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NOMBRE: _______________________________________ CURSO: ___ FECHA: __________

Objetivo: Utilizar correctamente

estructuras del YAÑEZ
pasado simple
PONCEen sus
LEON de afirmación, negación y
pregunta. Reconocer las diferencias entre was y were.NATURALES Eliodoro Yáñez 1900
CIENCIAS San Bernardo


 (PARTE 1) Utilice de forma correcta el verbo entre paréntesis (was/were) y luego

complete la oración según corresponda la estructura afirmativa:

Ejemplo: The test ________________ (be) easy.

Respuesta: The test was easy.

1. It _____was_______ (be) cold yesterday.

2. She _____was_______ (be) hungry.

3. We _____were______ (be) late for the meeting.

4. I ______was_______ (be) tired last night.

5. The exam ______was_______ (be) difficult.

6. They ______were________ (be) in Berlin.

7. You ______were_______ (be) in the library when I called you.

8. The holiday ______was________ (be) fun.

9. He ______was________ (be) early for the interview.

10. The people we met last night ______was________ (be) French.

 (PARTE 2) Transforme las oraciones 1 – 10 a su forma negativa. Use contracciones
cuando sea posible:

Ejemplo: The test was easy.

Respuesta 1: The test was not easy.
Respuesta 2: The test wasn’t easy.

1- It wasn’t cold yesterday.

2- She wasn’t hungry.

3- We weren’t late for the meeting.

4- I wasn’t tired last night.

5- The exam wasn’t difficult.

6- They weren’t in Berlin.

7- You weren’t in the library when I called you.

8- The holiday wasn’t fun.

9- He wasn’t early for the interview.

10- The people we met last night wasn’t French.

 (PARTE 3) Transforme las oraciones 1 – 10 a su forma de pregunta:

Ejemplo: The test was easy.

Respuesta: Was the test easy?

1- Was it cold yesterday?

2- Was she hungry?

3- Were we late for the meeting?

4- Was I tired last night?

5- Was the exam difficult?

6- Were they in Berlin?

7- Were you in the library when I called you?

8- Was the holiday fun?

9- Was he early for the interview?

10- Was he people we met last night French?

Good Luck!

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