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email : Archdiocesan website:
Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe
Services for the week 23 April - 1 May 2011
Easter Sunday
First Mass of Easter: Saturday 9.00pm Private Intention Eucharistic Service Tues
- Thurs 7.30am
Sunday 10.00am Parishioners Rosary Sun-Mon, Fri
Weekday Masses Tues-Thurs, Sat
Monday 10.00am Michael Rea Confessions Sat 11am
- 12noon;
Tuesday 9.00am James Doherty Novena Wednesday 7.30pm
Wednesday 9.00am Doris & Stan Hull No Holy Hour this
Thursday 9.00am William Fearnley
Friday 10.00am Joseph Redshaw Memorial Book
Saturday 9.00am Private Intention 25th April James
William Cunliffe
Divine Mercy Sunday 27th April Doris Hull
First Mass of Sunday: Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners 28th April William
Sunday 10.00am James Wilson 29th April Austin Shea

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for: William Fearnley

Easter Blessings: ‘He is not here. He has risen, as He said He would!’ In our faith in the resurrection, I wish
you and your families the peace and joy of the Risen Christ. May I take this opportunity once again to thank
all those who have given so generously of their time and efforts to assist in any way during our Holy Week
ceremonies, and to all who, through their prayerful participation, have added to our celebrations. Thanks,
too, from myself, and on behalf of Malcolm and Maura, for the many greetings and cards you have sent.
The Easter Exsultet, sung at the Vigil on Saturday night, proclaims: ‘Rejoice, O Mother Church!
Exult in glory! The Risen Saviour shines upon you! Let this place resound with joy, echoing the mighty
song of all God’s people!’ I hope in the coming year we will live up to this challenge as we proclaim this
Good News to a world and a neighbourhood much in need of its message.
Please continue to pray for Andrew Wilkinson, who was received into full communion with the
Church at the Easter Vigil, and for his family. This is truly a source of blessing and a sign of hope to us in
our faith, as is the baptism of Samuel Joseph Chambers, which will take place after Mass on Sunday. In the
words of the Rite of Baptism: ‘The Christian community welcomes you with great joy’, and we assure them
all of our continued prayers.
Tea after Ten: Tea and coffee will be served in the Parish Centre after 10am Mass on Sunday. All are
Please Note: There will be no Eucharistic Service at 7.30am on Monday and Friday of this week.
Children’s Church: There will be no Children’s Church for the next two weeks to give our Catechists a
well-earned break. As you will have seen, the number of children attending has risen considerably over
recent months, and I am especially grateful to those who give their time to prepare the Children’s Liturgy. If
there is anyone who feels they can help out in any way, please let me know.
Car Boot Sale: Our first car boot sale takes place next Saturday from 9.30am in front of the Parish Centre.
Pitches can be reserved via Pam on 712657. Come along and see what you can pick up!
‘Red, White & Blue’ Social Evening: Or a belated St George’s Day (or post-Royal Wedding Party!) on
Friday 6th May from 8pm. Bring your own drinks. Tickets (£3) available after Mass this week and next.
Last week’s collection: Gift Aid: £414.75; Loose Plate: £323.69; Total: £737.44. Many thanks.
Question of the Week: Christ is risen! What is your experience of resurrection in your own life and the life
of your family? How can you see the Risen Lord in the people around you in Church?
Your Parish Priest: Fr John Gorman

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