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Change Log:

Date Person Description

Mar 08, 2010 Dipti &Rajesh Created
C#.Net Naming Conventions

Private Variables Naming Guidelines

 Use Camel-style notation.

firstName, employees

Local Variables Naming Guidelines

 Use Camel case as a general rule, or uppercase for very small


Public string AFunction()

firstName, employees

. . . .
. . . .

Namespace Naming Guidelines

 The general rule for naming namespaces is to use the company

name followed by the technology name and optionally the
feature and design as follows:


 Prefixing namespace names with a company name or other

well-established brand avoids the possibility of two published
namespaces having the same name. Use a stable, recognized
technology name at the second level of a hierarchical name.

 Use Pascal case as a general rule, or uppercase for very small


Akadia.Traffic, System.Web.UI, System.Windows.Forms,

Class Naming Guidelines

 Use nouns, noun phrases or occasionally adjective phrases with Pascal case.
 Do not give class names a prefix (such as the letter C).

 Do not use the underscore character (_).

FileStream, XMLConverter, Patient, PatientCollection

Interface Naming Guidelines

 Use nouns, noun phrases or occasionally adjective phrases with
Pascal case.

 Prefix an Interface name with a capital “I”.

 Do not use the underscore character (_).

IServiceProvider, IFormatable

Parameter Naming Guidelines

 Use Camel cased names that describe a parameter's meaning

rather than names that describe a parameter's type.

 Do not prefix parameter names with Hungarian type notation.

Type GetType(string typeName)
string Format(string format, object[] args)

Method Naming Guidelines

Use verbs or verb phrases in Pascal case to name methods.

RemoveAll(), GetCharAt()

Property / Enumerations Naming Guidelines

 Use a noun or noun phrase in Pascal case to name properties.

BackColor, NumberOfItems

Event Naming Guidelines

 Use Pascal case with an “EventHandler” suffix on event
handler names.

 Specify two parameters named sender and e. The sender

parameter represents the object that raised the event. The
sender parameter is always of type object, even if it is possible
to use a more specific type. The state associated with the event
is encapsulated in an instance of an event class named "e".

 Use an appropriate and specific event class for the e parameter


 Name an event argument class with the EventArgs suffix.

 Consider naming events with a verb. For example, correctly

named event names include Clicked, Painting, and

 Use a gerund (the "ing" form of a verb) to create an event

name that expresses the concept of pre-event, and a past-
tense verb to represent post-event. For example, a Close
event that can be canceled should have a Closing event and a
Closed event. Do not use the BeforeXxx/AfterXxx naming

 Do not use a prefix or suffix on the event declaration on the

type. For example, use Close instead of OnClose.

 In general, you should provide a protected method called

OnXxx on types with events that can be overridden in a derived
class. This method should only have the event parameter e,
because the sender is always the instance of the type


public delegate void MouseEventHandler(object sender,

MouseEventArgs e);

public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs

int x;
int y;
public MouseEventArgs(int x, int y)
{ this.x = x; this.y = y; }
public int X { get { return x; } }
public int Y { get { return y; } }

Exception Naming Guidelines

 Use "ex" as a standard variable name for an Exception object.

catch (Exception ex)
  // Handle Exception

Constant Naming Guidelines

 The names of variables declared class constants should be all

uppercase with words separated by underscores. It is recommended to
use a grouping naming schema.


Visual Control Type Notation

 Prefix the names of controls with the following:

Control Prefix
Assembly                                asm
Button                                  btn
CheckBox                                cbx
ComboBox                                cmb
Container                               ctr
DataColumn                              dcol
DataGrid                                dgrid
DataGridDateTimePickerColumn            dgdtpc
DataGridTableStyle                      dgts
DataGridTextBoxColumn                   dgtbc
DataReader                              dreader
DataRow                                 drow
DataSet                                 dset
DataTable                               dtable
DateTime                                date
Dialog                                  dialog
DialogResult                            dr
Exception                               ex
GroupBox                                gbx
HashTable                               htbl
ImageList                               iml
Label                                   lbl
ListBox                                 lbx
ListView                                 lv
MarshallByRefObject                     rmt
Mainmenu                                mm
MenuItem                                mi
MDI-Frame                               frame
MDI-Sheet                               sheet
NumericUpDown                           nud
Panel                                   pnl
PictureBox                              pbx
RadioButton                             rbtn
SDI-Form                                form
SqlCommand                              sqlcom
SqlCommandBuilder                       sqlcomb
SqlConnection                           sqlcon
SqlDataAdapter                          sqlda
StatusBar                               stb
StringBuilder                           strb
TabControl                              tabctrl
TabPage                                 tabpage
TextBox                                 tbx
ToolBar                                 tbr
ToolBarButton                           tbb
Timer                                   tmr
UserControl                             usr
WindowsPrincipal                        wpl
1. Coding Guidelines – General
 SQL Queries: always write all SQL query strings in UPPER CASE

 KISS: Always keep it (code blocks/procedures/classes/projects)

small and simple. Avoid writing very big functions/classes

 Write ‘INDEPENDENT’ code: Use KISS method to write

modular code. And, also make sure to avoid logical dependency
between modules.
Remember: modularity or logical in-dependency must be
achieved at higher level (class/class library, etc), also at lowest
level (different blocks in a single function)

 Nesting: Avoid deeply nested code

 Error handlers: Always use Error handlers.

 Debug/error messages: Always include sufficient error/debug

messages in code, so that it would be easier to debug code when
some bug is found.
example: debug logs similar to following should be generated
when refreshing trips -
- Triprefresh() : start
- 102 records found in database
- refresh completed successfully
- TripRefresh() : End

 Comments:

Rule 1: Your code must become self-explanatory using all above

conventions. So, there should not be any need to write
comments like “Initializing variables, filling object, cleaning up
variables, etc.”
Rule 2: when the code logic in not self-explanatory, or, in case of
any assumptions/considerations/complex algorithm, write
explicit detailed comments

 Indentations: Your code MUST be indented properly

Always use TAB key for indentation, NEVER use spaces.

 Constants: Never use magic numbers or strings

e.g. if (UserID > 255) then ….
Always declare and use constants.
e.g. if (UserDI > MAX_USER_ID) then …

 Abbreviations: Do not use abbreviations or contractions as

parts of identifier names. For example, use GetWindow instead
of GetWin
 Technology specific conventions: never use technology
specific conventions, at least for public identifiers.
e.g. Never write -
Sub Write(doubleValue As Double)
Preferred way -
Sub Write(Value As Double);

 Remove Temporary Code before check-in

All unnecessary code such as comments, TODOs should be

removed before checkin

2. Code Comment:-
 Single line comment in source code format

DOS-Action No/Handler Name


If(i==1) //DOS-111/Rajesh Gour

 Multi line comment in source code format

//>> DOS-Action No/Handler Name

Multiple lines

//<< DOS-Action No/Handler Name


//>> DOS-111/Rajesh Gour

For(int j=0;j<=10;j++)



//<< DOS-111/Rajesh Gour

Final word:
Try to use all above standards, and make sure that one day you will adopt
them up to your DNA level, so that you will never need to refer this
document again.

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