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Pearson Syndrome in the Neonatal Period

Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Elena Maria Manea, MD,* Guy Leverger, MD,* Francoise Bellmann, MD,*
Popp Alina Stanescu, MD,w Adam Mircea, MD,* Anne-Sophie Le`bre, PhD,z
Agnes Rötig, MD, PhD,z and Arnold Munnich, MD, PhDz

Summary: Pearson syndrome is a multiorgan mitochondrial
cytopathy that results from defective oxidative phosphorylation Literature Review
owing to mitochondrial DNA deletions. Prognosis is severe and We performed a PubMed search using the terms
death occurs in infancy or early childhood. This article describes 2 ‘‘Pearson syndrome’’ and ‘‘neonatal’’ for the period of 1979
cases with a severe neonatal onset of the disease. A review of the
to 2008 to identify relevant data on cases of PS reported in
literature reveals the atypical presentation of the disease in the
neonatal period, which is often overlooked and underdiagnosed. publications in English and French. We reviewed PS cases
reported in the literature, selected those with neonatal onset
Key Words: Pearson syndrome, neonatal (up to 1 mo of age) and analyzed the clinical evolution,
mtDNA deletion, and the outcome of these patients.
(J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2009;31:947–951)

Case Reports
P earson syndrome (PS), a multi-organ mitochondrial
cytopathy, was originally reported as a disorder with
sideroblastic anemia, vacuolization of hematopoietic pre-
Patient 1
A male patient was born after an uncomplicated preg-
cursors, and exocrine pancreatic dysfunction.1 The main nancy and delivery on term as the fourth child of healthy,
characteristics of the disease, as described up to present, are nonconsanguineous parents. The family history was unre-
hypoplastic macrocytic anemia alone or associated with markable. The parents and the older siblings were healthy.
thrombocytopenia or granulocytopenia, proximal tubular He was born at term by cesarean section because of a severe
insufficiency, exocrine and endocrine pancreas insufficiency, oligoamnios and had a birth weight of 2000 g (fifth percentile).
failure to thrive, lactic acidosis with increased lactate/ He was pale and edematous, hypotonic, had severe
pyruvate ratio, urinary excretion of lactate and related respiratory failure, and tachycardia. Laboratory findings
organic acids, hyperlipidemia with liver steatosis, and skin revealed severe pancytopenia [hemoglobin (Hb) 3.8 g/dL,
lesions. Prognosis is severe and death occurs in infancy or 7900 mm3 leukocytes with 48% neutrophils and 78,000 mL
early childhood owing to metabolic disorders and/or severe platelets], marked metabolic acidosis (pH = 7.16) asso-
infections.2 The disorder was shown to result from defective ciated with hyperlactacidemia (24 mmol/L), hypoglycemia
oxidative phosphorylation and the patients were shown to (1.8 mmol/L), hypokalemia (2.9 mmol/L), and hyponatre-
have mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions of varying mia (140 mmol/L). Mechanical ventilation, circulatory
lengths and, in some cases, additional rearrangements support, and several transfusions during the follow-up
and duplications.3–5 The specific mtDNA deletion was period were realized. At 21 days of age, he still had anemia
4.977 kbp long, deleting the complete genes for ATPases 6 [Hb 6.8 g/dL and medium corpuscular volume (MCV)
and 8, cytochrome c oxidase III, NADH dehydrogenase 3, 97.7 fl], neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. The electro-
4L, 4, and 5 and was associated with a 13 bp repeat. 3 encephalogram performed at 2 days showed intermittent
The clinical onset of the disease is often overlooked in early rhythmic slow waves over the bilateral temporal areas, with
periods of life. The purpose of this article is to give a picture of a similar aspect at 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging at
clinical and laboratory findings in the patients with neonatal 16 days showed mild intraventricular hemorrhage and
onset of the disease based on a review of the PS cases reported myelinization abnormalities. A few days later, he developed
in the literature. We also described the clinical evolution of a severe inflammatory syndrome of unknown origin. The
2 patients with neonatal PS with multiple organs’ involvement. bone marrow aspiration (BMA) performed at 4 months of
age revealed hypocellularity with erythroblastopenia (5%)
and marked vacuolization of bone marrow precursors. The
features were most consistent with a diagnosis of PS, which
Received for publication October 21, 2008; accepted August 6, 2009. was confirmed by genetic analysis of the mitochondrial
From the *AP-HP, Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Department of
Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Université Pierre et Marie
genome. A 9 kb deletion was detected in the patient’s
Curie; zAP-HP, Hopital Necker - Enfants-Malades, Department of mtDNA from the bone marrow cells by polymerase chain
Medical Genetics, Paris, France; and wAlfred Rusescu Institute, reaction and direct DNA sequencing as described by
Department of Pediatrics, Bucarest, Romania, Paris, France. McShane et al.5
Reprints: Guy Leverger, MD, AP-HP, Hôpital Armand Trousseau,
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UMRS 938, Paris 6, France
Persistent pancytopenia was still found at 6 months.
(e-mail: At 6 months and 2 weeks of age, Haemophilus influenzae
Copyright r 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins pneumonia and severe sepsis occurred. At 1 year and 6

J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 31, Number 12, December 2009 | 947
Manea et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 31, Number 12, December 2009

months of age, he presented a developmental delay and Anemia was associated with other symptoms in 12
microcephaly (head circumference 42.5 cm, <3.5 SD) and cases: gastrointestinal (diarrhea, vomiting, hepatic, or
the visual evoked potential showed a disturbed trace with a pancreatic dysfunction) in 5 (15.15%), neuromuscular
normal magnetic resonance imaging. Up to now he has a (tremor, hypo/hypertonia, and lethargy) in 4 (12%), and
good clinical and laboratory status without pancreatic or metabolic (metabolic or lactic acidosis and hypo/hypergly-
hepatic dysfunction. cemia) in 3 cases (9%).
Six patients, including our reports (18.18%), had a
Patient 2 fulminate multiple organ involvement at birth,6,20,23,47 2 of
The male patient was born after an uneventful term them presented with severe hydrops fetalis6,41 and 1 with
pregnancy from healthy unrelated parents. The parents and renal cysts and severe subjacent tubulopathy.20
the 3-year-old sister were healthy. The ultrasound examina- One patient had neonatal cardiac involvement41 (from
tion 24 hours before delivery showed global heart enlarge- 3 cases with PS and cardiac dysfunction).19,22,41,42
ment, ventricular hypertrophy, and pericardial effusion. The Small birth weight was present in 21 out of 33 neonates
patient was delivered at 37 weeks gestation by emergency (63.64%), including our cases, and 3 patients had no other
cesarean section, with an APGAR score of 5, birth weight of clinical features of the PS at birth.6
2460 g, and length of 46 cm. Immediately after birth, he was The vacuolization of the hematopoietic precursors in
pale and showed severe hypoplastic anemia (Hb 2.6 g/dL, the bone marrow was present in the neonatal period in 8
hematocrit 8%, and reticulocytes 0.3%), neutropenia patients (24.24%) and ringed sideroblasts in 4 cases
(10,200/mm3 leukocytes with 27% neutrophils), thrombocy- (12.12%). Medullar hypoplasia was found in 5 cases,
topenia (116 000/mL platelets), metabolic acidosis (pH = 7.12), including 1 of our patients (15.15%) and ringed sideroblasts
and hypoglycemia (1.6 mmol/L). The necessary treatment as a unique feature at the BMA in 1 patient, with
was given, with several transfusions in the first 3 days, vacuolization after the first month of life.
followed by a normalization of Hb, but with persistent The 4.977 kbp mtDNA deletion (characteristic for PS)
neutropenia (5400/mm3 leukocytes) and thrombocytopenia accounted for 8 out of 33 cases of patients with neonatal PS
(42,000/mL platelets) at the 13th day. The first BMA (24.2%) and for 10 out of 46 of the other cases of PS
performed at 17 days of age showed moderate hypocellu- (21.73%). Eighteen patients (54.5%) including our cases
larity with granulocyte and erythrocyte precursors in all had distinct deletions of their mitochondrial genome. The
stages of maturation. At the age of 1 month, he still had genetic analysis was not reported in 6 cases (18%). Two
anemia (Hb 7.2 g/dL). A second BMA, performed at 2 heteroplasmic point mutations have been described in a
months of age showed normocellularity with mild erythro- patient with Pearson-like syndrome and heart abnormality.54
blastopenia with blockage of maturation, granulocytes Directly repeated sequences were observed at the edges
(54%) in all stages of maturation, micromegakaryocytes of the deletions in 14 out of 33 neonatal patients (42.4%), a
and marked vacuolization of myeloid and erythroid common C nucleotide without repeats was detected in
precursors, and features highly suggestive for PS. A 6 kb 1 patient35 and in 11 out of 33 (33%), the presence of
deletion was detected in the patient’s mtDNA from the repeated sequences was not analyzed. Duplicated molecules
bone marrow cells by polymerase chain reaction and direct were associated to deletions in 2 patients19,24 and deletion-
DNA sequencing.6 dimers in 1 patient.12
He had a good clinical evolution with a normal The outcome was favorable for 15 out of 33 patients
physical and neurologic development and complete remis- (45.4%), which were alive at the end of the follow-up period.
sion of cardiac hypertrophy at 2 months of age. At the age Hematologic amelioration was noticed in 12 patients, with
of 3 months, he had moderate neutropenia and thrombo- persistence of thrombocytopenia (4),1,5,41,44 leucopenia (2)1,19
cytopenia and received 4 blood and 1 platelet transfusion. or bicytopenia (3),10,22,43 and complete remission concerning
No sign of pancreatic dysfunction or acidosis was reported. all hematopoietic lines in 4 patients 22,46 (including our cases).
At 4 months of age, he presented a normal blood count, Five patients developed the Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS;
moderate cytolysis with cholestasis, lactic acidosis (lactate/ neuropathy, myopathy, external ophthalmoplegia, and pig-
pyruvate ratio at 27), and mild aminoaciduria. Also, failure mentary retinopathy),4,5,10,22 4 patients an exocrine pancrea-
to thrive with a small weight for his age and delay in tic disfunction,10,22,24,38,44,46 2 patients an insulin-dependent
neurologic motor function. Now his clinical condition is diabetes mellitus,19,42,46 and 1 of them a complete heart
stable and no other signs of organic dysfunction appeared. block.19,42
Eighteen out of 33 cases (54.5%) died, the majority
between 1.5 and 3.5 years (13 patients), 4 patients before 3.5
RESULTS months, and 1 patient died at 14 days (Table 1). The causes
We reviewed 79 cases of PS reported in the literature,1–53 of death included sepsis, hepatic failure, cardiorespiratory
including our 2 cases and we analyzed the clinical features, la- failure, and generalized hemorrhage.
boratory findings, bone marrow aspirate, mtDNA (mtDNA)
deletion, and outcome of the patients with neonatal onset of
the disease (within the first month of life; Table 1).
The neonatal onset of clinical symptoms occurred in
33 out of 79 cases (41.8%; Table 2). DISCUSSION
The most frequent symptom was a hyporegenerative There is clinical variability of PS onset, and anemia is
anemia (32 out of 33, 97%). Macrocytosis was reported in 6 the most frequent symptom. Macrocytosis is a hallmark of
cases at birth1,5,19,39,44,45 and a normalization of MCV in 6 the disease and our analysis found a normalization of MCV
cases: at 3 weeks,19,39,44 6,10 11,1 and 20 months.1 Anemia at different stages of age, although data are insufficient. Our
was the only feature in 13 out of 32 cases (36.4%), associated first patient showed a normal MCV at 21 days, which is
with leucopenia or thrombopenia in 10 cases (31.25%). consistent with data in the literature.19,39,44

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J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 31, Number 12, December 2009 Pearson Syndrome in the Neonatal Period

TABLE 1. Characteristics of Patients With Pearson Syndrome in the Neonatal Period

Mitochondrial DNA Deletion/
Reference Clinical Features Enzyme Defect Outcome
Pearson et al Anemia, small birth weight — Death 26 mo
Anemia, small birth weight — Alive 3.5 y
Anemia, neutropenia, diarrhea, — Alive 3 y
irritability, small birth weight
Anemia, small birth weight — Death 29 mo
Rötig et al6 Anemia, hydrops fetalis, metabolic acidosis, 4.977 bp; 8482-13,460; ATPases 8 and 6, Death 25 mo
small birth weight COIII, ND3, 4L, 4, 5; repeats
McShane et al5 Anemia, lethargic, small birth weight 4.9 kb del; 8482-13,460; ATPases 8 and 6, KSS, alive
COIII, ND3, 4L, 4, 5; repeats 8y
Baerlocher et al Anemia, small birth weight 4.978 kb; 8469-13,447; ATPases 8 and 6, KSS, alive
COIII, ND3, 4L, 4, 5; repeats 8y
Superti-Furga Anemia, small birth weight, ketonuria, 6.34 kb del; 9238-15,576; COIII, ND3, IDDM,
et al12 failure to thrive, hypotonia 4L, 4, 5, 6, Cytb; repeats; dimer death 19 mo
Rötig et al4 Anemia 4.97 kb del; ATPases 8 and 6, COIII, Death 2 y
ND3, 4L, 4, 5; repeats
Anemia 4.97 kb del; ATPase 6, COIII, ND4, Alive 9 y
5; repeats
Pancytopenia, pancreatic dysfunction 4 kb del; 75% BM; repeats Death 3 mo
Anemia, diarrhea 5.9 kb del; tRNA gly, thr; repeats Alive 17 y
Anemia, metabolic acidosis 4 kb del; 57% leukocytes Death 2.5 mo
Smith et al,19 Anemia, fetal distress 77% BM, 64% del, 13% duplication IDDM,
Rahman and heart block,
Leonard42 alive 10 mo
Gürgey et al20 Anemia, small birth weight, vomiting, 3.5 kb del; ND5; 57% leukocytes Death 41 d
tubulopathy and glomerulosclerosis,
renal cysts, metabolic and lactic acidosis,
Kleinle et al21 Anemia, lactic acidosis, cholestasis 7.43 kb del; ATPase 6, COIII, ND3, Death 3 mo
4L, 4, 5, 6, Cytb; repeats
Muraki et al22 Anemia, small birth weight, hepatosplenomegaly 3.63 kb; 9337-12,974; COIII, KSS, heart
ND3, 4L, 4, 5 block, alive
16 y
Muraki et al,22,24 Anemia, small birth weight, metabolic acidosis, 3.15 bp del; 12,203-15,355; tRNA-His, KSS, alive
Sano et al38 hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia Ser, Leu; ND5, 6, Cytb; duplication 3 y
Muraki et al23 Pancytopenia, small birth weight, lethargic, pancreatic, 4.98 kb del; 10,559-15,548; Death 14 d
hepatic dysfunction, metabolic, lactic acidosis ND4, 5, 6, Cytb; repeats
Warris et al28 Anemia, small birth weight, premature 2.8 kb del; 80% blood Aspergillosis,
death 2 y
2 mo
Warris et al,28 Anemia, small birth weight, metabolic acidosis, 6.017 kb del; 7778-13,794; ATPases 8 Aspergillosis,
De Vries et al51 hyperglycemia and 6, COIII, ND3, 4L, 4; repeats death 16 mo
Morikawa et al35 Anemia, small birth weight 7.37 kb del; ATPase 6, COIII, ND3, 4L, Death 26 mo
4, 5, 6, Cytb
Gürakan et al37 Lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia, hypotonia 4.977 kb del; repeats Death
Lee et al39 Anemia, thrombocytopenia, vomiting 6 kb del; 7950-13,993; COII, ATPases 8 KSS, death
and 6, COIII, ND3, 4L, 4, 5 3 y 4 mo
Lichter-Konecki Anemia 4.977 kbp; ATPase 6, COIII, 3-MTG
et al40 ND4, 5; repeats acidosis,
death 3 y
1 mo
Li et al41 Pancytopenia, hydrops, cardiorespiratory insufficiency, 4.9 kb del; 8482-13,460; repeats; ATPases Alive 15 mo
small birth weight 8 and 6, COIII, ND3, 4L, 4, 5
Lohi et al43 Anemia, small birth weight 5.066 kb; 10,373-15,438 del; 80% Alive 9 mo
Demeocq et al44 Pancytopenia, hypotonia, small birth weight — Alive 26 mo
Stoddard et al45 Pancytopenia, small birth weight, failure to thrive — Death 54 d
Favareto et al46 Anemia, polypnea, hypertonia, tremor, hypoglycemia — IDDM,
death 19 mo
Anemia — IDDM, alive
* Pancytopenia, small birth weight, metabolic and lactic acidosis, 9 kb del; blood Alive 18 mo
cardiorespiratory insufficiency hypoglycemia, tremor
* Pancytopenia, small birth weight, metabolic acidosis, 6 kb del; blood Alive 4 mo
cardiac enlargement, hypoglycemia
*Index cases.
— indicates data not reported; BM, bone marrow; CO, cytochrome c oxidase; Cytb, cytochrome b; Del, deletion; Gly, glycine; His, histone; IDDM, insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus; 3-MTG, 3-methylglutaconic aciduria; KSS, Kearns-Sayre syndrome; Leu, leucine; ND, NADH dehydrogenase; Ser, serine; Thr, threonine.

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Manea et al J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 31, Number 12, December 2009

The comparison of the general outcome of PS cases

TABLE 2. The Clinical and Biologic Features of the Patients With and that of neonatal PS showed little difference. Half of the
Pearson Syndrome in the Neonatal Period
patients with multiple organ involvement (including our
Clinical and Biologic Features No. Patients (%) reports) survived with complete improvement of hemato-
Onset symptoms logic parameters without disease progression. This suggests
Small birth weight 21 (63.64) that evolution is not related to the severity of the onset
Anemia 13 (36.4) symptoms at birth.
Leucopenia 9 (27.3) In conclusion, in most of the cases of PS, the
Thrombocytopenia 9 (27.3) symptoms are poor and quite atypical in the neonatal
Multiple organs involvement 6 (18.18) period, which makes it difficult to differentiate from an
Gastrointestinal 5 (15.5) infectious, neuromuscular, or digestive disease. Aplastic
Neuromuscular 4 (12)
anemia, associated with or without neutropenia or throm-
Metabolic (acidosis, hypo/hyperglycemia) 3 (9)
Bone marrow aspirate bocytopenia is a major symptom, which should be carefully
Vacuolization of the hematopoietic precursors 8 (24.24) investigated and the diagnosis of PS should be kept in
Hypoplasia 5 (15.15) mind, even if the clinical presentation does not evoke this
Ringed sideroblasts 4 (12.12) disease.
Molecular analysis
Common deletion (4.97 kbp) 8 (24.24)
Other deletions 18 (54.5)
Direct repeats sequences 14 (42.4) REFERENCES
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