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平和 peace "hiragana ひらがな"
this link is to know the stroke order and how
to write down the hiragana

This specfic order have a reason behind it cuz japanese people they
add vowel sound to their consistant sound so for example :
a - あ
k a -か
And the list goes on so in this class we are gonna learn all hiragana
and the correct pronunctions .

In the photo above you are gonna see the basic Hiragana which they
are used in every conversation or text (except for wi and we )

So this are exmple vocabulary for every letter

あ-あか red
い-いみ meaning
う-うみ sea-ocean -うそ lie
え- えがお laugh (spe:laughing face )
お - おさら dish-plate
か- かみ hair-god -paper ( depends on the
pitch accent )
き-きりmist -きみ you
く-くるま car
け- けーきcake
こ- こor こども child
さ-さかな fish
し-しけん exam-test
す-すり painting - pickpocket ( understand
from the context )
せ-せがたかい tall ( person )-せかい world
そ-そら sky
た-たまご egg
ち-ちさい small
つ-つもりintention -plan ( to do something)
て-てがみ mail-letter ( paper )
と-そと outside
な-なに what
に-にもつ luggage
ぬ-ぬれ wetting
の- のみもの drink(noun any drink ANY)
は-はま beach
ひ- ひ day
ふ-ふたり two (people )
へ-へや room
ほ-ほか other
ま-まみ look, one's eyes
み-みんな all people -みる to see
む-むかつく to feel offended (verb )
めーめ eye
も-もの thing
や-やりかた way of doing ( something)
ゆ-ゆめ dream
よ-よめ wife
らーらめん ramen
り-りゆう reason
る-るんるん happy (childish way of saying
happy (cute ))
れ-れつ row-line-sequence
ろ-ろうまん romance ( this is not the only
way of saying it but this is my favourite song's
name that's why )
わーわ ring
をーをたく otaku ( someone love doing or
watching something to crazy dgree )

ん there is no words starts with n for the reason

that i said upside
as we got to know there are more than the basic hiragana that we
learned but its taken form the basic hiragana that we learn before and
here is a list with all the hiragana :
as you see from this list there is
addtional letter you need to learn so lets go over
them ( sadly the vocabulary they are gonna be on
the class ;(... )
かきくけこwhen you add something called
tenten it becomes
がぎぐげご ga gi gu ge go
さしすせそ------ざじずぜぞ za ji zu ze zo
たちつてと----だぢづでど da ji zu de do
and you can see it from the photos
they are also some mixes between some hiragana
as you see from the photos :
きゃきゅきょ きandやbecame kya-kyu-kyo
ぎゃぎゅぎょ gya-gyu -gyo
にゃにゅにょ nya-nyu-nyo
ひゃひゅひょ hya-hyu-hyo
びゃびゅびょ bya-byu-byo
ぴゃぴゅびょ pya-pyu-pyo

and here is the most important part some trick

and tips to be able to pronunce every word
right if you see its hiragana :

if you see this - that means that the sound

gonna be longer for example what we learned
earlier けーき cake its should be pronunced
keeki so the " - " in that case is e
another example くーきair or atmosphere くう
きalso writen like that so "-" in that case
it depends on the vowel before it
tip 2 : the i and u vowel are mostly not pronunced
( in the middle of the word )
i'm gonna go into this in details in the class but for
now word like
あした its should be pronunced ashita but the is
silent so its gonna be ashta
くぎ nail its going to be kgi not kugi
すき like (adjective and adjectives in japanes can
be used instead of verbs )
so its gonna be ski not suki
basically don't pronunce them heavliy and you are
tip 3 : its about the pronuncation for both がぎぐ
げご and はひふへほ
lets start with ha
ha can be pronunced as wa if its used as particle
and in very few words like こんにちは konnichiwa
which means hello
and for the rest "ha hi fu he ho" their pronuncation
its gonna be a little bit breathy
and " ga gi gu ge go " 's is weird a little bit but you
can pronunce it as normal ga from english but its
better to foucs on my pronuncation in the class
And now you finished all the hiragana you should be
able to pronunce everything

the home work is to write down words with the

addtional letter like びゃ and send it to my DM
if you have any question you can ask me on DM or
the language sloth server ( in the middle or after the
class )

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