Election Review - CLV

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 November 20, 2021 – P.M.
Joe Brandon’s BD

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CLV] – Multi-State Update Import

Tim Griffin [of the Thomas More Society and American Voter’s Alliance] noted that the
Amistad Project [c/o Phill Kline, filed by Tom King and Tom Breth] successfully blocked PA
Gov. Wolf’s illegal school mask mandate. He also noted how lefties are trying to smear
conservatives over the perennial issue of how gerrymandering [practiced by both parties]
yields “blatantly rigged elections.” And he noted how Montana lefties are claiming
“Republicans Wage War on Student Voting” by blocking same-day registration and use of
non-student photo ID’s. Meanwhile, Virginia Dems continue to try to manipulate loose
election rules. In New York, poll-workers [not voters] allegedly/illegally rubber-stamped
ballots for a write-in candidate; this is not evidence of wide-spread voter fraud. Finally,
Fulton County, Georgia did not follow statutory requirements for pre-election “logic and
accuracy” testing of machines by localities prior to the 2020 election; they’re open to the
public) and political parties are encouraged to attend to ensure that ballot tabulators are
working correctly. Tim has attended many such tests in Virginia. Therefore, it’s this level
of grunt-work in all 50 states that must be pursued, even as we await a finalized report
from Arizona regarding how the “aberrations” [read “fraud”] detected has impacted the
outcome of 11/3/2020; Illustrative of what hasn’t happened in PA c/o Corman is the
factoid that, in Wisconsin, a Senate Committee just subpoena’ed Madison election
records from the 2020 Election, finally prompting initiation of the decertification process.

Nancy was able to corral her caucus to support the Build Back Bankruptcy Better Bill after
the CBO warned its score could sink it; recall its fundamental irreversibility and its
potential to nullify all state-level voting reforms. Despite the dismal polling for Brandon,
he continues to try to buy love, notwithstanding Bidenflation. More “connected” people
than I will need to strategize how to undermine the Marxists (to support Machin/Sinema).
In any case, Zerohedge summarized both the voting blow-by-blow and its fiscal impact;
thus, fixing the jiggered sunset provisions (in a half-decade] yields a true cost of $4 Trillion.

Perhaps pending December expiration dates [Debt Ceiling and Continuing Resolution]
could be leveraged to forestall spending via a Senate filibuster; it doesn’t seem Bannon
conveyed any new insights [Friday] regarding an updated strategy, now that the Dems
were able to blind their “moderate” House members from the devastating CBO analysis.
[Corman-controlled/Dush-chaired Intergovernmental Operations Committee is inert.]

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