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RULES FOR HEROIC ROLEPLAY HEROIC ROLEPLAY IN A WORLD OF MAGIC AND MAYHEM CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. : 3. BETWEEN EXPEDITIONS ‘Componcats: How to Ply Advanced Heroquest: The Fate Points and Wounds: Tessre: Cos of Living Hees: The Camesmastr Stating Pay uadom Events: Spending Gold Heschmen: Eniack EXPLORATION TURNS. 0 om Next Trip. Hero Player Phase ‘CAMPAIGNS 9 EXPLORATION. . n Nts and Bots: Alemative Monsters: Quest Hes: Genet the Dungeoe: Pasig: Junctions znd Coen thane ‘Comers; Doors; Stairs: Rooms: Placing New Sections, HEROQUEST. S ‘COMBAT. 5 16 Heroguest Chances: Room Fuishings: Migic Items: Ping Monsters: Sequence of Phy: Movem Heroes Revisited Using he Heoqest Bou (Combat Phases: Hinde Haed Combat: Ranged ‘SOLO ADVANCED HEROQUEST 48 Combat Fite Points: Death. Peepring for Pay: Exploration Taras: Combat Tins MAGIC. 2 Tobaros Bate Castig Spel: Bight Wizards Spell Book. THE QUEST FOR THE SHATTERED AMULET... ‘THE GAMESMASTER 4 Dangeon Layout, Soa’s Amulet; Runing the Quest Dutics ofthe Camesmaster, Dungeon Cousts: i ‘Chaacter Monsters Shaven; Slaven Wirin: Stance Chunacter: Skea HAZARDS. % Disk Magi: Specialist Save. ‘TREASURE, 30 ‘The Warlords La: The Magic Mae: The Plague Risetticce ‘Temple: The Amber Room: The Prison of ke: be Stattered Amulet Moaster Matrices REFERENCE SHEETS (Chiat Shets: Monster Releence Tables: CM pee ene Glaze Sheets Monster Receaee Titles CM (Chaar Shc Magi Skit Mente Eine ‘TRAPS = Sheet: Monster Matis CREDITS Game Design: Jervis Johnson Development: Paul Cockburn Box Cover Art: John sibbick Floorplans & Counters: Gary Chalk Additional Box Art: Mark Craven, Wayne England, John Sibbick Rulebook Cover Arts Wayne England Mlustrations: #Ftony Ackland (Brau! Bonner, Ff Paul Campbel, FCary Chalk, ws Wayne England, 2 Fangorn, a Jes Goodwin ga Gerry Grace, MA Martin McKenna fuss Nicholion,weMarin Perot ‘Adrian Smith, @steven Tappin REF: 005715 ‘Notingam, Neves PRODUCED BY THE GAMES WORKSHOP DESIGN STUDIO Managing Director: Bryan Ansell, Studio Manager: Tom Kirby, Design Manages: As Meret Art Director: John Blanche: Publications Manager: Pai Gallagher, Prat Buys Steve McGowan Etorial Manager: simon Forres, Production Supervise. Tony Cosel Art Esitor Pol Benson, Miniatures Co-ordinator PhilLewis Asian Desig Manage ‘Russ Tinham, Assistant wo Publieations Manager: Robin Dews, Design England, Graphic Design. Brian George Bi Sedgwick, Vaualcr: Richard Weigh Weer chad Halll, Jervis Johnson, Wiliam King, Rick Prisly, Nigel Sillan, Eton Mat Forbeck, Andy Warwick; Photography: Chris Colston, Arttllustaton oe ‘Ackland, Gay Chalk, Mark Craven, Davi Gallagher Paul onc Adan Seth Miia aioters: van Barieet Andy Crag, Dale Hust, Mike Mey Tim Prow: Citadel Designers Kevin Adams, Mark Copplestone Colin Dixon es Goodwin, Bab Olly, Asm Rasy Michal Perry; Plastics Development Team: fab Naish, John Thorac, Dave “Andrews; Typesetting: Lindsey Dl Dox Paton, Tiny Thornton, Sto Anson his Balderon; Finished Arts: Pala Blakemore, Vivien Heyes, Rachel ohason, Dave Lone ees Nobe, Tony Osbome, David Oliver Nick Ord, Dovid Pest im Pollan Poke Manages Andy Jone: Asin wo Projects Manager: Seve How: miata Sess ‘Baron, Heater Nicholson. op Cade Miniatres legs ara Padmars own by aes Wor Worst at A Rigs Beer A PRODUCT CODE: 0571 Aas Advanced Heroquestis the roleplaying gime of fantasy adventure, You play the part of an epic Hero as you set out on the road to legendary power and riches. Your adventures will take you on. ‘quests inco the dark places of the world, o tunnels and caverns filled with terror, hopefully to find gold and magical treasures perhaps only to find death. ‘Alewiced Si is ti acs wc st (rin teey und pei adveane: Wve cows chet Saas th petbe pee steag ecoconi aie Sackgroundsnd he went of dear brings hs wort fe ‘Neher Gone Scapa pease ot = Merten ralaaly Rete oog SROigneta? Site Sobsmgeatpe (eateoe my operetta ce tape ea One Ronde Se per ae Rene es apc ws apess ao caplet tat somae eae ‘ciemwet ronee aiee eeeaoom a So gy once hal and wining ne AD” ith tit'fouPeReatures that burst forth to slaughter the surface zone Ideally, Advanced Heroquest is a game for four or five players, although there's no real limit on how many or how few people play. One player takes the role ofthe Gamesmaster: he's the person, ‘who controls the monsters and lays out the dungeon, To stat with, it's best if the person who actually owns the game acts 25 GM ‘here's plenty of opportunity for everyone to have ao later. The ‘other players each take the role of a Hero. The Heroes are Human, Dwarf and Elf Adventure, great Wario and Wards who battle the mons tae inthe underwort Elche he Heros cnet dark tunnels and passageways, they have a goal to achieves Sangerour quent that wil bring theme ch rewards if they are gucece(al. Bet there fs price-sorntiries Here wil al ecto cat {downy the monstersa he makes ABI last stand Heres for Your ft few panes For och ers there plte chadel Mitre showing hin wah tes aruiot und cigar bot ewe Heres and modes at eal te belong. Miponeyd Horcqten cata yee developing your Heroes trom the AMR Deplonngs tote se of lege, ad treating your own Heroes. Cite! Ministre face ages Conta thousands of rca ond pt eotage ns siecle: Eat respon oo tual intoeye In fact, there's never been 2 game set against sucha tichly-detalled world background, with such a vast range of models to bring the game alive: from Warriors, Wards, Dwarlsand Elves to Goblins and Orcs, Giants and Dragons. The 36 plastic Ctadel Minature in this box scarcely Scratch the surface of the world that’s waiting to be explored Ityou're playing tne Gamesmate youcoaol atthe moter snd tape ate dogcon se Jouare wo pourbestnth he foes a your Wiper acu hc Hoe sou to i ot thetampson the Boosespoe pang tite ha they mee ape foo ue ‘vith strange ion a Sntomies chasms oiled SESSBAL cAMAAE'G creatures that have risen from the dead As Gamesmaster, before you begin (0 play ‘Advanced Heroquest you should quickly read through the rulesat least once to give yourself 2 good idea of what the game's all about. Read thesectionson exploration, combat and the role Sashes Linsirmgsottisny Geli othe Gaara mor cael - hee sections cover things that wif SERIPWBlr onen during pay. Yul probaly have 0 Teer he uleook que but Sot woe oul toon eto know our bay roundthe ume Andi cs ate it you make afew micas while youre ut psig Fa Nrga igen oo ety Amt AE HE erocs pains te dark forces ofthe Skaven sar enn thee gee a, bringing disease and destruction ia Yas quest, che ae ee ee = ‘The Quest for the shattered Amulet is only the beginning, Well be publishing more quests and other material for Advanced Heroquest 2s supplements to the game and in White Dwarf ‘magazine. And one of the most exciting parts of Advanced Heroquest is creating your own quests. Using your imagination. and the hints and ideas that we've provided, you can create vast ‘dungeons, fil them with deadly monsters, and think up challenging, ‘quests that will test the Heroes tothe full. Ech quest builds into an epic ale of heroism, a continuing story that takes the Heroes from dungeon to dungeon as they ty told the world of the fou! creatures that threaten Mankind, (© Myer Cites © Paes Neto 1 Legulry sts te Deas cca Tg COMPONENTS COMPONENTS The following isa brief suazary ofthe Advanced Heroquet components: fles foc thle us te tance ace HEROES AND MONSTERS The miniatures in the box represent Hero SEAANMER and ‘monsters. There are 4 Heroes (a Warrior, a Wizard, a Dwarf and. an El), 12 Henchmen, and 20 Skaven - mutant Ratmen whose ‘winding tunnels form an Under Empire beneath the ground, Ti eel shouldbe soted ino the bases Rv en fBMMESTictas shoud pe atached to the 2 ee Wizard and Elf | don't have shield). t 5 } Dwarf Henchman, a 3. sj, and the note the Wirard Elf Warrior ‘One ofthe most enjoyable parts of Advanced Heroquest is painting yourmodels, There isa guide to painting the models with Citadel Pints on the side of the box - you can get a more detailed free guide if you send a large stamped addressed envelope to Citadel Miniatures Painting Guide, Games Workshop Lud, Chewtoa Steet, Hilltop, Eastwood, Notts NGIG 3HY. ‘The models in this box are just afew of the vast range of plastic and metal models manufactured by Citadel Miniatures. There i an enormous range of models for Heroes and monsters, including feetal Skaven models for all of the specialist types in the game ‘The address of your nearest Citadel stockist can be found each ‘month in White Dwarf magazine, alongwith deals of allthe latex ‘game and miniature releases and new rules and adventures forall the Games Workshop hobby games. Ateroaively, the tree dierent colour of bases canbe used to ‘how which models which ype of monster For nye yo% Couldave Skaven Warion witrone colour of base SARE with another an Champions wit third these cab changed fom Gene opine proved rer yooe karen what dry csc DUNGEON SECTIONS Advanced Heroquest is played on interlocking card dungeon AMoorplans. The system of interlocking passages, junctions and rooms can be used again and again to create 20 infinite variety ‘of dungeons. You won't run out of floorplans because you ean {ake up the sections you've already explored to lay out the dungeon before you Furs Passage ‘Function Corner Dead End. Stas Rooms aren't cut to interlock, 4 ny gap glace them anywhere ‘uns a passage. Te lange pavisg HEA ar form the dungeon iloor are slso the grid on which you move the models Small Room Revolving Room (Other sections are placed on the floorplans to show the position ‘of features such as chasms, thrones, treasure chests and so forth Treasure Chest, Chasm DOORS The 6 plastic doors show where entrances to rooms and passage are placed. When the Heroes open a door, you can change the Position of the plastic door in its frame to show that its open, Schablone COUNTERS AND TEMPLATES Character Monster Counters Leading the monsters ina dungeon are more powerful characters ‘Champions, Warlords, Sorceress and Daemons. The GM take some ofthese counters atthe start of a dungeon, and ean add them {0 groups of monsters encountered by the Heroes. Closed Door Clan Eshin Assassin Clan Mors Warlord ‘Chaos Sorcerer Greater Daemon ‘of Tecenich These counters show the metal Citadel Miniature forthe character monsters. They canalso he used a painting guide ll the mols ‘were painted with Citadel Paints and Inks,

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