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Chloroplasts Mitochondria

Mitochondrias don’t have pigments

Have an anabolic
phase in which they Protons are pumped to the
fix CO2 to produce
Releases outer (permeable) intermembrane space
O2 and inner Mitochondrias have
Chloroplasts have a third membrane - membrane (not
ATP/ADP antiporter
thylakoids permeable) Release
Electron Mitochondrias don’t store
Some proteins destined to the thylakoid transport
lumen need a bigger peptide signal Circular starch
Phosphorylation Mitochondrias have cristae
the chloroplast genomes are about 10
times larger than the mitochondrial Ribosomes of ATP in The mitochondrial genome is
ones 70S animal and
Disc, ovoid or
plant cells
built of 16,569 DNA base
oval shaped pairs
they import most
chloroplast’s inner membrane is smooth of proteins from
the cytosol Bean-shaped
Final acceptor is NADP
Final acceptor is O2
Photophosphorylation AMOEBA
Oxidative phosphorylation

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