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Guidelines for Summer Internship Project (SIP)_2021

Course Code:

Semester: III

Course Credit: 3


Master of Business Administration

School of Business, Galgotias University

Gautam Budh Nagar
Guidelines for
Summer Internship Project

This manual gives guidelines, procedures and rules for the Summer Internship Project carried out
in under-graduate and post graduate programmes.

Objective and Procedure

The objective of having a Summer Internship Project Report is to allow the students to design,
write and organize the report of their learning gained in the program and the Summer Internship.
The Summer Internship Project Report should be a substantive contribution to the knowledge
through integration of literature review and methodology developed pertinent to the
understanding and resolution of management problems, and the empirical work done therein. The
Summer Internship Project Report should demonstrate competence in studying /understanding
/analyzing organizational business process /rules/procedures for reaching conclusions and
drawing implications for managerial practices. It should also highlight the impact of actions in
one area/ function, on the other area/functions in the organization. The recommendations in the
Summer Internship Project Report can be made either in quantitative or qualitative terms. It is
pertinent to note that the Summer Internship Project Report represents a visible concrete output
and would, therefore, have demonstrable potential enabling students to pursue further work in the
same field. It is also the output which may stand as testimony of the student's demonstrated skills
and potential in the managerial arena.

Companies need to be invited by the Director-Placement and Training to the School of Business
(SoB), Galgotias University (GU) campus much before the Winter Semester End Examination
(SEE). Preferably we should encourage stipendiary Summer Internship Project (SIP). The
Summer Internship Project Report is to be carried out in the sponsoring organization when the
Winter Semester End Examination (SEE) got over and have to be completed by mid-July, i.e. the
beginning of 3rd semester for MBA and Semester 5 for BBA. The duration of the training should
be for a period of 45 days. The students can also choose the companies for their SIP. The SIP
should be arranged only by the Training and Placement Cell and the whole process should be
completed before mid-May. (if it is a working day). Each student must submit their SIP report to
their respective faculty mentor. Final report should be submitted to the SoB office, after
incorporating changes suggested by faculty mentor. Student should appear for Viva without a
miss as per the schedule given by SIP coordinator.

**Please Note:
1. All students are expected to maintain decorum, courtesy, and decency during their
training period so that they create a good image about themselves and Galgotias
2. They must work sincerely during the training period as per the directions of the
organization. At no stage there should be any complaint from the organization about
their work or behavior.

Galgotias University aims at bridging the Institute-Industry-Gap. Based on a novel

concept of producing an Industry focused business-ready professional, it nurtures the
following visions:

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 2
 To create an excellent work culture and develop congenial organization set up.
 To provide the state-of-art facilities for all facets of professional training.
 To nurture and sustain academic excellence, programmed to promote innovation,
scholarship, and abilities to analyze, experiment and synthesize.
 To strengthen the links with industries, professional societies, accrediting bodies
and statutory authorities that share common goals and responsibilities.

1. Purpose
To provide counseling & guidance to students regarding visiting
industries/organizations, selection procedure, preparation methods and resources
thereby ensuring that they are adequately equipped to face the recruitment tests
and also to assist them in selecting the places for summer/ winter industrial

2. Scope
All students of University fall within the scope of training and development
process with special attention to pre final and final year students.

3. Responsibility
Dean School in association with Director CPDD is responsible for facilitating the
campus/off campus recruitment drives for students of all disciplines and to assist
them in their summer/winter industrial training.

4. Procedure

Placement Procedure

4.1 CPDD sends invitation to all the companies from within the country for campus
recruitment program.
4.2 All the responses from the companies are displayed on the notice boards of the
concerned schools for the attention of interested/eligible students.
4.3 The resumes of the interested/eligible students are then sent to the organizations
along with a tentative date for the campus interview.
4.4 After confirmation of the interview date, CPDD arranges a pre-placement talk.
4.5 The company conducts campus/off campus recruitment test and interviews the
short-listed candidates.
4.6 The placement results are announced and offer letters are given to the selected
4.7 Students who receive offer letters are not allowed to appear for interview before
any other visiting company in campus.

Training & Development

4.8 CPDD conducts Personality Development Programs (PDP)/GD/PI for students to

train them in soft skills.
4.9 It also conducts mock interviews to prepare students for recruitment phase.
4.10 Dean School organizes seminars and workshops in relevant technical &
management areas to develop the knowledge of students and their presentation skills.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 3
4.11 As a part of ongoing industry interaction process, Dean School organizes talks
and guest lectures by executives from the management associations and the
4.12 CPDD maintains records of PDP, mock interviews, seminars & workshops, and
guest lectures.
4.13 The School also assists students in their summer/winter industrial training and
maintains their training record.

Essential components of Industrial trainings/Internship:

Topic for SIP Report

Once the student has been assigned a task by his/her industry mentor should focus on it and
ensure that the criteria given below are followed:
i) It should sustain student interest and stimulate his/her imagination, so that he/she will
bear upon it with his/her full creative abilities.
ii) It should be manageable in size scope, keeping in view the time, organisational resources
required for preparing a report, etc.
iii) It must also be built on the foundation of a minimum working knowledge of the
company's business proposition and practices. This will help screen the ideas which are
relevant to that organization and provide the student with an idea of how the business
functions and what the possibilities are, in the business arena.
iv) It should allow scope for exploration of the topic in sufficient depth

General guidelines for Summer Internship

1. The CPDD cell shall arrange internship for students in industries/organization.
2.Virtual Internships can also be arranged by the student in an organization/department
preferably in line with his/her Management- Specialization stream.
3. The Student can join internship in a company which is within his/her locality
4. In case a student is unable to get internship in any company within a week then an
alternative course of action shall be taken by student on the advice of the mentor and
approval of the dean.

Guidelines for SIP Mentors

The role of the SIP mentor is as follows:

I. Developing the SIP Report proposal with the student.

II. Supervising and guiding the student and providing feedback from time to time
based on his/her progress.

III. Giving written feedback on the draft of the SIP Report submitted by the student.

IV. Review the progress of the students in 4 phases-

a) Phase I- 1st Review (10 marks)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 4
Within 2 weeks from the date of joining the company the mentor shall evaluate the
mentees performance in the specialized area in which the student is doing internship and
the methodology adopted to accomplish it.

b) Phase II- 2nd Review (10 marks)

Within 4 weeks from the joining date the mentor should evaluate the student
progress till date.

c) Phase III- 3rd Review (10 marks)

Within 6 weeks from the date of joining the student must submit the progress report
to the mentor for review

d) Phase IV- 4th Review (20 marks)

After completion of 45 days of internship the mentor shall evaluate the internship report. 

After each review, the internal assessment shall be uploaded in the I-CLOUD.
Please make sure that the work done by the mentee is of publishable standard. The
mentee shall submit the SIP report and Plagiarism report.

V. Individual mentee folder shall be maintained by the mentor having separate excel
sheets for each review done by the mentor. The rubrics and review sheet is
attached herewith in appendix 18.

VI. The mentor shall contact the industry mentor fortnightly to know the progress of
the mentee

VII. The mentor is also responsible to share the external evaluation sheet with the
industry mentor which carries 20 marks.

VIII. The mentor shall make a record of the internship details of the mentee which will
be shared by your mentee within a week of the joining date in the
company. (Appendix 21).

IX. The Mentor shall make a record of the Internship certificates of the mentees
which will be required for NAAC or any other documentation process.

Do’s and Don’ts to be observed during Summer Internship

 Be clear in your goal, and objectives.
 Be punctual and regular.
 Observe discipline.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 5
 Always keep both organization’s identity card and GU’s identity card with you.
 Look your best. (Clean clothes, shoes polished, buttons done up, matching dress,
cheerful face).
 Be Polite and develop new contacts.
 Be yourself. Be normal and truthful.
 Identify the important persons of the organization.
 Follow rules and regulations of the company.
 Request for a formal training program and adhere to it strictly.
 Request for an assignment or a project (if feasible).
 Treat the training as FIRST-PRE-JOB opportunity.
 Start writing your training report from day one.
 Sketch various technical ideas/write a brief diary daily. Diary is your personal
treasure for years to come. Make it technically rich.
 Make yourself useful, this will help you to gain employment with them.
 Learn practical aspects of ON THE JOB.
 Learn conceptual aspects of technology and explore the modifications that can be
brought about in the existing system.
 Learn the functioning of the organization.
 Discuss and share whatever you learn daily, with your colleagues.
 Make your training report presentable.
 Contribute to earn a name for yourself and GU.

 Misbehave with any employee.
 Indulge in activities constituting misconduct.
 Irritate senior officers while discussions.
 Miss even a day of presence, diary writing.
 Shirk hard work.
 Shirk responsibility, if given a chance.
 Leave task unfinished.
 Bring any bad name to you or to GU.
 Enter any restricted area.

Standards for the Summer Internship Project

The primary purpose of the Summer Internship Project Report is to demonstrate the student’s
capability to make effective use of research methods appropriate to the problem and to develop
and handle evidence satisfactorily. The SIP Report should, therefore, contain a section on:
a) the procedure(s) employed,
b) the extent, nature, reliability, and suitability of evidence gathered and
c) The conclusions drawn and the recommendations, to demonstrate skills in analysis and
interpretation of results.

Clarity, conciseness and orderliness of writing and presentation are required. It is necessary to
include sufficient evidence to support the reasoning and conclusions such that it clearly
demonstrates the basis of the conclusions and recommendations, and also exhibits the analytical
skill of the student, in this area. The length of the SIP Report will vary with the topic and
evidence required.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 6
Further, the learning of the student regarding in-depth knowledge of the field should be brought
out by the section on literature review and model or framework used for the Summer Internship
Project study.

Guidelines for Summer Internship Project Report Preparation

The student must do an internship in a good company. The criteria to judge the company should
be the following-
1. Good turnover of the company.
2. No of employees working in the company.
3. Services offered by the company.
4. The time and training that they are willing to devote for you.
5. Type of products and technologies employed by the company.
6. Value addition- What would be the Learning outcomes from the internship.

The criteria for selection of company and the details of the company should be communicated to
the mentor. The student must join the proposed company only after the approval received from
the mentor.

The candidate is required to publish internship work in conferences and journals along with the
mentor with due permission/ consent from the organization/industry where he has undergone the

The student will give a presentation based on his/her training report, before an expert
committee constituted by the SIP coordinator.

The Final report must be hard bound in Blue/Black color with gold embossing.

Components of the report:

The Summer Internship Project Report should appear in the following order:

Page i : Cover Page (Appendix 2)

Page ii : Second Title Page (Appendix 3)
Page iii : Certificate of Approval (Appendix 4)
Page iv : Approval of DAC (Appendix 5)
Page v : Certificate of the Organization/ Company
Page vi-vii : Executive summary (maximum two pages - Appendix 6)
Page viii : Mentor certificate and Industry guide certificate ((Appendix 7)
Page ix : Acknowledgement
Page x : Table of Contents (Appendix 8)
Page xi : List of Figures (Appendix 9)
Page xii : List of Tables (Appendix 10)
Page xiii : List of Appendices (Appendix 11)
Page xiv : Abbreviations (Appendix 12)

Cover Page: Cover page and second title page must conform to the sample shown in Appendix.2

Executive Summary: Each Summer Internship Project Report must include summary of a
maximum of two pages in single space (about 800-1000 words). An executive summary is an
initial interaction between the writer of the project and the target readers in such a way that
readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 7
It usually contains a brief statement of covered in the major document(s), background
information, concise observation, and main conclusions.

Acknowledgements: Students are advised to acknowledge help and support from faculty
members, library, computer centre, outside experts, their sponsoring organisations, etc.

Table of Contents for SIP Report: Every Summer Internship Project Report must contain a table
of contents which provides a view of the organisation of the Summer Project Report material.

Table of Contents

S. Particulars No of pages
Mentor certificate and Industry guide certificate 1
Certificate of the Organization/ Company 1
Table of contents 1
Acknowledgement 1
I Introduction 5-10
II Company profile 5-10
III Methodology 10-15
IV Data Analysis 5-10
V Conclusion 4-5
VI Recommendations 2-3
VII Limitations 2
VIII Bibliography -
IX Appendices -


The introduction should begin with the overview of the purpose and significance of the
internship. Followed by the objective of the study which should reflect the title of the
project as well as the reason for its selection. It should also provide a brief overview of
the methodology adopted.

II- Company profile

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 8
This should begin with the description of the company including its business, major
environmental factors, and the details of the organizational structure (flow chart). This includes
the following:
a) Company Logo & relevant picture if any
b) Company Mission & Vision.
c) History of company in brief.
d) Brief description of industry sector in which the company falls i.e. Automobile,
Construction, Information technology, education, FMCG, Telecommunication etc.
e) Different locations of operations (manufacturing plants/ head office/ regional office/ retail
stores etc.)
f) Range of company products/services
g) Size (in terms of manpower) & ROI of the company.
h) Market share and positions and competitors of the company in the industry.
i) SWOT analysis of the company.
j) Balance Sheet of the company (current year /previous year) -Optional

III- Methodology:

This Chapter should be divided into two parts- 1) the data 2) The methods implemented to
conduct your analysis of the data.
The presentation of the data should include a description of the data collection process
and of the data. The data description should be based on the use of tables, charts, or
descriptive statistics. The presentation of your analytical methods should clearly show,
step by step, the way you want to analyze the data-
a. Methodology and sample selection
b. Period of the study
c. Sampling Design- Sample Size, Sampling Method, Sampling Unit
d. Sources of data- Primary or secondary data
e. Tools of data collection-Survey, questionnaires, interviews.
f. Statistical analysis (method of tabulation and techniques). It should be noted that all the
tables and figures should be properly titled and numbered, and listed in the table of
g. Internship log--book or diary should also be maintained. (See Appendix-13)
The students should record in the daily training diary-

 The day to day account of the observations, impressions, information gathered,

and suggestions given, if any.
 It should contain the sketches & drawings related to the observations made by
the students if required.
 The daily training diary should be signed after every day by the supervisor/ in
charge of the section where the student has been working. The diary should also
be shown to the Faculty Mentor visiting the industry from time to time and got
ratified on the day of his visit.

h. Internship Feedback Form (See Appendix -14 – to be filled by the Industry Mentor)
i. Attendance sheet- (See Appendix- 15)
j. Students Feedback of Internship (See Appendix 16)

IV- Analysis-

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 9
This section should describe in detail the way in which the results obtained may be interpreted.
This section should include all the tabulated and text descriptions of the results obtained in the

V Conclusion- The conclusions and inferences that are drawn from the analysis of the results
should be stated clearly and specifically. Thus, they should be linked to the research objectives. It
should highlight the strongest, most important statements of the internship and highlight the
outcome of the study.


References (See Appendix 17)

List of Tables, Figures and Abbreviations: If the SIP Report contains tables, figures and
abbreviations used, they should be listed immediately following the table of contents on separate

Typing Instructions:
Paper A4 Size
Margins Left = 1.5 inch, Right = 1 inch
Spacing within a sentence: Double
Between words: 1 space
After a colon: 2 spaces
After a semi colon: 2 spaces
After a comma: 1 space
After a full stop: 2 spaces
Centre Head (Times New Roman 18 points)
Centre subhead (Caps and lower case without underlined) (Times New Roman 11 points )
Side Head (Caps and lower case,without underlining) (Times New Roman 13 points)

Paragraph head followed by a colon (Caps & Lower case underlined) 11 font size.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 10
Appendix 1
Format for the Cover/Title page of the Summer Internship Project Report

Summer Internship Project Title

(Times New Roman 18 points)

A Summer Internship Project for

(Times New Roman 11 points)

Master of Business Administration

(Times New Roman 13 points)

(Times New Roman 11 points)

(Times New Roman 13 points)

Under the guidance of


Designation Designation
Organisation SoB, GU, Gautam Budh Nagar (GBN)

(Times New Roman 12 points)

(Times New Roman 11 points)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 11
Appendix 2

Format for the Cover page of the Summer Internship Project Report

Summer Internship Project Title

(Times New Roman 18 points)

(Times New Roman 11 points)

(Times New Roman 13 points)

Month, Year
(Times New Roman 11 points)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 12
Appendix 3
Format for the second page of the Summer Internship Project Report

Summer Internship Project Title

(Times New Roman 18points)

(Times New Roman 11 points)
(Times New Roman 13 points)

Under the guidance of


Designation Designation
Organisation SoB, GU, GBN

Month, Year
(Times New Roman 11 points)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 13
Appendix 4

Certificate of Approval

The following Summer Internship Project Report titled "ABC ..." is hereby approved as a
certified study in management carried out and presented in a manner satisfactory to warrant its
acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration for which it
has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily
endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein but
approve the Summer Internship Project Report only for the purpose it is submitted to the
Summer Internship Project Report Examination Committee for evaluation of Summer Internship
Project Report

Name Signature

1. Faculty Mentor _______________________ ___________________

2. Industry Mentor _______________________ ___________________

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 14
Appendix 5

Certificate from Summer Internship Project Guide

This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. XYZ, a student of the Master of Business Administration /
Bachelor of Business Administration/ Bachelor of Management Studies has worked under
my guidance and supervision. This Summer Internship Project Report has the requisite standard
and to the best of my knowledge no part of it has been reproduced from any other summer
Internship project, monograph, report or book.

Faculty Mentor
School of Business
Galgotias University


Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 15
Appendix 6
Executive Summary

This is an attempt to know how the classroom theories can be applied to the practical situation.
As a student of MBA/BBA, it is a part of study for everyone to undergo summer internship at
some organization. So for this purpose, I got an opportunity to do my summer internship at
(company name).In this is comprehensive report, I have discussed about every major aspect of
the company which I have observed and perceived during my internship tenure. The first part
comprises the detail about the company from the time of its incorporation to the current position.
Along with its processes, policies and procedures. During my internship program, I have mainly
worked in retail banking, General banking & Finance. All the departments have been discussed
in detail. T he main purpose of the internship is to learn by working in practical environment and
to apply the acquired during the studies in a real world scenario in order to tackle the problems
using the knowledge and skill learned during the academic process. This report covers many
important aspects which are related with operations and financial aspect of the bank. In the end
the learning and observations which I have undergone during my internship project. This report
also contains my perceptions, motivation level and the working environment of the organization.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 16
Appendix 7


Students are advised to acknowledge help and support from faculty members, library, computer
centre, outside experts, their sponsoring organizations, etc.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 17
Appendix 8

Table of Contents
Executive Summary (maximum two pages)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Appendices
List of Abbreviations







Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 18
Appendix 9

List of Figures
(Start from separate page)

Figure No. Description Page


Appendix 10

List of Tables
(Start from separate page)

Table No. Description Page


Appendix 11

List of Appendices
(Start from separate page)

Table No. Description Page


Appendix 12

(Start from separate page)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 19
Appendix 13
Index – Logbook

Training records to be written every day in Training Diary at Training.

After completing training in a department, meet the Departmental Head to clarify your
queries, etc. and get his signature as indicated hereunder.

GU faculty visiting the training site may ask the students to show their work and put
their remarks on this page.

Date: Time of Arrival: Time of Departure:

Dept/Division: Project title:
Main Points of the day (including figures, if any)

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 20
Appendix -14

Student Feedback form by Industry mentor

Student Name: Enrolment No:

SIP Title:
Industry Supervisor Name: Organization Name:

Internship From (Start Date) Internship From (End Date)

Parameters Performance
Behaviours Excellent Satisfacto Poor
Performs in a dependable manner
Cooperates with co-workers and
Shows interest in work
Learns quickly
Shows initiative
Produces high quality work
Accepts responsibility
Accepts criticism
Demonstrates organizational skills
Uses technical knowledge and
Shows good judgment
Demonstrates creativity/originality
Analyze problems effectively
Is self-reliant
Communicates well
Writes effectively
Has a professional attitude
Gives a professional appearance
Is punctual
Uses time effectively
Industry Supervisor Name:

Signature of Industry mentor:

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 21
Appendix 15

Name of Student:
Enrolment No:
Admission No:
Name of Course:
Date of Commencement of Internship:
Date of Completion of Training:
Organization Name :

Mo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


1. Attendance Sheet should remain affixed in Daily Training Diary. Do not remove or tear it off.
2. Student should sign/initial in the attendance column. Do not mark ‘P’.
3. Holidays should be marked in Red Ink in attendance column. Absent should be marked as ‘A’
in Red Ink.
4. Signature of Company Internship supervisor with company stamp/ seal.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 22
Appendix 16




Student Name Roll No.
Institute Name
Faculty Mentor Name Faculty’s Designation
Internship Project Title
Industry Supervisor Name Supervisor’s Designation
Organization Name
Internship From (Start Date) Internship To (End Date)
Give a brief description of Internship Work
Was your internship Yes, to a large Yes, to a slight degree Not related at
experience related to your degree all
major area of study
This experience has: Strongly Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Given me the
opportunity to explore a
career field
Allowed me to apply
classroom theory to
Helped me develop my
decision-making and
problem-solving skills
Expanded my
knowledge about the
work world prior to
permanent employment
Helped me develop my
written and oral
communication skills
Provided a chance to use
leadership skills
(influence others,
develop ideas with
others, stimulate
decision-making and
Expanded my sensitivity
to the ethical
implications of the work
Made it possible for me
to be more confident in

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 23
new situations
Given me a chance to
improve my
interpersonal skills
Helped me learn to
handle responsibility
and use my time wisely
Helped me discover new
aspects of myself that I
didn’t know existed
Helped me develop new
interests and abilities
Helped me clarify my
career goals
Provided me with
contacts which may lead
to future employment
Allowed me to acquire
information and/ or use
equipment not available
at my Institute
In the Institute internship program, faculty members are expected to be mentors for students. Do you
feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or why not?

How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were set down in your
learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new direction or expand beyond your contract?
Why were some goals not accomplished adequately?

In what areas did you most develop and improve?

What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your internship?

What did you dislike about the internship?

Considering your overall experience, how would you rate this internship? (Tick One)
Satisfactory Good Excellent

Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved.

Signature Date

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 24
Appendix 17
Reference Style


One Author

Basu, A. (1963), Consumer Price Index: Theory, Practice and Use in India, Modern Book
Agency, Calcutta.

Two Authors

Singh, M. and Pandya, J.F. (1967), Government Publications of India, Metropolitan Book Co.,

Three Authors

Mote, V.L.; Malya, M. M. and Saha J. (1968), Tables for Capital Investment Analysis, Indian
Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

Edited Book

Basu, G. (ed.) (1962), Indian Tax Laws and Foreigners Having Investment in India or Having
Business Connections in or with India, Oxford Book & Stationery, Calcutta.

Government Publication

Ministry of Law, Government of India (1960), the Copyright Act, 1957, the Manager of
Publications, Delhi.

Journal Paper

Jain, S.K. (1967), World Class Manufacturing, International Journal of Operations Management,
Vol. 6, No. 12, pp.11-31.

pp. stands for page numbers.

Article in a Newspaper

Gandhi, V. P. (1968), Will the Budget Achieve Its Aims? Certain Doubts, the Economic Times,
Mar. 8, pp. 5-6.

Conference Paper

Bhattacharyya, S.K. (1967), Control Techniques and Their Applicability, paper presented at the
Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, Nov. 22, pp. 11-17.

Guidelines, Procedures and Rules for Summer Internship Project Report Page 25

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