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J Neurol (2003) 250 : 267–277

DOI 10.1007/s00415-003-0978-3 ENS TEACHING REVIEW

Janet Schmiedel Mitochondrial Cytopathies

Sandra Jackson
Jochen Schäfer
Heinz Reichmann

■ Abstract Mitochondrial cy- muscle and nervous systems. They involved. Diagnostic investigations
topathies represent a heteroge- are caused either by mutations in should include the measurement of
neous group of multisystem disor- the maternally inherited mitochon- serum and CSF lactate, neuroradio-
ders which preferentially affect the drial genome, or by nuclear DNA- logical tests and a muscle biopsy to
mutations. Today, approximately show the characteristic ragged-red
200 different disease causing muta- fibres and cytochrome c oxidase
tions of mitochondrial DNA deficient cells and also to provide
Received: 16 September 2002
(mtDNA) are known, and due to material for genetic analysis. To
Accepted: 30 September 2002 the increased knowledge about nu- date, the treatment of these dis-
clear genetics during the last few eases remains supportive and
years, more and more nuclear mu- should focus on typical complica-
Janet Schmiedel, MD () · S. Jackson, BSc, tations are being described. Owing tions such as cardiac dysrhythmia
PhD · J. Schäfer, MD · H. Reichmann, Prof.
Department of Neurology to the non-uniform distribution of and endocrinopathy.
Carl Gustav Carus University Dresden mitochondria in tissues and the co-
Fetscherstr. 74 existence of mutated and wildtype ■ Key words mitochondrial
01307 Dresden, Germany mtDNA (heteroplasmy) in these or- cytopathy · respiratory chain ·
Tel.: +49-3 51/4 58-46 40
Fax: +49-3 51/4 58-84 57
ganelles, these disorders may pre- mtDNA · ragged-red fibres · lactic
E-Mail: sent with a huge variety of symp- acidosis toms, even if the same mutation is

from the oxidation of fatty acids, amino acids and pyru-

Introduction vate; complex II, or succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreduc-
tase which oxidizes FADH2 derived from the TCA cycle;
The term mitochondrial cytopathy is used to describe a complex III, or ubiquinol-ferricytochrome-c oxidore-
number of diseases which have as their root cause a dis- ductase; complex IV or cytochrome c oxidase, and fi-
turbance in one or more of the mitochondrial metabolic nally, complex V, or ATP synthase. Complexes I, III and
pathways. Each human cell may contain up to a few hun- IV pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into
dred of these organelles which are essential for aerobic the intermembrane space, forming an electrochemical
energy metabolism. Although many fundamental meta- gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and
bolic pathways occur in mitochondria,including the res- the energy which this creates is harnessed by ATP syn-
piratory chain, fatty acid β-oxidation and the tricar- thase for the production of ATP from ADP [33].
boxylic acid cycle, in this article we will focus on Numerous patients with an oxidative phosphoryla-
disorders of oxidative phosphorylation or the respira- tion disorder have been described. The deficiency can
tory chain, which represents the terminal stage in ox- involve one (single deficiency) or more (combined defi-
idative metabolism. ciency) of the enzyme complexes. Once cellular energy
The respiratory chain is composed of five multi-sub- production falls below a certain threshold in cells with
JON 978

unit enzyme complexes: complex I, or NADH- perturbed oxidative phosphorylation, a compensatory

ubiquinone reductase, which re-oxidizes NADH derived proliferation of all mitochondria, including affected mi-

tochondria, occurs. Thus, a typical finding in a muscle mtDNA disease can only be transmitted down the ma-
biopsy specimen from a patient with an oxidative phos- ternal line. Second, the genetic code of the mitochon-
phorylation disorder is an increase of atypical mito- drial genome differs from that of the nuclear genome
chondria which stain red with a modified Gomori [45]. Third, there are multiple copies of mtDNA in each
trichrome stain, and hence are referred to as ragged-red cell.A cell or individual is said to be homoplasmic if each
fibres (RRF). of these copies is identical. If two or more sequence vari-
Mitochondrial cytopathies show marked clinical het- ants exist in a cell or individual, the condition is referred
erogeneity, involving a range of different symptoms to as heteroplasmy. If mutant and normal mtDNA co-ex-
which are shown in Table 1. This clinical heterogeneity ist in the same cell, respiratory chain function will not be
in part reflects the complex genetics underlying these impaired as long as there is sufficient normal mtDNA to
disorders and also the fact that tissues with a high en- overcome the effects of the mutant DNA. If, however, the
ergy demand such as muscle and nerve, are more sus- ratio of mutant to normal mtDNA exceeds a certain crit-
ceptible to the decreased energy supply which results ical threshold, then respiratory chain function will be
from an oxidative phosphorylation disorder. impaired. The threshold at which symptoms will mani-
A mitochondrial disorder can also develop as a con- fest depends on the tissue involved. In tissues such as
sequence of drug therapy. Zidovudine (AZT), used in skeletal muscle, nerve, heart and liver with a high energy
the treatment of patients infected with HIV, can induce demand, the threshold is lower than in tissues with a low
proximal myopathy and RRF [9]. energy demand. Fourth, mtDNA undergoes continuous
replication, even in non-dividing cells [8]. In patients
with mitochondrial disease this may lead to a change in
Mitochondrial genetics and DNA mutations the level of heteroplasmy in non-dividing tissues such as
skeletal muscle and nerve if the mutant and wild-type
Mitochondria are unique among human cellular or- mtDNA replicate at different rates, and may contribute
ganelles in that they contain their own genome. Every to the late onset of symptoms found in some patients.
mitochondrion has several copies of this circular, 16569 Fifth, mitochondria are not partitioned equally to
basepair encompassing DNA molecule [2], which en- daughter cells during cell division, which can result in
codes 13 essential proteins of the respiratory chain en- the non-uniform distribution of mutated mtDNA in
zyme complexes I, III, IV and V, 22 tRNAs, and 2 riboso- these cells. This can result in an individual having com-
mal RNAs. All of the other enzymes and factors which pletely different amounts of normal and mutant mtDNA
are necessary for mitochondrial DNA transcription, in different tissues and indeed in the same tissue. Sixth,
translation and replication, such as DNA polymerase mtDNA accumulates mutations more than ten times
and termination factors, are encoded by the nuclear faster than the nuclear genome, which has been attri-
genome, translated in the cytoplasm and then imported buted to a combination of the fact that mtDNA lacks
into the mitochondrion [58]. protective histones, and is in an environment relatively
The mammalian genome has several features which rich in reactive oxygen species, by-products of the many
distinguish it from the nuclear genome, and some of metabolic pathways sited in mitochondria, and further
these features contribute to the pathogenesis of mito- mitochondrial DNA repair mechanisms are inefficient
chondrial disease. First, mtDNA is inherited only from relative to the nuclear repair mechanisms, although the
the mother, as sperm mitochondria are eliminated from latter belief is currently undergoing re-evaluation [61].
embryonic cells early in embryogenesis by a process Mutations in mtDNA thus accumulate with age, and it is
which appears to involve ubiquitination [44, 52]. Thus, not unusual to find ragged-red fibres and mtDNA muta-
tions, mostly length variations, in a muscle biopsy spec-
imen from asymptomatic older people [63].
Table 1 Common features of mitochondrial cytopathies To date, more than 200 different mtDNA changes in
different diseases have been described. These are di-
Exercise intolerance, hypotonia, proximal myopathy including facial vided into two groups: point mutations in protein, tRNA,
and pharyngeal muscles, external ophthalmoparesis, ptosis or rRNA encoding regions, which are often maternally
Heart inherited, and structural rearrangements such as dupli-
Cardiac dysrhythmia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cations and deletions, which are usually sporadic.
Central nervous system
Optic atrophy, pigmentary retinopathy, myoclonus, dementia, epileptic
seizures, sensorineural deafness, ataxia, stroke-like episodes, mental disorders Nuclear mutations in mitochondrial cytopathies
Peripheral nervous system
Axonal neuropathy, gastrointestinal dysmotility
The respiratory chain complexes are composed of more
Endocrine system than 80 individual polypeptide subunits. Of these, only
Diabetes, hypoparathyroidism, exocrine pancreatic dysfunction, short stature
13 are mitochondrially encoded, the rest are nuclear en-

coded. In addition, enzymes and other factors necessary fore be considered for further investigation of mito-
for transcription, replication and translation are im- chondrial function. This is supported by new publica-
ported into the mitochondria from the cell cytoplasm, tions which show a much higher incidence of mitochon-
and so it is not surprising that nuclear mutations may drial diseases than was previously thought.According to
lead to disturbances of oxidative phosphorylation. Since Chinnery and Turnbull, 1:50000 of the general popula-
our knowledge of the nuclear genome has increased dra- tion is affected with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
matically in the last few years, more and more new nu- (LHON). In Northern Finland 6.9 % of individuals with
clear encoded defects have been identified. occipital stroke tested positive for the A3243G-MELAS
Today, we distinguish between mutations in struc- mutation and 14 % of adults with hypertrophic car-
tural proteins and tRNAs which lead to a non-functional diomyopathy were carriers of this mutation [10]. It is
respiratory chain complex, and mutations, which affect now generally assumed that at least 1:8500 individuals
intergenomic communication between the nucleus and has a mitochondrial disease.
mitochondrion and thus cause secondary mitochon- A simple baseline investigation for the diagnosis of
drial DNA changes [16, 49]. Such secondary mitochon- mitochondrial disease is the determination of lactate
drial DNA changes mainly involve depletions of mtDNA and pyruvate levels in blood. In addition, it is helpful to
[34, 38] or multiple mtDNA deletions [20, 23, 51]. In the perform a bicycle ergometer investigation. In a typical
main, they follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance. patient with mitochondrial disease, there may be a
pathological increase in serum lactate during physical
exertion. Other clinical investigations such as EMG
Biochemistry (which may show a myopathic pattern) or elevated CSF
lactate and protein are less specific. Typical neuroradio-
Enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical logical findings of mitochondrial disease are basal gan-
staining of muscle biopsy material is important for both glia calcifications or stroke-like lesions. Individual find-
the diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases and for the elu- ings of the various syndromes are described in the
cidation of the pathomechanism of the disease. The relevant sections.
identification of cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) deficient The next step of the investigation should include a
and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) positive cells has muscle biopsy. As already mentioned, RRF are a charac-
proved important in the diagnosis of respiratory chain teristic feature of a mitochondrial cytopathy. They con-
disorders [53]. It should be noted, however, that a pro- sist of a subsarcolemmal accumulation of enlarged,
found deficiency has to be present in order for the defect abnormal mitochondria with dense cristae and
to be detected by these methods. paracrystalline inclusions [40]. Ragged-red fibres may,
The activity of the individual respiratory chain com- however, also be found in other diseases such as chronic
plexes can be measured in mitochondria isolated from polymyositis whilst being absent in some mitochondrial
tissue biopsy specimen. In tissues with a low level of mu- diseases, such as LHON, in which protein coding genes
tation, however, the enzyme activities may be normal. are mutated. RRF may also be absent early in the disease
Measurement of enzyme activity is also important to es- process and in infants with Leigh-like syndromes. Atyp-
tablish that a newly described mutation is disease-caus- ical mitochondria may sometimes be revealed by elec-
ing. tron microscopy, even early in the disease course.
In addition to the verification of ragged-red fibres,
other histochemical and immunological investigations
Diagnostics of the muscle tissue are helpful. These include stains for
cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) and succinate dehydroge-
Mitochondrial cytopathies are multisystem disorders. nase (SDH), and immunohistochemical investigations
In young patients with a combination of symptoms af- using antibodies generated against the individual sub-
fecting different tissues, particularly the combination of units of the respiratory chain complexes. Muscle tissue
progressive proximal myopathy, endocrine dysfunction, provides the possibility for biochemical investigation of
epileptic seizures and cognitive decline, a mitochondrial the respiratory chain, as well as material for genetic test-
cytopathy should be considered. There are also some ing. DNA isolated from blood is frequently used for ge-
characteristic single symptoms, such as progressive ex- netic testing, but because of the continuous turnover of
ternal ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinopathy com- mitochondria in this tissue, the mutation levels may be
bined with other neurological symptoms, or myoclonic low.
epilepsy with elevated serum lactate levels, which should It is therefore preferable to use muscle tissue, partic-
lead one to suspect a mitochondrial disease. In infants, ularly when looking for deletions and duplications. It
the diagnosis may be very difficult, because they often should be noted that owing to the different distribution
present with only one single symptom, muscular hypo- of mutated DNA in the different tissues a negative result
tonia. Infants who present with hypotonia should there- does not exclude a mtDNA mutation (Table 2).

Table 2 Diagnostic investigations in mitochondrial cytopathies these diseases. Cardiac complications, particularly car-
diac dysrhythmias, are a prominent feature of many of
I. Lactate and pyruvate in serum: Check for elevated levels. the mitochondrial disease syndromes. It has been esti-
II. Exercise testing: Check for abnormally high increase and slow degradation of mated that 9 % of Finnish and 8 % of Japanese LHON-
serum lactate.
patients suffer from pre-excitation syndromes including
III. Neuroradiological examinations (MRI/CT/SPECT): Calcification of basal gan-
glia? Focal lesions after stroke-like episodes? Cerebral atrophy? Leuken-
Wolff-Parkinson-White and Lown-Ganong-Levine dis-
cephalopathy? ease [28, 30], and severe cardiac dysrhythmias are also
IV. Muscle biopsy with: very frequent in Kearns-Sayre and MELAS syndromes.
1. Histology: Ragged-red fibres? The early implantation of a cardiac pacemaker can be of
2. Histochemistry: COX- negative fibres? great benefit and offer a longer life expectancy to these
3. Electron microscopy: Enlarged, abnormal mitochondria with dense cristae patients. MELAS patients often also develop an asymp-
and paracrystalline inclusions?
4. Biochemistry: Deficiencies of single complexes of the respiratory chain? tomatic cardiomyopathy, which responds well to con-
V. Genetic examination (from blood or muscle DNA): Point mutations, deletions,
ventional treatment.
duplications, depletions? Further management includes the use of bicarbonate
VI. Additional investigations: and dialysis to correct episodes of severe lactic acidosis.
1. Lumbar puncture: Elevated CSF protein or lactate? Endocrine function should be investigated and the ne-
2. Electromyography: Myopathic pattern? cessary corrective measures initiated. Blood glucose lev-
3. Electroencephalography: Spikes? els should be checked regularly, particularly in individ-
uals with the common 3243 MELAS mutation. Caution
should be exercised in the administration of anticonvul-
sants and anaesthetics [35]. There is evidence that val-
Therapy proate inhibits both mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxida-
tion and complex IV, and mitochondrial disease should
No curative therapy is currently available for the treat- be considered as a risk factor for the development of val-
ment of mitochondrial cytopathies. As pharmacological proate-induced liver failure [22].
therapy has proven to be of limited value, as discussed A variety of agents including antioxidant vitamin
later in this section, researchers have instead explored supplements and respiratory chain cofactors have been
the possibility of gene therapy. One such approach has used in the past for the pharmacological treatment of
involved expressing a wild-type copy of the mutated mi- mitochondrial cytopathies, but in spite of subjective and
tochondrial gene in the nucleus, targeting of the cyto- objective improvements in individual cases, no signifi-
plasmically expressed gene product being effected by cant effect could be shown in larger trials. Certainly, one
means of the inclusion of a mitochondrial targeting pre- reason for this is the lack of larger double-blind trials
sequence in the engineered gene. This “allotopic” ex- with large cohorts of patients. Patients can be treated
pression was first used successfully in yeast [25], and, with quinone derivatives, generally with ubiquinone
after many failed attempts, has now been applied (coenzyme Q10), taken orally (50–300 mg/day). For this
successfully to human cell lines carrying a missense mu- drug, clinical improvement could be seen in individual
tation in MTA TP6, the mitochondrial gene encoding cases, whereas in a multi-centre, double-blind trial no
ATPase 6 [29]. A more obvious approach of transfecting objective improvement was found [6, 15]. Mashima and
affected mitochondria with wild-type mitochondrial colleagues showed that treatment of LHON-patients
genes has also been tried [43], however, the exogenous with idebenone (90–270 mg/day) may enhance the rate
DNA was neither replicated nor transcribed, and no and degree of visual recovery [31]. Other agents utilized
practical method of transfecting mammalian mitochon- in the treatment of patients with respiratory chain de-
dria currently exists. fects include thiamine (100–500 mg/day), riboflavin
One of the most promising approaches to gene ther- (50–300 mg/day), which has been used with some suc-
apy involves attempts to alter the level of heteroplasmy cess in a small number of patients with complex II defi-
by either selectively inhibiting the replication of, or de- ciency, biotin (5–50 mg/day), ascorbic acid (2 g/day), vi-
stroying the mutant DNA [48, 54]. Such strategies are tamin K (50–150 mg/day) and vitamin E (200–400
based on the fact that a large copy number of the mutant IE/day). The therapeutic effectiveness of all of these di-
mt DNA being required before the effect of the mutation etary supplements still needs to be proven [32]. Succi-
becomes phenotypically apparent. By effectively reduc- nate, a respiratory chain substrate which is coupled to
ing the population of mutant DNA, it is argued that the the respiratory chain via complex II, has been used in
propagation of wild-type DNA will occur, resulting in a patients with complex I deficiency (6 g/day). Further
normal phenotype. therapeutic possibilities include creatine (up to
As there is no cure for mitochondrial diseases, ther- 10 g/day), and L-carnitine (3 g/day) has been used in
apy must consist of the prevention and treatment of the those patients with a secondary carnitine deficiency.
typical symptoms and complications associated with Our lack of knowledge about the proportion of mu-

tated DNA which is necessary to produce disease symp- netic testing. If the diagnosis is confirmed a regular car-
toms, the random distribution of mtDNA into different diological follow-up should be carried out so that any
tissues, and the marked clinical heterogeneity displayed cardiac arrhythmias which may develop, can be treated
by mtDNA transmitted disorders hampers our ability to at an early stage. Surgical correction of impairing ptosis
provide genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. It is is possible, but the benefits are usually transient.
not yet clear to what extent the levels of mutation load
determined in chorionic villus samples compare with
those in the fetus. There have been some attempts made
to get more information about the prenatal risk using A deficiency of cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) can often
data from mouse models and studies involving human be shown by measurement of the enzyme activity in ho-
oocytes [37, 56, 64]. mogenates of affected muscles. Single COX-negative fi-
bres, usually corresponding to ragged-red fibres, can be
demonstrated histochemically.
Mitochondrial syndromes
■ External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO/PEO),
Ophthalmoplegia plus syndrome The majority of cases are sporadic, although more rarely
and Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) familial cases do occur, which can be maternally or au-
tosomally inherited. In almost 80 % of patients with
Symptoms Kearns-Sayre syndrome a heteroplasmic deletion of
mtDNA can be identified. 50 % of CPEO-patients have
CPEO, PEO, Ophthalmoplegia plus and Kearns-Sayre such a deletion (Fig. 1), [18]. The most frequently iden-
syndrome share many common clinical features which tified deletion, the so-called “common deletion”, in-
makes the differential diagnosis of these syndromes dif- volves 4977 nucleotides and is usually flanked by small,
ficult. External ophthalmoplegia is characteristic for all identical DNA-sequences (direct repeats). Duplications
of these disorders. If only this symptom occurs, the syn- of the mitochondrial genome can cause symptoms sim-
drome is referred to as progressive external ophthalmo- ilar to mtDNA deletions, but are much rarer. The exis-
plegia (PEO) or chronic progressive external ophthal- tence of multiple mtDNA deletions together with auto-
moplegia (CPEO). In Kearns-Sayre syndrome the somal inheritance is characteristic of an underlying
patients are more severely affected with onset of the dis- nuclear mutation, which is typical for PEO [19]. The re-
ease before the age of 20 years. The prominent features maining patients probably have unidentified mutations
of KSS are retinopathy, proximal muscle weakness, car- in either the nuclear or mitochondrial genome.
diac arrhythmia and ataxia [21]. If onset is after the age
of 20 or any of these four symptoms are missing, the dis-
ease is referred to as ophthalmoplegia-plus-syndrome.
The muscular weakness affects the facial, pharyngeal,
trunk and shoulder muscles in particular, leading to
dysarthria and dysphagia in many patients. Some pa-
tients may even become malnourished. Other common
features are small stature, deafness, dementia, delayed
puberty and endocrine dysfunction, especially diabetes. Fig. 1 Characteristic Southern blot with wild-type and deleted mitochondrial
MRI findings differ from patient to patient; common DNA. The smaller deleted DNA molecules (bottom band) move further down the
findings are leukencephalopathy or basal ganglia calci- agarose gel than the larger wild-type ones. Deletions are heteroplasmic; even pa-
fications. The clinician should pay particular attention tients with a deletion have some mitochondrial DNA, which is of normal length (top
to any cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrhythmia. During band). The DNA in lanes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 was digested with the restriction endonu-
clease BamHl and that in lanes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 with Pvu II. Lanes 5 and 6 show wild
recent years, the early implantation of a cardiac pace- type DNA. Lanes 1 and 2 show DNA from a patient with a deletion, Lanes 9 and 10
maker has been shown to extend the life expectancy of show DNA from a patient with multiple deletions. Lanes 3, 4 and 7, 8 show DNA
patients with KSS. from a patient with a polymorphism. This polymorphism produces a new Pvu II re-
striction site, whereas the DNA which was digested with BamHl remains uncut.

In approximately 50 % of patients there is a demonstra-
ble increase in blood lactate at rest and/or during exer-
cise testing. CSF protein and lactate are usually elevated.
A muscle biopsy is always recommended for histological
examination and to provide material for molecular ge-

■ Myoclonic epilepsy associated Clinical symptoms are highly variable in affected pa-
with ragged red fibres (MERRF) tients. Distinctive features involve short stature, hearing
loss and diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes due to the
Symptoms A3243G mutation has been estimated at 0.06 % of the
general population [14]. In addition to these symptoms,
MERRF is a chronic neurodegenerative disease, usually patients often complain of episodic migraine-like
starting in the 2nd or 3rd decade of life. It is maternally in- headaches with vomiting. Stroke-like episodes are the
herited and severely affected individuals develop a typ- prominent feature of this disease. They are attributed to
ical combination of symptoms consisting of myoclonic a failure of mitochondrial energy metabolism rather
epilepsy and ragged-red fibres in muscle. In addition, than to a vascular ischaemia [26]. Topically,occipital and
patients often present with myoclonus, dementia, car- temporal cortical regions are primarily affected, leading
diomyopathy, pyramidal tract signs, neuropathy, optic to hemianopia or hemiparesis. During the course of the
nerve atrophy and neurosensory hearing loss. There are disease,patients may develop a myopathy of facial,trunk
some case reports indicating that cardiac dysrhythmias and limb muscles with excessive fatigue, ophthalmo-
are also a common feature in this syndrome [1]. Similar paresis, ataxia and cardiomyopathy. Endocrine dysfunc-
to other mitochondrial diseases, the neurological symp- tion is very common and affects the hypothalamic-pitu-
toms in affected families are extremely variable. itary axis and the thyroid as well as the pancreas. The
clinical picture of MELAS, KSS and CPEO may be very
similar. This is of particular importance when under-
taking genetic investigations.
Very often serum and CSF pyruvate and lactate levels are
elevated. Serum creatine kinase may also be raised. Elec-
tromyography may show a myopathic pattern. Epileptic
discharges may be found on EEG.CT and MRI mostly re- Lactic acidosis is common and may increase substan-
veal a general cerebral atrophy. Ragged-red fibres are a tially with exercise. Occipitally located strokes can aid in
hallmark of this disease. the diagnosis, as well as bilateral basal ganglia calcifica-
tions (Fig. 2), [5]. Other abnormalities include cerebellar
and cerebral atrophy. Electromyography may show a
myopathic pattern in affected muscles, electroen-
Biochemically, the mutation produces multiple deficien- cephalography can also be pathological. Typically, RRF
cies in the enzyme complexes of the respiratory chain, are present in a muscle biopsy. In contrast to KSS, where
most prominently involving NADH-CoQ reductase the mutation can only be detected in muscle, diagnosis
(complex I) and cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) (complex can be made from muscle and blood.
IV), consistent with a defect in the translation of all
mtDNA-encoded genes [5, 62].

To date, three different mtDNA point mutations,
A8344G, T8356C and G8363A, have been identified as
causal for this syndrome.All of these mutations reside in
tRNALys, and approximately 80 % of affected individuals
carry the A8344G mutation in heteroplasmic form [45].
The other two mutations are much rarer [36, 46]. Trans-
fer of mitochondria harbouring a point mutation in tR-
NALys to cells lacking mtDNA has confirmed the muta-
tion as disease causing [11].

Fig. 2 MRI of a nine-year old MELAS patient (T1-weighted with contrast and T2-
■ Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, weighted). The discrete swelling, eventually leading to tissue atrophy (and not
lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) necrosis), is a characteristic finding. The location of the lesions does not correspond
to the territories of the arterial blood supply (with the kind permission of Prof. v.
Kummer, Dpt. of Neuroradiology, Dresden).

MELAS is one of the most frequently occurring mito-

chondrial diseases. It is usually maternally inherited.

Biochemistry Biochemistry

MELAS-patients show a reduced activity of complex I Histochemically, there is an absence of ragged-red fi-
and cytochrome-c oxidase (COX). bres, despite a biochemically demonstrable deficiency of
complex I.
An A to G transition at nucleotide position 3243 of the
mitochondrial genome in the gene for tRNALeu accounts Penetrance is often incomplete in LHON families, and
for 80 % of MELAS cases. Mutations at position 3250 and males are affected more often than females. This incom-
3252, also in tRNALeu, have also been described. The dis- plete penetrance suggests that secondary factors are
ease can manifest with apparently low percentages of necessary for the manifestation of the optic neuropathy.
mutation, with onset being described in cases with a To date, approximately 25 mtDNA variants have been
level of 4 % mutant DNA in blood cells, 38 % in skeletal found in LHON patients. These are divided into primary
muscle and 41 % in cultured skin fibroblasts [13]. In se- mutations, which are high risk factors for the develop-
vere cases, the mutation load in brain and muscle may ment of LHON, and secondary mutations, which al-
be as high as 80 % or more. though associated with the disease have not been as-
cribed a causative role in its development. Amongst the
primary mutations, the most important is a missense
■ Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) mutation at position 11778 of the mtDNA. This muta-
tion, which is in subunit 4 of complex I, accounts for the
Symptoms majority of LHON cases in the Caucasian race and is
usually homoplasmic, although it may be detected in
This disease typically manifests as subacute bilateral heteroplasmic form in asymptomatic relatives. Other
blindness in young men. Both eyes can be affected si- primary mutations include those at positions 3460, 4160
multaneously or sequentially with an average interval of and 14484 of the mitochondrial genome.
2 months. On fundoscopy, patients, and sometimes their
asymptomatic maternal relatives, may show peripapil-
lary telangiectasia, microangiopathy, disc pseudoedema ■ Leigh syndrome (infantile subacute necrotizing
and vascular tortuosity. The disease results in a central encephalopathy) and NARP (neuropathy,
scotoma and does not respond to medication. The final ataxia and pigmentary retinopathy)
visual acuity can range from 20/50 to no light percep-
tion, with the less severe mutations having less severe Symptoms
outcomes. The majority of LHON patients do not suffer
from additional neurological symptoms. There are some Leigh syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative dis-
exceptions, however, and common ancillary symptoms ease which usually affects infants, but has also been de-
are cardiac conduction defects, altered reflexes, ataxia, scribed in adults. In infants, the disease first manifests
sensory neuropathy, skeletal abnormalities and dystonia with failure to thrive, developmental delay and loss of
[27]. Furthermore, there is an above-average incidence developmental milestones. Clinical symptoms include
of multiple sclerosis in patients and their relatives [60]. perinatal asphyxia, respiratory dysfunction, cranial
Approximately 9 % of LHON patients suffer from car- nerve dysfunction, ataxia, dystonia, muscle weakness
diac arrhythmia (mainly from pre-excitation syn- and lactic acidosis. The disease course is usually un-
dromes, including Wolff-Parkinson-White and Lown- remitting. Frequently, death occurs during the first years
Ganong-Levine disease), which is of particular of life.
importance for their treatment. NARP syndrome is composed of axonal neuropathy,
limb and gait ataxia and pigmentary retinopathy. Gen-
erally it manifests in the 2nd decade of life and pro-
gresses much more slowly than Leigh syndrome. Addi-
In some cases serum lactic acidosis is present. The ten- tional symptoms are dementia and seizures.
tative diagnosis is made on the basis of the ophthalmo-
logical symptoms and can be confirmed by genetic and
biochemical investigations. The mutation analysis is
usually made in blood DNA. In view of possible cardiac In both syndromes lactic acid is elevated in blood and
complications, regular cardiac follow-up examinations cerebrospinal fluid. In Leigh syndrome the characteris-
should be performed. tic neuroradiological features are bilateral symmetric
lesions in the MRI, which involve medulla oblongata,

mesencephalon, aqueduct, cerebellum and the basal present with exocrine pancreatic dysfunction, some-
ganglia. In contrast, NARP-patients often only show times accompanied by lactic acidosis. Both sexes are af-
cerebellar and olivopontocerebellar atrophy. During life, fected equally. Repeated blood transfusions are neces-
a diagnosis of Leigh syndrome can only be confirmed by sary and often this disease leads to death in infancy.
genetic analysis and/or measurement of enzyme activ- Interestingly, in children who survive the first years of
ity. The genetic analysis can be carried out in muscle and life, a normalisation of the haematological and pancre-
blood. At autopsy, the main pathology is gray matter de- atic function occurs. The patients,however,then develop
generation with foci of necrosis and capillary prolifera- the clinical signs of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome and/or a
tion in the brain stem and other affected brain areas. mitochondrial encephalomyopathy [65]. Genetic analy-
Whilst in Leigh syndrome the muscle biopsy frequently sis shows mitochondrial DNA deletions in blood and in
shows no RRF, these are more often demonstrated in bone marrow [42].
NARP. Wolfram syndrome (DIDMOAD) is a rare disease nor-
mally inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The
patients develop the disease in infancy and suffer from
diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, optic atrophy and
This syndrome has been attributed to both deficiency of deafness. In some cases, mtDNA-deletions have been de-
cytochrome-c oxidase and complex I of the respiratory scribed, in other cases some of the so-called secondary
chain, as well as to defects in other enzymes involved in LHON mutations have been identified [17, 41].A nuclear
energy metabolism, for example pyruvate dehydroge- mutation on chromosome 4 has recently been described
nase and pyruvate decarboxylase. [3, 7, 17].
The mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal en-
cephalopathy (MNGIE syndrome) is a multisystem dis-
order with onset between the second and fifth decade.
Leigh syndrome can be transmitted by different modes Patients present with ptosis, progressive external oph-
of inheritance: X-linked recessive, autosomal recessive thalmoplegia and a characteristic gastrointestinal dys-
and mitochondrial. The typical mitochondrial point motility, often with pseudo-obstruction and malabsorp-
mutation is situated at position 8993 in the ATPase 6- tion resulting in chronic malnutrition. Ancillary
gene. If the mutation level is above 90 % patients suffer symptoms include diffuse leukencephalopathy, low
from Leigh disease. Patients in whom the mutation load body weight, peripheral neuropathy and myopathy. Mul-
is between 70 % and 90 % develop a NARP syndrome tiple mtDNA-deletions were detected in some patients,
[55]. Individuals with less than 70 % of the point muta- indicating an autosomal pattern of inheritance. Proba-
tion can be asymptomatic. The X-linked [4] and autoso- bly the multiple mitochondrial deletions result from a
mal recessive forms of the disease are rarer than the dominant nuclear mutation [66].
mtDNA transmitted form. In recent years, a number of Most patients suffering from mitochondrial depletion
novel nuclear mutations which give rise to Leigh syn- syndrome are normal at birth. Symptoms manifest in the
drome have been described [24, 47, 57, 59, 67]. early neonatal period with prominent congenital my-
opathy, hypotonia and weakness of the limb muscles, as
well as progressive kidney and liver failure, cardiomy-
■ Other mitochondrial syndromes opathy, lactic acidosis and epileptic seizures. The chil-
dren usually die in the first year of life, but the disease
Familial aminoglycoside-induced progressive sen- course can be slower. Ragged-red fibres can be seen in
sorineural deafness is caused by a 12S ribosomal RNA the muscle biopsy specimen. In affected tissues a
mutation at position 1555. Since the pharmacological marked reduction of mtDNA (up to 98 %) can be found,
target of aminoglycosides is the bacterial ribosome, the although a mtDNA-mutation cannot be detected [34].
evolutionary related mitochondrial ribosomes are the Affected tissues have variable levels of mtDNA deple-
most likely site of aminoglycoside ototoxicity. The syn- tion, whilst unaffected tissues have normal levels of
drome was first described by Prezant et al. [39] in a large mtDNA.
Arab-Israeli kindred. Patients homoplasmic for the
point mutation A1555G can develop rapidly progressive
hearing impairment resulting in deafness, during treat- Conclusion
ment with aminoglycosides. Hearing impairment or
deafness can, however, occur independent of antibiotic Mitochondrial cytopathies are multisystem disorders
treatment in individuals harbouring this mutation [12]. caused by either mitochondrial or nuclear mutations.
Pearson syndrome is characterised by a refractory Owing to the enormous variability of the clinical symp-
sideroblastic anaemia in neonates with vacuolization of toms extensive diagnostic investigations, including
the haemopoietic precursor cells. Clinically, patients measurement of serum and CSF lactate, exercise testing

and neuroradiological examinations, are required. A For further information:

muscle biopsy is usually necessary to confirm the diag-
nosis and to provide suitable material for biochemical  Centre for Inherited Disorders of Energy Metabolism
and genetic analysis. Typical histochemical findings are
ragged-red fibres, cytochrome (COX)-negative fibres  Forschungsgruppe für mitochondriale Genetik
and abnormal succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-staining.
For lack of a causative treatment, current therapeutical  MitBASE: A comprehensive and integrated mito-
approaches consist of prevention and/or treatment of chondrial DNA database
disease complications (e. g. epilepsy, cardiomyopathy, search/Mitbase/
diabetes) and administration of various respiratory  MITOMAP: A human mitochondrial genome data-
chain cofactors and vitamins. The prevention of cardiac base
and endocrine complications is essential for the better  The Mitochondrial Medical Society
prognosis of these disorders.
Today, the treatment of mitochondrial cytopathies is  The Mitochondria Research Society
restricted to symptomatic measures. Given the recent
advances in molecular biology and medicine, we hope
that significant progress in the understanding of basic
disease mechanisms will lead to new therapy options for
these rare disorders.

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