Today 1 - Final Exam Teaching Points

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Not all the teaching points below will be tested.
• Verb to be – all forms
• Personal pronouns
• Possessive adjectives: my – your - his – her – our - their
• this / that – these / those
• a / an
• plural noun forms
• There is / isn’t – There are / aren’t
• Whose…..? Possessives - ‘s / ‘s
• prepositions – in / on / under / behind / in front of / next to
• Have got / haven’t got
• and / but
• Present simple – all forms
• Past simple - - verb ‘to be’ – all forms TEACHING POINT ADDED
• verbs for routine activities. – page 52 – all forms
• Adverbs of frequency – always – usually – often – sometimes - never
• Wh..? questions – what – where – what time – how often
• Expressions of frequency: once – twice – three times… - a week/month/year

• Ask for personal information
• Talk about music
• Showing someone your home
• Describing people
• Give invitations
• Give directions

• Numbers - Sts book p. 5
• Greetings – Sts book p. 6
• The time - Sts book p. 7
• Days of the week - Sts book p. 8
• Family members – Sts book p. 9
• Adjectives – big / funny / naughty / small – Sts book p. 13
• Countries and nationalities – Sts book p.17
• Everyday objects – Sts book p. 18
• The house - Sts book p. 29
• Colours – Sts book p. 30

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• Possessions - Sts book p. 31
• Furniture - Sts book p. 33
• New words – balcony / comfy / only / perfect / place / stadium / view – Sts book p. 37
• Clothes – Sts book p.41
• Adjectives to describe eyes and hair – Sts book p. 42-43
• New words – artist / beard / moustache / painting / portrait / ribbon / self-portrait / toys - Sts book p. 47
• Routine activities - Sts book p. 52
• School subjects – Sts book p. 54
• Jobs and places of work - Sts book p. 56
• Culture today – new words - Sts book p. 61
• Places in town – Sts book p.65
• Months of the year and ordinal numbers– Sts book p. 66
• Cross curricular studies - new words –- Sts book p. 71

Writing task - 50/60 words

Students should be able to:
• Write about you– Sts book p. 5
• Write about someone in your family – Sts book p. 9
• Write about your family - Sts book p. 13
• Write about your birthday party - Sts book p. 19
• Write about your favourite band - Sts book p. 21
• Write about your country - Sts book p. 23
• Write an email describing your home– Sts book p. 35
• Write a blog entry of your dream house – Sts book p. 37
• Write a description of your favourite character or relative- Sts book p. 45 – 47
• Write a blog entry describing your routine – Sts book p. 53
• Write a blog entry describing someone in your family and his/her routine – Sts book p. 57
• Write an invitation for your party– Sts book p. 59
• Write an email to a friend giving directions to get to your house/party – Sts book p. 69
• Write an email to your friend telling what you did last weekend- EXTRA TEACHING POINT


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