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Waiting is the art of beginning greater is the art of ending

A very warm good morning to all

Its universal truth we all have to face whether we want or not everything eventually ends and as much we
look forward to this day . yes dear senior today is a great day so let us try to make this day a master piece
in your life

We are gathered here in this morning . almight have you know that our seniors are leaving us

Procession :

Now they are coming in a procession . The celebrities are will be followed by our correspondent ,
principal and vice principal and their class coordinator

let us welcome them with big applause

Prayer song

Prayer is not asking . prayer is putting oneself in the hands of the god

To begin any programme in our college we invoke mother marry;s blessing now let us stand for collge

Welcome speech

I invite Sr. Julie from Msc I st year department of mental health nursing to deliver the welcome speech
……. Thank you sister . Julie

Welcome dance

Dance is the joy of the moment and heart of the life . so I call upon bsc III yr to perform welcome dance

…… thank you dears

Game (ballon game )

Beauty is alround if you just open your heart to see all . so here I invite Msc II year please come on the
stage ……

Prize distribution

Dedication and determination made the winner in every field . a award recognize a student ability and
efforts and lift their self confident

I cardialy welcome Rverent Father . Ganaparakasam to distribute memento to our MSC students and
pbbsc nursing students
Thank you father for distributing memoto .

Message :

I am very happy to welcome you father to deliver the message

Thank you father for your thought provoking words of wisdom

Dance :

Dancers don’t need wings to fly here comes II year GN,M to entertaine us

Game (ramp walk )

I invite twinkling stars t 4 th bsc nursing 1 st 20 members to come on the stage


Prize :

Prize distribution is a memorable proud special and most awaited event for every institution as well as for
every student . it give as sense of happiness and a sense of responsibility for fulfill new commitment with
education. Now I heartly welcome our principal mam to distribute the gift

I invite mrs.vidhya mam department of medical surgical nursing to distribute the gift

Game (freeze game )

I call up on twinkling stars 2nd team pls come on the stage

Prize :

Keep your eyes on the prize not the obstracles .

now I invite our vice principal mam to distribute the prize

I invite mrs.gowri mam hod of community health nursing department to distribute the gift

Thank you mam

Game (finding the symptoms of the disease )

Now I invite twinkling stars 4 th yr bsc II nd team

Prize :

The determination to win is the better part of the winning

So now I invite mrs devi mam hod of obstetrical and gynecological nursing to distribute the prize

I invite mrs.sweety mam department of community heath nursing to distribute the prize

Butter fly cant see their wings they cant see how truly beautiful they are . but every one else can see

So here comes our msc I st year to perform their dance

Thank you dears

Game (dance slow and fast _)

.i invite shiny stars from 111 year gnm pls come on the stage.


Winners are not people who never fail , but people who never quit . now I invite mrs .surya mam and
metilda mam to distribute the gift.

Now I call up on III ed yr gnm


Friend are like rainbows , always there to cheer you up after a storm . now I call up on our pbbs 1 st yr
come over the stage to cheer us

Thank ypiu

Vote of thabks

Now I invite miss.yazhini from msc 1 st year to deliver the vote of thanks

…. Thnk you miss . yazhini

Now the floor will be hand over to our outgoing batch .

National anthem ……

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