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Assessment Task no.

6: Gene Therapy (Stem Cells)


Global health has advanced in terms of developing cures to diseases particularly to those which
are genetic in nature. Many people suffering from such diseases are hoping for a cure.
Understanding more of the nature of these genetic disorders has given light to gene therapy.
However, the procedure bears potential benefits but equally with potential risks. Having more
knowledge of these risk factors and by developing risk assessment tools, it will help us improve
our healthcare decision-making.


1. Identify a clinical case wherein a patient had a genetic disease. The case can be obtained:
a. from a news in the internet, or
b. from a news in other platforms, or
c. from someone whom you know but with the patient’s permission to disclose
2. If possible, state the source of the news or case.
3. Based on the chosen case,
a. Determine what type of gene therapy can be applied to his/her situation.
b. Explain how gene therapy can be beneficial and detrimental to the patient.
c. Give an opinion whether the patient must pursue the gene therapy procedure or
not. Justify.
d. Determine whether the same patient can apply stem cell therapy or not. Justify.

Criteria Score
1. Identify a clinical case of a patient with a genetic disease.
2. Determine what type of gene therapy can be applied to his/her situation.
3. Explain how gene therapy can be beneficial and detrimental to the patient.
4. Give an opinion whether the patient must pursue the gene therapy procedure
or not with justification.
5. Determine whether the same patient can apply stem cell therapy or not with
Likert scale: 3 = Excellent, 2 = Satisfactory, 1 = Poor

Instructions on how to submit:

1. Record your discussions video or a recorded PowerPoint presentation.

2. Limit your discussion time to three (3) minutes only. One (1)-point deduction on the total
score will be applied in every excessive twelve (12)-second interval, for the first excessive
minute. Additional five (5)-point deduction to the total score will be applied for the
succeeding excessive minute interval.
3. File name format: “AT<number><space><FAMILY NAME>,<space><GIVEN
Example: “AT1 DE LA CRUZ, JUAN PEDRO T. – JDV.mp4”
Instructors’ initials:
✓ Ms. Hyacinth C. Almeria = “HCA”
✓ Mr. Jet Lee S. Olimberio = “JLSO”
✓ Mr. Arnold M. Ty = “AMT”
✓ Mr. Jordan D. Vivo = “JDV”
4. Online submission: Intermittent submission through the designated online classroom
5. Offline submission: Bulk submission through a compact disc (CD) on or before the
designated deadline.
6. Outputs received by the instructor will be treated as the final output to be graded.

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