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NNPWE Employment of Contract Agreement

This contract of employment is made and extended by and between the National Network of
Positive Women Ethiopia, hereafter to as "The organization" and _____________________________
hereafter refereed to as "the Employee".

Person Detail: Date of birth:_______________

Marital status:_______________

Home Address: ______________

Woreda:__________________ Kebele: _________________

ID No.___________________

Condition of contract

Article -1. Position

a. The organization agrees to employee in the capacity of __________________________________________

b. The employee agrees with the scope of his/ her profession and responsibility to perform
the duties and responsibilities of the above-cited position in accordance with the job
description and the directives of the organization.

Article -2. The obligation of the employee

The employee shall

a. Execute his/ her duties in accordance with the directives and policy of the organization and
pursuant to the job description given to him/ her.
b. Perform his/ her duties conscientiously and with due diligence.
c. Observe disciplinary rules states in the staff rules of the organization.
d. Refrain from all acts that jeopardize the safety of the employee and the other persons
lawfully present in the premises of the organization.
e. Not engage in any other activity remunerative without the prior permission of the
f. Work during public holidays, rest periods and outside the regular hours of work where his
necessitated by the nature of the work.
g. Report to work and during interaction with communities and physical conditions.
h. Give all proper aid when an accident occurs or an imminent danger threatens lie or
property in his/ her place to work without endangering his/ her safety and life.
i. Inform immediately the organization any act which endangers him/ her or fellow
employees or which prejudice the interests of the organization.
j. Not give any tools, implements or material entrusted to him/her without the express of

Article -3. It shall be unlawful for a worker to:

a. Intentionally committed in the place of work any act which endangers life and properly and
thus be liable to pay any lose caused by the act.
b. Report to work in a state of intoxication
c. Refuse to observe safety and accident prevention rules and to take the necessary safety
d. Be repeatedly tardy for work
e. Be absent from work without permission and out side the rules of the organization
f. Engage in mal utilization of the property of fund of the organization to procure for oneself
or to a third party undue enrichment
g. To create or engage in brawls or quarries at the work place including during interaction
within the community
h. To use information known to them by reason of their official position to their private
i. To accept gifts money from a third party as recognition collaboration which may be found
irregular and result in dishonesty


a. This contract of employment is made for a period of _______months.

Commencing on ______________________________
Ending on ________________________________
b. The contract of employment is subject to a probationary of 45 days (commencing from the
date of employment) within time bathe parties may cancel the contract without further
c. This contract may also be terminated at any time pursuant to the provisions specified in the
personnel administration manual

Article-5. Duty Station

a. The duty station of the employee shall be ________________________________

b. The employee agrees to accept transfer to any other place of work in accordance within the
directives of the organization

Article -6. Remuneration

a. The employee shall receive a gross salary of

_____________( ________________________________________) per month. Subject to income tax
according to Ethiopian law.
b. Said salary shall constitute complete remuneration for the service performed by the

Article -7. Working hours

a. Working hours shall be as stated in article 10.1.5 of the stipulated organization

administrative manual
b. The prescribed working time is subject to the recess of 1 (one)hour (between 12:30 and
1:30 Pm every day except Friday from 11:30P.M to 1:30P.M) for rest and refreshment
Article-8. Leaves

The employee shall be given

a. Annual leave
b. Sick leave
c. Mourning leave
d. Marriage leave
e. Maternity leave and etc as stipulated on article 4.3 of the organization administrative

Article-9. Termination

Termination procedure and the corresponding payments shall be executed as per the organization
administration manual.

Article-10 Particulars

Name: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________
P.O.Box: _________________________________
Tel. : _____________________________________
Fax: _____________________________________
Name: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________
P.O.Box: _________________________________
City: ______________________Town _____________________ Kebele ______________________
Tel. : _____________________________________
Fax: _____________________________________
ID/passport No. __________________________

Article-11. Renewal

This contract may be renewed for further term up on mutual contest of the two parties

Please indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract by signing and dating in
the space provided below.

Signed the ______________day of _____________20____

_____________________________ _________________________________

The employee The organization


Name Signature Date

1. ___________________ ___________________ ________________

2. ___________________ ___________________ ________________

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