Therapy
Supports client discovery
Counselor is empathetic, nonjudgmental, and nondirective

Focused on what it means to be alive

Existential Therapy Non-symptom focused
Clients guided in discovering unfulfilled needs and realizing potential

Cognitive-Behavioral Focused on how both thoughts and behaviors affect outcomes

Therapy Evidence-based, effective, and highly versatile

Focused on feelings and thoughts in the moment, without judgment

Includes CBT with a Buddhist-based mindfulness component
Highly versatile

Focused on how faulty thinking relates to distress

Rational Emotive Therapy
Therapist is active and directive

Reality Therapy Focused on the present day

Non-symptom focused
Promotes individual responsibility and taking control of one’s life
Counselor is positive and nonjudgmental

Focused on how cultural influences and interpretations shape
Constructionist Therapy
Strong interest in language
Client driven, counselor acts as collaborator

Focused on how systems (e.g., school, work, family) affect

Systemic Therapy underlying issues
Therapist collaborates with people across and within systems

Focused on the stories we tell ourselves about who we are

Narrative Therapy
Counselor works collaboratively to create alternate stories

Focused on the use of artistic expression as a cathartic release of

Creative Therapy positive feelings
Highly versatile — music and various art mediums may be used


One of the interesting things about being a parent is that there is great variation in how
we raise our children. At the same time, there are many commonalities from one parent
to another. In fact, there is enough similarity that researchers have tried to group
parents into four common parenting styles.

Your parenting style refers to the combination of strategies that you use to raise your
children. The work of Diane Baumrind in the 1960s created one commonly-referenced
categorization of parenting styles. The four Baumrind parenting styles have distinct
names and characteristics:

 Authoritarian or Disciplinarian
 Permissive or Indulgent
 Uninvolved
 Authoritative

Each parenting style varies in at least four areas: discipline style, communication,
nurturance, and expectations. Are you wondering how to figure out your style? You
might also be thinking, “What is authoritative parenting?” or “Should I be more
disciplinary or indulgent?”


Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents are often thought of as disciplinarians.

 They use a strict discipline style with little negotiation possible. Punishment is
 Communication is mostly one way: from parent to child. Rules usually are not
 Parents with this style are typically less nurturing.
 Expectations are high with limited flexibility.

Permissive Parenting

Permissive or Indulgent parents mostly let their children do what they want, and offer
limited guidance or direction. They are more like friends than parents.

 Their discipline style is the opposite of strict. They have limited or no rules and
mostly let children figure problems out on their own.
 Communication is open but these parent’s let children decide for themselves
rather than giving direction.
 Parents in this category tend to be warm and nurturing.
 Expectations are typically minimal or not set by these parents.

Uninvolved Parenting

Uninvolved parents give children a lot of freedom and generally stay out of their way.
Some parents may make a conscious decision to parent in this way, while others are
less interested in parenting or unsure of what to do.

 No particular discipline style is utilized. An uninvolved parent lets a child mostly

do what he wants, probably out of a lack of information or caring.
 Communication is limited.
 This group of parents offers little nurturing.
 There are few or no expectations of children.

Authoritative Parenting

What is authoritative parenting? Authoritative parents are reasonable and nurturing, and
set high, clear expectations. Children with parents who demonstrate this style tend to be

self-disciplined and think for themselves. This style is thought to be most beneficial to

 Disciplinary rules are clear and the reasons behind them are explained.
 Communication is frequent and appropriate to the child’s level of understanding.
 Authoritative parents are nurturing.
 Expectations and goals are high but stated clearly. Children may have input into


The principles of guidance generally accepted are the ones given by Crow and Crow.
They are:

1. Principle of all-round development of the individual. Guidance must take into

account the all-round development of the individual when bringing about desirable
adjustment in any particular area of his personality.

2. The principle of human uniqueness. No two individuals are alike. Individuals differ
in their physical, mental, social and emotional development. Guidance service must
recognize these differences and guide each individual according to their specific need.

3. Principle of holistic development. Guidance has to be imparted in the context of

total development of personality. The child grows as a whole and even if one aspect of
personality is in focus, the other areas of development which are indirectly influencing
the personality have also to be kept in mind.

4. The principle of cooperation. No individual can be forced into guidance. The

consent and cooperation of the individual is a pre-requisite for providing guidance.

5. The principle of continuity. Guidance should be regarded as a continuous process

of service to an individual in different stages of his life.

6. The principle of extension. Guidance service should not be limited to a few

persons, who give observable evidence of its need, but it should be extended to all
persons of all ages, who can benefit from it directly or indirectly.
7. The principle of elaboration. Curriculum materials and teaching procedures should
be elaborated according to the view point of guidance.

8. The principle of adjustment. While it is true that guidance touches every aspect of

an individual’s life, it is chiefly concerned with an individual’s physical or mental health,
with his adjustment at home, school, society and vocation.

9. Principle of individual needs. The individual and his needs are of utmost

significance. Recognition of individual freedom, worth, respect and dignity is the
hallmark of guidance. Freedom to make a choice and take a decision needs to be
respected and encouraged.

10. The principle of expert opinion. Specific and serious guidance problems should

be referred to persons who are trained to deal with particular area of adjustment for their
expert opinion.
11. The principle of evaluation. The guidance programme should be evaluated in
terms of its effectiveness and improvement. Evaluation is essential for the formulation of
new goals or re-drafting the existing goals.

12. The principle of responsibility. Parents and teachers have great responsibility in

the execution of the work of guidance. The responsibility for guidance should be
centered on a qualified and trained person, who is the head the guidance centre.

13. The principle of periodic appraisal. Periodic appraisal should be made of the

existing guidance programme so that requisite changes, if any can be carried out for its

Wise and experienced leadership in guidance is, extremely important. It is often said
that “As the principal is, so is the school.” This statement holds equally for organized
guidance programs. Intelligent application of the basic principles to the operation of a
school program of guidance services has value not only for the young or older pupils for
whose benefit the program has been organized but also for their parents, the members
of the school staff, and the community at large.


“Guidance is education but not all education is guidance”

Reflection: Guidance could be defined as supervised care or assistance, therefore in
the best interest of another person considered education. All education is not guidance
though because not everything learned is in the care of others but can teach. All advice
that you receive contributes to your knowledge and reasoning but some education (such
as memorizing facts, etc.) is not intended to guide you on the path of life. It is intended
to help you appreciate and understand the world around you so you can succeed.
Guidance status at present is an outgrowth of several movements which are centered
on human behavior patterns like psychology, philosophy, mental hygiene and others.
However, during the earliest period guidance is motivated by religious and superstitious
belief in helping others to discover their potentialities, analyze their abilities and even
predicts one future.
It may seem unbelievable, but people are still influenced by these practices as
evidenced by their behavior and they spent much money and time waiting for that lucky
What is Pseudo-science?
Pseudo-science is a claim, belief or practice which is incorrectly presented as scientific,
but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise
lacks scientific status. In other words, Pseudo-science are sciences which are not true
since they are not according to the qualifications of being called as such, real science.
1. Numerology is predicting of future outcomes or events in terms of lucky and
unlucky numbers.

 Prediction of life’s partner through numbers.

 Omission of (13) thirteen in the numbering of rooms in buildings and other
 Friday the thirteenth
 Feng Shui
 Horoscope Readings
 All of these has been part of our tradition.

2. Astrology is associating one’s fate with the course of stars and other heavenly

 Horoscope Characters (Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, etc.

3. Graphology is analyzing one’s character in terms of one’s penmanship pattern.

 Comprehensive thinker

4. Palmistry, the belief that lines on can tell the fate and destiny of an individual.
Palmistry is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through study of
the palm, also known as palm reading. The practice is found all over the world,
with numerous cultural variations.

 Analysis of lines

 Line of Passion – This line shows how strong your emotions are.
 Line of the Heart – This line shows how deep your love for others
 Line of the Head – This line shows how intelligent and creative you
 Life line – this line shows how long you will live.
 Line of Worries – If there are many lines, there will be many
worries in the future.
 Bracelets – If there are 3 strong and clear lines, you will have a
good fortune and health.
 Lines of Attractive Spouses – If these lines are far apart, your
spouse (husband/wife) will be very attractive. If they are close
together, your spouse will be unattractive.
 Lines of Children – You will have one for every line.
 Lines of Romance – You will have one serious romantic
relationship for every time.
 Line of Health – This line shows general health. If the line is
broken, there might be a serious illness in the future.
 Line of Success – This line is very rare. People with this line
always have good luck.

5. Phrenology is character analysis technique whereby an individual traits


 Honesty, sympathy, love and ability can be determined through bodily


6. Physiognomy allied with phrenology that predicts personality traits through
facial characteristics, bodily structure or muscular set.

7. Dream Interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams.

a. Demons are sneaky evil entities which signify repressed emotions. You may
secretly feel the need to change your behaviors for the better.
b. Killing in your dreams does not make you a closet murderer; it represents
your desire to “kill” part of your own personality. It can also symbolize hostility
towards a particular person.
c. Being trapped (physically) is a common nightmare theme, reflecting you real
life inability to escape or make the right choice.
d. Other examples: Teeth, numbers

8. Occultism and Spiritualism ways of looking into the past and future through the
help of spiritista. Occultism is the study of occult practices, including (but not
limited to) magic, alchemy, extra-sensory perception, astrology, spiritualism,
religion, and divination.

In the totality, pseudo-scientific techniques in guidance have been part of our culture
since now and then. But, however, it is still us who are the masters of our fate. We
are the makers of our own path. These techniques may somewhat help us in
different ways but it in the final roll, it is still ourselves who will make the right ways.


Guidance is used for dealing with problems of adjustment and other problem of life-
educational and vocational problems. In the democratic set up there should be the
equal opportunities of education for all. Education is child-centered and has the focus of
all round development (physical, social, emotional and mental).

The vocational education has been emphasized; therefore, vocational guidance is

essential for students for the excellence in the job performance. P.E. Vernon has
classified educational and vocational abilities i.e., v: ed and k: m respectively. It is very
essential for teacher to have the full information about their students’ abilities and

1. Psychological Factors:
Psychological Factors refer to the individual differences and intra- individual differences
among his students. Rate of growth and development—physical, social, emotional and
mental information’s are essential for a teacher. He should know their aptitudes and
interests in the school subjects and jobs.

2. Social Factors:
Education is a social process of development. There is increase of enrolment in school
and colleges. The large number of students are admitted in a class, so the personal
contact of teacher and taught is not possible.

There are diversifications of courses. It is the main problems in the school, going
students for selecting the subjects and courses for the study. It may suit to them. It
requires proper educational guidance to the students.

3. Philosophical Factors:
There is a rapid change in social philosophy and values of the society. An elective
approach is used to formulate the objectives of education. There is a cultural and social

difference in the classroom it amounts to adjustment problems in the class. It requires
guidance for their adjustment.

4. Scientific and Technological Factor:

The present era is of scientific and technological advancement in the developing
countries. It also causes the adjustment problems in the society. The computer science
has greatly influenced our daily life activities. It requires the proper guidance for new
type problems.

Some specific areas require guidance services:

(a) Mass education needs group and individual guidance.

(b) Improving the quality of man and man power.

(c) Democratic set up requires talents and excellence in various fields to provide

(d) Guidance is a new process of creative thinking and creative teaching and

(e) Guidance is an art of high level of helping boys and girls to plan their own action


Though there are different types of guidance, [Health guidance, Spiritual guidance,
Social guidance, Marital guidance, Sex guidance, Family guidance, Old age guidance,
Educational guidance, Vocational guidance, Personal guidance, Leadership guidance,
etc.] for pupils in educational institutions guidance is required most in the following three

 Educational Guidance

 Vocational Guidance

 Personal Guidance

Educational Guidance
Educational guidance is concerned with helping pupil learning, aiding them in proper
choices of courses and in helping removal of difficulties in academic progress.
Educational guidance helps pupils to get the best of the educational opportunities
consistent with their talents and traits. Further educational courses are also explored so
that planning ahead educationally is possible. Effective educational guidance implies
that the guidance counsellor has in his possession all possible information about the
pupil, can provide effective training in study techniques to pupils and anticipate
difficulties which may arise and prepare pupils in advance to meet successfully.

It is used in the following purposes:

(a) In the choice of study subjects in school, and

(b) In removing the specific deficiencies of students related to study.
(c) In identifying the causes of their failure by using diagnostic tests in the study
(d) In providing the remedial teaching for the learning weakness of the students.

Vocational Guidance
Vocational guidance involves complete and comprehensive knowledge of each pupil,
nature of jobs and the psychological characteristic needed for success, achievement
and job satisfaction in different jobs, relevant data about vocational opportunities, type
of training needed, advancement opportunities etc. Aptitude tests play a significant part
in vocational guidance. Vocational guidance helps choosing broad vocational areas for
which one is fit and does not single specific jobs.
The following types of tests are used for their potentialities:

(a) Differential aptitudes tests.

(b) Intelligence tests and aptitude tests.
(c) Personality and interest inventories, and
(d) Achievement and scholastic aptitude tests.

Personal Guidance
Personal guidance is to help pupils to adjust to things and persons around them and to
social situations. Lack of guidance may precipitate personal problems which would
affect their efficiency and happiness and make them maladjusted. Teachers should help
adolescent students to overcome their conflicts. Personal guidance has become vital as
it is linked with the other two areas of guidance and present day social conditions with
their complexities and inconsistencies create a variety of stressful conditions for
everyone. Personal guidance elimination personal maladjustments and also helps to
remove classroom indiscipline and campus unrest. Excessive guidance in this area
should be avoided as it kills initiative, on the part of students.

These are:
(a) Family and home problems.
(b) Financial or economic problems.
(c) Physical-disabilities of the individual.
(d) Emotional adjustment and anxiety or curiosities.
(e) Social relationship of the individual and husband wife relations problems.
(f) School and peers’ relation or classmates’ relation, may be isolated in the class.

The personal problems have wide range; therefore, this type problem requires co-
operative guidance of parents, teacher’s peers and other experts in the field. This also
requires his cumulative record and case study of the individual. The individual is to be
studied in depth to diagnose the causes of this weakness.


1. Individual Inventory Services

These services are designed to gather reliable data: Personal educational

background of the students. These data are kept in the Guidance Center and are
helpful when the students come to their Counselor for Counseling or advice.

2. Counseling

Counseling service is a basic and a significant strategy which involves a person-

to-person relationship. This provides the individual the opportunity to make his
own plans and decisions to come up with a resolution of his own personal
problems. Individual or group sessions with counselors are available to students
who have academic, personal, interpersonal, emotional, career and moral

3. Testing

The student's individual strengths and weaknesses in the areas of personality,

aptitudes, interests, needs and job skills are assessed through the use of
standardized tests. Test results are interpreted to the students by their respective
guidance counselors for self-awareness, growth and development. Test
interpretations are also made available in groups.

4. Information Services

The function of this service is to make available to the students valuable

information not ordinarily provided through the instructional programs for

personal, social, emotional and spiritual development and adjustment. This
information is considered necessary in guiding adolescents and young adults in
making intelligent vocational or educational choice or their personal and social

5. Placement Service

Placement service helps the students secure the most effective relationship to a
job or to the next step in his educational or personal goals. It is culminated with a
senior's week held every March of the year. Activities are: Pre-employment
seminar, Mock Interview and Job Fair.

6. Follow-up Service

It is concerned with what happen to the students after they have left school.

1. Guidance Counselors visit different companies and Schools where their

alumni are connected to find out how they are, and if employed, some
information about their work and their employers.
2. Tutorial Lessons are academic assistance gives free charge to students
who find difficulty comprehending Math and Physics subjects.
3. Student-Peer-Facilitators (SPF). These are students with potential to
become leaders in the future. They are trained to assist another youth
through the 'buddy' approach.
4. Boarding House Visitation (BHV). BHV are conducted once a month by
the SPFs together with a Guidance Counselor. Problems or concerns
confronting the student-lodgers will be explored through group dynamics
activities. BHV would also serve as an avenue for a continuing counseling

Enrichment Activities

1. Exploration

Self-awareness activities and orientation in relation to varied aspects of campus


2. Effective Study Habits

Lectures on how to study effectively, time management and developing good

memory as well as steps on how to take a test and have better results.

3. Coping with Stress

A session aimed in assisting students in identifying and developing skills in

handling school pressures.

4. Handling Relationship

A lecture on how to handle relationships such as boy-girl relationship and family


5. Student-Peer-Facilitator Training

Training workshop for student-peer-facilitators are conducted; aimed in

developing their counseling and facilitating skills to establish effective self-
awareness and peer relationship.

6. Drug Control and Prevention Program

The GCC promotes a drug free school and offers varied activities for student

7. Pre-Employment Seminar

A seminar intended to assist graduating students in writing their resume and

application letters, tips on how to sell yourself and in coping with employment

8. Job Fair

This activity is aimed to facilitate job opportunities for graduating students who
are in need of jobs.



Everyday students are facing daily challenges to make decisions in an environment full of
pressure and uncertainty. They are faced with cultural, social and economic issues that it
is difficult for them to handle. Thus, guidance plays a vital role in the education system,
where teachers have to acquire good skills of guidance and counseling in order to
understand his/her students better. 
Hence, in order for the teacher to bring out the best in a child, she needs to acquire the
skills of guidance and counseling in terms of giving the correct advice to the student. The
teacher needs to know and understand each and every student sitting in his/her
classroom from their family backgrounds to the academic performances. It is said that
school is second to home, and teachers act as a child’s parent. The role of a teacher
therefore is equated to the role of a parent. One of these roles, and perhaps the most
complicated one is the role of giving guidance.
First, one cannot guide if he/she is lost. Meaning, in order for a person to be able to give
out guidance to another person, he/she must first examine himself/herself very well.
Because guidance is all about leading someone to the right path. Therefore, if a student
is problematic with his/her studies and is at risk of failing or dropping out, it is the
teacher’s primary role to examine the cause – it could possibly be because the teacher is
so strict, or could be because the teacher’s main concern is only imparting the subject
matter without giving importance to his/her student’s interest. Because sometimes, it
could also be that a teacher is the one who is lost.
Guidance takes two to tango. It is not one sided. There must be a giver and a taker. The
teacher acts as the giver of help, and the problematic person as the taker of the teacher’s
advice. This relationship must be seriously attended to by each side until both parties
reach the point of stabilization. If ever one of them breaks from this act while in the middle
of the process, then guidance is not given at all, there is only waste of time, and the child
remain helpless.

Teach a man how to fish, and he will live forever. Guidance must not be spoon feeding. It
should be not be about being dependent and giving solutions to a man’s problem.
Instead, it is about teaching a person how to be independent and strong enough to find
solutions to his own problems. Guidance is given so that a person must learn to make his
own decisions, his own insights and realizations.
And lastly, united we stand, divided we fall – guidance is collaborative. In order for
guidance to succeed, it needs everyone’s support – both from the school’s community
and the child’s community. It needs constant cooperation between the child’s family and
the school’s guidance committee which could be composed of the guidance counselor,
principal and the teacher. The center of focus is the problematic child. It is like
“bayanihan.” it demands everyone effort to help for it to be successful.


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