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Fe Ww 3 ini Bl a a =] a fy 3 5 Ba a , rape. Fa somegrie else's Whet'a gang leader orders an attack on a rival in invafiably part of a biager picture, their goals ranging fram taking turf to kiling a valuable target Sometimes, this cen be achieved with just a handful Gf fighters) a small, crack team sent out to do a job better kept quiet. Neither is every‘conflict a ‘well-planned operation, as at times small groups of ‘gangers will stumble across an opportunity that's just 4} “foo good to Miss, Whether shaking down an ammo stall of just roughing up some local thug-lord'who aoked at them wrong, such conflicts are isolated instances involving only a few members of a gang. Often, these’are fights committed to on a whim, the victors returhing to their gang afterwards to brag Be. about their actions while the defeated slink away in “ shame, Regardless of the results, these small battles Create quite the stir wherever they occur, TERRAIN The Gang Raids scenarios have been written with the plastie Zone Mortalis terrain sets very'much in mind, allowing players to fit games into a relatively small set of terrain which is convenient to transport ‘One or two sets of Zane Mortals Floor Tiles and ‘ne oF two sets of Zone Mortalis Walls and Columns should suffice for most games, and these small temrain collections can form the basis of fully-fledged Necromunda tetrain sets in time If players wish, they can use the card fies fron Necromunda’ Underhive, making their games even’ more portable and simple to set up, : ‘Most of the time it’s gangers shootin’ eactr other ‘coz someone hi some jitter-buzzed wasters just seen a chance to let off some steam nse. That kind of trouble can kick off anywhere and any time. bts TS al cam NECROMUNDA: GANG RAIDS up's tellin them to, Other times, and help themselves to some free stuff at Fingers Dal’, Gun Lord Proprietor folate eB TID ed ey y ete aT) The scenarios presented here are intended. Rae eee ay Pirate to be playe campaign, ag ey GANG RAIDS SPECIAL RULES Due tothe relatively small size of Ganig Raids scenarios the following rules apply to them, In addition to any special rules listed in the scenario, BOTTLE TESTS Ta make a Bott test during Gang Raids scenario, ‘the player rolls a D3 instead of a D6 before adding the result of the total number of fighters that are Seriously Injured or Out of Action BENEATH MY NOTICE Itis rate for a gang leader to lead small scale ‘operations, instead giving these tasks to their most trusted champions, Whether minor affairs requiring a measure of sfealth or nothing more than outbreaks of spontaneous violence, these skirmishes are rarely anything mare than 8 handful of ganger each side ‘To represent this, the following restrictions apply when’ players choosing their crews (see page 118 of the Necromunda, Rulebook) for Gang Raids scenarios: * The player may not include a Leader as part of their ccew. When using Random Crew Selection, do not include their Fighter cardis) in the Fighter card deck * The player may only include one Champion as part ir ctew. For Random Selection, the player may. the Champion card, which is then shuffled into the Fighter deck a5 normal * The player may not include any Hangers-on, Brute: or Hired Guns as part of their cre, For Randam SSelection, do not include their Fighter cardsin the Fighter card deck A MINOR AFFAIR Gang Raids scenarios are small conflicts far removed rom the latger conflict between gangs over territory and business. As such, Territory and Rackets cannot bbe staked on a Gang Raids scenario ~ delivering ‘a blaw to their opporients pride is enough ofa reward h DEPLOYMENT Deployment in Gang Raids scenarios follows the rules as explained on page 119 of the Necramunda: fulebook. The only exception is that fighters may 1ot make use of the infiltrate skill during Gang Raids scenat ier has the infiltrate skill, they. 3 deploy like any other fighter unless stated otherwise LOOT CASKETS Unless otherwise stated, no Loot caskets are placed upon the battlefield during Gang Raids scenarios. ATTACKERS AND DEFENDERS In this scenario, one gang is the attacker and the. ‘other is the defender. In a campaign, the player who chose this scenario is the attacker. In a skirmish, players rol off and the winner decides whether they ‘will attack or defend. BATTLEFIELD Starting with the defender, the players take it in turns 16 deploy six Zone Mortalis Floortiles (either card tiles, ‘or plastic terrain) in a 3°x2" rectangle! The defender then deploys one tile adjacent to,a tile along either short edge — this is the vault in which the defender Keeps their stash, The short edge opposite the stash vill is the escape route. in this scenario the defender may place all of the barricades, CREWS ‘The defender uses the Random Selection (6) method to choose their crew. After the defender has dealt out their starting crew, they shuffle the selected cards and randomlyselect three fighters ~the remaining three cards are set to one side to form their Reinforcement deck. The attacker uses the Custorn Selectian (3) method to choose theirjcrev Sacer DAVLIGHT ROBBERY A small group of gangers come across a lightly-defended warehouse and attempt tc loot it before they're caught. HOME TURF ADVANTAGE The defender Has ome Turf Advantage. TACTICS CARDS ‘The attacker can’ choose up to two Tactics cardseThe: defender shuffles their deck and draws two cards at random: If, during the pré-battle sequence, the total credits Yalue of fighters in'one players starting crew is less than their opponent’; they may randomly draw. an additional Tactics card for each full 100 ctedits of difference. DEPLOYMENT The attacker deploys their entire crew within the stash’ vault. They then give one of their fighters a Stash, market. The defender then deploys their fighters ‘anywhere on the battlefield more than 6" from an enemy fighter OBJECTIVES The attacker is attempting to escape with-their pilfered loot, The defentier is trying to stop this from happenings ESR “REINFORCEMENTS ‘At the’startf the fourth turh’s End phase, al of the defenders Reinforcements arrive. In this scenario, Reinforcements are deployed by the controlling player anywhere within 1" of the escape route and not within 2” of an attacking fighter CLAIMING THE STASH AND TAKING FLIGHT ‘Any attacking fighter that is within 1° of the escape route’at the start of any End phase can Take Flight if their controlling player wishes, even if they are Seriously Injured. The fighter is removed from the battlefield, and counts as being Out of Action from now on for the purposes of Bottle tests: In addition, if the Stash marker is within 1" of the escape route ‘when a fighter Takes Flight, it is claimed and removed from the battlefield SPECIAL RULE: GO THROUGH THEM For the attackers there's only one way dut — through the opposing gang. The attacker does not take Bottle tests during this scenario. The attacker cannot, voluntatily flee the battlefield ENDING THE BATTLE if either gang has no fighters-left onithe battlefield at the end of arty round, the battle ends immediately, FLEEING THE BATTLEFIELD If the defender voluntarily bottles out and flees the battlefield, their opponent automatically Wins the scenario and clifis the Stash marker. VICTORY The aftackeFwins if one or more of their fighters has 2 Flight and the Stash marker has been claimed, wise, the defender wins REWARDS (CAMPAIGNS ONLY) CREDITS The attacker earns D6x10 credits if the’Stashi marker is cdimed, EXPERIENCE : + Each fighter that took part inthe battle earns 1 XP * The Leader of the winning gang gains an addtional = 1 XP (regardless of whether they took’part im the battle or nat) REPUTATION . + The attacker gains 2 Reputation ifthe Stash matker isclaimea. Z * The%defencler gains D3+1 Reputation if they are ‘Victorious. if either gang bottled out, they lose Reputation, PNT ella) Runes) the Arbitrator Caer) tig eee ae aay mi destined for auction to the highest bidder ATTAGKERS AND DEFENDERS Jn this scenario, neither gang is the defender. Instead, ‘both gangs are attempting to beat the other to the fiches and steal away with the prize! BATTLEFIELD This scenario uses the standard Battlefield Set-up ules, The winner of a rol-off places a 1'x1' Zone Mortals Floor tile down (either card or plastic tersain) This tle represents the centre of the battlefield Players then take it in turns to place four more tiles, adjacent to the frst, forming a cross. There must be ‘a clear route from the centre file'to each battlefield ledge furthest from the central tile CREWS Each player Uses the Custom Selection (4) method to, choose their crew TACTICS CARDS Neither side uses Tactics cards for DEPLOYMENT ‘A marker representing the alction item is placed at the centre of the central tle. The Winner af a roll-off then deploys 2 defence servitor (see below) within 1” of this marker. Next, the winner of a roll-off chooses, a floor tle that does pot contain the auction item, and deploys theirentire crew within 3" of the floor tile edge furthest from the central tile. The other player then deploys their entire crew within 3° of the edge of the baitlefield ditectly opposite the first : ; MERCATOR STOREHOUSE HEIST “wo gangs send 2 small inftraion force inte a Guild storehouse, intent on claiming a supposedly valuable item player's depldyinent zone. The escape routes are on the remaining two tiles, represented by the floor tile ‘edges furthest from the centraltile, OBJECTIVES Both gangs are alfemipting to escape.with the auction item. THE AUCTION ITEM AND ESCAPING The auction iter is rumoured valeabl th gangs have been ordered to be especially careful with it. If a fighter is within 1" of the auction item, they may make the Carfy-(Simple) action ighter may carry the auction vitor is Out of Action, A fighter carrying the auction item cannot use a weapon with the Unwieldy trait unless they have the Bulging Biceps skill fa fighter carrying the auction item is taken Out OF Action, they drop the item = replace the fighter with the auction iter: be something highly item until the defence if fighter who is Garryiig the auction item is within 1" of an escape route at the start of-any End phase, they/can escape with the iter — they are removed from the baitlefield-and coynt és being Out of Action for the purposes of Bottle tests. In addition, any fighter within 1" of the escape foute at the start of any End phase can escape (@ven if théy are Seriously Injured) if the controlling player wishes ~ they are, removed from the battlefield and count as bang Out Of Action for the purposes of Bottle tests, SPECIAL RULE: DEFENCE SERVITOR cet gun, ser Pee [ene ee) Tie a RNP an being redu eae Sete rents preety een eee enor me cena n a EE Hoe cgcter aden sretacte een pool °c AVES ewes a eonegere fighterInstead, whenever 2 fighter ends theit DBx10 credits ‘activation within line of sight ofthe sewitor, and the i luable t 3 servitor is not Engaged, the opposing player makes iC eat an Initiative check fof the servtor. The check is 51-53 Arms Trade: The gang adds a single automaticaly passed if tis the fist time a fighter has. weapon of their choice with a Rattyd moved within line of sghit of the servtor this round or Legality of (10) or lower tothe stasha ifthe fighter has made an attack against the servtor. 4 : The gang a : ietetoad taro cc inc ian (Basic) action. This ¢an happen several times in the ~ of exotic beasts) of their choie samme round, ifthe sevitoris Engaged, they can make Reaction attacks as normal 61-63 Valuable Haul: The gang adds a” HOLE IN THE WALL weapon or piece of Wargear (net Once per game, instead of activating a fighter, including status items or exotic beasts) OF 4 each player may place a ductway anywhere on their choice witha Rartytegaliy oF 01). = the battlefield orlowerto thelr stash ENDING THE BATTLE if either gang has no fighters left on the battlefield at the end of any round, the battle ends immediately. erie FLEEING THE BATTLEFIELD ‘than 125 credits. if one gang voluntatily bottes outlandiflees the battlefield, theit opponent automatically wins the PN Tue isa) scenario and claims the auction item rue ees oe eee eat victory eerie aor The gang which Claims the auction item is victorious, {JA oes IF neither gang claims the auction itégy, the game's defence servitor with a gan a draw. Seta REWARDS (CAMPAIGNS ONLY). EXPERIENCE: + Each fighter that fook paitjn the battle earns 1 XP ‘= The Leader of the gang that claimed the auction item gains an additional 1 XP (regardless of whether they took part in the battle Or not). In the case of a draw neither Leader gains this bonus, REPUTATION * The gang that claimed the auction item gains 2 Reputation + Each gang gains + Reputation if this was their frst battlé against this opponent. eeu] + tf either gang bottled out, they ose 1 Reputation ra RARE GogDS f The ganig that secured the auction item lls 066 on . the table that follows during the post-battle sequence ‘0 see what they have stolen, Any item stolen is immediately added to the gang's stash ATTACKER AND DEFENDER In this scenetio, one gang is the attacker and the. (other is the'defender. In a campaign, the player who B chose this scenario is the attacker. n a skirmish, players roll off and the winner decides whether they ‘will dttack, or defend. BATTLEFIELD This Scenario uses the standard Battlefield Set-up rules and consists of a 2'x2" battlefield CREWS The attacker uses the Custom Selection (5) method for choosing their crew. The defender uses the Custom Selection (4) mettnod for choosin: TACTICS GARDS Each player may select one Tactics card If during the pre-battle sequence Rating is less than theie randomiy-draw an addi 100 credits CLANDESTINE RENDEZVOUS Rival gangers ambush a surreptitious meeting between ¢-gang and a corrupt ficial DEPLOYMENT The defendet sets up the Corn ‘opposite) in the centre of the battlefield, The rest of the defendet’s crew are then deployed within 4" of the Enforcer: The attacker then deploys their entire ‘crew anywhere on the Battlefield more than 4" away from an opposing fighter. orcer (see OBJECTIVES: The tempting to killthe Corrupt iif possible, wipe out thelr rivals in the fenders are attempting to escort the Corrupt Enforcer to safety, aware that saving their life will afd them in the future! AMBUSH The attacker automatically takes Priority in the first round, Additionally, during the first round, the defender must make 2 Cool check for each fighter afe activated. Ifthe check is failed, the ‘carvonly make one action in this round, instead of tw SPECIAL RULE: CORRUPT ENFORCER The Corrupt Enforcer is on the defen aU oeede aoa Pr Uae tLa! [ane a aa Pe orrupt Enforcer is equipped v fret SPECIAL RULE: TO SAFETY The defender’ goal is to get the Corrupt Enfor ty I the Corrupt Enforcer & within 1" of any of the battlefield at the start df any End phi they can take flight if their controlling player w a long as the Corrupt Enforcer hes inding and not ly Engaged. The Corrupt Enforcer is removed from the battlefield ENDING THE BATTLE The battle ends when the Corrupt Enforcer has b escorted safely from the battlefield, or if they have been taken Out of Action. Otherwise, ifeither gang fighters left on the battlefield at the end of ‘any round, the battle ends immediately. VICTORY If the Corrupt Enforcer is escorted to safety, the defender wins: If the attacker takes the Corrupt Enforcer Qut of Action, they afe victorious. Any other result isa draw DEFENDER Severe dee thy he ; ase @ and is d te at cee Seer ry REWARDS (CAMPAIGNS ONLY) EXPERIENCE ‘Each fighter that took part in the battle earns 1 XPe * A fighter that takes the Corrupt Enforcer Out of Action gains an, additional 1 XP. + The'Leader of the gang that scored the most points onal 1 XP (reg ether they took part in the battle or not). In the case of a dra, neither Leader Gains the bonus, less of w REPUTATION * If the defender escort the Corrupt Enforcer to utation. er takes the Corrupt Enforcer Out of Action, they gain D3 Reputation, ‘if either gang bottled out, they lose 1 Reputation, ARBITRATING THE SCENARIO If this is an Arbitrated scenario, the Arbitrator controls the Corrupt Enforcer who is intent on. Ream ects eee Pe ee ecru aa} Biers} BATTLEFIELD This scenario uses the standard Batilefield Set-up rules and consists of up to two Zone Mortals tiles (ether Card tiles oF plastic terrain), the playmat contamned in B, the Neeramunda: Dark Uprising box or the inside of the Necromunds: Underhive box lid. The players each iblace atl, starting with the winner of a roll-off. CREWS Both players use the Custom Selection (4) method. TACTICS CARDS Neither player has any Tactics cards. DEPLOYMENT The winner of a roll-off can choose to deploy first or second, The player who deploys frst chooses one of their fighters and deploys them anywhere on the battlefield, Players then take it in turns to deploy 3 fighter mare than 3° avay from an already deployed fighter uni both crews have been deployed Starting with the winner of 2 roll-off, the players should then place D3+3 Hive Dwellers (represented ‘with appropriate models or counters), taking turn’ to place one anywhere On.the battlefield at least 1” from either player's fighters. OBJECTIVES Both gangs are attempting to be the last gang left standing! SPECIAL RULI A NIGHT OF REVELRY Both ganas’ fighters consumed several rounds of drinks each before trouble-tarted, making them “mean drunks indeed! No fighter can take part in 9 a Group Activation in this scenario, In addition, al “fighters are suffering from the intoxicated condition, eS following effects, > BAR BRAWL Things get heated at the local drinking hole- Each-fighter has their Movement, Weapon Skil and Ballistic Skileharacteristic reduced by 1. Intoxicated fighters automatically pass any Coat checks they are required to take. The first time a fighter is ‘activated each round, roll a D6. On a 6+, or a a from the second round Gnwards, that fighter is;no longer intoxicated, SPECIAL RULE: CHECK YOUR GUNS AT THE DOOR Most sensible saloon awners enforce a ‘no-quns policy, to avoid situations lke these rapidly escalating No-fanged weapons, no grenades or Unwieldy close ‘combat weapons a fighter possesses can be Used during this scenario. iF this would leave fighter with no usable weapons, they are assumed to be equipped \with a’maul (representing a bar stool, table leg or ‘other improvised weapon) until the end of thé battle, SPECIAL RULE: PATRONS This scenarié should include D3+3 Hive Dwellers (see page 149 of the Necromunda Rulebook) deployed as described previously For all intents ard purposes, the Hive Dwellers are ‘treated like fighters and use the rules for movement, stray shots, being Engaged and Pinning as normal However, if they are reduced to O wounds, they are ‘automatically taken Out of Action without rolling any Injury dice Hive Dwellers do not activate normally and instead Teact to the actions of nearby fighters. Hive Dwellers ate triggered by the following actions: * A fighter makes a Fight action within 3” * Acfighter ends 3 Move action within 2" After working out the effects of the action that triggered the Hive Dweller, ro @.D6 on the table ‘below. Note that if there is more than éne Hive Dweller triggered by the action, roll a separate D6 for each one: D6 Result : 1-2 “Oh yeah?™ The pation picks upa piece of furniture and takes a single Shoot action at the nearest fighter (even if ‘they didn’t-trgger the local). Resolve the attack with'a 85 54, $2 and D1 “Ok, take it easy félla!”: The patrort” 34 stands their ground, taking fo action, 5-6. _ "I'm getting out of here!”: The patron flees'the building: Remove them from the batlefiel, Unless triggered a Hive Dweller takes no action, Pye eB oH Pasa net ed Revert TMC eee owen cial Rule: Patrons, resulting in a quicker game en} Pr ENDING THE BATTLE if ether gang has no fighters left on the battlefield at the end of any round, ihe battle ends immediately. VICTORY If onie gang fas fighters left’on the battlefield at the fend of the battle, they are victorious, Ifneither gang) does, the game is a draw. REWARDS (CAMPAIGNS ONLY) EFFECTS One randomly determined fighter from the lasers: ‘few is locked up for causing trouble - that fighter {goes Into Recavery as if they had rolled the Grievous Injury result on the Lasting jnjun(table. If thatflghter suffered a Critical Injury during the battle, they are assumed to have undergone the Medical Escort post battle action, without the nieed for the controlling player to pick another fighter to escort them or pay. any credits EXPERIENCE * Each fighter that took part in the battle earns 1 XB. * The Leader of the victorious gang gains an additional 1 XP (regardless of whether they took: part in the battle or not). In the case of a draw neither Leader gains the bonus. REPUTATION The gang that was victorious gains 2 Reputation Each gang gains + Reputation if this was thelr first battle egainst this opponent. ARBITRATING THE SCENARIO eee teen eae cee ntrols the Hive Dwellers. After the players h yed all of their fighters, the Arbitrator can Dia Cat ett instead of r Sa a pene challenging for the pl oc fad cet iy to crack some hi Rael tell te TRADE) Reertac ey a oree ett iano CRU Re Ur ed Pee ta eee) eee oan aris depths of the underhive. ee eT ee} eee ue ees Peru kon) ‘with small crews In around 30 minutes on a small-scale tabletop. Bee uae Pe eet a nd Peele eee Seg eee ea rte ea Pee eee acme ae) peru aurea ean 5 Se ee cco Peete ecu) Sere een i Zig Le as etd pep oem eine ree) peor Cer) ta Era eres aes

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