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IUPAC and the Periodic Table

IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements 2
13 14 15 16 17 4.0026

er by G.J. Leigh 5 6 7 8 9 10
l B C N O F Ne

boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
he Periodic Table is now regarded as such a 10.81
[10.806, 10.821]
[12.009, 12.012]
[14.006, 14.008]
[15.999, 16.000] 18.998 20.180
fundamental part of current chemical research 13 14 15 16 17 18
and teaching that it is salutary to learn that this Al Si P S Cl Ar
aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
5 6 prominence 7 is a relatively
8 9recent development.
10 11 IUPAC 12 26.982
[28.084, 28.086] 30.974
[32.059, 32.076]
[35.446, 35.457]
[39.792, 39.963]

23 24 was established
25 26in its present
27 form28 in 1919,
29 but the
30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Figure 1 Typical element entries taken from a long
V Crroots of Mnthe Table Fe go back Co much Ni further. TheCu general Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc form of thegermanium
gallium Periodic arsenic
selenium bromine krypton
realization of the value of the Periodic Table to ratio- 79.904
50.942 51.996 54.938 55.845(2) 58.933 58.693 63.546(3) 65.38(2) do/periodic-table-of-elements/.
69.723 72.630(8) 74.922 78.971(8) See back
[79.901, 79.907] cover

41 42 nalize and43 teach44 chemistry 45 has only 46 come about 47 since48 49 50 of

51 this issue.
52 53 54
Nb Mothe new Tcflowering Ru of inorganic
Rh Pd
chemistry, Ag which can Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
be dated to the 1960s. Today the most popular form old.114.82The general acceptance of atomic126.90 theory,131.29
92.906 95.95 101.07(2) 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41 118.71 121.76 127.60(3)

73 74 of the Table
75 and76its updating 77 and78dissemination 79 owe80 ascribed
81 to the
82 influence
83 of Dalton
84 who85 published
Ta Wmuch to ReIUPAC,Os though this Ir was not Pt always Au the case. Hg his Tl ideas inPb 1805, was Bithe beginning
Po Atthe modern
of Rn
tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
scientific systemization of the inorganic chemistry.
180.95 183.84 186.21 190.23(3) 192.22 195.08 196.97 200.59 [204.38, 204.39] 207.2 208.98

105 106Figure 107 1 is taken108 from a Periodic

109 Table
110 of the 111Elements 112 It encouraged
113 114 a more 115quantitative
116 approach
117 to118 inor-
Db Sgpublished Bh by IUPAC Hs on 1 Mt December Ds2018. ItRg representsCn ganic Nhchemical Fl studies Mcand the Lvappearance Ts of lists Og of
dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium nihonium flerovium moscovium livermorium tennessine oganesson
the second and third periods, with the lighter ele- so-called atomic weights. These were then relative
ments of Groups 13-18. Each element square contains combining weights, and are essentially those still
an atomic number, an atomic name, an atomic symbol used today. They are not related to the real weights
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
of atoms. Döbereiner was an early systematiser who
Ce Prand asNd many as three atomic weights. IUPAC is deeply
Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
cerium concerned
praseodymium neodymium both with the
promethium generaleuropium
samarium form ofgadolinium
the Periodicterbium recognised
dysprosium the existence
holmium erbium ofthulium
triads, ytterbium
such as lithium

Table and
140.91 144.24
with the contents 150.36(2)
of each
+ sodium
potassium, 167.26
+ bromine
+ iodine,

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

and calcium + barium + strontium as early as 1817 [1].
Th PaNote that U IUPACNp always uses a long form to display the
Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
thorium Table,uranium
protactinium but thisneptunium
has not discouraged
plutonium chemists
americium curiumfrom berkelium
de- Incalifornium
such triads einsteiniumthe atomic
fermium weight
mendeleviumof nobelium
the middle ele-

vising 238.03
other arrangements, such as circular, spiral and ment is roughly the mean of the atomic weights of
updates to this table, three-dimensional.
see This version is dated 1 December 2018. the other two members. The recognition of weight
2018 IUPAC, the International Union of to
Puresystematize the chemistry of the el-
and Applied Chemistry. relationships was extended further by Newlands [2]
ements in a logical fashion are more than 200 years who enunciated his Law of Octaves. He noted that

Figure 2. An early text-book example of a periodic table, taken from Alexander Smith, Intermediate Text Book
of Chemistry, Century Co., New York, 1919.

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The News Magazine of the
International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

groups of related elements are separated in weight

order by seven other elements, and he even draft- January-February 2009
Volume 31 No. 1

ed a form of periodic table, though essentially with

periods and groups at right angles to the modern
usage. These advances would have been impossi-

See reference 7 in Chem Int January 2009

ble without the wider determination of many atomic
weights relative to hydrogen which was assigned the
atomic weight of 1 and the recognition that some el-
ements can exhibit more than one combining weight,
an expression of what we would now understand is
due to variable valency [3]. The first proponent of
a modern form Periodic Table was Mendeleev who
proposed what we would now regard as a short form
[4]. Atomic weights were regarded as a basis for sys-
tematization until after 1913, when the significance of Periodic Tables
The IUPAC International
Chemical Identifier
atomic number and hence basic elemental electronic and IUPAC Celebrating Worldwide
structure was described by Moseley [5]. This eventu- Excellence in Chemistry
ally gave rise to the long form of the Table, and also
to the many variants which are in circulation today.
A very early and detailed adoption of Moseley’s pro- numbering them 1-17, though this was not generally ad-
posals for the employment of atomic numbers is to opted. Although the 1970 IUPAC Red Book [8] made
be found in the text of A Smith (1919), Intermediate no mention of a Periodic Table, it did list groups of el-
Text Book of Chemistry, Century Co., New York. Fig- ements designated by numbers and the letters A and
ure 2, reproduced from page 292 of this book, shows B. Thus Group 3A was listed as Sc, Y, La (including the
a modified Mendeleev Periodic Table, which still re- lanthanoids) and Ac (including the actinides), whereas
tains atomic weights rather than atomic numbers, but Group 3B included Ga, In, and Tl. The AB confusion still
leaves appropriate gaps for missing elements, except reigned until 1970 when the ACS proposed the current
for hydrogen which is ignored and but it does include 1-18 Group numbering, which is best appreciated in a
glucinium, which is now known as beryllium. There long form Periodic Table. There was considerable dis-
are no group or period numberings. cussion between the ACS and IUPAC concerning the
All this happened before IUPAC was formally con- introduction of the 1-18 numbering and its value. Many
stituted in 1919, and IUPAC still does not have an offi- older chemists did not see the need to agree to such
cial format for the Table, though its discussions and formalisms, but the IUPAC Commission on the Nomen-
recommendations generally use a clear and easily clature of Inorganic Chemistry eventually accepted and
readable long form. However, it does promulgate offi- recommended it after some discussion. The next ver-
cial formalisms and rules governing the Table content. sion of the Red Book (1990) [9] contains a long form of
The short form of the Table, essentially an exten- the Periodic Table with this numbering, though appar-
sion of Mendeleev’s format, was the first to be widely ently copyrighted by IUPAC and Kurt Samuelsson! Such
adopted. However, it was developed in contradictory a long form is as official as IUPAC recommends, but
forms on different sides of the Atlantic. For example, IUPAC now makes formal recommendations as to how
in the USA and Chemical Abstracts, the group of ele- all the contents of the Table in each element square
ments indicated by the symbols IVA was indicated by such as those exemplified above should be modified
the symbols IVB on the European side of the Atlantic. as chemistry develops. Currently IUPAC is sponsoring
There could have caused considerable confusion in the a detailed discussion upon the preferable formulation
mind of a reader unaware of the place of origin of a for the elements in Group 3 of the Table. This has been
particular paper and of the difference usages. The res- a subject of discussion for some years. IUPAC now ad-
olution of this contradiction involved the wider adop- judicates for the international chemistry community on
tion of the long form of the Table and has been clearly all changes and formalisms likely to affect the detailed
and objectively described [6]. presentation of Periodic Tables. That includes names,
It was recognised by Ölander in 1956 [7] that this symbols, and atomic weights.
problem could be avoided by using a long-form num- Atomic number rather than atomic weight now
bering scheme for the various Groups. He suggested defines the place of a given element in the element

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IUPAC and the Periodic Table
series. This will not change. There are now no “miss- were officially recognised and recommended for in-
ing elements” such as those which puzzled Mendeleev clusion in the Periodic Table. For an account of these
and his contemporaries, and which led him to suggest discoveries see [12]. Criteria for acceptable sources
where unknown elements might occur in the Table. Be- used when proposing new names have also recently
fore the Inorganic Chemistry Division of IUPAC under- been published [13].
took to consider claims for new elements, there was In the past, there was considerable literature con-
no obvious public method for the chemical community cerning unprepared elements, and it became necessary
to assess the reliability of the individual claims or to to devise a system of provisional element names and
approve the suggested names and symbols, though symbols to assist such discussions. To this end, Joseph
the Atomic Weights Commission attempted to do so. Chatt, then Director of the Unit of Nitrogen Fixation at
For example, element 86, now called radon, Rn, was the University of Sussex, proposed the system of provi-
discovered in 1899. It had originally been identified as sional names and symbols based upon atomic number,
“radium emanation”, and was designated in early liter- which IUPAC adopted. In this system, a set of sylla-
ature as Em and even Ra Em, though no general deci- bles derived from classical sources, but recognizably
sion to adopt such symbols was ever made. representing each number from 0 to 9, is sufficient to
Since World War II, new synthetic heavy elements identify any element of a given atomic number even
have been synthesized in several different countries, if the element has not been prepared and has no rec-
starting with element of atomic number 93, neptuni- ognised name and symbol [14]. For example, element
um, Np. When these “new” elements began to appear, 118, designated by IUPAC by the provisional symbol
they originated in the United States. During the Cold Uuo and the provisional name ununoctium; it is now
War, the Soviet Union was eager to show the world officially named oganesson. The validity of claims to
that it could also synthesize new elements, and meet- its initial preparation were the matter of some dispute,
ings of the IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature but it seems to have been prepared on more than one
of Inorganic Chemistry sometimes provided a battle occasion in different laboratories between the years of
ground where representatives from each of these two 2002 and 2006. The synthesis was officially accepted
countries made efforts to undermine claims to new el- after assessment in 2015. Oganesson concludes both a
ements made by the other. This was an uncomfortable Group and a Period in the Periodic Table. If element 119,
experience for those members of the Commission ununnovium, symbol Uun, ever appears, its position in
who were not of Soviet or US nationality [10]. There the Table will have to be decided by the community
was also an accepted rule within the Commission that and IUPAC. It is tempting to suggest it would be a new
the name of a living scientist should not be used in alkali metal in Group 1, below francium. A discussion of
the name for a new element. This rule has now been these matters can be found in [15].
superseded, though not without some initial spirited Atomic weights have been a concern of IUPAC since
discussion [10]. It became evident that an internation- the 1920s. The history of the Atomic Weights Commis-
ally acceptable procedure was needed for assessing sion (now known as the Commission on Isotopic Abun-
and naming a claim to have prepared a new element. dances and Atomic Weights, CIAAW) has been de-
Since these new elements are as much a product of scribed in detail by Holden, and shows that the need to
high-energy physics as of chemistry, the procedure determine internationally agreed-upon atomic weights
now used is one in which IUPAC collaborates with was understood long before IUPAC was formally estab-
IUPAP in assessing claims. lished in 1919 [16]. The formation of the Commission
The current limit of recognised elements concludes itself was a consequence of the realization that the
with element 118, oganesson, Og. When new elements determined values of atomic weights depended upon
are claimed, IUPAC and IUPAP jointly consider wheth- the isotopic composition of the samples employed, and
er the claim is scientifically satisfactory. If the science these varied with place of origin. In addition, the deter-
is accepted, then the discoverers are asked to suggest mination of atomic weights is now based upon physi-
a name and symbol, and IUPAC then assesses wheth- cal methods of great accuracy and no longer relies, as
er the name would prove acceptable to the interna- it did originally, on simple test-tube chemical analysis.
tional community. This exercise was last undertaken The Commission was first established in 1899 and now
and published in 2016 when the discoveries of the ele- operates under the auspices of the Inorganic Chemistry
ments with Z = 113, 115, 117, and 118 were confirmed [11] Division of IUPAC. In its early days it was responsible
and then the names and symbols for these elements for naming elements, and it was involved in discussions
nihonium, moscovium, tennessine, and oganesson such as whether element 74 should be named tungsten

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IUPAC and the Periodic Table
or wolfram. Its recommendations were not always ac- 4. The original publications are D.I. Mendeleev (1869)
cepted by all countries, and some national variants in Zhurnal Russkeo Fiziko-Khimicheskoe Obshchetv, 1,
spelling, such as aluminum and aluminium, still per- 60-67 and idem (1871), ibid, 3, 25-56. An excellent
account can be found in Scerri (2007) cited above.
sist. Today name recommendations are made only for
5. H.G.J. Moseley (1914) The High-frequency Spectra of the
use in English since it may not be possible to devise
Elements, Philosophical Magazine, 27, 703-713.
names which satisfy all international requirements. For
6. P.A. Monaghan (1987), Periodic Table­—to BA or not to
example, recommended names such as tennessine for AB, Education in Chemistry, 24, 153–155.
element 117 may cause discomfort to users of Spanish, 7. The original proposal of A. Ölander for 1-17 Group
which does not normally use combinations of letters Numbering was copyrighted in 1956 and is noted by E.
such as “ss” and “nn”. Fluck (1988), Pure Appl. Chem., 60, 431. See also G.J.
CIAAW attempts to keep the chemistry commu- Leigh (2009), Chemistry International, 31(1), 4-6.
nity aware of the latest and best estimates of the 8. IUPAC Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, 1970,
atomic weights and isotopic compositions of the el- Butterworths, London, 1971.
ements. It generally reports every second year on the 9. IUPAC Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry,
Recommendations 1990, Blackwell Scientific
atomic weights of the elements and on their isotopic
Publications, Oxford, 1990.
compositions. Each value is usually cited to five sig-
10. L. Öhrstrom and N.E. Holden (2016), The Three-letter
nificant figures. For some elements it cites maximum
Element Symbols: meddling Manner or Diplomatic
and minimum values which arise from the differing Defusing?, Chemistry International, 38(2), 4-8. https://
isotopic compositions of the samples studied, which
come from sources of different origins. For a recent 11. P.J. Karol, R.C. Barber, B.M. Sherrill, E. Vardaci, T.
summary of data see Yamazaki (2016), Discovery of elements with atomic
AtWt/. This range is indicated in the IUPAC 2016 Ta- numbers Z = 113, 115 and 117, Pure Appl. Chem., 88,
ble for most of the lighter elements, where variations 139–153; idem (2016), Discovery of the element with the
may have greater practical significance, such as the atomic number Z = 118, completing the 7th row of the
study of biological systems. In such cases the Table periodic table, Pure Appl. Chem., 88, 155-160.
12. L. Öhrström and J. Reedijk (2016), Names and symbols
also gives a satisfactory mean value. Heavier elements
of the elements with atomic numbers 113, 115, 117 and 118
are generally given a best mean value, with the ex-
(IUPAC Recommendations 2016), Pure. Appl. Chem., 88,
ceptions of thallium and bromine, for which ranges
are also provided. The 2017 report of the CIAAW also 13. W.H. Koppenol, J. Corish, J. Garcia-Martinez, J. Meija, J.
adds a weight range for argon [17]. Reedijk (2016), How to Name New Chemical Elements
In conclusion, IUPAC was not involved in the de- (IUPAC Recommendations 2016), Pure Appl. Chem., 88,
velopment of the Periodic Table, but once the Union 401-405.
became established in 1919 it has kept notice of the 14. J. Chatt (1979), Recommendations for the Naming of
various changes made, and since its widespread adop- Elements of Atomic Numbers Greater the 100, Pure
tion for teaching and rationalizing chemistry it has Appl. Chem., 51, 381-384.
been the prime international authority for developing 15. P.J. Karol (2017), Eka-francium, Chemistry International,
39(1), 10-13.
and adopting changes in its content, including new
16. N.E. Holden (2004), Atomic Weights and the
elements, and their atomic numbers, names, symbols,
International Committee _ A Historical View, Chemistry
and atomic weights.
International, 26(1), 4-7; longer version online at <http://>.
References 17. For the 2017 report and for subsequent future reports,
1. J.W. Döbereiner (1829). An Attempt to Group Elementary consult
Substances According to Their Analogie, Annalen der
Physik und Chemie.15, 301–307.
2. The contribution of Newlands is discussed in detail in G. Jeff Leigh is Professor Emeritus at The University of Sussex. His major
E.R. Scerri (2007), The Periodic Table, University Press,
research interest was in the chemistry of nitrogen fixation. He has con-
Oxford, pp. 72-82; for an original publication, see J.A.R.
tributed to IUPAC as a member and President of Inorganic Division II, as a
Newlands (1863), On Relations among Equivalents,
Chemical News, 7, 70-72. See also J.A.R. Newlands member of the Commission for the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry
(1866) Chemical News, 10, 94-95. (CNIC), as editor of the 1990 Red Book, and as originator and editor of
3. E.R. Scerri (2007), reference 2, clearly explains the Principles of Chemical Nomenclature, the last version dating from 2011. He
researches on atomic weights of S. Cannizaro (pages has written several articles over many years for Chemistry International.
66-67) and of J.B. Dumas (pages 40-41).

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