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List Of Tables


1. The problem

● Introduction
● Theoretical Framework
● Statement of the Problem
● Significant of the study
● Scope and Limitation
● Definition of terms



● Research Design
● Research Locale
● Respondent of yhe study
● Data Gathering Procedure
● Sampling Procedure
● Research Instrument


● Summary
● Findings
● Conclusion
● Recommendation



A - A letter of Request addressed of the students

B - The Research Instrument

Name : Anna Marvilous Badilla Tion

Address: Punong, Gingoog City

Gender : Female

Date of Birth: Sep. 13, 1997

Place of Birth : Gingoog City

Civil status : Marriage

Religión: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Present Position : Students

School Address : 24-A Paz Village Gingoog City


Elementary : Nagsulay Elementary School


High School : Odiongan National High School

2013 - 2014
Name : Roselle Ysalina

Address : Brgy 20 P- 3 , Gingoog City

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : September 04, 1999

Place of Birth : Gingoog City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Present Position : Students

School Address : 24-A Paz Village ,Gingoog City


Elementary : Don Restituto Baol Central School


High School : Gingoog City Comprehensive National Highschool




Education in a pandemic has a huge impact for us students, teachers and parents. The
changes rapidly occurred specially for the teachers who are forced to use technology for the
safety of everyone, which we are also engaged in education during pandemic. Parents are also
struggling for the financial support for their child in terms of having an outcast at work. The
livelihood for those who have small businesses like fast food chains, work and so on, has to

As of now the pandemic is in total chaos for its largest disruption of education systems in
human history. The global outbreak has spread worldwide, affecting almost all countries
(Sintema, 2020). That has caused a big damage not only in education but also the economy we
had in our country. This absolutely assembles the idea of using our technology to accept the
new normal ways of learning. It's a bet hazard for the student who has a problem with the
connection just to be present in the class.

Living in a rural area with no internet connection is the most challenging experience for
the student to do. The infrastructure of online teaching has weakened the ability of children's
learning, the limited exposure of teachers to online teaching, the information gap, and a non-
conducive environment for learning at home (Dhawan, 2020).

Having a quality education is much better than a face-to-face class discussion. Education in
the midst of a pandemic probably, to catch up lessons for us not to be delayed. To take part
from our traditional face-to-face learning into online teaching is an entirely different experience
for the learners and educators. Where they need to adapt or no other alternatives available
(Subedi et al., 2020).

Education in a pandemic brings emotional distress for a student who is unable to engage
productively. Where they need to participate in the class actively and way more sensitive on
listening and get the best idea and knowledge during discussion. Other teachers are way more
jolly and fun to be with, because somehow if they don't check every time their student, the
class might be so boring . To refresh the mind of the students, teachers also call his or her
student for the checking of attendance to awaken their spirits and mind. Sometimes oral
recitation or questioning the student may boost their level of confidence and participation
during online class discussion. Teachers and parents play a big role in supporting students'
ability in learning at school or at home. Teachers must find ways productively to communicate
with their students, approach and acknowledge them in a positive vibes. Showing them what's
outside to be learned with and the most good thing about online classes is that the student
learns to work individually, explore studying alone and experiencing education alone with the
help and guidance of the teachers. Parents are there to comfort and support their child
especially in online classes the child must not be distured and has a room to do all his work
during online classes start. Preparing them and helping them look into a positive feedback and
outcome about this education in a pandemic might give new hope and extra energy to learn
and have as of now.

Therefore, this paper is to assure students to appreciate and adapt the new normal
strategy of education. The following is teaching students how to cope up with online sessions in
an easy way where they look forward to the situation we had right now, the education in a
pandemic experience. Blended learning can in some point be the solution to the problems
prevailing in our educational system. If integrated in a well-planned, organized way with the
right type of attitudes it will be the future of our educational system and become the new
normal teaching approach. The traditional role of a teacher in the classroom acts as motivator,
as a resource person, as an organizer and a developer, but when the teacher develops skills in
using the technology, he or she may now serve as the facilitator and let those new emerging
technologies be the instruments to prosper teaching and learning. Which is designed to provide
maximum gain to students and thus reach the goal of child centered education. Learning leads
to constructing their own knowledge rather than depending on others to design teaching
learning strategies.


Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the theory of Albert Bandura who proposed the social learning
theory. He illustrated such learning to occur through observation of people within the close
social circle such as the parents, classmates and colleagues (Bandura 1977). According to
Lachewski (2011), online learning is defined as a group of learning arrangements consisting of
three building blocks, namely, modern information communication technologies (personal
computer or other devices) and the Internet. Somehow, the transition denotes a shift of
monumental independence. Many students barely struggle within the changes of the new
normal strategy on online learning. Complete control over their behavioral choices becomes
the norm for the first time with the potential for either positive or negative change (Mulye et
al., 2009). Each of our mechanisms about the daily life we have has changed significantly upon
the discovery and subsequent exponential transmission of COVID-19.
However, we manage to adopt the new strategy our education has to offer for us to
have good learning. Despite our current situation all of us have no exemption to be free
but,suddenly we are locked into the most challenging learning strategies. The impact of that
hinder some students are the stress, poor sleep quality and lack of internet connection, and
financially unstable.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the experiences and perception of students with the use of
technology during online classes. Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following

1.) What can you say towards education amidst COVID-19 pandemic?

2.) How conservant are the students towards education during COVID-19 pandemic.

3.) What are the perceived challenges you've encountered as a student during COVID-19?

4.) As a student, do you think your learning outcomes could be achieved through online
education? Why? How?

5.) As a student, how does your experience of online educational programs compare with
traditional in class instructions? How do you like or dislike it?

6. Having all these challenges, how did you overcome them as students? What did you do?

Significance of the Study

This study will provide a result of information based on the private and public school
practices that ensure effective learning and implementation of the curriculum given the 'new
normal' landscape. This study will be of great importance to the following: Teachers. This study
helps teachers understand students' ideas, mold students' knowledge and behaviors. Conduct
the instructions clearly in online learning modality where they also might enhance their skills
and improve their competency as a teacher. Parents. This study helps parents to take charge as
a parent and a teacher for their student at home. Normalizing the support system during online
classes encourages and appreciates students' performance to boost their level of confidence.
Students. The result of the study may encourage students to work independently. Help them
master the learning competencies alone where they can explore new ideas, knowledge to be
shared and good experiences.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is only limited to the effects of social learning with the help of technology
towards students' online classes and academic performances. This study will cover the entire
population of positive and flexible learning for Grade 12 students in different schools for the
school year 2020-2021.

Definition of Terms
To have a better comprehension of this research, these terms are defined operationally or
contextually as used in this study. Academic Performance. In this research it refers to the
general average of Grade 12 students during their final grading. Social Learning. The effect on
using social learning with the help of technology towards students academic performance of
Grade 12 students Students. Someone who is studying at a private or public school that
probably experiences positive or negative outcomes from online classes. Anxiety. This refers to
students' ability to be worried, stressed, nervous or uneasy, typicall about the lack of Internet
connection during online classes. That may affect their productivity as students and slow the
process of learning.



In this study it presents the various literature gathered and studies conducted aimed at
establishing the problem stated in this study. It emphasizes the profound body of work and
research done in the areas of students' perception on education in the midst of pandemic as
this study seeks to know. Based on our situation nowadays teachers, parents and students are
affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. It causes a lot of changes especially in our livelihood and
educational statistics. After the implementation of lockdown in the entire world and of course
here in the Philippines it's quite hard for those who actually didn't have a stable job. It brings a
lot of suffering for those poor people in times of financial liability. Then, as we can see, parents
are hopelessly praying for their child who is actually attending online classes in which they must
sustain all the needs of the student. The online learning environment varies profoundly from
the traditional classroom situation when it comes to learner's motivation, satisfaction and
interaction (Bignoux & Sunday, 2018). Enhancing students ability to cope up learning into
something new yet very challenging for those students who have less access to technology.
Teachers need to engage students in productive learning via online teaching. Somehow, the
unplanned and rapid move to online learning with no proper training, insufficient capability of
internet connection and little preparation puts pressure on the teachers, parents, and students.
Which results in a poor experience that is unconducive to sustained growth and lack of social

The Community of Inquiry (COI) framework offers a convenient baseline for intervening in
online teaching and learning (Garrison et al., 2001). According to the COI framework, success of
web-based instruction is determined by creating a learners group. In this group (analogous to
the traditional classroom situation), learning happens through three interdependent
elementals: (1) social presence, (2) cognitive presence, and (3) teaching presence (Adam et al.,

Nevertheless, the pandemic (COVID-19) triggered educational institutions worldwide to

pursue creative approaches with the help of Google Classroom, Google Meet, Google Docs,
Microsoft Word, and Zoom. These measures certainly caused a degree of inconvenience, but
also have prompted new examples of educational innovation using digital interventions.

The concept was further refined by several researchers like McVay (2000,2001) who
developed a 13 item instrument which measured student behaviour and attitudes. Later,
several studies were taken up to operationalize the concept of readiness for online learning
(Evans, 2000; Smith,2005). Gathering efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of online learning
that needs to captivate and understand the perception of the users. The documented studies
show both favorable and unfavorable perceptions by students on online learning.

It indicates instructors' instruction with students that has considerable impact on the
students' perception of online learning. Consistency in course design (Swan et al., 2000), the
capability of the interaction with course instructors to promote critical thinking ability and
information processing. The types may encounter possible outcomes due to online strategy of
learning as compared to conventional classrooms differ substantially, and the impact of
communicating within one setting or another can have a direct effect on attitudes of students


The literature has highlighted different models that provide the basic framework to
understand students' perception regarding online classes. Some students without reliable
internet access and technology struggle to participate in digital learning, somehow trying their
best to be in the class despite the situation we are in Science Studies have shown that students
can be distracted extensively using their senses to learn, making learning even more active and
fun, an effective through the use of technology is crucial. Which teachers need to adapt and
adjust the new normal strategy to give good performance during online discussion for the

However, all of us are doing our very best to unite and make educational learning more
interesting. It might be so tiring and stressful surely, oneday we will see the bright future
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and procedures to be used in conducting the study. It
includes the research design, research locale, the respondents, sampling procedure, data
gathering procedure, research instrument, scoring procedures, and statistical treatment of
Research Design

Through this study it will utilize the perspective design of research. It is perspective
because it aims to describe the profile and experience of the respondents which is their
perception on education in the midst of a pandemic. It is perspective because the study aims to
collect answers by the respondents through their experience which involves interview
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Gingoog City Colleges (GCC), a school that abides by the
core values abbreviated as HAIL (humanity, accountability, integrity and loyalty). GCC is one of
the leading private schools in Gingoog City which is home to many talents and skills in both
extracurricular and academics. The school has four departments; Elementary, Junior
HighSchool, Senior High School and College Department. The basic Education from primary to
Senior High School offers all basic subjects and computer subjects. The college department is
subdivided into courses namely; BEEd, BSEd Major In Filipino and English, BSBA, BSCRIM, BSOA
and BPE.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are at different levels asking for their opinion, experiences,
challenges and struggles during this education in the midst of a pandemic. The five (5)
respondents basically share their problem, in using technology and also their experiences when
it comes to listening in the discussion then probably lost the connection. Even so, they need to
pursue and put in lots of effort because they don't want to stop schooling and be delayed.

Data Gathering Procedure

The consent letter was prospectively distributed through our respondent asking
permission to conduct this study. A letter of request was prepared by our instructor Mrs. Kizzia
Johanna Rivera Adeva, addressed to all concerned, such as the parent permission and the
students permission to their will to promptly answer our question.Data will be collected using
an adapted survey questionnaire and a conversation type interview. The researcher will
conduct an online administration of the survey questionnaire and will provide clear instructions
on how to answer. The test

questionnaire had one (1) part. Research Instrument The research instrument used in this study
is composed of one part. In this part asks the respondents profile, particularly on their
perception due to education in the midst of pandemic. Through this research we could know
their experiences and ideas on what was their perception towards education in the pandemic.
Adopted by the research of Albert Bandura about Social Learning Theory. The questionnaire has
six (6) questions that correspond beyond respondents' experiences during this school year.
Among the challenges they've experienced is the COVID-19 education strategy. The researcher
also conducted a face-to-face interview about the six (6) questions. The type of interview was
available also in a Google Form with the help of audio to get their answer.



This chapter presents the data, analysis and interpretation of all the findings that were covered
to answer all the problems presented in chapter 1.

The data are presented, arranged and organized following the order of the problems given in
chapter 1.

Problem 1. What can you say towards education amidst COVID-19 pandemic?

R1- The globe was caught off guard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything has come to a halt
on a global scale. Projects have been pushed back, businesses have closed, and schools have
been closed. A student in a home learning program was difficult to acclimate because we have
not been trained prior through stimulation about online classes.
R2- The pandemic caused the change of ways in teaching and learning. Every school is trying
their best to maintain the quality of education, both students and teachers are forced to adapt
to the new normal in education. We still managed to continue our education amidst the
R3- For me, it is very hard because we are learning on an online platform which is not normal
for a student.
R4- During the COVID-19 pandemic education which happens to be online. A very flexible way
of learning because we can provide good access to learning as educators in today's situation.R5-
Education system nowadays is very hard because all of us are in virtual learning and not all
students can verify good and fast internet connection.

Table 1 shows, education amidst COVID-19has a great impact into our daily routine in terms of
learning. We are not prepared to engage ourselves and be fully equipped to manifest
technology within studying new skills for virtual classes.

Problem 2. How conservant are the students towards education during COVID-19 pandemic?

R1- The effect of COVID-19 has caused massive changes to our daily lives which happened
abruptly. In life, we don't take shortcuts and we all have to face challenges along our way. Being
in the new way of learning where we depend on technology. Students actually are struggling
since it wasn't introduced to us, although technology is part of our daily lives. Yet it is another
story to tell that our education would rely on it. Even so, we must show gratitude for our
beloved mentor for doing the best they can just to teach us and mold us to have a good quality
of education.
R2- The students and teachers managed to cope up with the new normal education system
since we are familiar with technology and it is a very helpful tool for communication.
R3- Basically, based on my personal experience, students' learning outcomes decreased and
were far from the normal classes.
R4- For me, studentsR in this mode of education due to COVID-19 pandemic are more likely
knowledgeable since students nowadays are prone or open to advanced technology so they can
excel more on technology.
R5- Students, especially in rural areas, find it difficult to attend classes because we all know that
our internet connection is slow, and we cannot assure that we will have proper attention during

Table 2 shows how students enhance their capability in using technology and explore more
to get the exact amount of learning. Somshow, the concern of each student that affects their
performance in online classes is lack of internet connection especially when you live in rural
areas that have no signal at all.

Problem 3. What are the perceived challenges you've encountered as a student during
R1- As a student, there were really various challenges I encountered as I was dealing with the
new mode of learning. First and foremost is adjusting to this way. Never in my life have I taught
that I'll end in a modular learning mode. Because it is entirely dependent on self-motivation and
time management are the most difficult issues for me. This may seem self-evident, but
technological troubles just add to the frustration of the online environment and disrupt home
learning session

R2- The major problem that I have encountered during the pandemic is the poor internet
connection and the unscheduled power interruption in my area. It could cause late submission
of activities, quizzes and exams.

R3- Challenges of having a certain internet connection by the fact that our internet in the
country is very slow.
R4- As a student we also experience a noisy home environment during classes which is
annoying and can distract our mood from listening through our discussion. I can't even focus,
the teacher gets a choppy connection which can disturb me because I couldn't get clear
instructions about the discussion.
R5- Students and the institutions that have been enrolled for this school year are struggling.
Table 3 shows how inconvenient and stressful students feel regarding online learning
strategies. The slow process of learning could weaken students' knowledge especially for those
young one's that can easily be distracted.

Problem 4. As a student, do you think learning outcomes could be achieved through online
education? Why? How?
R1- Being in this situation is hard but I think I could probably achieve my desired learning
outcomes. I wasn't expecting anything about this new mode of learning but as time passed by I
realized that it only takes perseverance and hardwork for you to be able to achieve what you
desire no matter what mode you deal with.

R2- As a student, yes I can achieve my learning outcomes and it is a matter of dedication and

R3- Somehow yes, if the teacher delivers the topic well and students are so focused on
R4- Well for me yes, if you have courage to learn and find ways just to learn the lesson,
together we can achieve it even through online.

R5- I can't say it would perfectly achieve our learning outcomes through online because of such
problems we had faced during class hours.

Table 4 shows how to achieve the learning outcomes of students. They must act as
responsible students, if they have a goal to aim for success, determination is a must. This
situation is nothing for those who dream big and have a belief to overcome all the hardships,
struggle and stress. Have a positive outlook despite everything, prayer works for those who are
sincere because success is for those who work hard to make it happen.

Problem 5. As a student, how does your experience of online educational programs compare
with traditional in class instructions? How do you like or dislike it?
R1- As a student, I will not lie that I would still prefer to be in the traditional than the online
learning because I could showcase myself more. I mean, I was able to grow myself in the
traditional class since I am not depending all my answers on Mr.Google and probably would not
cheat my answers on my essays and exams.
R2- In my opinion, traditional face to face classes are much better than online classes. In some
cases, online classes are not suitable for some courses that need laboratories and interaction
with peers.
R3- It has a big impact for me because we used to have the traditional online learning and we
did not predict that this pandemic could change the mode of learning into distance learning.
Any kind of class instructions as long as we learn, why not.
R4- Traditional class vs today's educational system has big differences in terms of discussion. In
face to face class there would be a social interaction between teachers and students and you
can easily share your thoughts and ideas about the subject. Whereas, in online education it has
poor internet connection and can't fully understand the discussion because of the distraction.
R5- It is better to have a traditional one, where students and teachers interact personally.

Table 5 shows what student experience about online educational programs compared with
traditional class instructions is so different from what they are used to. Doing their activities
and listening only to the instructions of teachers is much better because you can consult
personally Rather than online classes you could not give prior attention because you are
distracted by the noise at home. There is no convenient place at home, especially if you have
the whole squad of your family. Biggest challenge they encounter as students and want to
graduate at time because they don't want to be delayed.

Problem 6. Having all these challenges, how did you overcome them as a student? What did
you do?
R1- My way to overcome the challenges of online classes is remembering I have goals to
achieve and nothing could stop me from that. I just embrace the reality we have been facing
right now because everything will not come as expected because we actually don't know the
R2- I managed my online classes well because I have the full support of my parents. And it is
better to plan for alternative sources incase of network problems.
R3- I just did my responsibility as a student by doing what should be done and complying with
all my requirements.
R4- Think positive, always be vigilant, be attentive and trust God. Don't lose hope together we
can achieve our goal in life.

R5- I just always remind myself that if I act irresponsibly, my future will be ruined.

Table 6 shows, embracing reality is how they could overcome this kind of situation. It ain't
easy but fulfilling all our desires with passion and action has a good outcome in return. Every
storm has its own rainbow so grab the process, take risks and surely you'll enjoy what you have
been struggling with in return. Focus, self-determination, be responsible, and explore more
ideas for you to learn even more. A successful man has many failures to endure before
gathering into the highest position. Beyond that, you're not starting from scratch, you're living
from experiences and have a good lesson learned that can be shared to your future fellows.



This chapter contains the summary, significant findings, conclusion and recommendations
based on the result presented in chapter 4.

This study aimed to make a positive impact for online classes where students must adapt,
understand and enhance themselves as responsible students in terms of virtual learning. A
survey questionnaire was given to 16 students and there were 5 among them who answered
our questionnaire wholeheartedly.

Summary of Findings
Problem 1. What can you say towards education amidst COVID-19 pandemic? The
perception of 2 (two) respondents which regards education amidst COVID-19 is a bit hard and
not diligent enough on making progress to have a better education. While the 2 (two)
respondents are having a great time on exploring new skills via gadgets in virtual classes, they
tend to feel stress on the lack of internet connection at home. And the other 1 (one)
respondent has to say that online teaching might achieve her learning outcomes but gathering
new information

Problem 2. How conservant are the students towards education during COVID-19 pandemic?
The respondents promptly said that despite the massive changes they are facing right now
the decrease of learning modalities on online learning, unlike the face to face classes, are way
more effective. And of course the lack of internet connection is obviously stressing students to
be an active participant in class. But somehow all of us are trying to manage, adjust and adapt
the new strategy to continue our learning by doing step by step process through online
activities and teaching.

Problem 3. What are the perceived challenges you've encountered as a student during COVID-

Most of the respondents perceived the challenges they've been facing is to act independently
without any reliable source to communicate well. Especially when the power interruption has
to happen always or anytime if we experience bad weather that could affect our

performance at online learning. Which also, we can't even avoid distraction and might lose our
focus in listening because of the noisy environment we have especially in our home.

Problem 4. As a student, do you think your learning outcomes could be achieved through online
education? Why? How?
Each respondent said that to achieve learning outcomes you should have a great
determination to aim for success. This would also give a connection for teachers on how
theyinteract and communicate with their students, even so the strategy of learning is quite
new. Giving clear instruction is a big help for the students to understand will. But it's up to the
student if they'll listen or not about the lesson being discussed. Because it all matters if
students have the courage to learn.
Problem 5. As a student, how do your experiences of online educational programs compare
with traditional in class instructions? How do you like or dislike it?
Their experiences for online educational programs compared to traditional class
instructions is may better than online teaching. It is because they can express, share their ideas
and promptly ask the concern they want to know basically into personal clarification. Means
that all of the respondents are not satisfied about the online educational program but they
haven't had a choice to accept the real situation we had right now is serious. And all of the
government leaders are just being careful to the people especially for the students health, it
matters the most.

Problem 6. Having all these challenges, how did you overcome them as a student? What did
you do?
Having such challenges is way better to try than not to try at all. Embarrassing reality,
having full support of your parents, taking responsibility as a student and a dreamer, a positive
outlook with good is the best package to overcome all the suffering which this pandemic has
caused. Emotionally, physically, and financially might drain our mind but it is not a hindrance to
stop. It is a way to strive even more harder and unlock yourself from being an ordinary being
extraordinary like no else can.

This survey correlates with students who experience massive changes of online educational
programs. Each respondent has their own idea and technique on how to overcome the distress
of virtual classes. Motivation and determination is the key to pursue this kind of program so
that they could develop more of their knowledge and get prior learning despite the situation
we are in today. Everyone has to work hard for the progress they want, especially when you are
a dreamer you need to unlock your capability and skills in using technology. Making efforts is a
must for you to be able to get in the class, listening attentively needs a prior focus because
that's how online learning works. The performance you'll give during virtual discussion matters
the most like oral recitation, activity and video making. The result still provides the theory of
Albert Bandura's social learning theory. Which stimulates that students learn through observing
and later imitating

models they see on social media via YouTube, Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram, which we do
everyday using gadgets. Therefore, this research is conducted for those who are facing
struggles during this New normal strategy of learning. They intend to adapt, adjust, develop,
look forward to positive reasons, good determination and to engage learning independently.

Based on the findings and conclusion the following recommendation are proposed for the
different stakeholders:

1. Parents should supervise the students on what they are watching during classes if they really
are listening about the discussion and support students during classes. Must give a convenient
place to do classes and homework.

2. Since students are addicted to mobiles, they are allowed to use it anytime and anywhere
during classes for our educational purposes only.

3. The teachers must have a long patience and have a clear instruction for the students to easily
understand where they can catch up what the teacher wants to do during activity, quizzes,
exams and other performances.

4. The researcher for his next research must consider a problem that is best manifested by the
selected subjects so that the results of the research are good.

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