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Headway Intermediate

Juniors V – Adults IV


Not all the teaching points below will be tested.

- Information questions
- Revision verb tenses and auxiliaries
- Active vs passive voice
- Present simple and continuous
- Narrative tenses
- Modals for advice, permission and obligation
- Present perfect – simple and continuous
Time expressions – Sts bk p, 61
- verb + ing / + inf
- will, going to and Present continuous
- 2nd and 3rd conditionals
- might have/ could have/ should have
- Modals of probability
- Noun phrases, articles, possessives, all/everything, pronouns
- Reported statements, question, commands, requests
- Indirect questions

Everyday English
- Responses in conversations – Sts bk p, 16
- Everyday situations – Sts bk p, 16
- Making small talk – Sts bk p, 37
- Giving opinions – Sts bk p, 47
- Polite requests and offers – Sts bk p, 57
- Exclamations – Sts bk p, 77
- Arranging to meet – Sts bk p, 87
- Money matters – Sts bk p, 97
- Expressing attitude – Sts bk p, 107
- Language used in descriptions – Sts bk p, 117
- Talking in clichés – Sts bk p, 127

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Headway Intermediate
Juniors V – Adults IV
- All about adjectives – Sts bk p, 12
- Word formation and collocations - Sts bk p, 27

- Balancing work and life – Sts bk p, 36

- Phrasal verbs – Sts bk p, 56
- Adverbs - collocations - Sts bk p, 63

- Body language – Sts bk p, 76

- prefixes and suffixes - Sts bk p, 86

- words with similar meanings - Sts bk p, 96

- Phrasal verbs with out & up – Sts bk p, 106 - 107

- Compound nouns - Sts bk p, 116

- Ways of speaking - Sts bk p, 126

Short writing task 35/45 words
Students should be able to:
- Write a short email about a special object they have – Sts book p. 11-12
- Write a short blog post about your ideal job – Sts book p. 35-36
- Write a short blog post giving their opinion about the last film they saw – Sts book p. 47
- Write a short blog post about an ideal rule for life – Sts book p. 53
- Write a short blog post about the importance of friendship – Sts book p. 73
- Write a short blog post with your opinion about a given topic –
- Write a short blog post describing your favourite object – Sts book p. 117
- Write a short blog post with your opinion about a given topic –

Long writing task - 100/120 words

Students should be able to:
- Write a blog post about their favourite relative– Sts book p. 18
- Write an informal email – Sts book p. 28
- Write a story– Sts book p. 48
- Write a life story. – Sts book p. 68
- For and against essays – Sts book p. 78
- Write a description to rent your house. – Sts book p. 98
- Write a story – Sts book p. 108
- Write a biography. – Sts book p. 128

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