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1. Structure your presentation and make sure you

provide supporting details and examples for the
2. Have a look at the assessment rubrics to help you
understand the task requirements.
3. Try and speak like you are speaking to an audience
or a group to make it interesting

People have a lot of stress in this fast-paced
society. A friend who is very stressed asks you for a
suggestion on the best way to relax.

Discuss which one of the following is the best way

to relax as you wish to advise a friend who is very

A     Doing physical exercise

B     Spending time with family
C     Doing what one enjoys
D     Going out with friends
A very good mornin to my teachers and friends one of
my friend ask me for a suggestion on the best way to in my opinion the best way to relax from stress
in this past page society is spending time with family.
The reason is it can help lessen our mind from Bing
stressed Out. And also spending time with family can
our strengthen bond together. For example We canGoto
a picnic at the beach. From there we can see a beautiful
crystal clear water Anne watching sunset together.And
don’tforget to take a picture with your family for a happy
memories. Spending time with family can also help us
avoid from being stressed up at home And Wasting time
playing games In our room.that lead us to ruin our
futures As the saying goes time is money. Moreover, we
can spend time with our family with go sightseeing at the
museum. There we can further our knowledge about the
history of our ancestors and more. However, it depends
on the person perspective on how to relax from being
stressed out. Basically, there are many other options for
a person to relax from stress to ease their mind and

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