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RUACH Australia was launched in 2017 to work with major companies in

the area of energy saving in refrigerant cooling and heating systems.

We provide energy saving consultancy services to the Industry of

refrigeration systems and bringing together Professional and Expert
teams in the areas of Environmental Hydrocarbon Retrofits, Upgrades,
New Installations, and Technical Support.

RUACH Australia is an Authorised Distributor Of Engas Hydrocarbon

Refrigerants in Australia, India, Bangladesh and Thailand.

RUACH is currently developing new highly energy efficient

environmentally friendly Air Conditioning Systems and Strive to become
the world’s first major player in “Hydrocarbon Only Refrigerant Air-
Conditioning and Heating Systems".

RUACH Air Conditioning Systems with the use of Engas Blended

Hydrocarbon Refrigerants aim to supply affordable and high quality Air-
Conditioner Units throughout India, Asia and Oceania where there is
huge market drivers and demand in this area.

Basic Information About Using Hydrocarbon Refrigerants

1. Having an Edge Over all the Competition

Engas Hydrocarbon Refrigerants have been carefully developed over 12 years by

Selwyn Wallace (35 Year Refrigeration Engineer) and Dr Ladas Taylor PhD (40
Year World Expert Hydrocarbon Refrigerants).
Using Engas Hydrocarbon Refrigerants we can achieve much higher energy efficiency
and savings than any other product currently on the market.
At the current moment a Hydrocarbon Air Conditioning company is using R290 and
offering 26% savings on their product,
we can achieve up to and over 45% Using Engas Blended Refrigerants.

2. Hydrocarbon Refrigerants More Efficient in Electricity Consumption

Engas Hydrocarbon Refrigerants can save you between 15% to 54% on your Air
Conditioning energy consumption. Air Conditioning systems are the largest consumers
of electricity for any building accounting for up to and sometimes above 60% of total
Electricity consumption. By converting to a Hydrocarbon Air Conditioner, substantial
savings can be archived

3. Hydrocarbon Refrigerants will Become the New World Standard

All existing Hydrofluorocarbon Refrigerants (HFC’s) will be phased out in some shape
or form over the coming years because of their ozone depleting properties or global
warming potential.

The Kigali deal which is a amendment to the legally-binding Montreal Protocol will
ensure that the rich and industrialised countries phase out their HFC production and
consumption by at least 85% by 2019. Developing countries including China, Brazil and
South Africa are mandated to reduce their HFC use by 85% by 2020-22. India and some
other developing countries will phase out their HFC’s by 85% by 2024-26, with a
complete elimination of HFC’s by the year 2050

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4. Hydrocarbon Refrigerants are Environmentally Friendly

Hydrocarbon Refrigerants are Natural, non-toxic refrigerants that have no ozone

depleting properties and minimal global warming potential.

There are only 5 natural refrigerants. Air, Water, Ammonia, CO2 and Hydrocarbons

5. To Help Countries to Fall in Line with the UN Paris Agreement

Paris climate agreement, is an agreement within the United Nations Framework on

Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with Greenhouse Gas Emissions mitigation,
adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020. In the Paris Agreement, each country
determines, plans and regularly reports its own contribution it should make in order to
mitigate global warming.

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1. Not all Hydrocarbon Refrigerants are the Same.

With the research and development of over 12 years with 35 year Refrigeration
Engineer Selwyn Wallace and 40 year World Hydrocarbon Expert Dr Ladas Taylor B.Sc,
PhD with 75 years of experience between them they have developed 4 new products
which are Hydrocarbon blends. (Two Engas Refrigerants are single element and are not
blends) The reason for this is that they have designed all products to be a direct drop in
retrofit conversion replacement for almost all-existing Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration equipment in the world today.

Hydrocarbon Refrigerants are recognized as proper refrigerants by the World's

leading i n d ust ry b odi e s such a s AS H RAE (Ame ri ca n S oci e t y H e a t i ng
Re fri ge ra t i on Ai r - con di t i on i n g E n gin e e rs) a n d AIRAH (Aust ra li a n
In st i t ut e Re fri ge ra t i on Air-conditioning and Heating). These organizations have
allocated designated numbers to Hydrocarbon Refrigerants.
e.g. R290, R600, R170 & R1270.

2. Amount of Gas Needed and Reduced Stress on Equipment

When refrigeration equipment is charged with Engas Hydrocarbon Refrigerants only

30% to 50% of the gas is needed compared to synthetic chemical refrigerants in turn
the their operating pressures are about 20% lower than that of Hydrofluorocarbon

For Example
If you have a AC unit using R22 with 1000 grams of Refrigerant we will only need to
charge with approx. 350grams of M50 to do the same job.
If you have a AC unit using R410 with 1000 grams of Refrigerant we will only need to
charge with approx. 480grams of M60 to do the same job.

These lower operating discharge pressures reduce the work that the compressor has to
do thus reducing wear and tear. There is less pressure on pipe work, joints, hoses,
fittings and thus reducing the likelihood of leaks. This can and will extend the working
life of your equipment.

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3. Hydrocarbon Refrigerants are more efficient conductors of heat

Not only are Hydrocarbon Refrigerants more efficient conductors of heat than
Hydrofluorocarbon Refrigerants (HFC’s) they are actually 50% more efficient and have
a higher operating temperature for continual operating use in high temperature
environments. Conventional refrigeration cycles can only operate efficiently using fluids
well below critical temperature. Refrigerant R22 has a critical temperature of 96
degrees Celsius. Whereas R410 and R32 (the HFCs designed to replace R22) have a
critical temperature of only 71 degrees Celsius. Therefore R410a and R32 will not work
efficiently in very hot climates such as India, Australia and the Middle East because the
temperatures in those places rise to over 50 degrees Celsius in the shade in summer.
(And up to 70 degrees on a roof in the direct sun)
Refrigerant Effect and Critical Temperature Comparison Chart

Refrigerant Freezing Boiling Point Critical Refrigerant

Point @ 1 ATM Temperature Effect
(C) (C) (C) (Kj/Kg)
Engas M10 -159.60 -11.60 134.70 457.80
Engas M20 -185.54 -46.80 91.46 447.00
Engas M30 -174.55 -29.47 119.28 448.69
Engas M40 -187.30 -42.10 96.70 447.16
Engas M50 -187.16 -49.49 95.45 439.46
Engas M60 -189.60 -52.89 89.52 435.08
R22 -160.00 -40.72 96.10 199.30
R134a -96.67 -26.11 101.06 287.20
R410a -155.00 -48.56 70.17 217.60
R32 -136.00 -51.89 78.11 304.00

Refrigerant Effect is the process by which the amount of heat (thermal energy) is
transferred by one Kg of refrigerant from a low temperature area to a high temperature
area as it circulates around the refrigeration system and the heat that is removed from
the low temperature area accounts for the refrigeration effect.

4. Almost Any Air Conditioner can be Converted to Engas

New and existing Air Conditioning or refrigeration equipment may still be good for use
for another 20 years and can still be switched over to Engas, Only the chemical
refrigerant in the unit will be replaced. However, every unit is different therefore
inspections and assessments are important before conversion

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5. Energy Savings

When using Engas Hydrocarbon Refrigerants energy savings are between 15% and 54%
depending on the type of equipment converted over. When converting over Air
Conditioning equipment designed for R32 refrigerant we achieve the highest efficiency
Chemical Engas Percent of Typical Energy
Refrigerant Replacement Refrigerant Savings
needed to convert
R22- R404a M50 33% to 38% 25%
R134a – R12 M30 33% to 38% 30%
R410a M60 48% to 52% 35%
R32 M20 48% to 52% 54%

6. Environmental Impact

GWPs (Global Warming Potential) are used by, among others, policymakers to compare
the impact on the climate system of emission of different greenhouse gases. The GWP
index is relative to carbon dioxide (CO2), which is normalised at 1. As greenhouse gases
differ in their atmospheric lifetimes, GWPs also have a time component. Time horizons
of 20 years and 100 years are used to enable the proper evaluation on the environment.
Research has shown that for most Refrigeration or Air-conditioning systems the impact
for Global Warming will be greater from energy consumption (Indirect Global Warming
Impact) than from CO2 equivalent emission (release) of refrigerants (Direct Global
Warming Impact). Therefore the Total Equivalent Global Warming Impact = leakage +
energy consumption.

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Environmental Impact Compared to Engas

Refrigerant Type ODP (Ozone GWP (Global Atmospheric Life

Depletion Warming (years)
Potential) Potential) over
100 years
R12 .82 10900 100
R22 .034 1810 11.8
R134a 0 1430 13.6
R410a 0 2088 32.6
R32 0 675 4.9
R404a 0 4540 53.5
R507 0 4600 53.5
Engas M10 0 3 1
Engas M20 0 3 1
Engas M30 0 3 1
Engas M40 0 3 1
Engas M50 0 3 1
Engas M60 0 3 1
Carbon Dioxide CO2 0 1 20-200

Estimate Engas M20 Compared to Using R32 on new Air Conditioner

HP – PK – Ton 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0

BTU/Hr 5000 7,000 8,000-9,000 11,000-13,000 17,000-19,000 23,000-25,000
Kw 1.47 2.0 2.45-2.6 3.5-3.7 5.0-6.0 7.1-8.0
R32 Approx 350g 400g 530g 630g 950g 1,350g
Engas M20 175g 200g 265g 315g 475g 675g
Amps/Current 1.5A 2.50A 2.87A 4.10A 6.10A 8.40A
Amps/Current 0.83A 1.37A 1.57A 2.25A 3.35A 4.62A
Approx Savings 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%

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There is a massive potential here with the introduction of Ruach-Engas Hydrocarbon
Refrigerant Air Conditioning Units to the international market we can dramatically
decrease the demand for electricity on the grid thus in turn reduce the amount of
Carbon Dioxide emissions from power plants.

The Berkeley Laboratory study found that if the world can shift toward 30 percent
more efficient air conditioners, and phase out HFCs at the same time, that could
effectively offset the construction of as many as 1,550 peak power plants.

It further found that in terms of emissions avoided, this approach would have an even
bigger impact than huge renewable energy projects – saving eight times as many
emissions as China’s Three Gorges dam, and two times as many as India’s solar
initiative. By the year 2050 for the globe as a whole, meanwhile, the total avoided
carbon dioxide equivalent emissions could amount to some 4 billion tons annually —
more than any single country other than China and the United States currently emit —
with 1 billion tons of emissions avoided in India alone.

The HFC shift seems set to play out under the Montreal Protocol.

The question then becomes;

how do you shift the global air conditioner market to favour far greater efficiency?
The world needs both research and development, but also businesses that sell or
purchase large volumes of air conditioning to commit to only carrying highly efficient
models. And then, the whole global market could shift.

We at Ruach and Engas Have The ANSWER!

With so many countries around the world wanting to follow suit.
The entire international market is open to any adaptive solution and would be willing to
adopt this new up-coming Engas Blended Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Technology.

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Currently Engas has Trained Installers and Distributors internationally.

This opens up the potential for Ruach Air Conditioners to easily export and conduct
sales and service within these Countries


Coming Soon India and Thailand

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