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Enrichment 5

Activity 1
1.) In business, to better serve their customers. Personal profit is considered an inspiration
for better service towards customers.
2.) A process called Overclocking is capable for improving the performance of a computer
because overloading electricity.
3.) Drawing several pictures to making it into a movie film is an activity called an animation,
it works by collecting those drawing frame by frame and let those drawing become a

Activity 2
1.) People usually criticize others for their mistakes in their jobs and disapproving them.
Anyone can be criticized by other people even government officials, teachers, friends,
and even parents.
2.) New games are typically popular. people tend to buy game software if they are
interesting, even though it is more limited market. As long as it is interesting enough
more customers will want to buy the game software.
3.) Strategic management has the ability to Identify objects, perform the task, and make
back-up plans for alternative scenarios of risks and setbacks that may happen. Strategic
management researches on how a organization will have the advantage on leading
competitors of the organization.
4.) Advertising back in the days, is more limited than today’s standard. Posters, flyers, and
street signs are the way of advertising. Advertising using technology back then was in
black and white. Technology was as limited as advertising using technology in the past.

Activity 3
A group of people known as stockholders or share holders owns or operate the
corporation. There are 2 types of stockholders: initial stockholders and
stockholders/investors. The group of people who founded the corporation is known as the
initial stockholders. They are the ones who invested to the company to begin and expand
the company's operations. Investors, also known as stockholders, invest money in order
to obtain profits from the organization in the form of dividends. Additionally, the
invested money of the investor is used to support the company. Similarly, stockholders
are divided into two categories: Minor stockholders and major stockholders. Major
stockholders are those that possess a significant portion of the company, typically 15-
50% or above. They are expected to be more involved to the activities and decisions of
the company since they have a huge portion of the weight of the company. Minor
Stockholders, who possess a small percentage of the company, usually less than 10%
worth of stocks. The number of stocks possessed by a stockholder over a corporation can
be linked with the amount and percentage of ownership. When a stockholder buys a
portion of the company. They will receive a stock certificate. The number of shares
Enrichment 5
taken, the cost of each share, and other details about the stockholder are all listed on this
certificate. (Gahol, 2011)

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