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Facultad de Ciencias y Artes

Departamento de Lingüística

Introduction to Tourism/ Mila Gonzalez-Tourís

Names: Andrea Alfaro and Sandra Carrasco.

I.D: 20171110623 20171110069

Date: 23/2/2018

You and your partner should write an essay to explain the importance of tourism for any economy
in the world and the current situation of Venezuela´s tourism.

To explain this you will mention: multiplier effect, tourism balance of payments, the importance
of internal, inbound and outbound tourism, who publishes the documents, what are they used
for, what´s the methodology to produce the information that the rankings publish, and the
specific situation of Venezuela in each one.

This paper will have a maximum of two pages written in Times New Roman 12, space 1,5, and it
will be written IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Any suspicion of copy-paste or paraphrasing from another
source will cause immediate annulment of your exam. I will simply stop reading it and I won’t give
it a grade. Please understand that if I wanted to read from an expert I could search Internet
myself. I need your conclusions and opinions based on all the materials you’ve read and analyzed. I
do not want you to repeat definitions; I want students to apply those definitions to a real case
showing comprehension of the materials through an analysis. If you have read the materials and
answered the questionnaire, you are ready to write this paper.

When you finish, identify your work with names and section. Do the same with the Word File.

Thank you.
Importance of tourism for economy in the world and the current situation of Venezuela´s

As it is known, the world's economy is based in diverse entries, such as importation and
exportation of goods and the sectors of service, industry and manufacture; however,
tourism has an enormous part in the world´s economy as it means big numbers in the
incomes of a country. It started centuries ago in the old civilizations, being enjoyed only by
the privileged; nonetheless, it evolved to be a massive leisure business around the world. In
the other hand, Venezuela has an enormous potential to exploit the tourism sector; all
things considered, there are many reasons why it cannot be done (yet). This essay regards
these topics in a more extended way in order to explain the situation and have a better
comprehension in the subject.

Tourism generates thousands of jobs and promotes the development of countries. Every
year the number of people traveling for diverse reasons (such as leisure, business, etc)
increase. According to the Tourism Highlights 2017 publicated by the UNWTO, tourism
contributes 40% to the economy of a country in average, 30% in the world´s economy, and
10% in the GNP as one of ten jobs are related to tourism. This means that, as the tourist
flows grow bigger each year, so does the economic sector in the treated country.

Moreover, the multiplier effect works starting with new hotels setting up in a place of
interest, this makes other companies come closer to the area, in this way, producing jobs.
During this process, taxes increase and should be spent in the improvement of services and
infrastructure to make the country more competitive in this area.

The tourism industry in Venezuela has not been developed entirely. Its economic
management does not allow to reinvest on services and/or infrastructure that can improve
the quality of the tourism sector.

The economy of Venezuela is largely based on the petroleum sector and manufacturing,
but comparing the tourism sector in the country to others it can be noticed that it has more
outbound tourism than inbound, in other words, the income of money in this sector is lower
than the outcome; furthermore, the money that should be used to improve the sector is
nonexistent (if not very low, not to mention other economic matters).
According to MINTUR (2008) the balance payment of Venezuela has been decreasing, it
means that its economy is losing power due to the fact that it receives a half of the foreign
investors that it used to receive years ago.

In conclusion, tourism has an enormous influence to the world´s economy as it means a

big income of benefits to countries given by jobs, social advantages, infrastructure and
opportunities. Venezuela's current economic situation is affected by diverse reasons; due to
this, the tourism industry is becoming a necessity for the country’s benefit. To place
attention in the mentioned sector, and creating a better known country brand could increase
the tourism flow and would be very advantageous to improve this sector in our country.

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