FC Project Drug Addiction

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Drug addiction

Addiction isn’t about Drugs. It’s about what Drugs does to

your life!!!
What is Addiction?
What exactly are Drugs? Introduction.

 Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state. They can affect the way your
brain works, how you feel and behave, your understanding and your senses. This makes them
unpredictable and dangerous, especially for young people.

 Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state. It is said that it gives people a
sense of Euphoria, Medicine‘s are legal drugs they are used in treatment of people. But the illegal
drugs that people use are extremely harmful for their brain and body. As Drugs directly affect the
Central Nervous system.
Drug addiction and it’s reasons!

 When someone uses drugs out of curiosity

or to feel stress free and after that they are
unable to stop using them. There are
many types of drug addiction.
 The main reasons People get addicted to
drugs are :- Curiousity, Job Stress, Peer
pressure, Failures, Genetics, Depression
and many more. But mainly the reasons
are related to mental stress.
Drug addiction can be classified into 4-
stages! They are as follows:-

Stage 1 : Experimentation

Experimentation is defined as the

voluntary use of drugs without
experiencing any negative social or legal
consequences. For many, experimenting
may occur once or several times as a way
to “have fun” or even to help the
individual cope with a problem. For many,
experimentation can occur without any
desire to continue using the drug
Stage 2 – Some people will be able to enter the
Regular use stage of regular use without developing
a dependence or addiction. These
people will be able to stop the drug use
on their own. The problem with regular
use is that the risk for substance abuse
greatly increases during this stage. It also
increases risky behaviors such as driving
under the influence, unexplained
violence, and symptoms of depression
and anxiety.
Stage 3 – Risky Stage 4 – Drug addiction
Use/Abuse and dependency

The line between regular use and risky Physical dependence on a drug is often
use/abuse is a very thin one, but is usually intertwined with addiction.
defined as continued use of drugs in spite of Characteristics of dependence and
severe social and legal consequences. What drug addiction include withdrawal
might have begun as a temporary form of symptoms and compulsive use of the
escape can quickly lead to more serious drug despite severe negative
problems. This is the stage where the warning consequences to his or her relationships,
signs of addiction will begin to appear:
physical and mental health, personal
craving, preoccupation with the drug, and
symptoms of depression, irritability and
finances, job security and criminal
fatigue if the drug is not used. record.
Deaths from tobacco, alcohol and drugs, World, 1990 to

About 270 million people (or about 5.5% of global population aged 15-64) had used psychoactive
drugs in the previous year and about 35 million people are estimated to be affected by drug use
Top Drugs Consumed

 Marijuana  LSD
 Heroin  Speedball
 Cocaine  MDMA
 Alcohol  Ketamine
 Tobacco  Crystal Meth
 Cannabis/Ganja  Morphine
How to deal with and stop drug addiction

1. Admit there is a problem

 First thing’s first, you must admit you have a problem and know you deserve help with addiction.
 If you are feeling discomfort or guilt from your actions, or if your bad habits conflict or restrict your
everyday activities, it’s time to consider help.

2. Be accountable to someone
• Find a sponsor at your local rehab center or even a close friend or family member to help keep
your alcohol or drug addiction treatment in line. When you know someone is checking in on
you, you’ll feel less prone to succumb to your addiction.
Avoid Drug Addiction

 3. Exercise
“There is no depression buster as effective for  4. Break the habit
me than exercise,” says mental health
advocate Therese J. Borchard. Not only will Remind yourself of the reasons why you want
to, and more importantly, need drug
you improve your overall health and well-
addiction help.
being while working up a sweat, but you’ll
also feel endorphins being released
Drugs are harmful to health

5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 6. Discover a new hobby

 “When a craving arises , you may choose to
 Finding a new hobby can not only help you
redirect your attention to something else or
build up your character, but also provide
distract yourself until the craving inevitably
yourself a great means of distraction during
a drug or alcohol craving.
 Visualization techniques can also help you
relax during a craving as you may imagine
yourself in a relaxing setting.
Drug can destroy your life, Avoid them!

7. Love yourself 8. Write down the harmful effects

 There’s a single line from a well-known article your alcohol or drug addiction has
by Addiction Center that reads, “We’ve all  This won’t be a feel-good exercise, but seeing
made mistakes in the past. Today is the day to the list on paper in your own handwriting, can
learn from them.” Once you begin to learn to certainly help with resolving to stop the
live your life without your addiction, you will addiction process in your life.
no longer feel the need for it in your life.
 Take a few minutes and brainstorm a list
 Take control. You are in charge. You can and similar to this one of as many negative effects
deserve to be free from addiction. you’ve experienced that you can recall.
Eradicate Drug abuse!

9. Seek out help - Now

 Seeking out help is the best thing one
can do. There are many people,
organizations, that can help you get
over your Drug addiction.
Thank you for your Time
FC project 210616-210620
Members –
Tejas Patil
Trisha Patil
Vedant Patil
Vedika Patil

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