HeroQuest - Combat Cards 2

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Combat Cards
Volume II
Rules by Jacob Busby
Illustrated by Gerwin Broers

Card Layout by Ron Shirtz

Copyright 2002
T hese cards are for
personal gaming only.
T hey may not be sold,
posted, copied, converted, or
otherwise distributed without the
express permission of the owners.
Footwork Rallying Cry Charisma

Your swift movement makes Your rallying cries inspires your Drawing inspiration from you,
you difficult to strike. comrades to victory! one henchman instantly recovers
You may roll two extra defence From now until the end of the turn from one wound that would
dice until the end of the turn. each Hero may roll one extra otherwise have killed him.
attack and defence dice. Play this card to ignore one wound
that would otherwise kill a
henchman under your control.

Feint Luck Berserker Fury

A sudden, unexpected move Fortune smiles upon you! Launching into a berserker fury
puts you at an advantage! You may use this card to you hurl yourself into the fray!
You may reroll one set of dice, automatically cancel the effect From now until the end of turn
either attack, defence or of one combat card played by the you may trade any number of
movement. Evil Wizard player. defence dice to roll any equal
number of attack dice.
These dice may be distributed
amongst any creatures adjacent to
you as you see fit.

Keen Hearing Hidden Reserves Alertness

Listening cautiously at the door, Drawing on hidden reserves of Your perception is second-to-none.
you are able to discern precisely endurance, you shrug off wounds You may use this card to
how many monsters are in the next that might kill lesser men. automatically ignore one Trap,
room. The Evil Wizard player Play this card to immediately heal Ambush, Wandering Monster card,
must tell you how many and what two body points of damage. or Event.
type of monsters that occupy the
next room you enter. You may only
use this ability when you are
adjacent to a closed door.
Cover Dark Omen Tail Strike!

Your intimate knowledge of the The powers of Chaos conspire to In addition to your regular attack,
dungeon allows you to slip into disrupt your opponents! your Fimir use their tails as maces.
nooks and crannies and avoid You may use this card to Each Fimir you control may make
missile fire. All missiles fired by automatically cancel the effect of an additional two dice attack
the Heroes this turn one combat card played this turn.
automatically miss. by one Hero.

Goblin Crossbowman Trap! Dark Glory

One of your goblins is armed with You cronies have set up a trap and Evil power emulates from the
a crossbow and can shoot a three one of the Heroes stumbles into it! undead under your control!
dice missile attack each turn until Roll one combat dice, if the result From now until the end of the turn,
defeated. The crossbow is of such is a skull, one Hero or henchman all undead defend with skulls
shoddy quality that it may not be of your choice automatically instead of black shields.
used or sold by the Heroes. suffers one wound.

Overwhelming Fear Cover Dark Omen

One of your minions lets out a Your intimate knowledge of the The powers of Chaos conspire to
primal scream that terrorizes all that dungeon allows you to slip into disrupt your opponents!
hear it! Choose one Monster. Until nooks and crannies and avoid You may use this card to
the end of the turn, to attack that missile fire. All missiles fired by automatically cancel the effect
Monster a Hero must roll equal to or the Heroes this turn of one combat card played
less than their mind points on one automatically miss. by one Hero.
dice, or be the recipient of a
Courage spell.

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