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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
College of Nursing and Allied Health
A.Y. 2021-22


To help maintain pertinent airway by using gravity and positioning to loosen thick mucus
secretions from the bronchial airway. And therefore, promotes better breathing.

 Stethoscope
 Pulse oximeter
 Water in pitcher and glass
 Tissues and paper bag
 Chair
 Extra pillows
 Clear graduated screw-top container
 Oral hygiene care: toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, or chlorhexidine oral rinse if ordered
 Suction equipment
 Clean gloves
 Patient education material

1. Identified patient with at least two  Ensures correct patient. Complies with
identifiers. the Joint commission standards and
improves patient safety.
2. Assessed patient for history of decreased  Conditions that pose risk for impaired
LOC and muscle weakness or disease airway clearance require CPT.
3. Reviewed medical record; assessed for  Indicates need to perform postural
signs and symptoms consistent with drainage. X-ray film data and signs
atelectasis, lobar collapse pneumonia, or and symptoms indicate accumulation
bronchiectasis; ineffective coughing; thick, of pulmonary secretions and
sticky, tenacious, and discolored secretions ineffective airway clearance.
that are difficult to cough up.
4. Auscultated all lung fields for decreased  Findings identify bronchial drainage.
breath sounds and adventitious lung sounds.
5. Assessed vital signs and pulse oximetry  Provides baseline to evaluate patient’s
before postural drainage system. response to therapy
6. Determined patient’s and caregiver’s  Identify potential areas for instruction.
understanding of and ability to perform home Home care CPT is indicated in
postural drainage. patients with chronic conditions such
as cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis or
7. Determined patient’s level of comfort.  Determines patient’s level of pain and
pre-procedure analgesia is needed.
1. Identified expected outcomes.
 Lung sounds improve or become  Clearing of airways documents
clear. effectiveness of procedure.
 CPT provides mechanical stimulus to
 Sputum is more easily coughed and loosen secretions from wall of airway;
expectorated or suctioned out. thus, secretions are easier to

 Secretions appear more normal in  When infection is present, returning to

color and consistency. normal indicates resolving infection.

 Pulse oximetry (SpO2) levels increase  As secretions are removed, patient

exchange of respiratory gases
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
College of Nursing and Allied Health
A.Y. 2021-22

and dyspnea decreases. improves, and dyspnea gradually

 Chest x-ray film shows improvements:
lobar collapse and atelectasis are  CPT improves atelectasis and
decreased or eliminated. facilitates removal of secretions from
airways. As a result there is visual
improvement on chest x-ray film

2. Explained procedure to patient and family:

a. Administer analgesia 20 minutes  Pain control is essential for patient to
before CPT maneuvers if necessary. actively participate in CPT maneuvers
and cough forcefully to clear airways.
b. Explained purpose and rationale for  Helps promote cooperation. Well-
procedure, explained details of prepared patient is usually more
procedure. relaxed and comfortable, which is
essential for effective drainage.
c. Encouraged high fluid intake program  Fluids thin secretions and make them
unless contraindicated, maintained easier to cough up. Patients need close
record of fluid I&O. monitoring and encouragement when
first starting high fluid intake
d. Planned treatment so they did not program.
overlap with meals or tube feeding,  Performing postural drainage when
stopped gastric tube feedings for 30 to patient’s stomach is empty helps avoid
45 minutes before postural drainage, gastric reflux or vomiting and
checked for residual feeding in aspiration of stomach contents.
patient’s stomach, held treatment if

e. Scheduled treatments at appropriate

times.  Scheduling of CPT avoids conflict
with other interventions and/or
f. Had patient remove any restrictive diagnostic testing.
clothing.  Helps patient relax and promotes deep
1. Provided privacy, performed hand hygiene,  Maintains privacy. Reduces
applied gloves. transmission of microorganisms.
2. Used findings from physical assessment  Individualized treatment helps relieve
and chest x-ray film to select congested areas specific areas of congestion identified
for drainage. during patient assessment.
3. Assisted patient to appropriate position,  Proper patient positioning promotes
placed pillows for support and comfort, drainage of pulmonary secretions.
draped patient appropriately.
4. Had patient maintain position for 10 to 15  In adults draining each area takes
minutes. time.
5. Performed chest percussion and vibration  Provides mechanical forces to help
after 15 minutes. move airway secretions.
6. Had patient sit up and cough, saved  Any secretions moved to central
secretions if necessary, suctioned if necessary. airways are removed by cough or
 suctioning before placing patient into
next drainage position. Coughing is
most effective when patient is sitting
up and leaning forward.
7. Had patient rest briefly if necessary, noted  Short rest periods between postures
pulse oximeter readings. prevent fatigue and increase tolerance.
Pulse oximeter values may fall
8. Had patient take sips of water.  Keeping mouth moist aids in
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
College of Nursing and Allied Health
A.Y. 2021-22

expectoration of secretions.
9. Repeated step 3-8, ensure each treatment  Postural drainage is used only to drain
did not exceed 30 to 60 minutes. areas involved and is based on
individual assessment.
10. Offered or assisted patient with oral  Promotes comfort and reduces bad
hygiene. breath.
11. Removed gloves and performed hand  Reduces transmission of
hygiene. microorganisms.
1. Auscultated lung fields.  Clearance of secretions usually
relieves gurgling, early inspiratory
crackles, and palpable crepitus.
2. Inspected character and amount of sputum.  Determines if there are more
secretions coughed up and if they are
adequately thinned.
3. Reviewed diagnostic reports.  Provides objective data on
improvements in lung function.
4. Obtained vital signs and pulse oximetry  Procedure can result in dysrhythmias
and decreases in oxygen saturation in
some patients.
5. Asked patient to explain importance of  To determine if the patient fully
positioning. understands the procedure and if not
plan a better health teaching method
for the patient.
6. Identified unexpected outcomes. Related Interventions:
a. Patient experiences severe dyspnea,  Discontinue, modify, or shorten
bronchospasm, hypoxemia, or treatments.
hypercarbia and/or is unable to  Administer bronchodilator or
tolerate treatment. nebulizer therapy 20 minutes before
 Suction and ventilate with bag-valve-
mask as needed and closely monitor
arterial blood gas (ABG) levels, O2
saturation, and vital signs.
b. No improvement in chest assessment
or chest x-ray film examination  Initially increase treatments and
results. encourage and teach coughing
 Increase hydration.
 Notify health care provider because
patient may need sputum culture,
change in antibiotics, mucolytics, or a
bronchoscopy to remove thick mucus
c. Hemoptysis occurs; or patient
 Stop therapy, place patient in high-
develops acute hypotension, severe
Fowler’s position, and obtain vital
chest pain, vomiting, aspiration,
and/or dysrhythmias.
 Call for help and notify health care
 Remain with patient; keep patient
comfortable, calm, warm, and quiet.
 If patient vomits or aspirates, suction
airway and place him or her on his or
her side.
 Prepare for possible oxygen
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
College of Nursing and Allied Health
A.Y. 2021-22

1. Record all pertinent information for  A complete and well-organized

appropriate log. records are essential for good medical
practice and continuity of care.
2. Documented evaluation of patient learning.  Good documentation is important to
protect patients as it promotes their
safety and quality of care.

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