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Temperature in Kelvin
T1 T2 t1 t2
439 316 305 313

LMTD 47.1623320064422
R 15.375

s 0.059701492537314 FT actual

∆lmtd 41.9057289780791
U 260 W/m2
Q 133860 w
Q= U*A*∆T

A 12.2858178678975

tubes spec
out dia= 20 mm
in dia = 16 mm

asume length 2 m 2000

Area of tubes 0.1256

no's of tube 97.8170212412221 20
tri pitch bun dia Db 145.920371326445
clearance 10 mm
shell dia (Ds) 300 mm
mean temp 309
tube c/s 200.96 mm2
tubes per pass 48.908510620611 10
total flow area 0.0020096 m2
therm mass vel 1448.04936305733 kg/s*m2
density of therm 1000 kg/m3
vel of therm 1.44804936305733 m/s

Nre 917.714 (den*v*d)/u

pr 5.69413793103448 cp*u/k
L/di 125
heaqt trans fact jh 0.0045
Nu 7.33180836731511
hi 265.778053315173 W/m2


baff spacing 100 mm Ds/3
tube pitch 25 mm
cros flow area As 0.006 m2
mass vel Gs 13.45 kg s/m2
Eq dia de 14.201 mm
VFR of gas 0.19036806011527 m3/s
shell Side vel 31.7280100192116 m/s
Nre 118517.668953496 118517.669
Pr 0.000863776223776
jh 0.028
hs 195.488810477628 W/m2

Overall Coeff
1/Uo 0.061712403819549
Uo 16.2041978290792 W/m2

Tube side press drop psia

∆Pt 14677.9287049551 N/m2 2.1288574235

Shell Side Press Drop psia

∆Ps 145099.498910321 N/m2 21.044941123

Mechanical Design

Shell thickness
thichness (ts) 1.33796891325856 mm
thichness (ts) 6.3 mm

Nozzle thichness
tn 0.286683766870161
CA 3 mm
tn 4 mm

Head Thickness
crown rad (Rc) 300 mm
knukle rad (Rk) 18 mm
W 1.77062072615966
(tors) head thick th 2.02270120322607 mm
(tors) head thick th 6.3 mm

Design of Gasket

Gi 322.6 mm

Go/Gi= 1.04016403503227
Go 335.556917701411 mm
width of gasket (N) 6.47845885070564 mm
basic gasket seating bo 3.23922942535282 mm
AS (bo) is less then 6.3 b=bo & G=Gi+N
G 329.078458850706 mm

Bolt load under atm cond

Wm1 pi*G*b*y
Wm1 178736.014119506 N

Bolt load under oper cond

Wm2 pi*G*2b*m*p+pi/4*G2*p
Wm2 71191.0844306972 N

area of bolt at atm

Am1 1271.23765376605 mm2
area of bolt at oper
Am1 506.33772710311 mm2

No's of bolt (n) G/25

No's of bolt 13.1631383540282 8

Dia of bolt (db) 8.97925534823325

bolt circle dia (B) 365.515428397878

actual bolt spacing 143.464805646167 mm

Flange Thickness
outside dia of flange
Dfo B+2db+12
Dfo 395.473939094344

hG 18.2184847735861 mm
H 61504.5296580034 N
k 2.52447511233095
Thickness of flange (tf) 18.0747114598181 mm
Thickness of Tube
tf 0.075759162303665 mm tube press
tf 2 mm

Tube Sheet
tts 17.4421392530454 mm
CA+tts 6 mm

Flange thickness SAME AS ABOVE

Channel & Channel cover

th 15.7295952344843 mm
CA+th 5 mm

Nozzle design thick noz (tn)

trn 0.194944961471709 Nozz dia
tr 1.35
X 78 or X

h1 12 or h1

using X=78 & h1=6.25

Area removed 105.3 mm2

area compen in vessel As 269.1 mm2

Ao 28.8131879816036 mm2
Ai 0
Ar -192.613187981604 mm2
AS AREA IS '-ive' no reinforcement is required
273 130

42.2820681993921 15.407486




no's of tube (Nt) 32.7273163413891

Tubes in centre row 5.83681485305781

thermic fluid reqd 10463 kg/hr

thermic fluid reqd 2.91 kg/sec

Baffle dia pipe shell 298.4 mm

Baffle dia plate shell 296.8 mm
gas 2087.5 kg/hr
den of gas 3.046 kg/m3
viscosity gas 1.158E-05 Ns/m2
Cp 0.64 Kj/kg
K 0.00858 w/m.k
thermal cond steel 43 w/m.k



Press 0.7235 N/mm2

shell dia 300 mm
joint eff (J) 0.85

nozz dia 75 mm

stress for CS 95 N/mm2

f 1
shell od 312.6 mm

gasket seating stress y 53.4


4 mm
75 mm

45.8 mm

6.25 mm

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