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Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide

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3.8. Doing an Example Harmonic Magnetic Analys


This section describes how to do a harmonic magnetic analysis choosing items from the ANS
an Example Harmonic Magnetic Analysis (Command Method) explains how to perform the sa
issuing ANSYS commands, either manually during a session or in batch mode.

3.8.1. The Example Described

This example calculates the current that results from an AC voltage being applied to a thick st
space. Scalar parameters for this analysis are:

n = 500 (coil turns)

r = 3*s/2 meters (the mean radius of the coil)
S = .02 (meters; the coil winding width and depth).

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Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide
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The example uses three element types:

Element PLANE53, representing air.

Element PLANE53 with the current and z magnetic vector potential degrees of freed
represents the voltage forced coil.
Element INFIN110, used for far-field elements.

Note: The example analysis presented here is only one of many possible harmonic m

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analyses. Not all such analyses follow exactly the same steps or perform those
same sequence. The properties of the material or materials being analyzed an
surrounding those materials determine which steps a specific analysis needs to

Step 1: Start the Analysis

To begin the example analysis, do the following:

1. Activate the ANSYS launcher.

2. Select the ANSYS simulation environment, choose your license, and click Run.
3. When the Graphical User Interface is fully active, choose Utility Menu> File> Chan
4. Enter the title text, Voltage-fed thick stranded coil in free space.
5. Click on OK.

Step 2: Define Analysis Parameters

1. In this step, you define parameter values for model geometry and constants.
2. Choose menu path Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. The Scalar Pa
3. Type in the parameter values shown below. (Press ENTER after typing each value.)
just retype the parameter definition.
s = .02 (coil height and width)
n = 500 (number of coil turns)
r = 3*s/2 (radius to coil midspan)
4. Click on Close to close the dialog box.

Step 3: Define Element Types and Options

You now define the elements the analysis will use and how those elements will behave.

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete. The Eleme

2. Click on Add. The Library of Element Types dialog box appears.
3. In the scrollable fields, click on (highlight) Magnetic Vector and Vect Quad 8nod53 (P
4. Click on Apply, then click on Apply again to define a second element type with the s
5. In the scrollable fields, click on "InfiniteBoundary" and "2D Inf Quad 110."
6. Click on OK. ANSYS returns you to the Element Types dialog box.

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7. Choose element type 1, then click on Options. The PLANE53 Element Type Options
8. Change the "Element Behavior" field to Axisymmetric, then click on OK.
9. In the Element Types dialog box, choose element type 2, then click on Options.
10. Set the "Element degrees of freedom" field to AZ CURR.
11. Set the "Element Behavior" field to Axisymmetric.
12. Click on OK.
13. In the Element Types dialog box, choose element type 3, then click on Options.
14. Set the "Element Behavior" field to Axisymmetric.
15. Click on OK.
16. Click on Close to close the Element Types dialog box.

Step 4: Set Electromagnetic Units

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Electromag Units. A dialog


Step 5: Define Material Properties

This step defines material properties for air and aluminum.

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models
Model Behavior dialog box appears.
2. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Elect
Permeability, Constant. A dialog box appears.
3. Enter 1 for MURX (Relative permeability), and click on OK. Material Model Number
Material Models Defined window on the left.
4. Choose menu path Edit> Copy. Click on OK to copy Material number 1 to Material
Model Number 2 appears in the Material Models Defined window on the left.
5. In the Material Models Defined window, click on Material Model Number 2 to highligh
6. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Resis
dialog box appears.
7. Enter 3.0E-8 for RSVX (Electrical resistivity), and click on OK.
8. Choose menu path Material> Exit to remove the Define Material Model Behavior di

Step 6: Create Areas

In this step, you create the areas that make up the stranded coil, air, and far-field.

1. Choose GUI path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas> Recta

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The Create Rectangle by Dimensions dialog box appears.
2. In the "X coordinates" fields, enter s and 2*s.
3. In the "Y coordinates" fields, enter 0 and s/2.
4. Click on OK. The ANSYS Graphics Window displays the rectangular area.
5. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas> Circle> By Dim
Area by Dimensions dialog box appears.
6. In the "RAD1 Outer radius" field, enter 6*.
7. In the "THETA1 Starting angle (degrees)" field, enter 0.
8. In the "THETA2 Ending angle (degrees)" field, enter .
9. Click on Apply.
10. In the "Outer radius" field, enter 12*s.
11. In the "Starting angle (degrees)" field, enter 0.
12. In the "Ending angle (degrees)" field, enter 90.
13. Click on OK.

Step 7: Overlap the Areas

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Operate> Booleans> Overlap> A

2. Click on Pick All.
3. Click SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 8: Set Area Attributes

To set attributes for the voltage forced coil, air, and far-field areas, perform the tasks shown b
also compute the area 1/2 coil cross-section.)

1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog
2. Set the "Area numbers" field to On.
3. Click on OK.
4. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh Attributes> Picked Areas.
5. In the Graphics Window, use the mouse to pick area 1. (To do this, place the cursor
click on the label, then click on OK in the picking menu.)
7. From the "Element type number" drop down menu, select 2 PLANE53.
8. Click on OK.
9. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Operate> Calc Geom Items> Of
10. In the Calc Geom of Areas dialog box, make sure that Normal is selected.
11. Click on OK.

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12. A window listing geometry items appears. Review the information in the window, the
close the window.
13. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Get Scalar Data. The Get Scalar Data dialog
14. Choose "Model data" from the list on the left, then "Areas" from the list on the right.
15. Click on OK. The Get Area Data dialog box appears.
16. Set the "Name of parameter to be defined" field to "a."
17. In the "Area number N" field, enter 1.
18. Set the "Area data to be retrieved" field to "Area," then click on OK.
19. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh Attributes> Def
picking menu appears.
20. In the Graphics Window, use the mouse to pick area A4.
21. Click on OK.
22. From the "Material number" drop down menu, select 1.
23. From the "Element type number" drop down menu, select 3 INFIN110.
24. Click on OK.

Step 9: Set Mesh Density

In this example, the mesh density at the radius of the coil is 9*s. To set the density, do the foll

1. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Change Active CS to> Global Cylindrical.

2. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
3. Choose "Lines" and "By Location."
4. Set the "Min,Max" field to 9*s.
5. Click on OK.
6. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> MeshTool. The MeshTool appear
7. Under the Size Controls section of the MeshTool, click Lines,Set. The Element Size
picking menu appears.
8. Click Pick All. The Element Sizes on Picked Lines dialog box appears.
9. Set the "No. of element divisions" field to 1 and click on OK.
10. Under the Size Controls section of the MeshTool, click Globl,Set. The Global Eleme

Step 10: Mesh the Far-Field and Define Coil Constants

1. In the Mesh area of the MeshTool, choose Areas, Quad, Map, and 3/4 sided; then c
menu appears.
2. In the Graphics Window, use the mouse to pick Areas 1 and 4.

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3. Click on OK.
4. In the MeshTool, turn SmartSizing on and move the SmartSize slider to 2.
5. Under the Size Controls section of the MeshTool, click Globl,Set. The Global Eleme
7. In the MeshTool, choose Areas, Tri, and Free; then click MESH. A picking menu app
8. In the Graphics Window, use the mouse to pick A5. (In order to be able to see the a
choose Utility Menu> Plot> Areas.)
9. Click on OK.
10. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Real Constants> Add/Edit/Delete. The Rea
11. Click on Add. The Element Type for Real Constants dialog box appears.
12. Choose element type 2 and click on OK. Another dialog box appears.
13. Set the "Coil cross-sectional area (CARE)" field to 2*a, the "Total number of coil turn
the "Current in z-direction (DIRZ)" field to 1, and the "Coil fill factor (FILL)" field to 1.
14. Click on OK.
15. Click on Close to close the Real Constants dialog box. Then click on Close to close
16. Click SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 11: Couple the Current DOF in the Coil

In this step, you select nodes and elements on the coil and you couple the current degree of f

1. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. The Scalar Parameters d

2. Type in the parameter value n1 = node(s,0,0). Press ENTER after typing in the value
3. Click on Close to close the dialog box.
4. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
5. Choose "Elements," "By Attributes," "Material num," and "From Full."
6. Set the "Min,Max,Inc" field to 2.
7. Click on OK.
8. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
10. Click on OK.
11. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Coupling/Ceqn> Couple DOFs. A picking m
12. Click on Pick All. The Define Coupled DOFs dialog box appears.
13. In the "Set reference number" field, enter 1.
14. In the "Degree-of-freedom label" field, choose CURR.
15. Click on OK.
16. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Everything.

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Step 12: Set the Solution Conditions

In this step, you set up conditions for solving the example coil model:

The AZ boundary condition

The analysis type (harmonic)
The voltage for the coil elements
The frequency (60 Hz).

1. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Change Active CS to> Global Cylindrical.

2. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
3. Choose "Nodes, " "By Location," and "X Coordinates."
4. Set the "Min,Max" field to 12*s.
5. Click on OK.
6. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Magnetic> Flag> Infinite
picking menu appears.
7. Click on Pick All.
8. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Change Active CS to> Global Cartesian.
9. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
10. Choose "Nodes," "By Location," and "X Coordinates."
11. Set the "Min,Max" field to 0.
12. Click on OK.
13. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Magnetic> Boundary> Fl
picking menu appears.
14. Click on Pick All.
15. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Everything.
16. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis. The New Analysis
17. Choose "Harmonic" and click on OK.
18. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
20. Set the "Min, Max,Inc" field to 2 and click on OK.
21. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Magnetic> Excitation> V
Elements. A picking menu appears.
22. Click on Pick All. A dialog box appears.
23. In the "Voltage drop mag (VLTG)," field, enter 12 then click on OK.
24. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Everything.
25. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Freq and Sub

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26. Set the first value of the "Harmonic freq range" field to 60.
27. Click on OK.

Step 13: Solve the Model

1. To solve the example analysis, choose Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS
displays a window summarizing the solution options. After you finish reviewing this i
Close to close the window.
2. Then click OK on the Solve Current Load Step window to start the solution.

Step 14: Review the Results

For this example analysis, you look first at the real component of current and then at the imag
current. You do this using the general postprocessor, POST1.

1. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> First Set.

2. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> 2D Flux L
Lines dialog box appears.
3. Click on OK. The Graphics Window displays a contour plot of the "real" flux lines.
4. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Get Scalar Data. The Get Scalar Data dialog
5. Choose "Results data" from the list on the left and "Nodal results" from the list on the
6. Click on OK. The Get Nodal Results Data dialog box appears.
7. In the "Name of parameter to be defined" field, type "curreal."
8. In the "Node number N" field, type "n1."
9. In the "Results data to be retrieved," field, choose "Current CURR" from the list on th
10. Click on OK.
11. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. A list of parameters appe
12. Look at the value of the "curreal = 1.19" parameter, then click on Close.
13. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> By Load Step. A dialog
14. Set the "Real or imaginary part" field to "Imaginary part" and click on OK.
15. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> 2D Flux L
Lines dialog box appears.
16. Click on OK. The Graphics Window displays a contour plot of the "imaginary" flux lin
17. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Get Scalar Data. The Get Scalar Data dialog
18. Choose "Results data" from the list on the left and "Nodal results" from the list on the
19. Click on OK. The Get Nodal Results Data dialog box appears.
20. In the "Name of parameter to be defined" field, type "curimag."
21. Click on OK to retrieve the imaginary part of the current value.

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22. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. A list of parameters appe
23. Look at the value of the "curimag = -1.62" parameter, then click on Close.

Step 15: Finish the Analysis

1. To complete the example analysis, click on Quit in the ANSYS Toolbar.

2. Choose an exit option and click on OK.

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