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Sam Adeyemi Coaching Programme

-Course Series-
(Level 01)

of Selling
By Sam Adeyemi
Success Power Media Limited

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“People who market themselves well move ahead faster in
organizations than those who do not, even though they
may not possess better technical skills”.

All of us are involved in selling in one way or the other. We either sell goods
or services, ideas or values. We are paid in life on the basis of how well we
sell. People who market themselves well move ahead faster in
organizations than those who do not, even though they may not possess
better technical skills.

Even in organizations, we are paid based on our ability to sell the quality of
our ideas and our work to those in the position to promote us.

Dear friend, it is not a matter of whether you sell or not, it is a matter of

how good you are at it.

This is your day for supernatural turn-around.

This will be your best season so far.

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“Since you do not have a choice but to sell, take time

to learn the principles and art of selling. Read books
and listen to cassettes from some of the world’s best

The ability to influence and persuade others is a major requirement for

rising to leadership in any field. If we cannot influence others to our point
of view, we stand the risk of being ignored in life. We must be able to give
people compelling reasons why they should benefit from our products,
services or ideas.

The Pareto Principle,1 also known as the 80/20 rule works in selling too. It
means that 80% of sales are made by 20% of salespeople. Therefore, we
should strive to be in the top 10% in whatever area of career or business
we are involved. We cannot afford to be involved just for participation.
That commitment will keep us going in the face of disappointment.

Dear friend, since you do not have a choice but to sell, take time to learn the
principles and art of selling. Read books and listen to cassettes from some
of the world’s best salesmen. People need to be aware of how you could be
a blessing to them. They need to be aware of your goods and services.
Today, society is occupied by so many things. Yet, the excellent salesperson
will bring her products or services to the attention of customers.

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Your season of promotion is here.

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“There are keys that open different doors. Wisdom is in

discovering the key that open the particular door you are
trying to open and go for it”.

There are three important factors in selling – the product or service, the
salesperson, and the customer. We must ensure that the three fit one

The Product or Service

Until people are buying the products, services or ideas we have, nothing
moves. When we make sales, the factories and shops are open, jobs are
available, salaries are paid, government receives taxes and shareholders
receive dividends. That is why it is important for us to learn how to sell.

Some salespersons are fantastic at selling particular items.

Dear friend, if you have something to sell, go ahead and offer it. The fact
that the product or service is available, or that you have opened a shop or
office does not mean that people will patronize you. Customers need to be
asked to buy. It is when you ask that you receive.

The Salesperson

That is why it is important for us to learn how to sell.

Also, operate by the law of persistence. You may not make a powerful sale
on your first attempt. In fact, 80% of sales are made after the fifth call.

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Some salespersons are fantastic at selling particular items. Keep going back
to the same person. Remember, Elijah in the scripture prayed seven times
before the rain fell.1 Naaman had to bathe seven times in the river to get his
healing.2 Don’t give up.

It has been discovered that 50% of salespeople quit after the first call.
Whatever you are selling, whether insurance or clothes, shoes or bags, be

Finally, the more you ask and the more you knock, the more doors will be
opened for you. Top salespeople see more people and ask more often. Yes,
you may feel rejection sometimes. You may feel like a failure, but you just
get back in the fight. There is a miracle ahead of you.

The Customer

After his graduation from a prestigious university in the United States, a

young man set up a business with the assistance of his grandfather. After
three months, the two men had a discussion. “How is business doing?” the
old man asked. His grandson replied, explaining how he had gotten an
office and how they were installing the latest software in their computers.
The old man looked straight into the eyes of his grandson and said; “Son,
your most important need is not an office. You need customers.”

Building relationship and cultivating friendship with the customer is the

basis for trust. And trust is the foundation for successful sale.

We must really care about the people who enjoy our products or services.
People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care.
And one of the ways to express our care is by listening. Successful
salespeople listen twice as much as they talk.
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Also, understand that people will not buy your products, services or ideas
just because you offer them. People buy when you are meeting important
needs in their lives. You must identify your customers’ basic needs. Be out
to solve problems for people.

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“Be a problem solver. You will have what you want in

abundance if you help enough other people get what they

Dear friend, to make substantial sales, you must set goals for the sales you
want to make. Then go for it. Without goals, there cannot be success
because success is the achievement of definite goals. Set powerful and
motivating goals for the year. Then break them down to weekly and daily
goals so they do not overwhelm you. Focus on those things that will help
you achieve your goals. You must be focused, stay with your job and give it
your best shot.

Finally, know that people crave for personal, financial and emotional
security above everything else.

Be a problem solver. You will have what you want in abundance if you help
enough other people get what they want. Jesus put it this way, “It is more
blessed to give than to receive.”1

You will succeed!

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“There is a place where you can stand, and opportunities

will be able to see you and you will be able to see them.
And there is a position where you may not see
opportunities and they may not see you”.

One other thing is important; you must position yourself or your product

Your positioning affects the customers’ perception of you, and that

perception will affect their behavior. Also, there is a place where you can
stand, and opportunities will be able to see you and you will be able to see
them. And there is a position where you may not see opportunities and they
may not see you.

Zaccheus in the scripture wanted to see Jesus but there was a crowd and he
was short of stature. He simply repositioned. He ran ahead of the crowd
and climbed a sycamore tree. When Jesus got to that spot, he stopped,
spoke to Zaccheus and went on to Zaccheus’ house. 1

Dear friend, how are your products or services positioned in the

community today? You can reposition them through a change in packaging,
printing, advertising or by improving the product itself.

This is your season for supernatural breakthrough.

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1. The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule and the law of
the vital few) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the
effects come from 20% of the causes.


1. I Kings 18:41-45

2. 2 Kings 5:10, 14


1. Acts 20:35


1. Luke 19:1-5

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Let’s Relate!


Sam Adeyemi is unarguably Nigeria’s No 1 success coach and one of the
country’s leading experts on personal development and self mastery.
Thousands of lives have been transformed through his inside-out
coaching programme.

Out of frustration over what looked like a complex financial problem,

Adeyemi once contrived plans to get out of the country and be gone for
good. By God’s divine arrangement, however, all those plans fell over. In
less than 15 years, having accepted God’s verdict, Adeyemi has been able
to build a motivational outfit- Success Power International with
influences that cut across the globe. Of note is the fact that only few
personal brands in this country have been able to command such an
across-the-board influence laced with integrity that appeal to secular
and non-secular audiences as Sam has been able to do. Quite a number of
young professionals long to acquire the stability that has accompanied
his organizations; businessmen are desirous of how to integrate the
values he teaches and practices in running their enterprises and, of
course, many youngsters see him as their role model.

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Adeyemi is a Civil Engineer by training but by election he has been a
motivational speaker reaching out weekly to millions of people through
his radio and television broadcasts tagged Success Power.

Sam Adeyemi is also the presiding pastor of Daystar Christian Centre,

Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria, a purpose-driven mega church of above
20,000 that many pastors want to model their ministries after.

He is married to Nike and they are blessed with three lovely kids.

To find more, visit:

Phone: 234-1-8084444466

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