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Gabriela Faith C.

Sullano September 15, 2020

Bachelor of Science in Nursing 1-A Anatomy and Physiology

Activity No.8

1. Knowing the purpose of the subject

Anatomy & Physiology will give you an insight into the complex nature of the human
body and the countless different systems that make it up. It's crucial for medicine, and through
studying and working in the field, you'll be helping to improve other people's health and

2. How the subject helps you to become effective in your chosen field.
Nurses need anatomy and physiology classes to comprehend how one’s individual body
performs when it is in perfect health so that when their patients get sick, they will understand

I. Know the importance or significance of the subject to nursing

This course is mandatory for anyone who plans to perform in the field of medicine. The
course provides learners with the primary base required to help patients.

The course concentrates on how one’s individual body system performs together to operate
properly. Students can also expect to use case studies to implement the ideas that they understand in these
systems. At the conclusion of the anatomy and physiology course, students should have a strong
understanding of the anatomic conditions used in regards to one’s individual body, the location of major
organs and space of one’s individual body system, specific anatomy and physiology conditions,
physiological functions and locations of cells of one’s individual body and physiological components of
all techniques of one’s individual body. Nurses need anatomy and physiology to comprehend how to take
good care of their individual. The body must remain in a balanced condition to operate. When one’s
individual body does not maintain balance, medical staff must figure out how to recover the body’s
stability to help the affected person. Nurses must be able to think and act quickly when an individual
needs proper care. The skills that medical staffs learn in this class can also help when they are evaluating,
tracking and confirming the situation of patients. When the conditions of patients change, medical staffs
must know what the underlying cause of their situation is, and they must be able to help these patients
recover their wellness. In other words, medical staffs need anatomy and physiology classes to
comprehend how one’s individual body performs when it is in perfect health so that when their patients
get sick, they will understand why.

II. How the subject helps you to become effective in your chosen field
An understanding of anatomy and physiology is essential for any career in the health
professions. It can also help you make choices that promote your health, respond appropriately to
signs of illness, make sense of health-related news, and help you in your roles as a parent, spouse,
partner, friend, colleague, and caregiver.

Nurses need Anatomy and Physiology to understand how to care for their patient. The body
must remain in a balanced state to operate. When the body does not maintain balance, nurses
must figure out how to restore the body’s equilibrium to help the patient. Nurses must be able to
think and act quickly when a patient needs care.

The skills that nurses learn in this class can also help when they are assessing,
monitoring, and reporting the condition of patients. When the conditions of patients change,
nurses must understand what the underlying cause of their condition is, and they must be able to
help these patients regain their good health. In other words, nurses need Anatomy and Physiology
classes to understand how the body works when it is in perfect health so that when their patients
get sick, nurses can understand why.

III. How the subjects connects you to the basic in nursing or caring patient.

Helps in physical fitness: Strong and fit body is an inevitable asset in the field of sports.
Study of anatomy and physiology helps a sport person to understand the structure and function of
different parts of human body and to acquire a fit and healthy body.

Sport physiology is the study of how exercise alters the function and structure of the body. A
sports physiologist seeks to understand the physiological demands of a sporting performance,
which inform what characteristics an athlete should have to be successful competing at the
highest level.

Understanding anatomy is crucial to many aspects of your art. You'll notice that anatomy is
essential for drawing. Knowing why the nose and eyes fall where they do make it much easier to
draw from memory, and nail that natural look you were going.

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