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Selected solution:

Our solution in trying to reduce plastic pollution and reach our customer’s needs will be an
exceptional application that calls to action!
The app will call to action in 4 different ways, explained below:

1. Who are we?

This section will introduce the whole project in a very simplified way. We will include a
definition of who we are and where do we come from, in addition to our goals, mission,
vision, reliable expectations, and an intro to our team.
2. An online grocery
This section will serve 2 needs:
a. The need of people to find reasonably priced products that could be used as
an alternative for plastic products. This was made as an answer to the call of
its need that was very clear in our online survey responds and to the
customer’s request for it
b. Funding for our project to serve our future goals, and if possible, to manage
some profit for us as entrepreneurs.

 Products that will be sold will be from different brands that are eco-

3. Challenge hub (CHALLENGE to MANAGE)

The challenge hub section will be the interactive part of the project where we, with the
help of specialists and influencers, will engage all age groups in challenges that have to
do with saving the environment. Those challenges will also have rewards on them,
possible rewards could be: points to buys from the online grocery, vouchers/ discount
codes, rewards from sponsors, a free workshop to join.

For instance, as a challenge we can ask the participant to collect all plastic waste they
would have for a week. Then ask them to decrease it for a month and the participant
with the lowest waste in the 2nd month compared to the 1st week “in percent” will win
the challenge. Another idea would be to make a month of environmental awareness the
same way breast cancer awareness is carried during the October of each year or the
30X30 Dubai Fitness Challenge each November.

4. Workshops and events

This is another interactive section of our app. Here is where people will have the
“space” to learn & show some creativity. Workshops are going to take place in
cooperation with people who do actually have a background in the eco-friendly world.
And for people who actually contribute and attend workshops certificates will be
rewarded. This is how people will learn.
On the other hand, we will also open the door to the public to apply for requests to
make their own sessions that participants could join. And if there was actually a huge
demand on the workshop, it could take even further steps to join our events.

Lastly the events, this is gonna be on an annual base where the projects outcomes of
each year are displayed. In addition, we will make sure to have certain activities to
engage the community as a whole. Examples might include: talks by influencers,
repeating some workshops that where so demanded during the year, sharing
experiences…etc. This, we are sure, will leave a great impact in everyone!!

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