Didactic Unit 3 Languages Arts

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Asignatura: Language Arts Unidad Nº: 3 Grado: Fourth

Docente: Erika Peraza Fecha: November -

Present Perfect – Going to – Will – Comparatives – Superlatives

1. Why do different cultures have different food?
2. What country does a dish come from?
3. Why is food important to every culture?
4. What do social implications bring us to exchange food?

“Food and Culture”

Students will understand Students will understand Students will understand Students will understand that
that each culture has its how they can describe that food is a way to the exchange of food is not
own traditional dishes, their ideas about the future connect to our heritage, to only the exchange of culture
based on the kind of using will or going to own cultural identity, and but also is a way to know
vegetables and animals accordingly through to our costumes through about different cultures,
that grow and live in the videos, interview the interviews, documental, costumes and eating habits
area through videos international teachers and people's stories through researching
about international food there are at Tierra Nueva’s around the world. information, videos about
festivals, worksheets and School, and textbooks. experiences people have had
readings. with food and interviews.

 Underline the sentences in the

present perfect tense.  Individual work
 Team work
 Make some questions about their
 Instructions
favorite foods from their culture  Homework
 Participation
(Why do different cultures have  Critical thinking

different foods? What culture’s

foods are you curious about? What
are some various reasons we try
EXPLORATORIA new foods?) to introduce the topic.
 Read a paragraph on page 18.
 They will look for some information
about different kinds of food they
can find in some countries around
the world.
 Read the story “International Food
Fest” in the awesome reader.
 Watch a video about suffix and
 Give students a text about food
around the world and ask them to
circle the punctuation they are
 Video about different kinds of food
 Homework: bring some
around the world. magazines
 Make a collage about exciting food.
 Video about disgusting food in the  Workshop: Collage
world. Students have to find about food.

information about the origin of

food seen in the video
 Reading about international food
 In a box, organize the meals
students eat every day.
 Brainstorm about plans.
 Diagram about healthy habits. Write
this information and relate it to
your eating habits.
 Classify food healthy and unhealthy
and predict what happens with our
organism if we eat unhealthy food
every day.
 Let’s talk about the story. Invent a
new dish of your own, in a piece of
cardboard, draw it, and list the
 Read the text “A trip for France.”
And answer the questions you find
on page 58.
 Do the crossword on page 68. After
that, give the meaning of the
keywords you found.

 Explain the present perfect rules.

 Students will do an activity where  Workshop: Listening
they can practice the grammar in comprehension and
context. writing expression.
 Creativity
 With the information found it, (Present Perfect)  Responsibility
 Team work
students will exchange the  Quiz: Reading  Critical thinking
 Sharing ideas
information with their classmates. Comprehension present  Comprehension
 Individual work
 Work on pages 24 and 25. Identify perfect in context.
 Participation in class
keywords and build their own
 Explain and give examples about
prefix and suffix.
 Explain capitalization rules
(punctuation, capital letter, and
lowercase letter).
 Work from pages 29 to 31.  Quiz: In a text Find the

Capitalization activities. wrong punctuation and

 Work on pages 33 and 34 and 35. underline the wrong

 Write the food you found interesting capitalization.

from the video.

 Investigate why that food is
essential in people’s culture.
 Talk about future actions, explain  Workshop: Interview
“Going to”. your international
 Work on page 37. Plans. teachers. Ask them
 Mind map about the food we can about the importance of
find in some festivals around the food in their culture.
 Worksheet from the reading
“International Fest”.
 Test yourself, page 42.
 Work on pages 46 and 47.
International Fest.
 Once students complete the
information about their meals,
write a paragraph explain why that
food is essential for their families.
 Work on pages 48 and 49. My
weekend plans.
 Planning a trip, use “going” to
express the thing you will do in the
place chosen.
 Explain the function of “Will.” A
worksheet about predictions.
 Work on page 51 to practice “Will
and Won’t.”
 Test yourself, page 54. Victor’s trip.
 Find the meaning for keywords on
page 56.
 Write a story, follow the steps you
find on page 56.
 Quiz: Reading
 Make a box and write your plans comprehension and
and the predictions you have from listening comprehension
it. using the tense “Going
to and Will”.
 Contrast the Going to and Will in
 Work on pages 61, 62, and 63.
 Test yourself, page 64.
 Explain comparatives and
 Draw a box and classify
comparative and superlative
adjectives.  Quiz: Reading and
 Work on page 71. listening comprehension
using comparatives and
 Cut and paste animals, people, and superlatives adjectives.
food, after make comparisons
using comparatives and
superlatives adjectives.
 Make a reflection about the most
exciting topics you learned during
the term and write why?

Let’s Create our Didactic Unit

A didactic unit is a set of activities,  Final project
tasks, and exercises to teach our  Research about the  Responsibility
classmates the knowledge and skills concepts given  Presentation
SINTESIS they have to develop at the moment in  The presentation tools  Fluency

their language learning to  Description and aims  Creativity

 Coherence
communicate effectively.  Content and language
 instructions
The didactic unit must contain: topics.
 Final product
1. Students will write the  Description of task and
description and aims of the unit. procedures.
(In the description, students will  Selection of materials and
talk about the contents that the aids.
didactic unit contains and the
justification of including them).

2. Content topics and language

topics. Students will decide the
content and language topic they
are going to work on. The
content topics could be (for
example, my body, my dream
house, clothes for the weather,
the park, etc.). The language
topics could be (for example,
comparatives, adjectives of
physical description, verbs in the
past, etc.).

3. Lessons: In this part, students

specify how the content topics
and the language topics will be
4. Tasks and Procedures: They are
the steps, exercises, and tasks
you follow to reach each of the
objectives of each lesson.
5. Materials and Aids: In this
section, students indicate the
kind of materials and aids they
will use for the tasks and

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