1B EnglishBeni 070

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Nama : Beni Mutiara Insan

NIM : 210621100070
Kelas. : 1B

Thursday, 11 November 2021

On that day, I woke up early at 5 am then took a shower and ate breakfast. In the morning I
studied online as usual from 7 to 9. After the first course finished I was sleepy then slept
again until 11 am. When I woke up I checked the class WhatsApp group, it turned out that
there was one substitute course that day because Tuesday the lecturer couldn’t attend our
lectures. I immediately rushed to wash my face and eat lunch first so I could attend the
lecture with full concentration. At that time, Mr. Fiyan explained the material on how to
listen to the radio. Then he gave an assignment to listen to the radio sandiwara video by
explaining the intrinsic elements in the story. In the afternoon my friend and I went to Mie
Gacoan because there were many interesting promos that went viral yesterday. There were a
lot of people queuing so we waited about 1-2 hours to get food. After that we went home.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

That day I woke up at 8 am. As usual last night I watched a football match, namely Germany
against Liechsteinburg. The match was won by Germany with a score of 9-0 and ensured
Germany qualified to compete in the 2022 world cup in Qatar next year. I'm a German fan
but for the club I chose Real Madrid as my favorite club. Since childhood my father always
invites me to watch football at midnight even though I have school tomorrow. Although this
is not liked by my mother but it actually makes me love football even more. Returning to my
activities that day was limited because at 9 o'clock suddenly the lights went out. luckily I've
taken a shower so there's no need to use water. Then I went to Indomaret to buy Ceres cheese
and meises because my mother was making Maryam bread cakes. The bread made by my
mother is very delicious even though the texture and shape is not as usual, the reason is that
my mother is more concerned with the taste and aroma of the food consumed by the family.
at night I practice push ups to maintain stamina and body power.

Sunday, 14 November 2021

That day I woke up at 4 am to prayed Shubuh. Then I took a shower and ate breakfast. In the
morning I played basketball on the PGRI 2 high school field. There were so many people
there, so I had to take turns to take part in the game. In the afternoon suddenly heavy rain and
storm made the electricity go out in my house. Then I looked for information on the internet,
it turned out that there were fallen trees around my house so that it made a short circuit and
dangerous when turned on. At 5 pm I practice basketball at the Krakatau sport center with my
team who will take part in basketball competition in December. This training is very tiring
and takes a lot of energy to train physically, mentally, and form good teamwork. The coach
gives a gradual training portion so that when the competition starts we are ready in any case
and can become champions. After the exercise is over, we buy food at the fried chicken
bangsus. There we ate while talking about many things. Then i go home at 9 pm.

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