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Generation Control

– a SICAM Application

Generation control: Generation control in

connected mode
an integrated secondary controller Generators Utility

for generators in industry grids infeed

Generation control coordinates the This solution is a generic application

generators in industry grids as a that can be adapted to individual
secondary controller. Generation customer needs through configuration
control is a fully integrated part of the and parameterization.
Big loads
Siemens substation automation It is based on the SICAM RTU platform
system. Using generation control, grid and uses SICAM SCC or Spectrum Consumer loads
operators can manage the following Power 5 for the Human-Machine
industry grid operation modes: Interface (HMI) and substation
automation for process connection.
• Connected mode
• Island mode Main functions • Keeps interchange power factor
The main goals of generation control above contracted limit.
Connected mode
are to keep frequency and voltage in • Shares produced power between
• Maintains desired power inter-
the islanded grid in a desired range, generators.
change with utility by balancing load
to control the interchange with the
changes with the generators. • Calculates and monitors the actual
external grid in connected mode, and
• Keeps power import between reserve (spinning and interchange
to provide sufficient spinning reserve
desired interchange limits. reserves).
by load sharing in both modes.
Workstation 1 Workstation n Redundant server Redundant
for SCADA controller for
Grid operation
generation control

Ethernet Plant level

Substation operation Substation n

Substation level:
SICAM substation controller

Station bus:
Bay level: Ethernet and
protection and

Island mode The generators are usually driven by • Only one HMI is therefore used both
• Keeps frequency in desired range steam or gas turbines, or by diesel for monitoring and control, and for
using load frequency control (LFC). engines. Additional use of renewable supervising all power management
• Maintains voltage in desired range power sources can be supported by functions.
with automatic voltage control adding the optional SICAM microgrid • Supports the operator with dynamic
(AVC). control. display of generator characteristic
• Controls the operation mode of including actual working point.
System requirements
the primary controllers (AVR and • Can be adapted to specific needs
• Generation control can be imple-
Governor). through configuration and param-
mented on SICAM AK 3 /
• Shares active and reactive power eterization without additional pro-
CP-2019 or A8000 / CP-8050 (with
between generators in the industry gramming.
grid. • Automatically recognizes multiple
• For every participating generator set
• Calculates and monitors the islands and controls them in parallel.
a subcontroller based on a SICAM
spinning reserve. RTU is necessary to interface the • Includes calculation of spinning
• Recognizes multiple islands and primary controllers (governor, AVR). reserve (SRC) which also supports
operates generation control for each the load shedding function.
island in parallel. Supported options • Based on the IEC 61850 standard to
• Operation and monitoring of gen- ensure communication beween all
Range of operation eration control is done with pre- included automation devices. This
Generation control is designed for pared images on the connected HMI. significantly reduces parallel wiring,
industry grids with up to 16 control- • Redundant SICAM controllers are increases system availability and
lable generators. The grid can be also supported. provides a future-proof solution.
operated in up to 8 parallel areas in
• Goes beyond simple load sharing by
either connected or island modes. Benefits
including closed-loop control for
The actual active areas are automati- • Fully integrated into the substation
both frequency and voltage in island
cally recognized by the topology automation system.
function. This makes it simpler for the
industry grid operator.

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in this document only contains general descriptions
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Article-No. EMDG-T90066-01-7600 | Dispo 06200 | PU 184/003167 PB 04.18

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