M4 - Five Coins For A Kingdom

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M4 An Adventure for Character Levels 28-32 L


E d"

IV asters Game Adventure

by Allen Varney


. Dungeon Master Background . . . . ............................... 2
, Adventure Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Encounter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ 3
Encounter Key .......................... ................... 3


........................... .................. 5
Encounter Key . . . . . . . . . ..........................


Encounter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
.................... ........................


Encounter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 26
Encounter Key . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 5: INTO THE SUN

Encounter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Encounter Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................
................... ........................


IMPORTANT NPCS . . . . . . . . .


DM Map 1: Norwold . . . . . . . .
D M Map 2: The Silver Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D M Map 3: The Electrum Piec ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DM Map 4:The Gold Piece . .
DM Map 5: The Platinum Piec
DM Map 6 : Solius . . . . . . . . . .
DM Map 7: The Castle . . . . . .
DM Map 8: The Wishing Well ..........
DM Map 9: The Blue Dragon
D M Map 10: The Sphinx . . , . . . inside cover
DM Map 11: The Mausoleum
DM Map 12: The Temple . . . .
DM Map 13: The City Vault .
' Prerolled PCs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ Combined Monster Statistics ,
1 Cut-Out Coins . . ................
Five Coins For A Kinfdom is a D&DQ Master
Set adventure for four to six players of levels
Adventure Synopsis Each Wizard has enchanted one coin.
Each coin has a unique magical power which
:!8 to 32. For the best results, the party should Durhan didn’t understand the might of the may help its owner during the adventure.
have at least a total of 150 levels between Ruling Wizards. Even reduced to a fraction However, some personality traits of the Wiz-
them. I f this is the players’ first experience of their former power, the Wizards had the ards were imbued in the coins along with
with Master-level play, they can use the pre- ability and the opportunity to work a final their powers; the holders of the coins behave
rolled characters provided. To do so, pull out spell seeking aid from another plane. in curious ways, which provides a role-
the center four pages of this module and cut In this adventure, the Ruling Wizards enlist playing opportunity for the players.
apart the character sheets with scissors. the PCs’ aid in freeing Trann from the vile There is one complication, though: The
T h e players should be familiar with the Durhan. Prevented from working their magic original spell Durhan used to destroy Solius
rules for unarmed combat (listed in Set 3, directly, the Ruling Wizards imparted much of has gone out of control. The spell has run
Players Companion, p. 6 ) and weapon mastery their energy to five coins - the only working unchecked toward the Prime Plane. The
(in Set 4 , Master Player’s Book, p. 15). They materials at hand in the treasure vault - and PCs’ own city of Lighthall begins to vanish as
should also be familiar with travel between sent the coins to the Prime Plane. They hope this adventure begins; they must act quickly
the planes of the Multiverse, and (optionally) the coins will fall to potential allies, who can to rescue the Ruling- Wizards so both cities
the War Machine mass combat system. then cross to Eloysia and free the Wizards. can be saved from destruction.

Dungeon .Master
Background ID M M ~ ~ I Norwold
The five Ruling Wizards in the outer plane of
IBoysia governed their domain fairly. Their
kingdom, Trann, was a land of great accom-
plishments; their crowning glory, the capital
a Mountains

city of Solius. Its cloud-capped towers, float-
ing highways, and stately avenues made life
pleasant and productive.
O l d beyond memory, the five powerful River
Wizards maintained their vigor through dili-
$cent research into the most profound mys-
teries of magic. Their curiosity produced
wonderful benefits for all citizens of Trann. OceanlSea
Trann drew the envy of other kingdoms in
ISloysia - especially Volde, the land of Mountain Pass
I h r h a n the Conqueror. Working devious
magics through traitors close to the Wizards,
Ilurhan subverted their power and left the
Wizards defenseless. Then, to prevent their 1. The silver piece.
allies from rescuing the captive Wizards,
Jlurhan caused the entire city of Solius to 2. The electrum piece.
vanish - and, for good measure, sent the site 3. The gold piece.
of the city flying into the sun!
No one knows how Durhan has managed to 4. The platinum piece.
rnarshall such tremendous power, but it’s clear
that, with the Wizards gone, the kingdom of
‘Trann will soon f d to Volde’s invaders.
Before sending their city plunging toward
destruction, Durhan imprisoned the Ruling
Wizards in the Royal Treasury, the least
accessible chamber ofthe central city. Impris-
oned, without allies, and without any materi-
als with which to work their enchantments,
the Ruling Wizards were rendered helpless
b y Durhan. Without their interference,
Ilurhan would see to the destruction of
Solius. and the entire realm of Trann.

ing they do, no spell they cast, can break the
Encounter Setting dren run through the crowd, shouting, silence, Likewise, nothing can catch the rac-
In this opening section, the PCs are resting in sometimes for fun, at other times to ing light. The PCs are, however, immune to
Lighthall between adventures. Without escape a pursuing victim whose purse has all the lights that flash through in the next sec-
warning, they find the city - its structures been lightened. tion - for all the good this will do them.
and inhabitants - gradually fading from Anyone looking for something to buy?
view, leaving the first of the magic coins as
the only reminder of its existence. It is at this Allow the PCs to buy what they wish and passing inches from your heads. As the
point that the adventure begins. have fun bargaining for supplies or weapons. light vanishes down a crossing street, you
The P C s are witnessing two enchant- Improvise merchants and haggling as much begin to sense a subtle change in your sur-
ments. Durhan cast the first spell to suspend as is desired. Let the players introduce their roundings - a change which is dificult to
the city of Solius in another dimension. The characters to one another, if they don’t put your finger on.
enchantment worked all too well: it has con- already know each other. Give everyone a
tinued uncontrolled to the Prime Plane and chance to role-play. Then continue reading: Have the players make ability checks against
has caused the events of this opening scene. their Wisdom scores. Successful PCs notice
The second enchantment was cast by the Suddenly, you hear a high-pitched whine that the familiar smells of the city - meats
Ruling Wizards to send the coins to enlist the in the distance, growing louder. Before and vegetables in the marketplace, perspira-
aid of adventurers. Though unrelated to the you can move, the sound becomes deafen- tion from sweaty customers - have van-
first, this second enchantment has made its ing, and a light like a fireball streaks ished. In their place is the sweet scent of
way to the Prime Plane at the same time as across the sky. Street musicians stop play- grassland.
the first great spell. ing and merchants stop haggling. People ~

As DM, it is essential to the adventure’s begin shouting in panic. From every In quick succession come more lights.
success to present the initial problem in an direction, you hear cries of “What’s One sweeps by over someone’s head, dips
interesting light and motivate the players to that?” or “Run!” down to pass between another’s legs, cir-
investigate it. Emphasize the liveliness and Something rushes along a distant street cles a cart almost too fast to see, and
vitality of the city, and then its eerie, gradual -you can barely make out a glowing trail zooms away in a new direction. Slowly,
disappearance. I f the players’ initial helpless- where it crosses a busy intersection. The the people around you become transpar-
ness to stop the disaster is stressed, they’ll be thing rushes the other way, now one street ent: their hands pass through each other’s
that much more eager to find a way to fore- closer - then back again, a block nearer. bodies, through the wooden posts of the
stall the disaster. All the while, the roaring gets louder. Peo- booths, and into building walls. People
The DM is encouraged to provide his own ple are screaming. Crowds scramble to still scream in total silence and run
campaign city to serve as the backdrop for the run away before the thing gets closer. through each other like ghosts.
opening scene; this can be any PC’s home Another light comes blazing straight
base, a seat of government, or the site of the Ask the players if they want to do anything. through everything like a comet. After it
conclusion of their last adventure. Try to use They may try to keep order, run away them- passes, you discover that everything
a city one or more of the PCs cares deeply selves, run toward the light, or simply wait around you has stopped moving. The
about; otherwise, the site is basically unim- and watch. There is time to draw a weapon or shoppers in the market are frozen in place
portant. A range of cliffs or mountains and a to cast a low-level spell. Whatever the PCs like statues. The light has gone off in still
lake or ocean should be near the city. I f the decide makes no matter; their actions at this another direction.
players use the pregenerated PCs provided point are not important (don’t tell them this,
with this adventure, the city is Lighthall, the though). After they’ve done what they want Again, the PCs are completely unaffected by
dominion of Sir Theobold Redbeard. Ligh- to, read the following: the lights. Nevertheless, the DM should try
thall, so named for its well-lit stronghold, is to unnerve the PCs. Everything they try is
situated on the coast of Norwold, about half- You have time to draw a breath - almost futile, although clever ideas should be
way between the cities of Landfall and - before the thing roars into the market- rewarded with additional experience points
Oceansend place. The object is a tiny, extremely at the end of the gaming session.
bright light zipping along at eye level; the Give the players a round or two to look,
Encounter Key roar gets louder as it comes nearer. The investigate, experiment, wander around, or
light streaks past, dodging past carts, otherwise occupy themselves. But before they
I. A Busy Day booths, and people. Suddenly, the roaring get anything elaborate underway, read the
stops. following aloud:
It’s a hot summer day, but that hasn’t The light continues, but everything is
stopped people from turning out in the silent in its wake. People open their
marketplace of the city. Crowds mill mouths to scream, but you hear nothing. directly overhead. Something is streaking
around in the bazaar while merchants People run, but you can’t hear their foot- down at you, but you can’t tell where it
hawk their goods and entertainers play for steps. The light zips off down a side street comes from. The light is identical to the
a few copper pieces. The smells of fried and disappears from sight. other light - except for the fact that this
food and perspiration are in the air. Chil- one is big and grows bigger as you watch.
As before, let the PCs act if they wish. Noth-


Although the ground is still smoking, the coin

The light seems to cover the whole city Standing before you is an old man in is cool to the touch.
like a dome. It spreads downward from copper-colored robes, outlined in trans- Give the players the cut-out copper coin
above, surrounding everything and growing parent flames. T h e image shimmers from the module screen or read the following
brighter all the time. Soon, you are unable slightly and is transparent. description:
to see anything but pure white. Then, as The image speaks in an old, fragile
suddenly as it appeared, the light is gone. voice. “I hope this token has founld brave
At the bottom of the hole is a copper piece
With the light’s disappearance, the adventurers. I bring greetings from about an inch in diameter. One face of the
entire city has vanished. Presently, you’re another plane. We, the Ruling Wizards of coin shows an elderly, bearded man with a
standing in the middle of a grassy field the kingdom of Trann, are in groat dan-
wise expresyion - the same man as in the
where the city stood only moments ago. ger. You, too, may be in the same danger. image. O n the reverse side is a picture of a
To all appearances, you haven’t moved - “Our capital city, Solius - the jewel, castle, which is underscored by a motto in
the city has. It has disappeared. the quintessence of our land of Trann - a language you cannot understand. The
has vanished. The ruler of a rival nation, coin radiatrs a magical aura.
\gain, allow the players a round or two to Durhan the Conqueror, cast this powerful
investigate. Let them confirm that the city enchantment: it leaves our land helpless
This last note probably comes as no surprise
has gone away, has vanished irretrievably. before his invading armies. But we sense
to anyone. The coin is one of the five magical
T h e field the PCs are standing in is quite Durhan’s spell has spread far beyond his
coins made by the Ruling Wizards. It resem-
‘ordinary, essentially what must have been control, crossing the barrier between the
bles the othrrs, which are described at the
here before people came and built the city. planes of existence, finding its way to your
beginning of the next chapter. The PCs may
‘The only significant difference is the utter Prime Plane.
use magic to read the motto: “Touch the cos-
lack of animal life: there are no binds, insects, “We have been betrayed by an ally of
mos” is what it says.
‘or wandering monsters in sight. The D M Durhan’s and are now held captive
The unique power provided by this coin
may tell the players about this directly or call beneath the site of our vanished city. O u r
may be used by any P C who holds it. To its
for ability chec’ks against Intelligence to let magic has been restrained in our own
holder, the coin imbues the ability to locate
the characters discover this fact. plane of existence, but we have mar-
the other coins and provides information
shalled our forces to cross the planes. We regarding their powers. This copper coin
2. The Entreaty send tokens of our power to you, our res- works as a DM’s tool to provide background
cuers from another realm. Five coins are
information, guide the PCs to the adven-
, Another sound, a loud humming, comes all we had to work with. I hope their
powers will aid you in your quest.
ture’s sites, and perhaps drop a clue now and

II from somewhere overhead. Gradually, it then if the players need help.

“We beg you to help us. Obtain The coins
grows in volume, until it becomes a sweet- The man on the coin is Warrick, the most
and you obtain the means for reaching us;
unding, musical chord. Looking up, mystical of the Ruling Wizards. H e is
obtain the coins and you prove yourselves
)u see more streaks of white light; two renowned in Eloysia for his wide knowledge of
worthy to face Durhan. Rescue us, defeat
:ad off toward a range of cliffs nearby, worldly affairs and for his affinity for wishes.
Durhan, and we can restore our cities to
hile two more head off toward the sea. Although this coin does not grant wishes, it can
their natural states. Our welfare depends
he fifth and last light streaks directly tell its holder the location of the other coins
upon your strength and courage.”
ward you like a fireball. (with great precision). The holder is aware of
With that, the old man points downward
The ball of light hits the ground less this power as soon as the coin is touched.
to a spot at his feet and slowly fades away.
a n 10’ away. There’s an explosion which Warrick is attuned to the rhythms of his
rows dirt into the air, but no one in your entire plane and is prone to a highly spiritual
irty is hurt. A ring of tall grass around The Copper Coin awareness. The PC who holds his coin should
e point of impact catches fire; for a The PCs find a small copper coin at the bot- behave the same way. The player has an ideal
oment you see nothing but a cloud of tom of the foot-deep hole it gouged in the opportunity to show the others in the party
noke. Gradually, the smoke clears. earth (the spot the Wizard pointed out). how to meditate and achieve inner serenity.


Encounter Setting piece, and a half-dollar for the platinum

piece. British Dlavers. of course. will use
A , ,

I n this sec,tion ofthe adventure, the PCs, must equival ent pence pieces.
try to ret rieve the four other magical coins.
These coins are spread all over the landscape
The Coins and the
surr oundiing the site of the vanished! city.
Encounters 1 and 2 take place in the foothills Char,,,,--
ratters I llll., “\I\III”I. “1 \IALL.Yl”\I

rubble and huge boulders. It looks like

there’s been a great battle here. In the
1.) ‘1LCG.l\IL. 1.1111

or in the mountains; Encounters 3 and 4 Any PC may hold and use any one coin. midst of this carnage, you see the victim of
occur at a nearby lake or similar body of Characters who try to carry more than one that battle: a huge mountain giant, badly
freshwate r. coin at a time, however, find that the coins wounded and almost unconscious. The
With ttie locating power of the copper coin dramatically repel from each other (like the giant breathes slowly, each breath
already in their possession, the PCs can track north and south poles of a magnet) and that resounding like an echo in a cavern. The
down the others in almost any order the DM their powers are temporarily neutralized. (If giant is wearing several layers of torn and
likes. Obtaining the coins is another matter. there are fewer than five characters in the bloodied leather armor. A shield as big as
T h e coins have been sent to the lairs of sev- adventure, bend this rule to allow all the a horse lies nearby, beaten so badly that it
eral monsters in the outlying area. These coins to be used - but make sure every char- lies in useless shards. The crest on the
monsters were protected from Durhan’r van- acter gets at least one coin.) shield shows a dragon’s head impaled on a
ishing act (the only action other than the Each coin has been imprinted with the per- spear. You see no accompanying weapon.
enchantment and transportation of the coins sonality of the Ruling Wizard who enchanted The giant is deeply tanned. His long,
the Ruling Wizards’ were able to perform). it. This personality exhibits itself in a charac- brown hair is wet with blood and perspira-
They are a test for the most powerful adven- tler who holds or carries it for more than a tion, as is the remainder of his beard. The
turers. What’s more, the monsters holding ninute or two. The character actually begins rest of the beard has been torn out; 2’4ong
the coins are living clues to the locations that o behave as the Wizard would, becoming hairs are scattered around the battlefield.
must be visited in the realm of Eloysia - and heerful, proud, or gloomy as listed in the The giant lies across a shallow depres-
to the methods used there in freeing thle Wiz- oin’s description. sion in the cliffside, completely covering it
ard:; (these are fully discussed in Chapter 3). Note that the P C holding the coin does not with his body. The copper coin informs its
;et the Wizard’s powers. The only power holder that the coin you’re looking for is
More About the! Coins ransferred to the P C is the coin’s single mag- somewhere behind the giant.
-.I he coins . several. things
. have . . in common: To cal power. The behavioral change is provid-
d as a chance for the players to involve The PCs can kill the giant easily; he’s down
begin with, they all radiate magic; they also
hemselves in some fun role-playing. to 5 hp (from 56) and can barely move (treat
have a wizard’s face on one side and a mes-
When a P C gets a coin, take the player as AC 8). By doing so, though, the PCs will
sage and picture on the other. For the most
rside, explain the behavioral change, and receive no XP. Furthermore, they’ll have toI
pari, these tokens closely resemble coins from figure out how to move or bypass the enor-
ncourage the player to act out the new per-
the Classical Era or the Middle Ages.
ona as the adventure continues. I f necessary, mous body in order to follow the trail.
Each coin has a unique magical power iffer to reward the player with extra experi- I f the players decide to heal the giant or ilr
which any character holding the coin may
use regardless of class. Knowledge of the
‘nce points if the character’s change in out-
look is playea well. Lonverseiy, me uivi may
1 . 1 -I,-. 1 1 __.,
they attend to his wounds, he revives gradu-
a ~ i yana expresses .nis . gratituae.
. n e moves . T I

power’s uses and limitations is given to the lower a player’s X P award if he completely aside as soon as he’s caught his breath. The
holder as soon as the coin is touched. ignores the character change. giant is notably retice nt, but some question-
E,ach coin is made of a different metal: in 1?Tone of the creatures encounteired here or ing reveals the followi ng information.
addition to the copper piece, there is a silver, in 1the next section have any treasure - it has The giant is a mer(:enary named Granite.
electrum, gold, and platinum piece. Each all been spirited away alori g wit h the city! H e knows nothing o f t he coin or the vanished
coin shows the face of a different Wizard and -
T h Gn x f i --.....
:.I,.,t c , . . . ~the
w l J l l Lv
~ treasure that city; he was hired by a distant kingdom to
each inspires a different attitude or behavior would ordinarily be found in these lairs, how- slay Dominagon the Blue, a huge dragon who
in the P C who carries it. The coms are ever, since the PCs may return aind claim it stole a sizeable portion of a powerful noble’s
described in the individual sections following after completing their mission. As an option, wealth. The dragon’s trail led Granite here;
each encounter. the DM can upgrade the final trea.sure hoard the PCs have seen evidence of the battle’s
Cut out the coins from the gatefold of the according to how well the players completed outcome. According to Granite, the blue
module screen and give them to the players as this chapter (see Chapter 4 for dettails). ....., ---~---
rlmunn ___-
h a s rrtrpatprl imto its cavernous lair in
their characters find them. I f cutting up the Because the countryside has been cleared the cliffside, taking the silver coin and Gran-
module is unacceptable or if someone’s of almost all inhabitants by Durhan’s spell, ite’s magical sword with it. The “depression”
already beaten you to it, the coin zicctions the:re are no random encounters in this sec- in which Granite lies is hallucinatory terrain,
include descriptions to read aloud to the play- tion ofthe adventure. However, some option- which was cast by the dragon to conceal its
ers. As a staging device, the DM may use real al events are provided at the end of the lair.
coins in place of the cut-outs. I n this case, Chapter. Granite is grateful for any services rc:n-
give the players a penny when they get the dered to him by the PCs. I f healed to mc)re
copper piece, a nickel when they find the sil- than half his original hp, the giant is eager’ to
ver piece, a dime when the find the gold
piece, a quarter when they find the electrum


silver coin. Dominagon’s furious roars of rage: the ing the dragon a round to prepare its defens-
If the PCs help Granite, he tells them of the dragon has discovered that all its treasure has es.
dragon’s illusion. If they don’t help him, the vanished! After the PCs have discovered the illusion
T)n- ._A
II AL:- -.&
I I ~ U I CL1115 UUL
.. TPL ----
pal ~y
A ..--- - . :iigiii
CUIIICD U ~ U I Ia UCIIU icduiiig
-L+L--Al---l:-- /..-cL-L ^ _ _\
_ ---?ILL_ L 1 1 ^ ...:---1....?l.
{UI LIIC UUIICSJ, Icau LIIC ~ u ~ ~ u w i rLi ItU; U U .
using the locating power of the copper coin. to the left, but the copper coin indicates that ~ ~

the silver coin is somewhere to the right. The illusion vanishes; in place of the tun-
Granite: AC 0; H D 16*;hp 56; AT 1 ; D 5-50; This is another hallucinatory terrain illusion. nel, you see a pile of bones. The illusion-
PvlV 150’(50’); Save F16; AL N; THACO 7. The tunnel actually opens to the riqht, into ary wall to the right also fades, leaving you
Dominagon’s lair; proceeding to the left leads at the entrance to the dragon’s lair.
Once inside the cavern, Granite (if he’s the unwary victims to a large pile of bones Dominagon the Blue dwells in a large,
with the PCs) insists on taking the lead along (both animal and human). Careless I’Cs walk dark cavern that is empty of treasure. The
t ‘le wide, lightning-scorched passage to the directly into the pile unless they are carrying cave is hot and reeks of ozone. T h e only
cragon’s lair. The long, winding tunnel never a torch or have special vision. The (clatter of object you see is an enormous sword with
branches. Now and then the characters hear the bones alerts Dominagon to intruders, giv- a dulled and pitted steel blade that is near-
ly 8’ long. The sword is stuck point down
in the rock floor.
Something else catches your attention:
A single silver coin. The coin lies beyond
the sword, between the brilliant, blue
claws of Dominagon the dragon. Domina-
gon stares at you with a fiery glare in his
eyes. Now and then, yellow sparks flare
from his snout. The dragon opens its
mouth slowlv. “What have you done with
all my treasure?” he bellows.

The sword ( +2 us. drugons) belongs to Gran-

ite; the weapon is far too heavy for anyone
but him to wield. Before anyone can reach
the sword, the dragon breathes lightning at the
blade. This magically “charges” the weapon
so that anyone who tries to approach or pass
the sword is immediately hit by a bolt of Ieht-
ning (4d6 damage). The sword discharges in
five uses. The D M may give characters a
chance to dodge the bolt by giving them a roll
against one-half their Dexterity.
Dominagon is barricaded in what looks
like a dead-end cleft in the rock wall beyond
the sword. It is impossible to get to the alcove
without going past the sword, nor around or
behind it without going through solid rock.
Dominagon is furious over the theft of his
treasure; furthermore, he believes the PCs
are to blame. The dragon does not attack
without provocation. Unfortunately,
Dominagon is easily provoked.
The PCs can try talking to the dragon. If
Granite is with the party, though, diplomacy
is impossible. Talking with Dominagon
makes the giant restive; he can’t believe his
rescuers are restraining themselves from
slaughtering this evil creature! As a result,
Granite’s frustration builds until the follow-
ing action occurs at some delicate point:

The giant lunges for the sword. Lightning

plays all around him as he grabs it. Roar-


in!; with pain, his limbs twitching from the

through the far room of its lair. The roof of 2. The Electrum Piece
this small chamber has collapsed, leaving it
sh’wk, Granite wrests the sword from. the open to the air.
flosor and leaps to attack the dragon. You are led by the gold coin to a low cliff
Before the pursuers reach the chamber, with scrub trees at its base. About 20’ up is
Swinging the massive blade high over- Dominagon casts a dimension door which
head, Granite strikes the dragon squarely the mouth of a cave, which is prefaced by
appears beyond a grove of trees 200’ away. a wide ledge. The carcass of a deer hangs
as its shiny blue claws rake across his There, within sight of the chamber opening,
chest. The giant sags to the floor as over the lip of the ledge. Below, patches of
the dragon casts aphantasmal force of itself fly- fur hang from tree branches, along with a
Dominagon rears back to crush him with ing away in the opposite direction. I f the
bc’th claws. few large, brown feathers. Inside the cave
- players fall for this, they’ve lost the silver coin you hear a low, gruff voice reciting what
- at least for the time being. (Dominagon sounds like a nursery rhyme.
Heroic PCs may leap to defend their com- must eventually return home.)
panion (who’s been taken back down to 5 hp Whatever the outcome, Granite refuses to
all over again) or they might just stand by and This is the small lair of a mated pair of
go with the PCs on their mission. The giant
allow Granite to die. Either way, the dragon sphinxes and their two cubs. The male plays
must track Dominagon down, finish the job,
has been hurt badly (reduced to half his hp with the cubs just inside the cave, while the
and return with the dragon’s head in order to
total). The eventual fight with Dominagon female looks on. One of the cubs is toying
receive payment. I f Dominagon is still at
has thus become that much easier for the with a large electrum coin. There is no visible
large, the giant discourages the PCs from
PC:r. treasure in the lair apart from the coin.
helping him find the dragon. “You got
The only way to get the silver coin from When they see the PCs, both sphinxes
important stuff to do,” he says.
Dominagon is to take it. Since the dragon is spring to defend their cubs. The male, a large
greatly disturbed by the loss of its hoarid, it is creature named Demosthenes, growls threat-
The Coin
unwilling to part with even one more c’oin - eningly, while the female (named Neria)
Give the silver cut-out coin to the players
espccially a magical one. herds the cubs to the back of the small cavern.
when their characters defeat the dragon. I f
I f either parent is attacked, the male roars
you don’t want to use the cut-out, read the
Doininagon: AC -4; HD 18****; hp 100; (PCs must save at - 4 againstfear and possi-
following description aloud:
AT 6; D 3d10 +8(x2)/ld10 + 3(x4); MV ble stun or damage), the female casts a barrier
15C’(50’)/ 360’(120’); Save F36; .4.L N; across the cavern entrance, and both sphinx-
The coin is a small, finely crafted silver es fight to the death (no morale checks). I f the
T H A C O 5; AL C; S A (see p. 30, DM’3 Com- piece. O n one side is the profile of a young PCs are polite, make no aggressive moves,
panion: Book Two); S D (see SA). man with a high forehead, a noble nose and stay away from the cubs, the sphinxes
and chin, a full head of hair, and a faint eventually calm down.
Spclls: smile. O n the reverse is a dragon. Its pro- The sphinxes have no particular use for the
First level: c h a m person, ma,@ missile, read mag- portions make it look very young, almost electrum coin, but Demosthenes isn’t going
ic, shield, and sleep. babylike. to give it away freely. Since he’s somewhat
Second level: ESe invisibilip, locate o$ect, worried about immediate survival now that
phantasmal force, and web. The silver piece gives its holder the ability to all the live game has vanished, he may offer to
Third level: dispel magic, fire ball, hold person, shape change. The holder may polvmorph trade the coin for fresh meat (which the PCs
lightning bolt, and protection from noma1 mis- himself (as per the magic-user spell) three can’t get) or long-term protection (which
sies. times a day for up to an hour each time. The they can’t offer). Nevertheless, the P C S
Fourth level: confusion, dimension door, )halluci- shape assumed can be smaller or lighter, but should be allowed to bargain at length, even
natory terrain, and polymorph self. not larger or heavier than the PC’s original if the end results have been predetermined.
size. The P C does not acquire any special Actually, the preliminary bargaining is just
1f Granite isn’t with the party, the PCs may abilities of the new shape except natural ones; a feint; when he feels comfortable with the
continue the diplomatic approach. In this for instance, ifthe P C becomes a crow, he can PCs, Demosthenes offers to give them the
evc‘nt, Dominagon demands an obscene price fly. But if he becomes a gorgon, he cannot coin, provided they can solve the following
for the coin (upwards of 200,000 gp). This turn anyone to stone. riddle:
price should be out of the party’s range, forc- This coin was created by the wizard Say-
ing. them to resort to a different tactic. I f the brook, a burly and boisterous fellow whose
PCts offer the Dominagon any or all of their great energy and aggressive manner belie his flowers. She lifts a black veil to show her
maigical items, the dragon will accept them. enormous achievements in the study of mag- face, then lowers it again. W h o is the
Still, he will not part with the coin. Conse- ic. The P C who carries Saybrook’s coin maiden?
quently, killins or subduing the dragon is the becomes high-spirited, boastful, and ready to
only course for retrieving the silver coin. challenge any questioning of his abilities.
The riddle’s answer: The maiden is the Moon
O f course, Dominason didn’t get to be The youthful dragon is Saybrook’s famil-
and the hillside is the night sky; the flowers
huge through foolish actions. Once the iar, Popiel. The PCs will meet this creature
are stars. The veil lifting and lowering repre-
dragon realizes the party’s determination (as later in the adventure.
sents the phases of the Moon.
soon as the PCs begin preparing high-level I f the players don’t guess the riddle, the
spells or reaching for weapons), it withdraws DM can have the PCs make ability checks
with the coin into the cleft and escapes against their Intelligence scores. A successful


roll means the PCs solved the riddle. As an

option, Demosthenes can challenge the PCs You find yourself before a large, stagnant
to ask him a riddle in reply. I f the riddle is lake. A few reeds poke up through the

good, Demosthenes gives the PCs the coin. This is a large electrum coin of excellent mossy surface, but all the mosquitoes and
I f nothing works, Demosthenes keeps the craftsmanship. O n one side is a picture of pond life have vanished. The only sign of
coin, and the PCs must fight to get it. I f the an elderly woman. H e r eyes are alert and movement is a slight shimmering just
parents are killed and a PC enters the cave, her chin is held high. Her hair is tiecl back above the water, about 20’ out from shore.
the two cubs run away with the coin through in a tight knot. The reverse side shows the The shimmering forms into a ghostly
a small escape tunnel at the back of the outline of a city and a motto in a language image. You see a pale man, dripping wet,
cavern, emerging at the base of the cliff. The wearing nothing but a loincloth; he is
cubs are too small to fly, but move overland at you cannot understand. wrapped in seaweed and bleeds from a
120’ (40’). The young sphinxes are unable to The city is Solius, and the motto reads “Noth- dozen wounds. The man carries a small
ro,u or do damage. Consequently, killing the ing is what it seems.” The holder of the electrum wooden casket under one arm. His eyes
cubs is unnecessary. A PC who kills the cubs coin may cast a number of realistic mental illu- are haunted and his blue lips mouth the
anyway should not gain X P for the action. sions - phantom images that appear real to all words, “All my wealth for a breath of air.”
the senses of the viewer. A viewer must 1-011suc-
Sphinx (Male): A C 0; HD 1 2 * * * * * ; hp 65; cessfully against his Intelligence to dei ermine I f a cleric tries to Turn or destroy this shade,
A?’ 3; D 3-18 (~2)/2-16; MV 180’(60’)/ that what he sees is illusionary. No illusion may roll for its saving throw in secret; whatever
360’(120’); Save F24; AL N; THACO 8; S A be larger than the P C and no illusion has any the result, the ghost is unaffected. The ghost
magic-user spell use. effect on real things. must remain long enough, however, to give
The number of illusions depends on the important information.
Spells: number of viewers: The coin can deceive any The wooden chest the ghost holds is empty;
First level: charm person, light, magic missile, given individual once per day with one illu- its contents vanished with the city. The only
and shield. sion. The caster can specify which person or item left in the ghost’s possession is the coin.
Second level: detect invisible, invisibilip, mirror monster in a group sees what illusion. For The chest’s lock is corroded shut, but the rot-
image, and web. example, the holder may dictate that a bandit ten wood is flimsy enough to break easily.
Third 1evel:fire ball, harte, holdperson, and pro- leader sees an approaching sheriff, buit other The ghost may be persuaded to help the
tection &om n o n a l missiles. bandits in the group could see something dif- PCs, if they make a solemn promise to “give
Fourth level: confusion, dimension door, and wall ferent - a fleeing cat, dusk, or a tuba. The him air.” (Remember that the ghost is unable
of$re. holder always sees and controls all the illu- to speak; his only means of communication is
sions his victims see. by mouthing words.) I f necessary, tell the
Fifth level: cloudkill and wall of stone.
Sixth level: death spell. The electrum coin was created by K.endall, PCs that the ghost wants them to bury his
the oldest and craftiest of the Ruling Wizards. body on land. The ghost also mouths the
Sphinx(Fema1e): 24C 0; HD 1 2 * * * * * ; hp60; Though absolutely moral, Kendall has no words “coral,” “manta ray,” and “danger,”
A?’ 3; D 3-18 (~2)/2-16; MV 180’(60’)/ qualms about puncturing a rival’s pretensions and points into the water with one dripping,
3613’(120‘); Save F24; AL N ; THACO 9; S A with a harmless prank. She promotes an emaciated finger.
amused skepticism toward any overly serious I f the PCs attack the ghost, it flees to the
clerical spell use.
endeavor. Basically, Kendall is a gadfly; the P C Ethereal Plane, taking the coin with it. I f this
who holds her coin should behave likewise. happens, the P C do not receive another
chance to get the coin until the ghost returns
First level: cure ltrht wounds, light, ,&rotection 3. The Gold Piece - after they engage in the next encounter.
from evil, and removefear.
Se’zond level: hold person, know alignment, resist DM’S Note: This encounter is linked to the next Ghost: A C -2; HD 14****; hp 80; AT 2; D
fire, and speak with animals. one. Do not run the other encounter first. aging/paralysis: MV 90’(30’); Save special;
Third level: cure disease, locate objec!, remove Months ago, a diver used a potion qf water- AL N; T H A C O 8; S A (see p. 33, DM’SCom-
curse, and strikinp. breuthinf to dive to the bottom of a large lake panion: Book Two); S D (see SA).
Fourth level: create water, cure serious wounds, in hopes of finding sunken treasure. The div-
and dispel magic. er found a chest of coins, but before he could The Coin
Fifth level: dispel evil and raise dead. retrieve it, he was seized by a school of devil- Tf you don’t have the cut-out gold coin to give
Sixth level: word ojf recadl. fish. Tormented by their evil enchantments, to your players, read the following aloud:
the diver soon died. His ghost lingers above
tt should be easy to obtain the electrum the surface of the lake, though, and continues This gold coin is slightly tarnished, but
coin without bloodshed. Neither sphinx joins to haunt the body of water. well-made. T h e portrait side shows a
the party on their adventure; however, Still fascinated by gold, the haunt ha9 seized balding man with plump cheeks, heavy-
Drmosthenes may prow expansive and the enchanted gold coin that landed near the lidded eyes, and a gloomy expression. O n
‘‘favor” the party with lots of advice. Take lake. The PCs may have poor luck in gaining the reverse is a stately building that
care that none of this zdvice is useful! the coin the first time they encounter the ghost. resembles a crypt and a motto in a lan-
But if they find and bury the diver’s body in the guage you cannot understand.
The Coin next encounter, they can return here and
As before, give the players the electrum appease the ghost in return for the coin.


‘The crypt on the coin is Jacaine’s dwelling, a the PCs can atta.ck. If the PCs take up pur- have no trouble making their saving throws
inausoleum in Solius (the PCs will encounter suit, read the following: against these attacks, but one never knows
it when they travel to Eloysia). The motto when a player will roll a 1.
reads “Value your time.” The coral reef is hollowed out here to form The vampire patriarch does not arrive
The holder of the gold coin gains the power an oval chamber, open at the wide end and until two rounds of combat have passed (this
to create magic potions. Three times per day, very dark toward the opposite extreme. means that all attempts to Turn the devilfish
the coin can be touched to or dropped into a Weird coral formations sprout from the before the vampire patriarch’s arrival are
small quantity ofliquid. The liquid is instant- walls on all sides. unsuccessful). The vampire avoids direct
ly transmuted into a potion of the holder’s The first sight that catches your eye is a contact as long as possible, preferring aggres-
choice. Just one dosage of potion is created; glint of silvery white in the darkness. Clos- sive spells over Energy Drains. The D M
larger quantities of water merely dilute the er inspection shows that it is a platinum should try to avoid Energy Drains except in
effects. coin resting on a misshapen altar of stone extreme instances because of their ability to
T h e gold coin was created by thr powerful encrusted with coral. The strange fish are unbalance a party of PCs. T h e devilfish
Wizard Jacaine, the gloomiest of the Ruling spread out before the altar, clearly matriarch casts cureall on the vampire patri-
Wizards. Morbidly obsessed with death (he engaged in some kind of hideous worship. arch if it ever approaches death in combat.
has been frustrated so far in his long quest for
immortality), Jacaine sometimes gives way to A group of 75 devilfish acolytes inhabit the lake; Devilfish:
fatalistic doomsaying. The player who holds there is also a single group of higher-level fish Acolytes: AC 6; HD 1; hp 6; AT 2; D 1/1;
this coin should d o likewise. (one priest, curate, bishop, patriarch, and M V 120’(40’); Save C1; AL C; THACO 19.
matriarch). Finally, there is a vampire patriarch Priest: AC 6; HD 2”; h p 12; AT 2; D 1/1;
4. The Platinum Piece who has not yet arrived at this ceremony, but M V 120’(40’); Save C2; AL C ; THACO 18;
DM’s Note: Make sure the players have who will appear shortly. All these higher-level SA clerical spells.
already met the ghost from the previous fish cast clerical spells, but it’s impossible to tell
the acolytes from the spellcasters. Spells:
encounter before running this one.
The characters automatically alert the fish
The water of this lake is stagnant and First level: cause light wounds and causefear.
smells foul. The coin the PCs are looking for by storming the altar. Before the PCs can cast
lies underwater - deep underwater, accord- any spells or attempt to Turn the devilfish, the Curate: AC 6; H D 3*; h p 18; AT 2; D 111;
creatures start pounding the coral formations M V 120’(40’); Save C3; AL C ; THACO 17;
ing to the copper coin. Read the following
with their tails. SA clerical spells.
section aloud when the PCs enter the lake:
These corals create awful vibrations in the
chamber when struck. The din echoes horri- Spells:
The water is foul and muddy. You see a bly, preventing the PCs from thinking or
few stunted plants and rocks covered with fighting straight. Spellcasting of any sort is First level: cause light wounds and darkness.
scum. The trail to the coin takes you impossible while the noise continues, and Second level: know alignment and silence 15’
deeper, and the light from above grows attacks are also made more difficult. The dev- radius.
fainter. As you descend into the gloom, ilfish are immune to the noise. Twelve devil- Bishop: AC 6; H D 4”; hp 24; AT 2; D 1/
you see what looks like a large coral reef fish acolytes beat at the coral as combat 1 ; M V 120’(40’); Save C4; AL C ; THACO
and some flat, disk-like shapes gliding begins; for each pair of fish hitting the coral 16; SA clerical spells.
toward it along the bottom. Each shape is in a round, all PC attacks are at - 1 (thus, the
black, except for two dim red eyes at the PCs’ attacks are at - 6 to begin with). Spells:
front. Each has a long tail. The players can cut down this penalty by
targeting and defeating the fish who create First level: cause fear, cause light wounds, and
These are devilfish. The D M can describe the noise. Each /air of acolytes defeated darkness.
them a s manta rays (from Set 3) if the PCs reduces the attack penalty by one. Destroy- Second level: hold person and silence 15’ radius.
would be more familiar with this exoi ic ocean ing the coral also negates the penalty, but this Third level: continual darkness and cause disease.
creature. If the players seem concerned over is quite difficult because of the coral’s magical Patriarch: AC 6; H D 5**; h p 30; AT 2; D
the existence of a coral reef in a body of fresh- protection. Give the coral a saving throw of 8 1-4/1-6; M V 120‘(40‘); Save C5; AL C ;
~ a t e rtell
, them that the reef emanates a mild against physical or magical damage. If the THACO 14; SA clerical spells; S D (see p. 26,
glow of magic. In actuality, the deviltish cler- saving throw is failed, one bank of coral is Master DM’s Book).
ic s have built the reef over the centuries. broken and useless, and the penalty is
The devilfish were prevented from vanish- reduced by one. After six banks of coral are Spells:
ing by the Ruling Wizards’ magic, just as all destroyed, the chamber itself is demolished.
the other monsters protecting the coins were. During combat, the spellcasting devilfish First level: detect magic, cause fea? and resist
The coin’s trail leads to the reef. The PCs cast continual darkness, causefea5 silence 15’ radi- cold.
c m also follow the evil fish to the reef, but at us (against magic-users and clerics), multiple
Second level: curse, know alignment, and hold
this depth, darkness is all-encompassing. curses (which levy - 2 penalties to the PCs’ person.
Unless the PCs have a light source, assess the saving throws), cause disease, cause serious Third level: continual darkness, cause disease,
usual penalties for seeing and moving in wounds, create poison, finger of death, and other and curse.
darkness. The devilfish are not penalized. offensive spells. Of course, the PCs shouid Fourth level: cause poison and cause serious
T h e devilfish should reach the rwf before wounds.


Encountei:Setting The inner shell, hard1y more than 18,000 dow nward to the treasure vaults of Solius.
miles from the s1;in, is tnn .lvI
hnt tn o
ou,,,,vlL 7%-
,. Wizards are imprisoned herein. Once
The Outer Plane! of Eloysia is in some ways a human life. The scorched rocks here have the Wizards are freed, they’ll need the PCs’
reverse imaqe olF the Prime Plane. Whereas nothing to offer b ut pools of molten metal, help in restoring and rescuing Solius, and
the PCs’ world fl oats through the vast empti- which the Eloysians sometimes mine. Fire then in retaking their kingdom from Durhan
ness of outer spaIce, the realm of the Ruling elementals and bi zarre alien creatures are - but that’s the next section.
Wizards is almoz;t filled with material. Quin- occasionally spotted here.
tillions of cubic light-years of weird, semi- Several thousancd miles fur,ther out ;are the Tim,e Limits
solid, gray mater.ial fills the entire plane: this warm, agricultural islands. T hese lush, green
is called the plent im. farm-worlds growI food to feed Eloysia’s With he sun looming ever closer to Solius,
Obviously, thc3 physical laws of tlhis uni- inhabitants. The fields and vineyards are the p( 2s are under a severe time pressure.
verse differ grea tly from those of the Prime watered by vast, psermanent rainstorms that 1 IICY have just enough time to visit all five
TPL-.. I

Plane. Different f n r r P o nn-ro+n

.yILb.L1 wybLaLb
:- th;”
wanaer tnrougn
. --L 1
shell, sustained bv com- buildings and rescue the Wizards from the
If they did not, the plenum would collapse in plex climatic patterns and magical forces. vault before the city hits the sun. Any diver-
upon itself. The outermost shell, about 2,000 miles sion means they must give up visiting a build-
But in this vast waste there are pockets of beyond the farm belt, contains the many ing or fail to rescue the Wizards.
magic. Scattered thinly through the plenum, island kingdoms of Eloysia. This is where Specific times of disasters and durations of
like bubbles of gas in soda water, are a few most of the inhabitants live in a bewildering activities are not given here. The flexible
spherical habitats. Life has arisen here (per- diversity of nations and cultures. Among the- time limit can be adjusted to the mood of the
haps migrating from other planes:). Each se is the kingdom of the Ruling Wizards and game. When players are enjoying them-
sphere is minute by cosmic comparison, sep- its beautiful city of Solius - or rather. the site selves, bend the time limits to let them have
arated from its neiyhbors by incomprehensi- where Solius once was. out penalty. Conversely, when play-
bly large distances. In human terms, each is : time or play poorly, have the sun
as large as our own solar system, playing host ;er or the ground tremble in order to
The Situation back on track.
to whole civilizations. sbc Llbl.

In this part of the adventure, there are four

Physical Description names to keep straight:
Eloysia is the name of the entire plane.
Encounter Key
Eloysia is a colossal, hollow sphere filled with Eunn and W d e are two island kingdoms in 1. Opening the Portal
breathable air and lit by a small central sun. this plane. The Ruling Wizards govern
Around the sun, thousands of large, rocky Trann, which Durhan invades from his own When the PCs have secured the last of the
islands proceed in stately orbits - not in kingdom of Volde. coins, the copper coin transmits to its holder
bel’s, like the asteroids of our own solar sys- Solius is the capital city of the kingdom of the knowledge of how to open the dimension-
tem, but in concentric shells, like ellectrons Trann. It is the major urban center of that al portal. The coins must be placed on the
around the nucleus of an atom. island kingdom. Durhan caused Solius to ground in a ring., enclosing a small central
Some islands are practically dust-motes vanish and has ripped up the very land on circle about 1” across. When the PCs do this,
hardly a mile across. Others are as big as which it rested to prevent its rescue. This read the following aloud:
states or nations. Every few millennia, a piece of land, the city site, is now in great
shard of the plenum, at the boundary of the danger. As you watch. the coins begin to make
sphere, is baked solid by the sun’s heat; it The PCs arrive near the vacant city site. small movements on their own - twisting
breaks free and drifts inward to join the other Their magic coins are no longer magical - a little and adjusting their positions. Sud-
islands in their orbits. but don’t let the players throw them away! denly, they leap into the air. The coins still
As for the shape of a typical island, they They’re not worthless by any means. form a ring, although they spin around
most closely resemble a cornflake. These There are several buildings which remain that empty center with greater accelera-
islands are usually flat, with occasional on the vacant site. These buildings are the tion. The coins start giving off sparks and
bumps overall and ridges at the edges. Mak- Wizards’ strongholds, which are protected by begin making a high-pitched whine. In
ing the cornflake the size of Montana gives a powerful spells. In the buildings (and some- the center of the ring, you see a bright
relative scale for an Eloysian island. The times from the residents), the PCs learn of the light. It strains your eyes to stare at the
inner side of the island always faces the sun; Wizards’ and Solius’s peril. They must res- light.
the inhabitants of all islands live in perpetual cue the Wizards from a foul imprisonment The coins gradually move apart, still
noon. The underslide miles beneath is dark before the citv crashes into the sun and is spinning as a ring, and the central light
and lifeless. A s for the interior of each island, destroyed. grows larger and brighter.
who knows what creatures live there? Each building encounter can be resolved
with the non-magical use of a coin: spending This central light is the dimensional portal to
The Shells it, offering it, and so on. I f the PCs don’t Eloysia. I f the PCs don’t want to enter, the
want to part with their coins, most encount- copper coin prompts them to do so. Passage
There are three concentric shells of islands ers can also be handled without the coins - through the portal is harmless, but it is only
around Eloysia’s sun; these islands share it’s simply tougher to do so. one-way. PCs who pass through cannot climb
orbits much in the same manner as electrons The building encounters give the players back or communicate with those still on the
around an atomic nucleus. information and tools to use in them trip Prime Plane.


2. The Grassland central sun. 3. The Buildings

The buildings are the strongholds of the
Ruling Wizards. The PCs stand at what was The Wizards chose where the five coins
You’re standing in a n empty field much
once the bustling center of Solius. Now, the would arrive in the Prime Plane. Each mon-
like the one you left back home. The ring
city, its population, and the castle have van- ster that obtained a coin (dragon, sphinx,
of coins stops spinning, the light disap-
ished, just as the PCs’ city did in the first ghost, and devilfish) was picked to provide a
pears, and the coins fall to the ground.
chapter (an alert P C may draw this conclu- clue to the stronghold of that coin’s Wizard.
You can pick them u p now.
sion by observation and guesswork). The The clue may help clever players deal with
You see long grass waving in a cool
Wizards’ own dwellings and the castle gate the encounter in that stronghold.
breeze and a pond nearby with an island
were protected from the vanishing spell by Some building encounters have several
in its center. A bright sun shines directly
powerful spells. solutions or outcomes. In each case, the path
overhead. Everything seems ordinary
There are four buildings remaining: from of least resistance involves using the appro-
enough - but as your eyes scan the heav-
the far shore of the moat, they can be clearly priate coin in some non-magical way, such as
ens, you realize that something is not
distinguished. There is a stone dragon sculp- buying something or making an offering. In
quite right.
ture, a giant sphinx statue (like the famous doing so, the coin vanishes and the PCs gain
Overhead, the sky is light gray and
Egyptian sphinx), a gloomy building that their goal.
appears to curve out from the horizon,
looks like a mausoleum, and a temple at the However, if the PCs refuse to part with
then around overhead. You feel a s though
far end of the courtyard. their coins (which are no longer good for any-
you are near the inside bottom of a huge
The city structure nearest the PCs is the thing, magically speakin g), they can still res-
globe. The sun hangs in the mid(dle of the
gate, which stands directly opposite the small cue the Wizards (thc>ugh with greater
globe. Now you notice hundreds of huge,
brick building on their side of the moat. This difficulty).
flat chunks of rock floating all over the sky.
building houses Warrick’s wishing well.
Each chunk of rock is green on the side 0 -

The buildirig encounters are described in A . The Wishing Well

facing the sun and dark on the far side. To
all appearances, they are islands floating this chapter and are shown in the accompa-
nying maps. ’The PCs probably want to see This small building is the only structure
in the sky. .. . - . .. . on this side of the moat. It’s a small stone
The pond actually looks like a wide the well first: this is Encounter A, which gets
them into the castle. The petrified dragon is building with arched doorways in every
moat surrounding a steep hill with a flat
Encounter B, and Kendall’s sphinx statue is wall, and stands exactly opposite the gate
top. O n that hill, you see several large
Encounter C. If the PCs visit the mausoleum across the moat.
buildings, a n open central area like a
of Jacaine, go to Encounter D , and if they Through the doorway, you see a circu-
courtyard, and a n outline around the hill
want to see Dyan’s temple, go to Encounter lar stone well. The well is a waist-high wall
that marks out what misht be the pattern
E. PCs may bypass the well and find another built around a hole 6’ across. A simple
of what appear to be castle walls. A stone
way across the moat; if so, the order in which wooden frame above the well holds a
gate with a portcullis stands where a real
they visit the buildinm ” will varv. painted sign. The sign has a picture of the
castle gate might be, but there are no walls
bearded man on the copper coin and
around it. T h e portcullis just stands there
alone in the open.
A RLace Against Time words in a language you cannot under-
The: site of Solius is heading toward immi- stand.
By the moat is a small brick building . - .. , . ..
nent aestruction. i t startea in the outer Shell There is a small wooden booth and a
with open archways and a shingled roof.
of islands, in the urban region of Eloysia. chair against the wall by the well, but the
You see no sign of life anywhere.
Now, it’s in the middle (agricultural) shell, building itself is deserted.
moving ponderouslv toward the inner shell
‘The coins, now returned to their dimension
. . .
nave lost their powers; they are: ordinary
on a direct cou rse to the heart of the sun! The building and well both belong to the Rul
There is nothin!;the PCs can do about this; ing Wizard Warrick. The sign reads “Wish
(coinsof this realm. Depending on the DM’s
only the Ruling Wizards can rescue the city for the good of the kingdom of Trann” in the
:rtyle of play, this fact may be related to the
site. language of Eloysia. The booth and chair
)dayers now or when a P C tries to use one of The players WIII ~ I U U ~ U ICICLL
Y LU I I C ~ U were used by a guard (a retired veteran on a
i:he coins’ previous magic abilities. toward a building. Once they’ve visited one sinecure) who stood by to keep children from
PCs can literally walk to the edge of this or two of these structures, they will realize the climbing in, answer questions, tell people
:sland and peer over into gray emptiness. how to use the well, and so forth. By adding
imminent danger and the need to rescue the
‘They see other islands in the middlle and out- Wizards. details like a half-eaten apple or an open
er shells, glinting in the sunlight. The central Every time the PCs emerge from one of the guestbook and pen, the D M can convey the
:run generates a repulsive force which pushes buildings, mention that the sun is bigger and idea that whoever was here must have disap-
rhe large objects away from it. The plenum hotter, and that the islands of green are slowly peared very suddenly.
boundary generates a similar, though weaker, replaced by islands of sunburnt rock. If the The obvious thing to do is throw the cop-
repulsive force. The larger the object, the D M reminds the players of the island’s per coin in the well. A PC who does so may
more the force of the sun acts upon it; the approach to the sun and their helplessness to make a wish for information or assistance.
smaller the object, the less the sun acts on it. prevent it, this should produce the suspense Warrick’s enchantment works only for the
‘It is for this reason that smaller islands are necessary for increasing time pressure. good of Solius and Trann, so selfish wishes
closer to the sun. Thus, if a PC slips off the should be disregarded.
island edge, it’s a 11000-plus-mile fall to the In this situation, however, anything that


helps the PCs rescue the Wizards is definitely it, across the boundaries of the vanished Entering the Drafon s’ Belb
for the good of Trann. Tf anyone makes such a walls.
wish, a small, fragile globe filled with smoky, If the PCs ignore the well, they must cross This large, oval-shaped room has a
green vapor appears by the well. This is a to the castle without the bridge. There is rounded ceiling. T h e walls here have
special poison that works only on the Wiz- nothing harmful in the water; any guardians long, vertical bulges like ribs. There are
ards’ guardians; it is useful in the next sec- have vanished with the city. Other encounters chandeliers hanging at intervals along a
ticn. If the PC who holds it is clumsy or gets can provide the information above. beam runnins lengthwise along the roof.
in1o a fight before then, the globe may be bro- The beam resembles a spine. The simula-
ken, allowing the gas to escape harmlessly. B. The Blue Dragon tion of a dragon’s skeleton is disturbingly
Wishing for a way to enter the castle realistic.
grounds works, as does any request to know This is a strangely-shaped building The furnishings include silk-covered
more about the situation. The DM is advised structed in the form of a dragon sitting on divans with big pillows, wall tapestries
to refine or modify wtshes that unbalance a n all fours. The stonework is amazingly woven in abstract designs, lamps with
encounter or render the scenario pointless. detailed. The dragon’s head rears back fringed shades, and a thick carpet. The
The PC also magically receives information fiercely, its mouth open. The mouth has room looks very plush and exotic.
that helps in the coming encounters. Note that been bricked over and the eyes are empty.
thr copper coin provides more exposition, even In the belly of the stone dragon ari; two Entering the Dragon? Eyes
thouqh it is sacrificed in the well. large steel doors.
This small room has a rounded stone ceil-
You hear a voice in your minds - the The building was once a large blue dragon. ing and a wooden floor. The eye sockets of
voice of the elderly wizard on the copper In a titanic struggle, the Wizard Saybrook the dragon’s head are windows, which
coin. “This message is given in times of turned it to stone. Unwilling to let it go to give a picturesque view of the castle moat
grave emergency. It is beyond the well’s waste, the Wizard hollowed the dragon out to and the field beyond. There is nothing else
power to tell wh,at’s wrong or what must make a sanctum. The structure appears mag- here but a couple of long wooden tables, a
be done. ical to detection because of Saybrook s pow- desk, and a few shelves.
“Seek guidance in the castle, at the erful protective enchantments.
dwellings of the Ruling Wizards. If the Each entrance to the building - the door The dragon’s belly contains the living quar-
Wizards cannot be found, the danger is in the belly and the two eyes - is protected ters; a long stairway leads u p the neck to to
great; seek safety in the castle vaulls. by a symbol of unusual subtlety. It works as an the head, where the wizard’s study and labo-
“You may now enter the castle and ordinary symbol of dtscord cast at 36tl.1level, ratory are housed.
speak freely with its residents. Do what but the spell doesn’t take effect until one The living quarters reveal Saybrook’s lux-
you can to help in our city’s time of need.” round after the victim passes the portal. As a urious tastes. The furnishings are worth 5000
result, the rest%f the party has time to use the gp all told, if the PCs want to loot the place
Su’ldenly, the characters are able to read the same entrance, thereby risking the same and carry around a bunch of pillows and
language on the sign; they also find tlhat they effect! rolled-up tapestries for the rest of the adven-
can speak with Eloysia’s inhabitants (once Give each PC an ability check against their ture. There is nothing else of interest in this
they encounter some). This enchantment Intelligence to detect the symbol, which is room except the Wizard’s familiar, Popiel
lasrs as long as the PCs are in Eloysia. inconspicuously placed above each en1rance. (see below). If the PCs entered via the study,
If a P C throws another coin in the well, the Do not tell the players what they’re rolling for they meet Popiel there.
we.’1spits it back out. If a P C climbs down until they’ve decided whether or not to use Saybrook uses the study for research,
intt2 the well to retrieve a coin, the industri- the entrance. Players who fail the chrck fall though he carries these materials with him in
ous character finds that the bottom of the prey to the spell, and should be told that their a bag of holdin! to prevent theft. A hollow
we:l, a quarter-mile down, is empty. characters are “surrounded by enemies! ” beneath the floorboards, directly beneath one
When the PCs are ready to leave the well, The affected PCs attack their friends in what heavy table leg, contains a small wooden box.
they hear rushing water outside. In the moat, they believe to be self-defense. The box looks none too sturdy, though its
a bridge of solidified water - not ice, but an To overcome the spell’s effect, a PC needs actually magic locked (the reverse of magic door)
enchanted sphere of liquid water firm enough dispel magic or cureall If desired, the DM can at 36th level and is virtually indestructible.
to walk on - rises in a great bulge from the allow another Intelligence check to let 1 he PC Saybrook’s familiar can, however, open it at a
moat’s surface. The water leads directly to realize his behavior is controlled and that a touch.
the gate on the castle hill. magical cure is needed. In the box, wrapped in gauze padding, is a
Mention to the players that, as the PCS Once the PCs are inside (and have slopped small, worthless-looking glass marble. This
wa: k, they notice that the sun seems slightly fighting each other), read the next two para- marble is the key to the vault beneath the cas-
lar!:er and brighter than when they arrived. graphs aloud if they’re in the dragon’s belly; tle grounds where the Wizards are now
This begins the gradual intensification of read the two paraqraphs following those if imprisoned. The marble has no value as trea-
heat and brightness in this section. they entered through the eyes: sure.
When the PCs reach the island, the port- The only other item of interest in the study
cullis raises slowly to allow them to enter. is a non-magical scroll on the desk: a n unfin-
This would ordina.rily be the only way into ished letter from Saybrook to a friend on
the castle, but now anyone can walk around another island, expressing his worry about

some of Durhan’s recent warlike actions. The As the PCs lea.ve the dragon building, the
letter, written in boId and attractive hand- sunlight has become noticeably stronger. decorated with a colorful fresco. Over the
vvriting, mentions a recent increase in PI ayers should start realizing now that the doorway is a scene of a royal court, with a
Ilurhan’s magical power, but continues to ciity may be in danger. king sitting on a high, brass-colored
say that the Ruling Wizards have been throne. His crown is made of the same
unable to find the source of the increase. The .
C The Sphinx brassy color.
letter ends, “ O u r beloved city, our entire O n the east wall is a city skyline. Mag-
kingdom, may be in grave -” The note ends 7.1 . . .
I ne next structure is an enormous granite
nificent towers reach high into the air,
there. statue of a sphinx at rest. Between its out- with beautiful stone buildings and a great
Wherever they enter the dragon building, castle overlooking everything. The gray
stretched front paws is the entrance to a
the PCs soon notice a flicker of movement. tunnel lea(iing downward. The entrance sky is dotted with floating islands.
Something small disappears behind a piece of appears to be unguarded and unobstruct- T h e north wall provides another view of
f xniture. The flickering continues until the led. the castle, this time from a closer perspec-
I’Cs investigate. Upon doing so, they find a tive. It’s surrounded by a moat like the
tiny dragon - Saybrook’s familiar, Popiel. one you crossed to get here. O n the other
A sphinx is hardly an ideal home. But for the
She is friendly and quite useful. If the players side of the moat is a city of wide, paved
Ruling Wizard Kendall, eccentricity is a vir- 1

see that she’s small, cute, and harmless, they- streets and well-dressed citizens.
tue. Her sphinx dwelling is large, sectire,
’I1 probably want to kill her imined iately. The west wall shows a painting of vari-
expresses her strong identification with itni-
F’opiel cries “Mercy!” before they attarck. If ous merchants doing business. They’re
mals, and is known throughout Eloysia. It’s
dressed in rich robes and are counting out
the PCs still want to kill her, let thenn; it’s part of her image - one which is appropriiate
their mistake. (The DM may wish to COIwider a large number of electrum coins.
for a mistress of illusion.
a n alignment change for all involved, how- Against the wall opposite you is a small,
Of course, the entrance is not unguard,ed;
ever.) bed with an endtable beside it.
nothing here is as it seems. The entrance is
The familiar exactly resembles a full-sized protected by a contingency spell that evolkes
The animal sculptures are phantasmal forces
blue dragon, but is no larger than the p:d m of
a hand. Popiel has an Intelligence of S,b allu -* ..*
i n e iiiusory . .
hallucinatory terrain when intruders try to enter.
ianascape is .. . to the
. laentical 1 . which Kendall created for her amusement
and has protected with glass cases. The glass
can speak the language of Eloysia. I’opiel has real terrain 50 yards away from the sphinx;
none of a dragon’s usual magical powers and shatters or cuts easily. If the sculptures are
an unwary victim could easily believe he’s
no breath weapon (save a tiny spark or two - been teleported 50 yards away! In this illusion, touched, they vanish.
enough to startle a PC). However, she can fly the victim sees a false sphinx image in the dis- O n the endtable is a small electrum statu-
with the speed and agility of a hummingbird, ette - a real one - of Kendall, a frail, old
tance. If the PC walks toward it, he steps out
and has most of the abilities of a 15th-level woman with pleasant features. This token of
of the hallucinatoly terrain spell’s range, sees
appreciation was given to the Wizard by the
thief, except for Open Locks and Remove reality - and the real sphinx is 50 yards
Traps. citizens of Solius in a ceremony some years
behind him.
Popiel’s behavior is ordinarily cheerfu11, With luck, this effect can be very eerie, :and ago. It has no treasure value to anyone but
innocent, frivolous, and about as cute as tkle the players won’t suspect the truth for sc)me Kendall.
players can stand. Riqht now, she’s worrir The statuette and the electrum coin which
time. If Saybrook’s familiar is with the pa.rty,
about the disasters which have befallen tile she reveals the truth - after she’s had a biIt of the PCs have can be used to activate illusions
city and its Wizards. Popiel can tell the P( 2s which have been cast upon the walls of the
fun enjoying the party’s perplexity!
anything about the situation they inay have ~. _. .._ . . - - . . ..
’l‘he illusion (cast at Ybth level) can be dis-
room. Touching the paintings with the statue,
missed so far. coin, or anything bearing Kendall’s likeness
pelled with the usual chance for success, but
First, the PCs must win her trust. To Pop- causes the paintings to fade; they are replaced
keep careful track of which sphinx is which.
i d , they’re invaders. They should present a by detailed maps. A given map’s subject is
Obviously, the fake sphinx’s tunnel entrance,
token of trust; the silver coin will do nicely, as hinted at in the painting’s subject.
being illusory, has no magic to be dispelled and
anything made of silver particularlv takes her The painting of the king reveals an enor-
fancy. Popiel can become a mous physical map of the kingdom of Trann,
the party, providing vital cl with Solius marked near its center in red.
PCs get by this obsta.de.
ers are stumped and help PCs will realize that the kingdom surround-
ing the city on the map is nowhere to be seen
treacherous obstacles (SUC -
vault in the next section). Inside the sphinx :” a L -
. WW-U
A S , ...-11 1:+ I U V ~n,
The city skyline - a view of Solius as seen
When playing Popiel, 1et her moods shift
quickly, from ecstatic joy ai gaining a new toy
about 60’ by 30’; the ceiling is 20’ high.
The room resembles a museum. The re
before it vanished - gives way to a street
- BY hav-
to sulkiness at any perceiv.ed slight. l.ulllcllvuD ......_.
.,*_ _..mP.._..l .In;m.Ilm.-.~lnt,,..~c
yLu.y.u.cy , --.
, hi4...g h
map of Solius. PCs can spot the castle and
moat on the map. The PCs should realize by
irig her react to individual PCs’ personality 1 ndrstals: two lions in bronze, several
now that they are on the site of the city.
quirks, role-playing is encouraged and every- ~ . & - s - ~of ~glass,
d ~ an iron statue of four
The painting of the castle and cityscape is a
one has fun. wild horses. and two deer in brass. Each map of the castle grounds, with walls, fortifi-
figure standis in a glass case. cations, and interior buildings. The charac-
Popiel: AC - 4 ; HD 2; hp 8; AT nil; D nil; he room’s four high walls is
h W 360’(120’); Save F2; AL N; THACO nil. ters immediately recognize that all the
castle’s buildings and walls have vanished,


save for the Wizards’ dwellings. In the center

of the grounds is a building marked “Vault There is nothing in the room except two The furnishings are spare and colorless.
Entrance.” The PCs will find a trapdoor at stone coffins on pedestals and a bed in the The only light comes from a pair of blue
that spot outside, which leads to the vaults far corner. The coffins are black, and their globes on the walls to either side of the
below. stone lids are sculpted to look like people. door. The globes are held in cobweh-
The painting of the merchants is a clear One of the lids resembles a thin, young covered wall braces.
diagram of the path to the vault beneath the man in cheap wizards’ robes; the other is As you survey the room, a gold tea-tray
castle. This diagram shows a spiral staircase of a plump, balding man in lavish robes. floats toward you.
with two traps at the bottom, along with The bed is a big four-poster with a high
directions for disarming them. The vault headboard. The frame, posts, and head- The tray is carried by Drivel, a Neutral ghost
interior is shown as a large room with thick board are all ornamented with carved who was once Jacaine’s apprentice. Drivel
walls encased by anti-magic shells. The map skeletons, and the bed itself is covered died in an accident before completing his
does not tell how to open the vault door. with a shroud. It looks as though no one training, but his urge toward knowledge pre-
When the PCs leave the building, they has slept in it for quite awhile. vented him from seeking final rest. Tacaine
begin sweating immediately. The heat is
severe. The light from the huge sun has turn-
ed the whole sky pale.

D.The Mausoleum

As you approach this bleak, stone build-

ing, the air grows colder. Low, ivy-
covered walls with thick pillars in front
hold a bronze door with the likeness of a
face carved above it. The face is the same
as the one on the gold coin. The building
appears to be a crypt.

This place is gloomy, theatrical, and haunted

- just like its owner. The Ruling Wizard
Jacaine, for all his power, has been frustrated
in his quest for immortality. H e is obsessed
with overcoming death, and designed this
mouldy manse as a reminder of his goal.
The entrance is protected by a contingency
and several m e spells (both cast at 36th
level). Anyone trying to get in without per-
mission (this includes the PCs) is thrust into.
an astral maze of awesome complexity
A special touch arranged by Jacaine
involves a gloomy voice that drones on while
the victim threads the maze: “Oh, think
upon thy death, mortal, and resolve to live a
better life!” This and similar well-meaning
sentiments are ceaselessly repeated until the
character escapes the maze. By then, Jacaine
is able to handle the would-be intruder per-
sonally - except while imprisoned.
PCs who escape the maze emerge inside the

The inside of the crypt is eerie and dis-

heartening. The walls are made of black
stone, the ceiling is low, and cobwebs are
everywhere. The wall hangings look too
flimsy to be tapestries. After awhile, you
realize that they are grave rubbings done
with gold crayon rubbed on black paper.


keeps him as a butler and manservant now. F10; AL N; THACO 5; SA 1-10 points heat
One of the coffins contains Drivel’s preserved walls. A narrow band of elaborately damage; SD 2-12 points damage heated blood.
body. Drivel no longer has any interest in it, carved marble extends around the roof
though; the PCs can do whatever they want above the pillars. The stairs also surround When the PCs leave the temple, the sun is
with it without arousing his concern. The other the temple. much closer indeed. The landscape is
coffin is empty; Jacaine intends it as his own Through the pillars, you see a wide, mar- scorched, the sky is washed out with pure
and keeps it around as a m t o mori ble floor, polished so brightly it reflects the white light, and the heat is unbearable. The
If a PC lays the gold coin on the tray as a roof overhead. At the far end of the rectan- PCs take 1 hp of damage for each turn they
tip for the butler, the coin disappears. Once d e is an altar made of white metal. remain outside.
more, the coin provides a potion: appearing
Though no cleric, the Ruling Wizard
on the tray is a flask of clear liquid with flecks
Dyan is profoundly devoted to her deity. She
4. Rescuing The Wizards
of gold swirling through it. This potion will
revive the Ruling Wizards from their magical has erected this temple as an act of devotion. Once the PCs have visited all the buildings -
suspension. Prior to her imprisonment, Dyan lived here or whenever they feel ready - they can try to
If the PCs give the butler any other coin, in a modest room below the temple. rescue the Wizards. This can be done in the
they hear a ghostly sniff, and the coin floats There are no protective enchantments in following steps:
back to them. the temple; PCs may move about freely. The
The PCs can talk with Drivel. H e speaks in room in which Dyan lived lies beneath the A. Find the Vault and Enter It.
a monotonous voice, but with utterly perfect altar - a chamber which can only be entered The vault entrance is concealed in the middle
composure: “Is there any way we may be of by magical means. There is nothing of inter- of the castle courtyard, where the main huild-
assistance, sir?” Drivel is a gentleman’s est in the spartan chamber, though. ingitselfused to be. The map from the sphinx
ghostly gentleman: polite, helpful, formal, The carvings on the roof frieze may provide shows its location. I f the PCs don’t have the
and proper. Drivel can be used to provide clues to perceptive PCs. They depict seascapes, map, the entrance can be detected for as a
clues or exposition that the players may have coral reefs, and - among other sea monsters - secret door; otherwise, one of the NPCs
missed in previous encounters. devilfish. The monstem are shown fleeing from encountered could have told of it: Popiel, the
I f the PCs attack or Turn Drivel, he a beautiful, armor-clad woman who hears a ghostly butler, or even the golems.
retreats to another plane for the rest o f the sword. This is Dyan’s deity. The thick iron trapdoor is camouflaged by
adventure. “We can see we’re not wanted, O n the altar is a small platinum dish worth a thin layer of dirt; it is also protected by a
sir!” he says upon departure. 200 gp. Nothing happens if anyone steals the very complicated lock ( - 30% to Open Lock
dish, although Dyan will he most displeased rolls) and by a 36th-level magic lock spell.
Drivel: AC -2; HD 14****;hp 70; AT 2; D when the PCs rescue her. I f a P C lays the The entrance and staircase leading down
aging/paralysis; MV 90’(30‘); Save special; platinum coin on this dish as an offering, it are both too small for the bronze golems to
AL L; THACO 8; S A (seep. 33, DM’s Com- disappears. use. They must wait at the surface for the
panion: Book Two); S D (see SA). PCs’ return.
There’s a sudden burning odor. The pil-
B. Get to the Bottom Without Dying.
There is little of interest in the room. The lars around the temple tremble slightly,
The difficulty of this step is up to the DM.
blue globes are magical, but not especially sag, stretch, and grow, as though being
Below the vault entrance is a long and nar-
useful; their light is extinguished if they’re pounded out by a smith. The pillars
row, tightly-winding spiral staircase. Only
taken from the room. However, a wooden reform one by one into 10 muscular
two people can walk (or fight) abreast here.
rack behind the headboard of the bed con- bronze figures, each 16’ tall. They sup-
At every turn there is a fortified guardpost set
tains several glass vials. These vials are port the roof with arms as thick as tree
into the wall.
potions; there are six in the rack. The potions trunks. On their foreheads are strange
These posts - 10 in all - are staffed with
may be any type the DM desires. Cluirvoyunce runes. Suddenly, the bronze figures speak
elite (15th-level) pairs of archers or veteran
and duiruzdence are not recommended, how- in unison, in deep, resonant voices:
fighters. Since the vault structure itself did
ever, because they could give away some “Yours to command.”
not vanish when the city above did, it makes
important surprises later on. InvulnerubiliQ,
sense that the guards didn’t either.
flving, fire resistance, a strong antidote, p o l p o r p h The platinum coin, even when it’s not
Such lengthy combats, however, may only
seEf, and blending are advised instead. enchanted, continues to provide the ability to
serve to slow down the adventure; they may
When the PCs leave the building, remind control: These 10 bronze golems obey the P C
also frustrate the entire quest. Feel free to
them that the temperature has risen notice- who made the offering. They will do as they
eliminate some or all of the guardposts.
ably. The landscape is bleached by the bright are told, but know nothing important. (The
sunlight. first command should probably be, “Don’t C. Pass the Traps.
set the roof down until we get outside!”) The At the bottom of the spiral staircase is a small
E. The Temple golems are a gift from Dyan’s deity. War anteroom about 10’ x l o ‘ , with the vault door
Muchine statistics are given for the 10 golems opposite the staircase landing. The floor is
You stand before low, wide steps leading in case the PCs decide to take them into battle tiled with an elaborate rectangular pattern.
up to a temple. Bronze pillars more than with Durhan in the next chapter. There are two traps here; these can be
15‘ tall support a flat roof. There are no bypassed easily if the PCs have the map from
Bronze Golems: AC 0; HD 20**; hp 110; AT
1; D 3-30 + special; MV 240’(80’); Save the sphinx.

T h e first trap is deliberately obvious: a cult ( - 65 % to Open Locks roll) because its it withers to a brown husk and the anti-magic
tripwire across the bottom of the staircase is parts seem to fade in and out of existence. effect ceases. The eye cannot be rejuvenated.
visible to any thief who bothers to look for I f the party is accompanied by Saybrook’s The five Wizards are bound in iron at the
traps. The tripwire triggers a vial of poison familiar, Popiel can stabilize the lock mecha- chest and ankles. They’re all unconscious.
gas; PCs receive regular Saving Throws vs. nism long enough for a thief to attempt pick-
Foisoa to survive the gas. Authorized persons ing it at the usual percentage chance. F. Revive the Wizards.
bypass this first trap by means of a concealed This is easy, if the PCs have the gold-flecked
switch on the staircase wall. The trap can be E. Defeat the Wizards’ Guards. potion from Jacaine’s mausoleum. With this
disarmed automatically by a thief; other PCs Once the PCs get into the vault, read the follow- potion, they can administer a few drops to
c.an also disarm it easily by rolling a success- ing section aloud. I f they’re invisible, ethereal, each Wizard, dispelling the paralysis. I f they
fill ability check ;against their Dexterity. or in some other odd state of being, the DM don’t have the potion, only high-level healing
This obvious trap, though, is only a feint. may want to amend the first paragraph. magic (such as cureall) will do the job.
Once the tripwire is disarmed, PCs may This is a good time to describe the Ruling
tliink the way is clear to the vault door, but In the moment before the three vicious- Wizards to vour players. T h e physical
the truly subtle trap is sprung only when they looking, three-armed giants charge you, descriptions of each are given at the end of
touch the door. Pit this point, the floor opens this is what you see: this module.
up beneath the PCs and they plunge down a The vault is a big room empty of treasure,
wide hole that drives straight through the except for a few stray coins scattered on Once the Wizards Are Rescued
entire floating island! The usual chance to the floor. There are people stretched out
detect this trap is halved, though dwarves The Wizards blink once or twice, then come
on stone slabs, tilted slightly away from
notice an unusuatl gap in the tiling on a suc- to full awareness. By now, the vault and the
the horizontal position. They’re
cessful ability check against Intelligence. whole island are quite hot. The Wizards
restrained with iron bands. Some kind of
O f course, the PCs have a chance to escape urgently ask the PCs for an explanation.
eye peers at them from a tall, glass vat of
their fate. They fall through a rocky shaft for Without taking time to thank the PCs, all five
pale green liquid.
three rounds; durine; this time, they can Wizards rush into the hallway (outside the
The giants wear loincloths and carry
make Strength checks at -6, -8, and - 12 vault’s anti-magic shell); joining hands, they
huge wooden clubs. The monsters are
respectively in an attempt to grab a. protrud- teleport to the surface. I f Popiel is with the par-
heavily built, their skin is covered with
ing rock and halt their fall. With a successful ty, she goes with Saybrook.
coarse bristles, each has a third arm grow-
grab, a PC takes ld6 damage for each round PCs may wish to stay in the vault to look
ing out of his chest, and they’re all unbe-
they have fallen. The P C can then climb back for treasure, but before long, the walls start
lievably ugly. They are almost upon you.
up to the anteroom by rolling a successful trembling and the ground shakes. The Wiz-
llexterity check; failure means the PC slips ards are trying to halt the city’s progress
These creatures are three athachs. Durhan towards the sun; because this strains the
and falls, and must repeat the procedure promised them great treasure for guarding
above. Climbing takes two rounds for every entire site greatly, underground is not the
the Ruling Wizards, but neglected to tell
round the PCs have fallen. best place to be while this happens! Encour-
them the city is heading toward the sun. The age the players to follow the Wizards to the
Also, a PC is in ranse of magical rescue for athachs are too stupid to understand 1 his any-
all three rounds and for one round after he surface - there will be time for treasure later.
way, and the PC’s certainly can’t persuade Once on the surface, the PCs witness a dra-
reaches the end of the shaft (and is falling free them of the danger.
bmelow the island). matic sight:
I f the PCs have the gas globe from the
I f a PC misses every chance at rescue after
wishing well, they can break it here. The gas
all this, the character falls several thousand billows out and kills the athachs instantly; it with fire. The sun over-
, - , , 01 vision
neaa srrercnes across your Iieia P . .

miles and perishes at the gray plenum bound- has no effect on anyone else.
a’ry. The Ruling Wizards, once revived may and searing winds blow across the grass-
locate the remains and raise the character, Athachs: AC 0; HD 14’; hp 70; AT 4; D 2-24 lands. The grass is brown and withered.
o w e the city itself is saved from danger. Smoke is everywhere.
(x3)/2-20; MV 180’(60’);Save F14 AL C;
Overhead, the five Wizards float hand-
T H A C O 8; S A poisonous bite.
IT. Get Into the Vault. in-hand in a circle. Their eyes are closed.
This is a tough job: The walls, floor, and ceil- The eye that was vaguely perceived before The Wizards are chanting in unison in a
ing are lead, and have a permanent anti-magic language you don’t understand (not Eloy-
the battle is a mummified beholder eye that
shell sandwiched between two 1‘ layers of sian). They seem to be in pain.
was captured and preserved in its liquid bath
solid iron. (The shell, which ordinarily pro- After a time, they float gently to the
by Durhan. The eye casts a permanent anti-
tects only one person, was increased to cover ground. Some of them are bleeding from
magic ray over the Wizards and eveyone else
the whole vault through carefully worded the nose and ears. Whatever they were
in the room. No one can cast spells ami long as
u ishes.) trying to do, you can tell from their pained
the eye remains in its solution. The solution is
The door of the vault is made of 3‘-thick expressions that they did not succeed.
highly corrosive to humans; anyone putting
iron. Its lock is comprised of an array of glass They approach you. “Have you anyone
an exposed hand into it suffers 10 hp of dam-
marbles imbedded in the door; one slot in the skilled in the ways of magic?” they ask.
age. Armor protects briefly from this dam-
pattern is empty. The glass marble from Say- age, but it is eaten away within a minute. As
brook’s study opens the vault door. Opening soon as the eye is removed from the solution,
the lock without the marble is fiendishly diffi-


Sir Theobold Redbeard I Theona of the Righteous Prosper

30ih-level fighter (knight) I Glory 30th-level thief

Ability Scores 30th-level cleric Ability Scores

Strength 18 ( + 3 to hit and damage) I Ability Scores Strength 10
Intelligence 12 Strength 10 Intelligence 16 ( + 2 languages)
Wl sdom 9 Wisdom 9
Intelligence 11
Dexterity 14 ( + 1 AC bonus) Wisdom 18 ( + 3 Save vs. Spells) Dexterity 17 ( + 2 AC)
Constitution 13 ( + 1 hpldie) Dexterity 12 Constitution 10
Charisma 12 Charisma 15 ( + 1 reaction)
Constitution 10
Charisma 17 ( + 1 reaction)
Combat Skills
Combat Skills I
, Combat Skills Armor Class: - 1.
Armor Class: - 5.
Hit Points: 112.
To Hit Armor Class 0 (THACO): - 1 .
'I Armor Class: - 1.
Hit Points: 71.
Hit Points: 71.
To Hit Armor Class 0 (THACO): 5.
Weapon Mastery: dagger (expert, + 4 to hit,
Weapon Mastery: longsword (experit, + 4 to To Hit Armor Class 0 (THACO): 5. 2d4 damage, double damage on 19-20, - 2 AC
hit, id6 + 4 damage plus Str. bonus, - 2 AC
vs 3 attacks/round)and dagger (skilled, + 2
Weapon Mastery: made (skilled, + 2 to hit, I vs. 2 attackdround) and blowgun (expert, + 4
2d4 damage, - 1 AC vs. 1 attack/round). to hit, victim Saves vs. Poison at - 2).
to hit, ld6 damage plus Str. bonus, - 1 AC
vs 1 attack/round, double damage on 20). Wrestling Rating: 17. I Wrestling Rating: 24.
Wrestling Rating: 20.
Equipment I Equipment
W'Eapons: sword +3("Trollbane"), dagger + 3
("Fang"), and a returning spear +2.
I Weapon: breathing mace +3, + 4 us. Chaotic
A ~ &in ~mail + ~ 3 and~ shield: + 2 embla-
zoned with church symbol.
Possessions: potions of antidote, heroism, and
Weapons: shortsword + 2, dagger + 3, blow-
gun, 20 darts +I, and blackjack +2.
Armor: leather + 3 and ring of protection + 3.
Possessions: flying carpet (for eight people),
Armor: plate mail + 3 and shield + 3.
Possessions: pouch of Jf'CUriv (tends to talk at I super-healing, rod of&ory, and hymnal, I scroll of protection from magic, thieving tools,
and lucky ferret's-foot charm.
random, as well as scream if it's stolen), potion
of,fire resistance, potion af water breathing, and a Description Description
whisky flask.
Age: 40. Age: 48.
Description Height: 5'8'' Height: 5'9".
Weight: 200 lbs. Weight: 165 lbs.
Aqe: 46. HaidEyes: black/black. Hair/Eyes: brown (thinning)/gray.
Height: 6'2". Appearance: Paunchy, but graceful, with a
beiqht: 200 lbs.
Appearance: Portly and very serious-looking.
Languages: Common and Lawful. commanding, charismatic air.
Hair/Eyes: red/blue.
Aippearance: Majestic, solidly-built noble-
I Alignment: Lawful. I Languages: Common, Neutral, Elf, and
man with keen eyes and a full red beard.
Lmguages: Common and Lawful.
I Spells I Alignment: Neutral.

Alignment: Lawful. I First Level: cure liqht wounds, detect evil, detect
ma<Cic, light, protection from evil, pur;fr food ,
I Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison 2
Saving Throws 1 and water, remove fear, and resist cold.
Second Level: bless, find traps, hold person, resist
I Magic Wands 3
Death Ray or Poison
Magic Wands
4 I fire, silence 15' radius, snake charm, and speak I Paralysis or Turn to Stone
Drarzon Breath
with animal (x2). "
P,iralysis or Turn to Stone 4 I -I . 1 T .I ....>I... - I 1 : " ~ . I.I.L,L.~~~ I Rod. Staff. or Soell 3
I I nira Level: L U T ~ ~ C Z A ULzgriL,

Dragon Breath 3 disease, growth of animals, locate object, remove
Rod, Staff, or Spell 4
I curse (x2), and striking. I Thief Abilities
Fourth Level: create w a t q cure serious woundr, dis- Open Locks 108
Special Abilities I pel mapi, neutralize poison, protection j o m evil I Find Traps
Remove Traps
Three attacks or actions per round. 10' radius, speak with plants, and sticks to snakes.
S>mashTHACO 3, + 2 1 points damage.
Parry and Disarm combat options.
I Fifth Level: createfood (x2), cure critical wounds
(x2), dispel evil, finger of death, and truesight.
1 Climb Walls
Move Silently
I Sixth Level: animate objects, barrier, create normal 1 Hide in Shadows
Pick Pockets
3.P: 2,760,000. animals, cureall (x2),find the path, and speak
hloney: 27,600 gp. I with monsters.
Seventh Level: earthquake, restore, survival (x3),
I Hear Noise
XP: 2,680,000.

1 and wizardry. I Money: 6,800 gp.


Prosper: You've never given another name

and never needed one. Bpt you only wish you
I Undead Turning Table 1 You love your city of Lighthall, and rule
the dominion as fairly as you can. But the
nn.. cGPiPtnm =nrl ~,-.-LL. I -
were prospering now! When your political
r vals in the Thieves' Guild staged a takeover

D + : Ghoul, Wight, Wraith, Mummy, and

.. ..
toppish noblemen in your court and these
blasted jubilees your subjects keep throwing
and ousted you as President, you escaped
their assassins only with good luck and afyinf
I D: Vampire, Phantom, Haunt, Spwit, and
in your honor all seems dashed unmilitary.
Now, you know people will have their fun.
carpet. Now, down on your luck, with scarcely
a few thousand gold left from all your for-
I T Lich and Special.
You like fun as much as the next fellow, in a
certain limited, military sense. But you
tune, you seek revenge.
Seeking out your old crony, Theona, you
I Saving Throws
fought in H e r Majesty's loyal Legions of
Alphatia for donkey's years and never needed
found she's changed quite a bit from the fun-
loving battle-junkie of the old adventuring
I Death Ray or Poison 3 fancy dinners and testimonials and blasted
Magic Wands posh robes and fireworks.
days. N o w , she's a righteous crusader for her
deity! Still, she seems basically alright, but
I Paralysis or Turn to Ston N o nonsense in your companions, at least.
Dragon Breath A dashed fine lot whom you've known for
she sure doesn't like you telling stories about
her previous exploits. Why, when you started
I Rod, Staff, or Spell '. most of your career - dependable, like your
old friend, Hogun the dwarf; forthright, like
*Use - 1 when figuring minuses to throw.
telling Sir Theobold Redbeard that amusing
anecdote about Theona's drinking contest
I X P : 2,300,000.
I Laralyn, who is alright for an elf; brave, like
the wizard Quentin (possibly a bit too brave,
with the band of orcs, she just about bit your
head off! Better lay low for awhile - you've
I Money: 23,000 gp. I that one); honest, all of them, except possibly
that fellow Prosper, whom you don't know:
a!ways been good at that.
Through Theona, you've come to know
I You heard that holy call to duty. Though you
are blessed with great glory and success in the
I he's with the holy woman, Theona.
That Theona - dashed fine woman; stur-
her circle of friends: not just Sir Theobold,
niler of this dominion, but that grouchy
I material world, you heeded that call with cus-
tomary vigor. Leaving your flock to be tended
I dy and to the point. There's not a bit of non-
sense there. It makes an old soldier think o f
dwarf, Hogun, and the elf who's as daft as a
little girl. You've had dealings with the elves
I by trusted aides, you have set out from your
church in the great city of Whitehall to convert
I that empty throne beside him. I f only this
Theona didn't carry on so about a fellow hav-
in the past, but she's unique, that's for sure.
That magician, Quentin, is the most fool-
I the heathen to the righteous path.
Before you set out on your one-woman
I ing a small drink now and again (it's just to
clear the head, of course). To hear her talk,
ish of the lot: All that power, which you could
use to pull the Guild coup of the millennium,
I crusade, you prayed for spells to further the
great cause. As always, you were blessed (all
I you'd think the gods would strike lightning
upon every thirsty soul in Norwold.
and he just wants to fight! What kind of wiz-
ard is that? Maybe vou should hint of the
I thanks), but the selection of spells w,w a sur-
prise. They were not quite the ones you'd
I "1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.
greater rewards that his power could bring,
and volunteer to advise him.
I requested. Truly mysterious motives must be
at work here! But yours is not to question.
Well, they're all tolerable. And any of
them may be helpful in your quest for
I Your faith will be your salvation, as it will be
for all true believers.
revenye, if you approach them at the right
I Your mission, though, has put you amid
unbelievers. You sought out Sir Theobold
"1987 TSR, Inc. All Rlghts Resewed.
I Redbeard, ruler of the dominion of Ligh-
thall, for support and found him locked in the
I grip of the demon alcohol! Clearly, your mis-
sion must begin right at the top! H e has been
I showing attentions to you; perhaps his bud-
ding affection can be used to guide him onto
I the proper path for his own salvation.
And while you're at it, his fellow adventur-
ers - many of them companions of your own
dissolute youth - they also must be saved
from themselves. The wizard, Quentin,
shows an irreverent attitude toward the sanc-
tity oflife. Then there's Prosper, former pres-
ident of the Thieves' Guild; you wish he
wouldn't keep reminding you of your hea-
then youth, but you must stay close by him,
in memory of past friendship, to turn him to
right thinking.
Even your great spirit must weaken when
faced with Theobold's demi-human friends:
the dwarf, Hogun and the elf, Laralyn.
They're beyond hope of redemption. Poor
misguided inhumans. I
O1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.


Quentin the Aggressive

3c1h-level magic-user
I Lar
. . . ... I Hogun of Rockhome
12th-level dwarf
I Attack I Attack Rank L
Ability Scores I Abil I Ability Scores
Strength 12 __
I Streng..- - _----- ------a-/ 18 ( + 3 to hit, damage)
17 ( +2 languages)
\ 7

17 ( + 2 languages) I 2 Z c t n c e 12
I yE
Wisdom 9 13 ( + 1 Save vs. Spells)
Dexterity 15 ( + 1 AC) I Dexterity 15 ( . 10
Constitution 15 ( + 1 hp/die)
Charisma 9 I Constitution
Charisma 10
11 I Charisma 169 ( + 2 hp/die)
Combat Skills I Combat Skills I Combat Skills
Armor Class: - 1 .
Hit Points: 53.
I Armor Class: - 3. I Armor Class: - 2.
Hit Points: 40. Hit Points: 81.
To Hit Armor Class 0 i(THAC0): 9.
Wrestling Rating: 28.
I To Hit Armor Class 0 (THACO): 5. I To Hit Armor Class 0 (THACO): 1.
Weapon Mastery: staff (master, + 6 to hit, Weapon Mastery: war hammer (master rat-
I l d 8 + 5 damage, deflect 3 attackdround with I ing, + 6 to hit in hand-to-hand, + 4 when
Equipment Save vs. Death Ray, - 3 AC vs. 3 attacks/ thrown, i d 8 + 5 damage hand-to-hand plus
Weapons: staffof wizardry + 1 with 8 charges, I round) and longbow (expert, + 4 to hit, I Str. bonus, ld6 + 4damage when thrown plus
id10 + 2 damage, - 2 AC vs. 2 hand attacks/ Str. bonus, - 4 AC vs. 3 attackdround).
datyer + 4, and returnin8 dagger + 2.
Armor: ring ofprotection + 4 and ring ojr'memory. I round, delay). I Wrestling Rating: 11.
Wrestling Ratin!
Possessions: amulet of protection AC4, gauntlets
of cigrepower (Str. 18, ld4 damage, + 3 to hit), I I Equipment
Equipment I Weapons: war hammer + 3 and hand axe + 2.
and bandages.
I Weapons: s tag +2, longbow +3, 1U arrows +Z, 3 Armor: plate mail + 2 with cure wounds ability
Deescription I arrows ofseeking, and an arrow ofrejilling. I and shield +2.
Armor: banded mail + 4 and a ring of protection Possessions: ring ofjire resistance, potion of levita-
AFe: 55. .. I tion, flint and iron, and chisel.
Height: 5'6". I
Weight: 130 Ibs.
I I Description
Hair/Eyes: baldlbrown.
Age: 105.
Appearance: Skinny, bald man in somewhat
dirty robes with a pleasant smile and a pierc- I 'LSL. I-". I Height: 4'4".
Height: 6'. Weight: 220 lbs.
in:: gaze.
Languages: Common, Neutral, Elf, and I Weight: 150 Ibs. I Hair/Eyes: black/black.
Hair/Eyes: white/green. Appearance: Heavyset (even for a dwarf),
A1 i gnment: Neutral. I Appearance: Willowy, lithe, female elf with I wjth a waist-length black beard, crooked nose
streaming white hair and a haughty, often mis- with prominent scar, and an expression that

Spells I chievous look. She also smells of sandalwood.

Languages: Elf, Common, Neutral, Gnoll,
I is usually unreadable.
Languages: Dwarf, Common, Lawful,
First Level: charm perxon, detect magic, light, I Hobgoblin, Orc, Pixie, and Dragon. I Gnome, Goblin, and Kobc
magic missile, read languages, read m q i c , Alignment: Neutral. Alignment: Lawful.
shield, sleep, and vmkiloquism.
Second Level: continual light, detect invisible,
I Special Abilities I Saving Throws

invisibili$ knock, levitate, locate object, phan-

tasmal force, and web.
I Three attacks or actions per round.
Smash THACO 10, + 18 damage.
I Death Ray or Poison
Magic Wands
Third Level: dispel ma& fire ball, j$, haste,
hold person, infravision, lightning bolt, protec-
I Parry and Disarm o-*'---

Infravision, 60' ran5;e.

I Paralysis or Turn to Stone 4
Dragon Breath 4
tionfrom normal missiles, and water breathing. I Detect secret doors, 1 in 3 chance. I Rod, Staff, or Spell 3*
Fcurth Level: charm monster, confusion, dimen- Immune to paralysisi from ghouls. *Takes l/2 damage from spells; l/4 damage if
sion door, ice storm/wall, polymorph other, poly- I I savine
" throw is successful.
morph seCf, wall offire, and wizard eye. Spells
Fifth Level: cloudkill, conjure elemental, I First Level: charm person, detect magic,
I Special Abilities
feeblemind, hold monster, maric j a q ,passwall,
teleport, and wall of stone. I light, read languages, read magic, sleep, I Three attacks or actions per round.
and ventriloquism. Smash THACO 6, + 21 damage.
Sixth Level: anti-magic shell, death spell, disinte-
grate, remove geas, move earth, projected image, I Second Level: continual light, invisibility, knock, I Parry and Disarm options.
levitate, locate object, mirror image, and phan- Infravision, 60' range.
reincarnation, and wall of iron.
I tasmal force. I Detect traps, new construction, 1 in 3 chance.

XP: :2,400,000.
Moniey: 24,000 gp.
Third Level: fire ball, jly, haste, invisibility 10’ I Seventh Level: create normal monsters, delayed
radius, lightning bolt, and water breathing. blast fire ball, magic door, power word stun,

Yo1u plan to show them all up, all those

Fourth Level: charm monster, p o w t h qf plants,
hallucinatoiy terrain, polymorph other, pa&-
I statue, sword, and teleport any object.
Eighth Level: create magical monsters, dance,
scouridrels back in the great dwarven land of I morph seEf, and wizard eye. I explosive cloud, force field, permanence, poh-
Rock home, those knavish mischief-makers Fifth Level: dissolve, hold monster, pass-wall, morph any object, and power word blind.
who insinuated you’d gone soft. You: the I telekinesis, and teleport. I Ninth Level: create any monster, heal, immuniv,
se cor-Id-in-command under King Everest! meteor swarm, shapechange, and timestop
You: owner of the most lucrative mines in the I Saving Throws I
mouritains! Saving Throws
Yo u have gained great honor among Death Ray or Poison 2
dwat-ves. TOthink. that even one enemy could Magic Wands 4 Death Ray or Poison 3
make such an accusation, that even one off- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 4 Magic Wands 3
hand remark might be taken seriously - you Dragon Breath 3* Paralysis or Turn to Stone 3
can’t stand the thouqht - of it. You threw aside Rod, Staff, or Spell 3 Dragon Breath 4
all your extensive interests; in the end none of *Takes half damage from breath weapons, or Rod, Staff, or Spell 2
them are as important as defending your hon-
01. Yc)u are returning to adventuring after all
I one quarter damage if saving throw is suc-
XP: 3,450,000.
Money: 34,500 gp.
this ti(me to show you’re not soft!
Yo11 responded to an invitation from your
I XP: 2,600,000. I
Money: 26,000 gp. You’ve always been unusual among magic-
esteeIned human friend, Theobold, ruler of I I
users. Most of them hang back from pitched
the d ominion of Lighthall, and are here to So young yet, still so much to learn - battles, letting the fighters get all the glory,
n ~ w
n n n n r t ~ ~ n ~ t ,n
.t=h~. = r nl,l $A,,A, II 1 1 .
tnat s your attitude.
. -.lhese poor humans, II then meekly
.. creep !orward. and. cast their
. .
from many a hard-fought battle are here as with hardly time in their lives to really learn healing spells after the excitement’s over. But
well. Q-uentin the wizard, for instance, is still
nobly brave (if a bit headstrong, perhaps).
I living, are pathetic, really, but you do your I
you - you love the action, the adventure, the
best to conceal your pity. They don’t like pity. thrill of risking your life!
Theona the holy woman certainly has
cE anged her ways since those raunchy days in
I Even in your seven-score short years, I
You’ve gotten to the age when a magician
you’ve had many an adventure and have should settle down into his tower and start
the past; now she”sa solemn crusader for her
faith, a woman after your own heart. Not
I shown great skill in combat. You’ve risen I
doing serious spell research. Yes, you do your
high among the elven tribes. Have you come share of that (how else did you accumulate
true of her friend Prosper, though - some-
thing suspicious about that one: too compe-
I too far, too fast? Now and again you hear I
such a vast understanding of sorcery?), but
murmurs of resentment at your quick suc- you punctuate bouts of study with forays into
tent, too self-assured for the mere merchant cess. Such insults just spur you to prove your- the darkest corners of the Earth - or forays
h r claims to be. But he seems alright, for a self all the more and to explore even more of into the tavern on a rowdy night, if nothing
human. life. Really, so much is waiti ng for those bold better presents itself.
But they’re not all human here. Sad to say, enough to achieve it! Basically, you’re just spoiling for a fight.
ycu’ve been thrown together again .with that With this thought, you h ave come to the You’re not proud of it, but you know you like
blasted elf, Laralyn. She’s still as flighty as dominion of Lighthall, where your Iriena, P . 1
any chance to get in close, throw some whiz-
ever, like all her kind. You’ve given up on her Theobold, is ruler. It’s been only a couple of bang combat spells, and - your specialty -
long since. decades and already he looks old. You’ve a few offbeat, unexpected effects with your
Still and all, the people here are pleasant tried to interest him in new explorations, but own particular slant. Even in a battle, you try
company. You had planned on being sullen he’s been busy governing. H e should have to foster a n appreciation for a n artful
arid glum while proving your courage, but more fun in life. enchantment, skillfully cast.
now you think you may actually enjoy your- His outlook is hardly helped by the holy How sad that most of your companions fail
self after all! woman, Theona, who’s really become a wet to appreciate your artistry. You were called
dishrag since her high-spirited, early days. here to the dominion of Lighthall by its ruler,
‘01!)87 TSR, Inc. All Rights Rese
She’s always talking about her new holy mis- your old adventuring buddy, Theobold. H e
sion. You don’t know her friend Prosper, but wanted nothing more than a routine spell to
he sounds nicer than she does. make the wine taste better - a mere clerical
They’re both pleasant company, compared stunt! His self-righteous friend, Theona, the

After their captivity, the Wizards are too bow out after the second receive 5,000, and C. “Why Worry About This Particular
weak to stop the city from plummeting into those who stay to the end receive 10,000. PCs Site?
the sun. The clerics and magic-users in the who die because of the damage will be raised
party are asked to lend their own energies for fulb by the grateful Wizards after the crisis is Solius is bound to this land by spell-magic
another attempt - one which may prove over, and receive a bonus of 2,500 more XP. as though it still stood here. It cannot be
hazardous. If the PCs refuse, the entire city is restored anywhere else. The same is true
doomed. Needless to say, the heroic PCs Exposition Time of your ow ’.
should agree to participate.
T h e attempt should strain the PCs’ hero- With the immediate crisis under control, this
ism to the limit - because it is, indeed, quite is the time to answer all the players’ ques- D.“How H
a damaging task. Read the following section tions. The Wizards can tell them anything
they want to know; some obvious questions
to the magic-users and clerics who aqree to
the IMizards’ request:
are answered in the passages below. Don’t
blother reading aloud all-of what follows
Valck, our trusted advisor, betrayed us by
drugging us into unconsciousness. When I
U nless the players ask all of these questions.
we awoke, we were imprisoned in the
Yoii link hands with the Ruling Wizards, vault. With o u r magic restricted by
Nlever tell them more than they want to
and immediately feel agony beyond any- Durhan’s spells, it was all we could d o to
thing you have ever imagined. It feels like enchant a few coins. Now we believe
all the heat falling on the island has been
A . “What’s Going On?” Valck is Durhan’s personal henchman,
concentrated directly behind your eyes. and may be leading one of the Conquer-
‘You get a mental image of the Wizards’ or’s invading armies.
arms reaching out toward this island Durhan the Conqueror is invading our
across thousands of miles, from the gray kingdom of Trann. H e persuaded one of
boiindary of Eloysia. They grasp the our most trusted officials to betray us, E. “Where is the Treasure?”
island with fingers as big as mountains, then imprisoned us. Durhan thought he
trying to keep it from falling further. They neutralized our magic - but only in this
realm. We sent our power across the Durhan looted our vaults. We must defeat
arc unable to hold on unless you ex tend him and retrieve our national treasures. If
your own arms to help. dimensional barriers to your plane. But
Durhan found out and bound us even you aid us, you will be richly rewarded.
‘You know that if you do, you’re in for
the same punishment the Wizard? felt tighter, while sending our city into the sun
to prevent our rescue.
bef’ore. Will you do it?
- “Durhan has always been a powerful Moving Along
sorcerer, but his abilities have increased to
The rescue works as a series of three rounds.
monstrous levels recently. We cannot The woman in the white robes, Dyan,
In each round, the PCs involved take increas-
divine the source of his power. All we thanks you for your help. “But now,” she
ing ?mounts of damage: 10 points the first
know is that it is being used for great evil. says, “another danger awaits. Durhan’s
round, then 15, and finally 20. Stress the
armies were moving to invade our king-
point that the agony continues to mount to
almost unbelievable levels and that anyone dom when we were captured. By now,
has the chance to back out after any round.
B . “What Happened to Our City?” they may be ready to march - or Trann
Givc every player involved a chance to gnash may already have fallen.
Durhan’s enchantments have run out of “We must remain here to shepherd our
his teeth in agony, make heroic resolves to
control and crossed through the planes. capital city safely back home. But some-
continue, or otherwise show off. Note that the
PCs are unable to cast spells while they’re We sensed this; that is why we sent the one must lead the resistance against the
involved in the ordeal. coins to your plane. When they reached invaders. You are our only hope. If you
your own realm, your city had already will favor us, we have your transporta-
Do not let the players know how many
fallen victim to Durhan’s enchantments as tion.”
rounds they have to endure this agony! If
ours had. The first spell made your city Dyan gestures overhead: above the
they stick with it, tell them they feel the island
vanish; no doubt the second one has horizon looms a huge orange-and-black
slowing, then stopping, and finally beginning
hurled its site into the sky. But now that we lump. It rises, getting larger and larger.
to di-aw away from the sun.
have stopped the spell in this realm, your You see a bulging black eye, along with
The help given by the PCs makes the dif-
city has also been rescued. transparent fins and a long, streaming
ference to the rescue attempt, no matter how
tail. The object is a living creature the size
many rounds they endure. The Wizards
LIM’S Note: This assumption is mistaken. The of a cloud. It looks like a gigantic Chinese
manage to arrest the city’s fall this time, and
PCs’ city has not been rescued and is now in goldfish.
slowly beqin pulling it back toward its place
d’eep trouble. The PCs won’t discover this “Your steed,” Dyan says, pointing.
in the outer shell.
Depending on how long they stand the U ntil they return, though.

pain, PCs receive XPs for their heroism This creature, the “auratus,” is the standard
(don’t tell them this until after the city is res- mode of transportation among the islands of
Eloysia. It can easily carry the PCs (and a
cued). Players who withdraw after the first
thousand others, when necessary) wherever
round of damage receive 1,000 XP, those who
they wish to go, though not with any great


speed. The aura.tus is fully describe(.1 in the Don't use these unless they help the adven- spent in a building. Thus, the PCs must skip
Appendix to this adventure. ture, though. visiting one building if they are to rescue the
Wizards before Solius hits the sun.
Auratus: AC 7; HD 600; hp 2500; /iT 0; D A. The Familiar I f the players can't rescue the Wizards,
Nil; MV 120'; Save F36; AL N; T H A C O Nil.
- ..
Yopiel may venture Out from Saybrook's
- . .
Popiel can answer some of their questions
dwellinc. She can flit from buildine to build- and miide
3"^"- __ _-___--__-
thpm ~ __-__. .._- -__
=-~. thP
tn the neYt nart nf

Plot Fixes and Random ing, ji1s; in sight of the Pes. If tgy follow, ture. The PCs must capture their own aura-
she grows frightened and tries to lead them tus, however.
far aw'ay from the buildings. Eventually she
I f players feel they have too little freedom of lets them catch her (the DM can rerolve the B. Aurati
action in this section, vou can insert a few _ ~ _ as
encounie1- __. ..-.~,J :.. &I.. .I1 ~.,,?
i i wuuiu in m e uweiiiii~~i.
- ~ \
97-1- ~ A
n . smaii
~ -11
P- '1
or0 .rnese
1 . 1. rioats
massive Deasts " .

time spent chasing Popiel equals the. amount by the island as it nears the sun. A n y auratus
can be captured if a PC reaches its back and
(by a successful Wisdom check) finds the sen-
sitive patch that riders use to guide the crea-
tures. Catching an auratus is a time-wasting
venture, thouqh, equalling the time it would
take to visit one building.

C. Earthquake
This drastic measure should only be used if
the DM feels the players are falling behind.
Use it only after the PCs have deduced that
the Wizards are held somewhere under-
ground. A small tremor, caused b y the
island's approach to the sun, rumbles
through the ground. I f the PCs don't venture
down to the Wizards' cell immediately, the
passage collapses and the Wizards are killed.

D. Hitting the Sun

As shown in the final section of this adven-
ture, this may not be disaster for high-level
characters. Powerful magic can keep PCs
alive long enough to allow them to escape the
sun. Make sure the PCs have picked up
enough clues to know they should next head
outward to Trann in this event. Popiel, Driv-
el, the letter in Saybrook's dwelling, or a
divine message in Dyan's temple can provide
this vital exposition.
DN Map 6 Solius DM Map 7 The Castle

Former castle walls.

.Where the PCs appear. 5. F m e r locationof city wall.

.The wishing well. 6. Former location of castle

. Castle moat. 7. Small stream.

.Castle Island.

DM Map 8 The Wishing Well DM Map 9 The Blue Dragon

1 square = 5'

' / I Top elevation

Chapter 4: AGAINST

Encounter Setting Random Encounters Though arrogant and vain, Sss’f hkk can
be impressed by the PCs’ abilities, should
N o w the PCs must leave the Wizards and The auratus must stop and rest now and they choose to demonstrate them. Further-
their city site. They move outward from the then, anchoring to an island for stability. This more, the artist is no friend of Durhan,
sun through the three shells of floating islands means the PCs will have random encounters either; Durhan’s operations in this shell have
in the Eloysian system. Their goal: the Wiz- at various islands in the three spheres as their often led to the massacre of groups o f elemen-
ards’ kinqdom of Trann, now under attack by journey proceeds. tals.
Ihrhan’s invading armies. This is an opportunity to shcbwcase the ali- I f sufficiently imprcx e d by a display of
I n Trann, the PCs get to recruit their own en nature of this realm and t 0 d r q a few skill or if motivated tc) help the PCs’ cause
force3 to combat the invaders. Then, if DM enigmatic clues about what th e players will against Durhan, Sss’ f hkk presents them
S O desires, the optional War Machine combat encounter later on. Improvise encounters as with a red-hot teardro]p of steel: “a token of
can be played out. This battle will be fought often as desired and make sur1e to stress the m y esteem,” the ele mental explains. By
on an offbeat battleqround: along a set of variety of these islands. EachI is a unique showing this token to tli e fire elementals they
cnormous metal cables stringing two islands realm with its own opportunitica :-- c..- -A
I U L ~UVCII- encounter in tne tinai chapter, the PCs can
. . C .

together! ture. Nevertheless, try to resolve these impress them in turn as well.
-4fter the battle comes the climactic con- encounters quickly; lengthy encounters will However, should the PCs threaten, attack,
frontation with Durhan, after which the PCs slow the pace of the adventure. The following or kill Sss’fhkk, word quickly spreads
return to the Prime Plane - only tlo find that are brief ideas to help inspire invention. through the elemental community across the
their most difficult journey is still ahead. dimensions, and the PCs will have some fast
Beqin the section by reading the following 1. Inner (Mining) Shell talking to do ifthey’re identified as the artist’s
ZrloudL: assassins.
These hunks of heated rock are treasure
troves of mineral wealth. TIThe inhabitants of
T h r back of the auratus is wide enough to
islands in the outer shells Isend miners here. 2. Mid(Ile (Agricultural) Shell
carry a fleet of galleys and rough enough
Fire-loving creatures also ,dwell here. Possi- * The pCs1 encounter a small farmstead on a
to provide plenty of handholds. You can
control the giant fish-like creature by
ble encounters can include thP _.. _____
_ -.-~. rnrG ..-.Jy
h-v-rl larger than a couple of city
* The PCs encounter a small mining out- blocks. The farmhouse is in ruins and the
standing just behind its eyes andl kicking
post, which is nothing more than a metal crops are neglected. In a small dwelling is a
at a tinv, sensitive patch on its head. Then
tent. All the miners (normal people) wear weeping family of normal humans. The eld-
you ride in stately fashion between the fly-
rusty rings offire resistance for protection from est son in the family was kidnapped by
ing islands, with only a hot breeze to indi-
the heat. O n six-month tours of duty, they Durhan’s forces, and the two elderly parents
cate your speed.
pan for gold and platinum from pools of mol- and the remaining children are too few to
The sun is at your back. Before you, in
ten metal. But the money they make barely continue the raising of their crops.
a vast panorama, the islands sail in their
covers the expenses charged by their brutal N o one has any idea why the son, Lucius,
orbits against the cold gray background of
employer, an ally of Durhan’s named Glo- was captured. The family speaks highly of his
the plenum. They look like disks of light:
bus. This mean, calculating skinflint charges budding talent for magic. As they talk o f
some large ones nearby, others just motes
the miners for their food and shelter, and Lucius’s powers to make light, turn invisible,
in the distance. Everywhere you look,
rents them the rings that keep them alive - and soothe his parents when they were trou-
there are more than you can possibly
all at exorbitant rates. bled, the PCs realize that Lucius must have
The miners work hard, but their lives are been a natural magic-user of some talent.
T h e Wizards told you the islands travel
harsh and unrewarding. The PCs can help The DM should promote curiosity about why
in three shells, each inner sphere of orbital
them by locating a big strike - for instance, a Durhan would want to take a low-level
paths nested inside a larger one. From the
bubbling pool of pure platinum deep under magic-user captive.
look of these scorched, red hunks of rock,
the crust of the island, in a cave inhabited by * The encounter above can be repeated
you must be in the inner shell right now -
several fire elementals. This lets the miners with minor variations several times in this
the one where all the mining is done. Next
buy out of their contracts and return to their shell. Many families have sons or daughters
out is the agricultural shell, with green
homes in Volde. talented in the magical arts; Durhan’s armies
patches of farmland glowing in the sun- In gratitude, the miners give the 1’Cs their has impressed them all into service. Stress the
light. Furthest away from you are the rings in trade for a ride on the auratus back to brutality and villainy of Durhan’s troops;
islands of the outer shell, where the Eloy-
their homes. mention episodes of vandalism, plunder, and
sian cities are located. I f this encounter is used, the I’Cs may beatings of other family members.
T h e islands vary in size: some are about encounter Globus leading one of 13urhan’s
the size of a city block, others are as big as armies in the War Machine battle.
entire countries. The combined living 3. Outer (Inhabited) Shell
* The PCs encounter a troupe o f fire ele-
area of these thousands of islands must be mentals sculpting a mountains of solid iron Here, there are cultures as old, as diverse,
far greater than Earth’s. and as interesting as any on Earth. The PCs
into incomprehensible shapes. These are
works of art, in elemental civilization. I f the may have a hard time finding Trann and
PCs talk peacefully with the elementals, they Volde in the midst of the hundreds of islands
meet S s s ’ f hkk (SIS-fa-hook), a sculptor floating in this shell. As they search, the DM
famous among elementals. can run them through a variety of brief

encounters. Exan-
* Up to now, th
the islands, but nc
A city-sized islan
clearly out ofits u
unusual speed, th
around in panic
B!, skillful pilot
I duedu UI Y U U . I L ~ C C I I I Sd s LIiuuw YUU I C I I an instant. vou re surrounaea DV men I
The inhabitants, about 200 peaceful villagers hovering over your own home. There is with the wings and claws of eagles. They
led hy a portly, keen-eyed sheriff (3rd-level one noticeable difference, though: The bear flaming swords and look strikingly
fighter), tell that, for reasons beyond their whole island seems to be tilted at an angle
undrrstanding, their island suddenly flung to the sun, and spins in an awkward man-
itself out of orbit. The villagers have no way ner even as you watch. This company is a group of 20 male archons;
to a a c u a t e . Will the PCs assist them? The You see another island coming into view they have been practicing maneuvers before
auratus can easily hold the entire population as Trann rotates slowly: this island is com- the coming battle. Their leader, Coronatus,
on it5 enormous back. posed of a huge mass of brown and dark ordered them to teleport to the PCs to learn of
If the villagers join the PCs on their jour- green hues, mountains, and very little their intentions. The archons bear swords of
ney, in old sage rides close by them. H e spec- bodies of water. Both islands appear to be jlame, which they use against any threat or
ulates on the cause of the disaster. Only some grappled together. Even from miles away, display of force. Despite their noble appear-
unnatural disturbance in another island’s you can spot a network of cables linking ance, the archons are difficult to deal with;
orbit could have provoked it, he says. The the two. Compared to the peaceful stateli- like al! their kind, they are intolerably self-
turbdence this created must have spread ness of the other islands, these two islands righteous and arrogant.
through the shell, like ripples on a pond. If locked in a slow spin are somewhat dis- The leader’s challenge is routine. The the
the disturbance is large enough or lasts long turbing. PCs’ response should not provoke combat.
enouqh, hundreds of islands may fly from As you approach the islands, you find a The auratus is allowed to land in the crater
their proper orbits. The whole shell coulld col- glimmer of gray in the midst of the king- and dock next to the edge. The PCs dismount
lapse, causing other shells to collapse and dom ofTrann. It seems to move as you get by sliding or walking carefully down a dorsal
perish likewise. nearer; slowly, you realize it’s a gaping fin. Thereafter, Coronatus accompanies or
T h e island was disturbed in its orbit by hole, miles deep, going right through the leads the party through the encounter, telling
Durhan’s grappling of \bide to Trann (the island. Now you can see what look like them whatever information they wish if they
PCs will see the attached islands soon). The flocks of large birds flying in close-order can “assure me it will be used only for Lawful
sage I S correct in his assumption: If the grap- above the crater; around the edge, there’s purposes,” he says sanctimoniously.
pled islands aren’t separated soon, chaos will a large gathering of people. Where do you The archons are inhabitants of another
strike the realm. want to land? island in this realm. They were summoned
* l i t some point, the party encounters a by the Wizards just before Durhan’s attack
floating rainstorm. These permanent storms If the DP-
T$+L.. PCs ,choose
he,,- +- land h
to 13-A ,, tLP
by the rrltpr
crater, nn
go tn
to A
and are now debating
_rP --,&, thPmqplv,=c
,4ph2t;nn among themselves
drift throughout the realm, perpetuated by Encounter 2. If they want to look at the whether to take charge in the Wizards’
wind patterns and heat convection. Islands cables, go to Encounter 3. absence.
drift through them, thus receiving the water The players may want to go straight to
neceesary to refresh and replenish the envi- Volde. This means they can’t participate in Archons: AC -6; HD 20******. , hp 90; AT
ronm ent . the War Machine battle. If the D M wishes to 2; D 3-30/4-24; M V 120’(40’)/360’(120‘;
Ordinary storms are much like their Earth run this battle in spite of this action, merely Save 6 2 0 ; AL L; THACO 5; SA (see p. 40,
equih alents: the clouds resemble large, fluffy have the Ruling Wizards appear to the PCs Master DM’s Book); SD (See SA).
cumulus clouds. If the villagers are with the in a clairvoyant vision, warning them against
PCs, they view the approaching storm as visiting Volde before they’ve gathered their Coronatus: AC -6; HD 22******., hp 102;
nothing more than a nuisance. The aulratus full strength. If the D M decides to skip the AT 2; D 3-30/4-24; M V 120‘(40‘); Save F22;
goes through the cloud unless steered away; battle, take the PCs to Volde and turn to AL L; SA (see Archons above); SD (see SA).
in thr cloud, it opens its tremendous mouth Encounter 4.
to drink. The passengers get wet, but there is If the PCs want to land elsewhere, let The Waiting Armies
no other effect from the storm. them; they won’t find anything of great inter- The crater is ringed with the armies of the
This encounter establishes the elements of est or anyone to talk to, though, unless the Wizards. The troops, demoralized by the dis-
a typ cal storm. When the PCs encounter an D M decides to improvise something. Ran- appearance of Solius and their leaders, have
unusiial storm over Volde later in this sec- dom encounters from the preceding sections simply set up camp here and wait to see what
tion, they’ll know what to compare it with. may be adapted for this purpose. happens next. The archons are considering
leading the troops into battle, but none of the
troop leaders are willing to recognize their


T h e Wizards have instructed the PCs to the story, Coronatus casts commune or another Every magic-using citizen of Volde has been
take charge of the armies. The PCs must con- spell to verify the PCs’ authority, then acqui- impressed into service by Durhan’s troops
vince the troops and the archons they have esces gracelessly. This is especially appropri- and has never been seen again; no one knows
this authority, though, before any will agree ate if the players don’t know how to motivate what happens to them. The squads know
to follow. To do’ this, a PC must get in touch the armies; the archon can drop a few hints to nothing else of importance.
with the Wizar’ds by magical means, asking get the speeches going. I f the PCs approach at the head of a large
for a sign to show their approval. This sign After the troops are moralized and mobi- army or if they sail down in plain view on the
can be a dramatic illusion or whatever else the lized, the PCs should lead them on a march auratus, Volde’s troops are alerted to their
DM wishes. overland to the edge of Trann. (The re are too coming and immediately prepare for battle.
PCs can also rally the armies with heroic many troops to carry on the auratuis.) I f the PCs land alone in their midst, they are
accounts of the Wizards’ bravery and of their captured and must either escape or sit out the
own role in rescuing Solius. Ideally, this 3. Grappling Hooks coming battle as spectators. In this latter
speech should mention imminent peril, the event, the PCs are eventually rescued and
need for courage and solidarity in the face of The scene of the War Machine battle is the can go on to the next section.
tremendous opposition, the surety of victory, boundary of Trann and Volde, where most of I f the PCs come to Volde without armies
and so forth. Durhan’s forces have tied the two islands and take precautions to approach stealthily,
Success can be determined by having the together with enormous cables. Ii” the PCs they can sabotage or otherwise work mischief
players recite stirring speeches or by simply have come to this encounter leading their among the opponents before the battle starts.
rolling for the thLe armies’ reaction rolls, mod- armies, read the following aloud. I f they have The DM must judge the likelihood that a
ified by the speaking PCs’ Charisma, to find arrived without the accompanying armies, given tactic will succeed. I f the action is clev-
out if the oratory is effective. News of the skip the first paragraph. er, the stunt may reduce the opposing armies
Wizards should favorably modify this roll by 5-10% (or more, if the DM so desires).
(add +l). You march with your armies through the
I n a fairly short time, the armies should be hills of Trann, encountering no one but a The Cables
cheering, applauding, and spoiling for a few small expeditionary forces of Volde There are as many cables connecting Volde
fight. Each of the PCs can take command of who surrender without a fight when they and Trann as there are PC armies. Each cable
one of the forces given in the next section. I f see your superior numbers. The prisoners is solid iron, three miles long and 100’ thick.
there are more forces than PCs, ignore the reveal that the primary invasion of Trann The cables are flat on top and wide enough
remainder; if there are fewer, create duplicate is to commence shortly. for a fighting force to walk across abreast.
armies for the extra PCs to command. After a march of several hours beneath The footing 1s very good, for the cables are
Perhaps the archons will go ,dong with a sun at perpetual noon, you arrive at the woven of countless strands of iron wire (each
this; then again, perhaps not. In the latter border of Trann, where Volde is grappled of these strands is a few inches thick.
event, the archon leader, Coronatus, chal- to your island by enormous iron cables. In most cases, there is little danger of fall-
lenges the PCs’ authority, questions their These cables are at least 100’ thick and ing off a cable. Characters may be thrown off
account, and denies their leadership ability. stretch for miles to the rocky island which in personal combat; the thrower must make
H e demands tlhat they prove their mettle: floats slightly above the horizon. From two successful Grab maneuvers against the
Their champion must face him in trial by here, the land of Volde seems dark, grim, victim or stun him to throw him off. I f a char-
combat, with the winner acting as com- and rainy. A thunderstorm cover3 the far acter moves off the flat top area toward the
mander of the armies. The armies cheer this end of the island with clouds. sides, a Dexterity check is required to stay on
exciting turn of events with vigor, and the the cable.
PCs must go a b n g to retain their loyalty. Durhan’s troops are gathered opposite the I f a P C falls off a cable, they are not neces-
O n e P C faces Coronatus, who is armed PCs, on Volde. The PCs’ side, Trann, is cov- sarily gone for good. A character is within
with a sword offame. The PC is allowed to use ered with small expeditionary patrols from range of a thrown rope for one round and is
magical weapons and armor, but the archon Volde. These squads are made up (of six 4th- within range of magical rescue (levitate, tele-
leader’s challenge forbids spellc.asting and level fighters armed with broadswords, led by port, etc.) for three rounds.
non-weapon magical items. Combat con- a 6th-level sergeant with a bastard sword. The cables cannot be destroyed by most con-
tinues until one or the other opponent is They avoid contact with the armies of Trann, ventional means. Acid, for example, would be
reduced to less than 20 hp. At this point, Cor- but can be surprised and taken by a small needed in impractically large amounts to dis-
onatus teleports away to his lieutenants on the party. Captured patrols either refuse to solve even one cable. Magical means, such as
sidelines, ca1lin.g an end to the c:ontest and divulge anything valuable or surrender com- fireballs, are slightly more effective: The missile
casting cureall on his R C opponent. pletely and ask to join the P C forces (they destroys 1’ of a cable’s thickness for each 10
I f the P C has won, Coronatus proclaims aren’t any happier with Durhan than the points of damage inflicted.
the victory in such a way that the archon him- armies of Trann are). House-sized steel grapnels are anchored
self comes out looking better: “I could not These patrols can be used to drop mysteri- solidly in the rocky island of Volde, making it
stand b y and see this brave one risk further ous clues about Durhan. For instance, none impossible to pull the cables free. Before the
injury.” Use the most self-serving, arrogant, o f the captured soldiers have cver seen battle begins, the PCs should be given a
annoying terms manageable in this case. Durhan. Nonetheless, he’s been showing evi- chance to attempt their clever ideas (such as
Considered rationally, a fight between gen- dence of enormous magical power recently - climbing down to sabotage the cables, coat-
erals of an army could seem silly. I f singular ever since the thunderstorm appeared over ing them with grease, and so on). Any P C
combat seems inappropriate at this point in Volde and stationed itself there permanently. who climbs down beneath the cable or any-


where near the rocky island, runs into a giant tactic at any time. force takes (3 x 10% = 30%) losses.
slug of great nastiness. Players might want to use the auratus to
The character is unable to spot the slug get their infantry airborne, but no soldier will Player Forces
until its first stream of acid hits the cable get on the auratus; they all know that the Force: Player Character #1
nearby, leaving a smoking and sizzling hole huge creatures are unfit for war and that they Location:
where the liquid hits. This conjures the tend to shy at hostile actions, bucking off pas- Number of Troops: 500.
notion of PCs dodging around the cable, hop- sengers in combat. A P C might arrange a Type: All archers with swords.
ing the slug will keep missing its targets and dramatic diversion, however, using the aura- BR: 95, Troop Class: Good.
graditally eat through the cable. tus for shock value. Seeing a colossal goldfish
Such flamboyance should not be discour- rearing up beside them would certainly Force: Player Character #2
aged. since it makes for exciting play while require a morale roll for enemy troops! Location:
the battle rages above. Nevertheless, it will Number of Troops: 600.
take ii long time to damage the cable per’cepti- Lightning Storm Type: 500 swordsmen, 100 pikemen ( + 2
bly, even assuming maximum damage for After the battle is in full swing - after the P C weapons all).
each hit. I f a player wants to try this stunt, forces have committed themselves to a partic- BR: 92, Troop Class: Good.
assume the slug can spit enough acid to bum ular course of action - the huge thunder-
through a cable; this takes almost the entire storm moves across the landscape of Volde, Force: Player Character #3
length of the battle, though. The cable can toward the battle with supernatural speed. It Location:
then snap at some crucial instant, sending arrives at the beginning of the round after the Number of Troops: 600.
enemy troops falling into oblivion and secur- r C s notice its movement. As soon as it Type: 450 horsemen with swords, 150 krysts.
ing victory for the heroes with a flourish. arrives, Durhan begins hurling lightning bolts B R : 104, Troop Class: Excellent.
at the forces of Trann.
Slug, Giant: A C 8; HD 9**; hp 50; AT 1; D Durhan the Conqueror lurks within the Force: Player Character #4
1-12; MV 60’(20‘)/30’(10’); Save F5; A.L N; thunderstorm. H e wears the greater artifact Location:
T H A C O 11; SA spit acid; SD (see p. 38, Mas- known as the Shadow Belt, which has allowed Number of Troops: 600.
ter DA4’s Book). him to create the vast magical effects he’s Type: 450 swordsmen, 150 spellcasters.
achieved so far; it also allows him to throw BR: 100, Troop Class: Good.
T h e High-Wire Act powerful (20d6) bolts of electricity without
In this encounter, the players control all of effort. The lehtning- bolts work like the magic- Force: Player Character #5
Trann’s forces. The time unit is one hour. user spell, except that their range has been Location:
The rerrain unit is one mile; thus, forcing extended to reach any force in the battle Number of Troops: 600.
enemy troops back three terrain units b’rings range. Durhan casts one bolt at each P C lead- Type: 300 axemen, 300 horsemen with lanc-
them to the opposite end of a cable and onto er during the battle, usually in an effort to es and swords.
an islmd. rescue his own opposing force from defeat. BR: 92, Troop Class: Good.
T h e object of the battle is to drive The barrage cannot be dispelled by the PCs,
Durhan’s forces back tso Volde over the although they do get their customary saving Force: Player Character #6
cable,?, then cut the cables and free the throws for half damage. I f the bolts turn out Location:
islands. When the players understand the sit- to be too deadly during play or if the battle Number of Troops: 500.
uation, have them gather their armies, roll continues after each P C has been hit once, Type: 450 archers with swords, 50 planar spi-
for initiative, and begin the battle. the bolts stop and the rain begins in their der mercenaries.
In the first round ofbattle, Durhan’s forces stead. BR: 103, Troop Class: Excellent.
arranye themselves so that each force protects The rain makes the cables slippery; each
one c:ible. They withdraw onto the cahles if P C force must make a mass ability check Force: Bronze Golems
the first round goes badly for them. Taking against Dexterity (described below) for each Leader: None
the battle onto the cables means that the P C round they are on the cables. Success means Location:
forces are brought into range of Durhan’s the entire force stays afoot on the wet cables; Number of Troops: 10.
lightnr ng barmres (described below). failure means some part of the force slips and Type: 10 bronze golems.
The constricting width of the cables means falls to its doom. Forces on land need not B R : 312, Troop Class: Excellent.
that only one P C force at a time can fight make ability checks. The rain lasts until the The golems are not an independent force;
effecnvely on any given cable. I f more than battle is over. they must be commanded together with some
one P C force goes onto the same cable, the The check works almost like a regular P C other force.
enemy force freed from assault by this ability check: Roll ld20 and compare the
maneuver crosses back onto land and follows result to the P C commander’s Dexterity Force: Archons
the P(: forces onto their cable, thus surround- number. The only difference is that, if a force Leader: Coronatus (Leadership Factor 26)
ing the PC’s forces. fails the check, the amount by which the roll is Location: Trann
While fighting on cables, no force except failed is important. Number of Troops: 20.
the ai-chons can choose the envelop tactic. For each point by which a roll fails, the Type: Archons.
Forces on land can choose this tactic against force takes a 10% loss. For example, a P C BR: 504, Troop Class: Excellent.
forces attempting to cross onto land, how- commander has a Dexterity of 14, and his roll The archons can attack from the air. They
ever. ‘The archons, as flyers, can employ this for the force is 17. H e missed by 3, so the can move between cables to help any friendly


army in need.

Force: Ruliny 1
Leader: Dyan,
Location: Soliu
Number of Troi
Type: 5 Ruling
B R : 444. Troor
The Wizards
in true cavalry 1
PCs need reinfi
need help in th
show up until a

Durhan’s Forc
One of the follci
force. One of tEi
lar nobleman
fights with UI
troops identify
henchman, an
morph named 1
poisoned the R1i
Durhan’s 0th
fighters (Leader
not lead a force
are merciless in

Force: Durhan
Leader: Valck (
Location: Voldc L l l l l a l l c L D “I
But there is still a battle to be fought.

Number of Troops: 800. Each building is guarded by a 100-troop

Type: All swordsmen in black plate armor. You saw no sign of Durhan himself in the
garrison (BR 80, Troop Quality: Good).
B R : 110/120, Troop Class: Excellent. struggle. Captured soldiers told you the
They never leave the fortifications to assault
would-be conqueror directs the battle
Trann’s armies.
Valck’s force should confront the force led from his headquarters, in the foothills
The P C forces have no siege equipment
by the most powerful PC fighter. This lets the (even if they did, they wouldn’t be ,able to get
DM stage a face-to-face, single combat it across the cables to Volde). There is no time
between Valck and the (presumably) coura- for a prolonged siege, for the imbalance cre- The next section can be read to the players
geous P C . ated by the grappled islands must be resolved whether or not they played out the previous
Vdck offers tio stake the outcome of the bat- in a matter of days. section.
tle on a single, unarmed fistfight or wrestling Fortunately, the buildings can probably be
match. I f the PC challenged accepts, Valck reached quickly through magical means, You travel through the depressing land-
sheds his armor. Combat is resolved normal- such as through the use of teleport to put troops scape of Volde, searching for Durhan’s
ly. I f Valck loses, his force reneges on his within the walls or dissolve to create breaches stronghold. The terrain is like a charcoal
promise and continues the battle anyway. in the stonework. Likewise, flying (characters sketch of Trann: The grass and leaves are
During the fstfight, Valck shapeshifts to can drop flaming oil orfireballs on the wooden blackened and the trees look burnt. There
his most powerful forms: a gorilla, roc, and roofs. is no sign of green anywhere. The land-
rock python. This takes one round per Inside each building, the cable is buried scape looks as though a forest fire came
change, and ’Vhlck always loses initiative on deep in the ground with only its flattened top through and burned everything, but the
the round he shapeshifts. However, the sha- bulging up. Ringed around this bulge are 10 burned landscape kept on growing - like
peshift frees Valck automatically from a Grab cylindrical iron gearboxes, 10‘ high, each a garden of undead plants.
or Pin. L7alck’shp start at 30 and stay at their with a long lever sticking horizontally out It appears as if no one has lived in Volde
current level when he changes shape, so he from the side. These levers release 1 he cables. for years. You come upon a village with
can be worn down gradually. Destroying the gearboxes does no good; empty homes, untended lawns and
t he levers must be pushed around the cylin- hedees. weeds crowins everywhere, and
ciers with a combined Strength of 50. When
Valck: AC 5; HD 6 * * ; hp 30; AT 1; D by 111 10 levers are pushed, the cable snaps free

weapon; h4V lZO’(40’); Save F6; AL C;


Into the Storm

words scrawled on a wall in Eloysian. Eventually, the PCs are expected tofy, leui- strap stretched across his misshapen rib
There’s a big storm cloud ahead. It tate, climb, or otherwise follow the wire up cage and twisted spine. The gold wires are
looks like those permanent storm systems into the stormy sky. Tracing the wire’s path attached to the belt and strap. Behind
you saw on your way to Trann. The several dozen yards up, they soon encounter him, you see the wires trailing away to
isl‘tnds drift through them, get watered, a branching point where the wire merges with hundreds of floatinc bodies in the dis-
and move on. But this one looks different. another gold wire that stretches down in
It’J staving with this island, moving as it another direction. The PCs can continue fol-
moves. The cloud you see has stayed over lowing the wire up into the clouds or back-
Volde and even moved to bring lightning track from the branch point down the other
rain during the battle. wire. Durhan and the Artifact
Backtracking leads down a few dozen Durhan wears the Shadow Belt of Orcus, a
T h e message on the village wall says “War yards to the floating body of a low-level greater artifact of amazing power. The arti-
has come and we have gone.” Durhan’s magic-user. The wire ends in another gold fact leeches energy from magic-users, allow-
uncrasing preparations for war have driven skullcap attached to the character’s skull (too ing the wearer to expend that energy in
the populace away from the island - the ones tightly to be removed physically). otherwise impossible feats of spell-casting.
who weren’t Conscripted into the army, that The young 3rd-level magic-user is alive, The vanished cities, the sites thrown into
is. but barely conscious. H e is charmed to believe space, the lightninf bolts, mass charm and levitate
The DM may conduct one or two random Durhan is treating him well, but does allow spells cast on all these victims - all of these
encounters on the journey in Volde. Here are that Durhan is draining him of his magical effects are due to the Shadow Belt.
some possible encounten in this wasted, war- energy. This strikes the charmed character as Durhan is wired into 500 magic-users of
torn land: perfectly natural and necessary: “We all 1st-2lst level. These magic-users have been
Rtfuqees. Two or three families of hungry, think so,” he says. kidnapped from all over Eloysia. Their
homeless normal people are encountered. I f a P C tries to dispel the charm spell and the energy gives Durhan an effectively infinite
T h e army has claimed all their property; now cap’s magical attraction, the cap is protected number of Power Points to spend. (There’s
they seek escape to Trann. The refugees know by a 40th-level spell - that is, as an artifact. more about the Shadow Belt in the Appendix.)
nothing useful, except that the thunderstorm T h e spell can also be broken if the wire is cut; While wearing the Shadow Belt, Durhan is
has lingered over Volde for months now. the wire is very tough (50 hp), though. immune to all 1st-4th-level spells, charms,
Patrol The P C s encounter 10 6th-level Whether or not the spell is broken, the magic- mental control, and poison, and to all spells
fighters led by a 9th-level commander. The user faints from exhaustion before telling the which cause instant destruction. Durhan was
patrol attempts to capture the PCs, then tries P C s any useful information. a 36th-level magic-user before donning the
to escape as soon as the PCs’ power becomes Shadow Belt; with it, he can cast any and all
clear. This group knows no more than the ref- Magic-Users: A C var. ; HD var. ; hp var. ; AT magic-user spells of any level, repeatedly and
ugees, except that Durhan’s headquarters are 1; D 1-4; MV 120’(40‘); Save var.; AL N ; without limitation. The sole exception are
located in the foothills. THACO var.; SA spell capability; S D (see wish spells, which were intentionally placed
Nothing more of interest can be found on SA). beyond the power of theshadow Belt by Orcus.
land When the next phase ofthe adventure is Druid and clerical spells cannot be cast with
ready to begin, though, a thin, gold wire The PCs can continue to follow the gold this artifact, however.
drifw down from the cloud overhead. Tt falls wire into the clouds, continuing on to points Non-attack spells can be amplified in effect
in graceful loops and hangs suspended at eye where pairs or trios of wires merge. There is a b y this artifact. For example, a vastly
level above the ground, just in front of the vast network of gold wire throughout the increased telekinesis spell allowed Durhan to
PCs At the end of the wire is an odd skullcap storm cloud, and each wire terminates at a remove Solius from Trann. Other possible
o f gold. The wire stretches high above and is skullcap attached to a floating magic-user. effects are as follows:
lost in the clouds. After a moment, the skull- Almost all the charmed victims are 1st-4th * Walls of stone, ice, fire, or iron can be con-
cap moves directly toward the group’s near- level. structed of indefinite size.
est magic-user (or cleric, i f there is no After several branchings upward, the trail * Polymorphing large numbers of objects at
mag c-user; even a fighter with magical culminates in an astonishing sight: once is possible (for instance, meteors of a
weapons will do). The cap and wire detect as meteor swarm cast against Durhan can be
stronyly magical. altered.
Beyond a gap in the clouds, you find
The characters can attack the wire ( A C 6, * Monsters of 40 + HD can be created via
whole networks of gold wires extending in
50 hi>), run from it, let it touch them, climb a create monsters spell.
all directions, like veins in a leaf. At the
it, or whatever they want. I f the wire touches These amplified spells cannot directly
center of this network, like a huge spider
a msgic-user, the PC feels a low-grade mass affect an enemy. Attack spells have their usu-
in a golden web, floats a 30’-tall man. His
cham1 spell. Of course, all PCs are most likely al effects. For example, a fireball from the
limbs and features are hideously distort-
immune to these effects due to their high Shadow Belt never does more than 20d6 hp
ed, and his expression is a mixture of
level damage.
hatred and agony.
The wire withdraws into the clouds. I f the The unpleasant side effects of wearing this
The man wears a gray leather belt
PCs do not follow it, the incident repeats eve- artifact are obvious: Durhan’s huge, distend-
around his bony waist, with a shoulder
ry few minutes until they do. ed form is clearly painful to him, and the
storm itself is a direct by-product of the Belt’s


activity. Crazed with power-lust, however, The problem is that the closer a P C gets to
Ilurhan puts up with all this agony to con- Durhan, the more vulnerable the P C is to You awake on a grassy hill. The Wizards
quer Eloysia. attack. At the first branch or closer, a P C is at stoop over you, looking relieved. “You
+ 5 A C due to close range; attacks by Durhan live again,” says Dyan. Beyond her, a
Defeating Durhan d o + 5 0 % damage. O u t to the second crowd of soldiers cheers. The air smells
Unless the PCs take extraordinary magical branch, the penalty is + 2 A C anti +25% fresh and cool. The sky may be gray, but it
measures, Durh.an is certain to spot them damage. Beyond the second branch, there is looks as beautiful as anything you’ve ever
before they get anywhere near him. I f the no further penalty and after the third branch, seen.
J’Cs break a gold wire, Durhan is aware of extreme range gives each P C a - 2 AC bonus The Wizards quickly tell what pansed
them immediately; otherwise, he sees them (no effect on damage). after Durhan defeated you. With Volde’s
through the eyes of any conscious magic-user Don’t bother keeping careful track of the armies strengthened and the storm raging
attached to the Shudow Belt. Belt’s exact P P totals as the magic-users are more strongly than ever, Durhan seemed
Durhan is insane with hatred for everyone freed. Simply have Durhan cast spells of unbeatable. The Wizards and all of Trann
and everything. Negotiating or reasoning noticeably lower level and of significantly less fell into despair.
with him is uselmess. Durhan may not attack damage as the wires are destroyed. E;ach wire “But then,” says Dyan, “in the clouds,
immediately, but only delays to study the par- cut provokes a howl of race from Durhan. we saw a brilliant white lipht. followed bv

toe.’ I‘he only .way IS to cut off Uurhan‘s When Uurhan IS reduced to Z3Yo hp or ILUUC IUI LLIW CIIUILS. 111cy a l c v c l y c.asy m
power supply: the magic-users wired to the less, a contingency spell cast earlier gutes the discussing the “friend,” and don’t wish to
Belt. By cutting, breaking, or dissolving a N P C to the Outer Plane ruled by Orcus. The reveal too much about the Immortals.
wire, the PCs cut Durhan off from all the PCs are prevented from following by Immor- I f any PC has already acquired a patron
magic-users attached to that wire. This tal magic. I f the contingency spell has been Immortal, identify him or her as the Wiz-
reduces his power. I f the PCs can cut loose all dispelled or doesn’t work for some reason, one ards’ friend, the agent of Durhan’s destruc-
the magic-users,, they reduce Durhan to the of Orcus’s minions intervenes to tear the Belt tion. I f not, the heroism the PCs displayed
powers inherent in the Belt itself and thereby from Durhan to prevent it from falling into should lead to an Immortal encounter soon,
wear him down to defeat. (Give the PCs an the PCs’ possession. The DM shoiild allow and the path to Immortality awaits.
lntelligence chec:k to discover this, if the play- Durhan to escape if possible so he can recu- Proceed to the next section, but decrease
ers can’t figure it out. themselves.) perate and become a continuing nemesis in the party’s X P award by 10% to reflect the
Th.e wires form a great branching network future adventures. defeat.
centered on Durhan. Only 10 wires attach With Durhan’s defeat, the thunderstorm
directly to the Belt, but these 10 divide into breaks up quickly. The magic-users are freed, 5 . The Triumphant (?)Return
five each a few clozen yards down, becoming but now are falling helplessly! Play out a few Here, the PCs are rewarded, loose ends are
!io branches (call this the first branch.) These heroic rescues by the PCs and have the Rul- tied up, and the players almost certainly feel
50 wires divide into five each further down, ing Wizards return in time to catch the rest. the adventure is wrapped up. Let them think
making 250 (the second branch). Finally, the- I f the PCs themselves are fallin: or are so - the hard part is still to come!
se 250 split into pairs (the third and last stranded on Volde now that the cables are
branch) for a tot,al of 500 wires attached to the broken, the Wizards send the auratus to
imprisoned magic-users. catch them and bring them to a gentle land- With Durhan defeated, you’re welcomed
back to Trann with cheers from the multi-
Each length of wire has 50 hp and can be ing on Trann.
destroyed by any reasonable means. Clearly, tude. The Ruling Wizards congratulate
If The PCs Lose you warmly on your victory and usher
fhe closer to Durhan the wires get, the more
magic-users eaclh wire connects to the Belt. A I f the players lose the battle with Durhan, you personally to the site of Solius. T h e
assume he killed them all in the conflict. site has been restored, with hardly a seam
wire that is destroyed before it branches (Le.,
R or crack to show it had been removed. But
one that is next to the Belt) frees many more
magic-users than a wire destroyed farther there’s still no sign of the city.
down in its path


Method 1: Bulk Award War Machine battle:

But as you and evervone else watch, the With this method, the Wizards simply 10,000 X P (if they won).
Wizards link hands once again and float award the PCs 13,000 pp from their treasure 3,000 X P (if they lost).
into the air. There, they chant strange vault to be divided up as the players wish. Defeated Durhan: 25,000 XP.
incantations; suddenly, the air feels warm. Because of the great bulk of this treasure, the Roleplayed a coin’s behavioral modification
There are noises around you: crowds and Wizards also provide a bag of holdinf to carry well: 3,000 X P (to individual PC).
shouts come from nowhere. the payment in (holds 10,000 pp, but weighs Killed, looted unnecessarily: - 2,000 X P
Vague outlines shimmer into view: only 600 cn when full). (per instance).
buildings, paved streets, towers on the At the DM’s option, each Wizard may also
horizon. The Wizards chant louder over- elect to give one magical item to the PC who Back to the Prime Plane
head, and the outlines grow firm, then carried his or her coin during the adventure. With the villain defeated and their treasure
solid. Troops jump out of the way of walls Warrick gives a ring with a wish, Jacaine awarded, the players may be thinking events
and carts, which appear where they stood. gives a valuable potion, Kendall some are winding down to their inevitable conclu-
With the chants reaching a climax, illusion-related gift, and the others give any sion. Soon the session will be over and they’ll
hL ge crowds of people and animals appear item deemed reasonable. If the PCs looted or start deciding who rides home with whom.
from nowhere. The people are frozen like vandalized a Wizard’s dwelling, that Wizard Try to develop this impression with a casu-
statues in mid-step, on stairways, or gives no gift; similarly, if the PCs killed Pop- al attitude, lulling any potential suspicions.
climbing up onto horses. Then, as if with iel or destroyed Drivel, no gifts are given. Don’t actually tell the PCs that their own city
tht snap of a finger, they’re moving and is safe; say the Wizards are sure everything is
m itching the sounds. Method 2: Achievement Award okay. In fact, the Wizards even offer to send
You’re standing in the middle of a With this method, reward the players for one of their own number back to the Prime
crowded city, a beautiful city of soaring achieving individual goals during the adven- Plane with the PCs, just to make certain. (If
towers, marble buildings, and wide streets ture and for good role-playing. The physical the Ruling Wizards were not rescued, a high-
lired with plants. The people stop in sur- nature of the reward can be platinum pieces level magic-user freed from Durhan’s impris-
prise to stare at you, The troops, and the or magical items, as above. onment can fulfill the same function.)
Wizards who are floating back to the Keep track during the adventure of which Which Wizard will go? That’s up to the
ground. goals on the list below the PCs accomplished D M and the players; whichever one has been
- the most fun to play or whichever the players
and total their X P values (along with the usu-
The rest of this scene is made up of excited al X P for defeated monsters) to find the final have had the most fun dealing with should be
( pestions from the returned citizens (nobody award. Some goals have negative X P values, the choice. For convenience, the read-aloud
I.em embers disappearing) and gratitude from indicating poor play. sections assume only one Wizard goes along,
t he Wizards, who are happy to grant most Divide the award equally among the PCs, although two or more could decide to make
1“easonable requests by the PCs. However, then award each an X P bonus as appropriate the trip.
t he) do ask for their personal items hack - for clever ideas, acting in character, and fur- When the PCs are ready to return home,
t he [ones the PCs took from their strongholds thering the story. This bonus should be from read the following section aloud. At the actu-
1n the previous section In any event, the 1-5% of the group’s total X P award. Try not al moment of return, hit them with the sur-
1Wizards quell the PCs’ concerns over the fate
to leave anyone out when awarding these prise.
<Jf tlieir city by giving assurances that (to the bonuses - almost every player contributes
1Jest of their knowledge) Lighthall should also something to an adventure. You’re set to return home with your new
1lave been restored by the Wizards’ spell. wealth. The Wizards gather around you
LIM Ir Note This assumption is mistaken - Objectives to cast their gate spell. Strange lights flick-
1but don’t !et the players know that! Roleplay PCs acted intelligently while city vanished: er around you and a freezing wind surges
1the U’izards’ calm assurance that everything 5000 XP. up from the ground beneath. A glowing
IS all right.) Each coin found (except copper): 10,000 XP. haze wraps itself around you and your
After explaining the heroes’ role in rescu- Healed Granite: 5,000 XP. mouths go dry. The haze gradually clears,
ing the Wizards, Solius, and all of T r a m , the Answered sphinx riddle: 2,500 XP. and you see your familiar blue sky over-
Wizards bring the PCs down to the treasure Fought sphinxes: - 5,000 XP. head.
vault beneath their castle. Here, the PCs are Buried diver ghost’s body: 5,000 XP. And then you fall!
rewsrded with the gold and XPs they’ve Met spiders peacefully: 2,000 XP. You’re falling through mid-air in a tre-
earned through the advmture. Got globe at wishing well: 2,500 XP. mendous crater some 20 miles across and
Befriended Popiel: 3,000 XP. a mile deep. You’re high up in the middle
Aw:trding Treasure and Experience Killed Popiel: - 5,000 XP. with nothing around you, falling faster by
Here are two methods for awarding treasure Found wall maps in sphinx: 2,500 XP. 1 the second. What do you do?
and XP. The D M may choose either one or Got potion from Drivel: 2,500 XP.
use a method of personal devise. The award Made offering at temple: 2,500 XP. Let the players try whatever they wish. If it
assumes a party of six characters and a gain of Passed vault traps: 3,000 XP. sounds good, it works; it would be bad form
one level per three adventures. To modify the Helped Wizards rescue city: Varies (as noted to kill them with this fall. If nobody has a way
award, consult the Dunpeon Master’s Compan- earlier). to fly (unlikely), the Wizard who accompa-
ion, pp. 2-3 and 26-27. Defeated Coronatus: 5,000 X P (to individual nies them casts a levitate spell which sets them
Chapter 5 : INTO THE SUN

Encounter Setting ment rates for such spells outside the Earth’s
atmosphere by a factor of a million. Even
If the DM wants to spice up the adventure, a
meeting with one or more fiery creatures may
The physical statistics are staggering: a diam- then, the party may need days or weeks to be arranged. Appropriate Immortals from
eter of nearly 900,000 miles, a surface area cross the 93 million miles of vacuum to the the Immortals book can be used here; they are
lar!;er than 12,000 Earths, a million times the Sun. immediately aware of the PCs’ intrusion in
volume of our world; in the interior, 400 bil- Once at the Sun’s surface, the characters their domain and assist or obstruct them
lion atmospheres of pressure create a density have another 450,000 miles to go to reach the according to the motives of their Spheres.
far greater than solid steel. Top this off with a core (and teleport spells won’t work now). To Even without Set 5 of the rules, interesting
temperature of 27,000.000(0) Fahrenheit at keep the adventure moving, assume travel or a side-trips can be developed for the players.
the core and you have one tough opponent. wish can transport the party as far as 100,000 Here are some suggestions to serve as inspi-
T h e Sun will truly challenge a party of miles a day. The increase in speed can be ration:
Master-level PCs. explained by the vast magical and physical
In this section, the PCs must journey to the energies which the Sun generates. 1. Phoenix
center of the solar system to rescue their city. To find out where they need to go, the PCs
Only courage and the most powerful spells can use a find the path spell, specifying their The PCs see a huge, flaming bird flying
can keep them alive in the Sun’s infernal inte- city as the location. Feel free to drop a hint above a plume of fire. The phoenix is not
rior. about this to the players if necessary or have intelligent, but is relatively tame due to an
I ,

The challenge as DM is to dramatize an them

.hem make ability checks against Intelligence aabsence of natural enemies such as humans.
inconceivably large and dangerous setting. get the
too get the idea.
idea. 1The PCs may befriend it and may convince it
Virtually everything the PCs encounter will In the solar interior, survival protects the to return to assist them if they need help later
be (of a scale that dwarfs the Earth itself! Try characters
:haracters from harm and allows them to see on; likewise, the PCs may have nothing bet-
tter to do than kill the phoenix. If so, the sun
to help the players grayp what is, almost by ........ l,
normally ~~ 1
~ -1-1L1.
the blinding

light.. A force field

1‘ 1‘ 1 r.
& 0 I I

definition, beyond comprehension. provides full protection from heat, pressure, instantly consumes the feathers of the phoe-
and gravity, but it must be renewed frequent- nix before the PCs can obtain any.
Survival in Space and in ly unless it is made permanent.
Once in theforcefield, characters need some Phoenix, Greater: AC - 2 ; H D 1 8 * * * * *hp
the Sun method of propulsion. Gravity is no help, for 90; AT 3; D 2-12 (~2)/4-24;MV 150’(50’)/
the PCs soon reach gas that’s too dense for 450‘(150‘); Save F20; AL N ; THACO 6; SA
To start this chapter of the adventure, let
them to move through. F(y or levitate works, as (see p. 41, Master DM’s Book); SD (see SA).
the players decide how they will make this
jou mey. does magical items like flying carpets. Teleport
Perhaps a catalog of assets is in order. The will not work and travel only works for one 2. Sunspot
coins from Eloysia are no longer magical. character at a time. A wish can move an Sunspots are mysterious storms that appear
Thc treasure from the vaults of Trann must entire party from one encounter in the periodically on the Sun’s surface. Relatively
be left on Earth. Since high-level spells are sequence below to the next consecutive one, cool by solar standards (only 4,000(0) F.),
required, the party may need an extra Ruling but no further. Other methods of transporta- they are marked by intense magnetic fields.
Wizard; their companion can summon as tion may work, however, as the D M wishes. PCs who run into a sunspot may find their
many others as may be necessary. If the party During this section of the adventure, the metal armor and equipment behaving
doesn’t have a high-level cleric, one can come PCs should always be aware how close they strangely. The effect is up to the DM: metal
along with the Wizards (use the statistics for are to death. Should their magic be dispelled, could twist into scrap, fly away along mag-
the cleric in the center pull-out section of this they will die instantly. However, the PCs’ netic force-lines, or become strongly magnet-
module). location has some bearing on their fate. O n ized itself.
Next, let the players review what their the surface of the Sun, the temperature can
dip as low as 5,000(0) F. - even lower in a
characters will have to deal with. Space is
sunspot. A body may endure as long as 10
3 . Solar Flare
coltl, black, and empty. Unprotected charac-
ter> suffocate in a minute or two, freeze solid seconds before being incinerated, and so may This awesome light show should throw a
in another few minutes, or decompress be retrieved and raised. scare into the players. A flare erupts within
implosively within seconds. The clerical sur- In the solar interior, temperatures soar into 10,000 miles (a hair’s breadth) of the PCs
vivo1 spell protects completely from both the the millions of degrees. If a character’s surviv- while they’re near the Sun’s surface. Within
rigors of space and the lhellish solar interior. al spell lapses or if his forcefield is dispelled, the a minute, they see a colossal wave of burning
Travelling from Earth to the Sun in any victim is vaporized instantly, beyond hope of gas rolling toward them; mention that their
practical time requires either special equip- resurrection by human magic. force field might collapse unless it’s fortified.
ment or a well-cast teleport spell (a wish can be What happens next is up to the players.
Magic-users and clerics might try ability
used with this spell to affect an entire group of Random Encounters checks against Intelligence and Wisdom to
characters). PCs can only teleport to the sur-
face of the Sun, though; trying to reach the There are no encounters in outer space, but marshall their energies and strengthen the
intcrior counts as teleporting into a solid object. the Sun itself is inhabited by many creatures, field; otherwise, allow a check against Dex-
Other spells, such as travel, transport the such as those of the Elemental Plane of Fire. terity to pilot the field above or below the
Because of its size, the Sun’s population is onrushing wave. Fighters might even try to
casl’er very slowly. If the PCs have no way to
teleport, the D M may opt to increase move- sparse; it’s entirely possible that the PCs will prop up the field with sheer brute strength!
encounter no one as they journey to the core.

Chapter 5 : INTO THE SUN

Build suspense, let the players try what The PCs who are communicating with the
:hey will, then let the flare hit. Roll percentile You sink into the Sun. Pure white light elementals must make ability checks against
k e , examine the result, and announce that surrounds you, as does a rumbling sound Charisma. Success means the elementals
:he field has held. so deep that you feel it more than hear it. trust the PCs enough to mention an odd
A s you go deeper, the rumbling gets loud- series of robberies plaguing the complexes.
er and higher in pitch. Food has been taken from nearly everyone.
4. Other Encounters After a while, you notice that things col- No one has found out who is stealing the
Manv fire creatures inhabit the Sun. The ored red grow darker in color. It’s az if food.
PCs may run into efreeti (lesser and greater), they’re fading to black. Orange items look If the players choose to follow up, they can
flame salamanders, Iielions, or random fire yellower and purple items turn blue. As gain entrance to a burglarized cubicle in the
:lementals. The PCs do not encounter con- you descend further, the orange fades to complex. Spells such asfind the path or a wish
rrentional Prime Plane monsters that can’t black too. The light around you takes 011 a lead the PCs to another pillar complex near-
itand the heat (this includes undead). A n y strong yellowish green tint. by. Here, the burg.lar, a fire salamander, is
:reatlire encountered should have a logical caught in the act stealing food from another
reason for being here. The gas inside the Sun is growing hotter cubicle. The salamander never attacks and
and is producing shorter wavelengths of radi- tries to flee when discovered.
Encounter Key ation, Longer wavelengths, at the red-orange This salamander is the Fire Elemental
end of the spectrum, disappear; as a rewlt, Ruler’s pet. It got lost many months ago and
1. Chromosphere items that reflect those wavelengths (that is, now steals food to survive. I f the PCs capture
are colored red or orange) end up black, it, they find a talisman around its head identi-
[f thr. PCs are travelling through space to
absorbing all wavelengths. fying its owner (in the language of the ele-
reach the Sun, describe the vast, empty
PCs with infravision find that they can no mentals).
dackness, endless starfields, and the great longer sense the heat of the solar interior. The PCs meet the Ruler at the climax of
zircle of the Milky Way. When they arrive at
Only other characters show up in the infra- this adventure. Delivering the pet safely to
the Sun, whether by teleportation or protracted
red. the Ruler guarantees a favorable reaction.
voyage, read the following aloud: As they go deeper, the PCs find the solar However, if the PCs injure the salamander,
radiation shifting higher up the spectrum. the Ruler reacts negatively. I f they kill the
You’re in the surface region of the Sun. The light grows green, then blue; everything harmless beast, the Ruler banishes them
You hang in utter emptiness, with nothing that isn’t blue or violet grows black. Thou- from the Sun and the quest to retrieve the city
in sight. Enormous clouds of gas surround sands of miles down, the characters see noth- is lost.
you, glowing orange like a low fire, but ing but violet light (the rest of the radiation
they look extremely distant. You crane produced is ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma
your necks all the way back, looking 4. A Meeting
straight up, and still can’t tell where the Since the PCs know nothing of wave- Eventually, near the core of the Sun, the PCs
clouds end overhead. lengths of light, all of this will be very eerie to magically sense that their city is nearby. The
All around you is pure white light. You them. Players can take this as another oppor- city was not burned; ironically, the same
see a distant yellow horizon beyond the tunity to role-play their reactions. enchantment that made it vanish has also
gas plumes. protected it from physical destruction. How-
3. Pillars of Flame ever, it certainly has no future unless the PCs
This ayer of the Sun is so thinly distributed can rescue it.
that it qualifies as a very good vacuum on During their journey down, the PCs notice
Earth. PCs can never reach the gas plumes occasional pillars of flame resting on dense What you’re passing through now is
they see in the distance; they’re inside one as patches of plasma. I f they investigate, they denser than solid rock. Overhead, a
they wrive and simply can’t tell! Speech is discover that the pillars are huge housing 400,000-mile-deep sea o f gas presses
i m p o d d e ; here, as in all the later encounters complexes for fire elementals. Blobs of fire down on you. Nothing but the paper-thin
in the solar interior, PCs can only communi- (the residents) float in and out through the wall offorce holds it back. Outside the wall
cate mentally. walls. is boiling whiteness.
I f tile PCs aren’t magically protected with- Each complex holds about 100 elementals. Your spell tells you that the city is near-
in a round of their arrival, they die, plain and They are rude and are suspicious of PCs who by. Then you bump against something.
simply. I f thev are protected, their magic are not in elemental form themselves. The
reveals that the city they’re here to rescue is elementals know nothing of the PCs’ city; on This obstacle is the city site. The PCs mag-
in the Sun’s interior. far below. a favorable Reaction Roll, mention that the
ic tells this to them or the DM may make
Ruler in the core of the sun might be able to finding this out a puzzle. H o w do the PCs see
2. Interior help. (Note that only telepathic communica- through gas denser than lead? Euesight
tion is possible in the deafening roar of the works; mass invisibility makes the gas trans-
Un1es.s they have begun moving under their Sun.) parent; move earth creates a tunnel through it,
own power, the PCs soon realize they’re fall-
revealing the island site.
ing. This is the time to stage random Fire Elementals: AC - 3; HD 18;; hp 90 AT All these methods may reveal the city’s
encounters; otherwise, continue reading 1; D 3-30; MV 360’(120’); Save F18; AI, N ; new occupants, too; the DM may want to
aloud: THACO 7 .

Chapter 5 : INTO THE SUN

startle the players, though, by readi.ng this here. All their magical protection is dispelled, his minions never attack, but a bad reaction
aloud: repldced by that of the inhabitants. means the PCs lose ground and should try
- another tack. If the PCs retrieved the Ruler’s
You find you’ve hit the land once occupied You are in the center of a large, hollow pet salamander safely, they are automatically
by the city. It seems to be unharmed. sphere. The wall of the sphere is pure favored.
’I’hen there’s a knocking sound on theforce black, but reflects the firelight from Once the Ruler agrees to free the city, he
3eld. legions of elementals surrounding you. magically transports the PCs back to Earth
The whiteness outside the field pulls You’re floating a foot or so above what along with their city. The Wizards restore the
back, and you’re surrounded by globes of appears to be the palm of a giant, finger- vanished buildings and populace easily, then
fire. From nowhere, three huge rings of less hand. Looming above the hand is a return to Eloysia to deal with their own prob-
fire appear and settle down around you. burning arm as thick around as a redwood lems. The way seems clear for celebration.
’L‘ou’re locked inside a cage of flame. In tree. Beyond the arm, extending high
.your minds, you hear a single question: above and below you, is an immense Aftermath
“Who trespasses?” humanoid form wrapped in flames. Its
face, a blank expanse of fire, stares down Make the players feel as triumphant as possi-
at you. In your minds, you hear its voice: ble. Build their expectation to the fantasy
T h e PCs are surrounded by large fire ele-
“What brings you from the realm of equivalent of a Macy’s parade when the char-
nientals; the rings are helions. Make it clear
cold?” acters have restored the city.
to the players that there are more than they
Imagine their frustration and chagrin
could hope to defeat. Here in the center of the
when the restored populace shows no mrm-
Sun, conditions are similar to the Elemental This, of course, is the Fire Elemental Ruler:
ory of what happened after the first of
Plane of Fire. The elementals are more pow- 160’ tall and as powerful as the DM wants it
Durhan’s lights approached in Chapter 1.
e rful than those ordinarily encountered any- to be. Attacks are senseless; the Ruler simply
What’s more, no one believes the PCs’
where on the Prime Plane. repels them.
accounts of what happened!
The fire creatures are more curious than
Just when the players have given up hope
hostile, but any attack causes the helions to Fire Elemental Ruler: AC - 15; H D 80***;
that their egos will get any stroking for all
dispel the forcefield and sumival spells protect- hp 600; AT 2; D 12-144; M V lZO’(4.0‘); Save
their effort, wind things up with a spectacular
:ing the party, dooming them instantly. F36; AL L; THACO 1 ; SA (see p.40, Master
finish. If the PCs didn’t alienate the Elemen-
If the PCs elect to parley with the elemen- DM’s Book); SD (see SA).
tal Ruler, he suddenly appears at the city lim-
tals telepathically, great diplomacy is called
its, calling to his new human friends. Before
for. T h e elementals are intrigued by the land Now the PCs must make their most elo-
the dumbstruck citizens, he congratulates the
that arrived in their domain; they see little quent pitch to rescue their city. The Elemen-
PCs on their successful mission and advises
cause to let it be taken away. Let the negotia- tal Ruler is fair-minded, just, polite, and
the populace to honor them profusely.
tion continue as long as it’s entertaining. The perhaps a bit amused by the PCs’ predica-
Then, while people are still trying to recov-
elementals then decide to carry the case to a ment. H e entertains pleas for help, as well as
er from this, a familiar white light streaks
higher authority at the core of the Sun. arguments for why he should return the city
through the city toward the PCs. Panic, com-
to its rightful inhabitants. H e is also formal,
motion, and suspense follow: Is the city going
Helion: AC 1; HD 9*; hp 50; AT 1; D 2-16; aloof, and not very well disposed toward
to vanish all over again?
MV 90’(30’)/240‘(80’); Save F9; AL L; “cold things” (the PCs).
This white light plunges to earth at the feet
THACO 11; AL C ; SA (see p. 40, DM’s Com- The DM may have the players actually
of the PCs. There, shiny and cool to the
panion: Book Two);S D (see SA). make their speeches, allowing the Ruler and
touch, lie a set of coins: platinum coins, one
his court to be swayed according to their elo-
for each PC, each imprinted with the face of a
5 . Core quence. The DM may also use a Reaction
PC on one side and a group portrait of the
Roll for the Ruler to determine this success
The PCs either arnve here escorted by the ele- Ruling Wizards on the reverse. The coins’
swiftly (the roll is influenced by the PCs’
mentals in the previous section or they blew it, mottos read (in the common tongue) “Cour-
Charisma and actions). A Friendly reaction
died there, and now find themselves resurrected age: Greatest of all treasures.”
means the Ruler frees the city. The Ruler and

Sugested Powers (PP 485):
iTER ual rainstorms, generates hydrogen gas
(which the fish store in their abdomens) and A1 Lightning bolt 60
nitrogen. Aurati propel themselves through A2 Mass charm 75
the air by expelling the nitrogen through gill- A4 Power drain (see below)
9 like vents behind the abdominal storage B2 Clairvoyance 25
100-600 areas. B3 Levitate 15
120’ (flying) Because they gain their buoyancy from D3 Immunity 100
Nil hydrogen, aurati can be somewhat explosive
Nil by nature. The creatures instinctively fear Activation: 7’he Shadow Belt is activated
1-12 flame, except during the mating rituals above when a user Imts it on. The belt extends
F 36 the sun’s surface. Their hides are extremely countless hai r-thin filaments that grow
6 fireproof, though, and their human owners through clothi ng or leather armor into the
Nil also take precautions to prevent fiery mis- wearer’s skin, literally melding to the host’s
Neutral haps. body. The filaments will not grow through
5,000 Slaying an auratus is a matter of getting on metal armor, iind the belt does not activate
its back and hacking away for hours - an until the filamc:nts have grown into the host’s
nal, among the largest action which is about as challenging as chop- body. Thereaft er, the belt can’t be removed
wn, is found only in the ping down a tree. Consequently, the XP until the host clies or reaches Immortality.
sembles a Chinese gold- award for these creatures is very low.
;black eyes; scales of Use of Pow6’rs: Knowledge of the belt’s
nge; and flowing, trans- powers is acqu ired when the belt is activated.
w e a spiny, brightly col- NEW ARTIFACT Each power is 1triggered by mental command
I females lack.

are typically 600’ long,

Shadow Belt alone and does not require continued concen-
as 800’ have been sight- Created by the demon ruler Orcus, the The power L[rain ability is unique to the
a3 intelligent as horses, Shadow Belt is known in the legends of a hun- Shadow Belt. UIdike other artifacts, it does not
m loyalties to particular dred planes of existence - though thankfully regenerate P o wer Points itself. Instead, it
not on the Prime Plane. Orcus has subtly leeches power 1from other beings or its host to
e usually docile, com- engineered its frequent disappearances and regain PP. A vi ctim must be willing or charmed
d are used as transport rediscoveries, partly as a way to test likely and a gold caF) and wire from the belt must
)nly during their mating candidates for Immortality in the Sphere of touch the victiirn’s body
:very five years or so, do Entropy. The belt reg.ains 1 P P per day for each level
essive nature. Though Durhan is the latest candidate; he has of the victim. (Normal people count as 1st
,ually over a century), already failed his test, Durhan lacks the self- level for this piirpose.) A victim is drained of
wly, and are thus highly awareness necessary for Immortals. H i s vitality while wrearing the cap and can take no
invasion of Trann has endangered the entire action. The he:Ipless victim may suffer from
al, all aurati of breeding realm of Eloysia. Even if he is aware of this, lack of food or sleep while being drained, but
nter of the Eloysian sys- he cares not - Durhan is crazed with lust for is otherwise unharmed once the cap is
i miles of the sun’s sur- power. removed.
r off, mate over the next The Shadow Belt is a simple leather belt with
e males return to their an iron buckle. It has a gray, leather strap Sugested Haladicaps (3):
iales swim slowly out to that fits over one shoulder and crosses the 1. When fir:st used: Alignment changes to
-y of the system. By the chest like a bandolier. The belt changes size to Chaotic.
e is over (months later), fit any wearer. 2. Size charlge: Wearer grows 1-4” a day
ve birth to them young, Carved on the belt and strap are disc- while wearing belt. Maximum height is three
rn singly. The new par- shaped symbols. When the wearer touches a times normal. Body becomes horribly dis-
ing then swim back near symbol and concentrates, a gold skullcap torted at larg e sizes. No damage (except
ifter which the young are appears from the symbol, attached to the belt unceasing agony) while belt is worn; when
live on their own. by an infinitely extendable gold wire. The removed, victi m shrinks to normal size, tak-
o natural enemies. They belt can produce up to 500 of these caps, ing ld6 damar;e per foot shrunk.
itervals (every month or which are used for its power drain ability.
es of porous rock found Magnitude: Greater artifact. Suggested P mi l t ~(I): While any power is used,
r shell. This rock, when Power limits: 4IA, 31B, 31C, 41D. a heavy storm arises, centered on the user and
rzter of Eloysia’s perpet- Sphere: Entropy (Death). continues whilc: the power effect lasts.


The Ruling Wizards Intelligence. Otherwise, she dresses in rather Conqueror will probably live to fight again,
36th-level magic-users scruffy robes and behaves with unusual and his schemes will always be marked by this
eccentricity - even for a wizard. The other dramatic, insane scope.
AC: - 2 S: 14 Wizards have learned to tolerate and love When he’s not wear’,ig the Belt, Durhan’s
CladLevel: M36 I: 18 Kendall, but for everyone else, her gadfly normal magical equipment includes bracers of
Hp: 60 W: 17 manner can be irritating. Her specialty is protection AC 1, a ring of protection f 4, and at
No. Attacks: 1 D: 17 illusions. least one fully-charged stave ofwizardy, as well
Damage: up to 20d6 C: 14 Warrick is also elderly in appearance, with as many minor potions, scrolls, and other
Moxie: 120’(40’) Ch: 18 a gray beard and robes that sometimes seem items. He has access to all the possessions you
Save As: M36 to bear the dust ofthe grave. His manncr (for might expect of the ruler of a powerful king-
Morale: 12 all the wisdom of his expression) is a bit dom.
Alignment: Lawful eccentric. Warrick talks a lot about inner Once quite handsome, Durhan has grown
serenity and cosmic awareness. H e has a to a gigantic, distorted monster since don-
The Ruling Wizards who summon the PCs great affinity for wishes. ning the Belt. H e will never fully recover from
to the Outer Plane of Eloysia have ruled their the disfigurement. In the past, he behaved
kingdom of Trann together for over a hun-
dred years. Their mastery of magic has made
Durhan the Conqueror with confidence, cool and ironic politeness,
36th-level magic-user and ruthless amorality. H e may recover
them the most powerful of mortals. Their just much of that eventually, but since donning
r u l c has made them among the most respect- AC: - 4 S: 17 the Belt, he has become a raving lunatic.
ed and loved, as well. CladLevel: M36 I: 18
Hp: 58 W: 16
Together the Wizards are the most power-
No. Attacks: 1 D: 18
ful force in Eloysia. Among them, they have Metamorph
memorized every known spell several times Damage: up to 20d6 C: 16
over. They often use wishes for adroit expan- Move: 120‘(40’) Ch: 18 AC: 5 s: 12
sions of spell effects. They all wear various Save As: M36 HD: 6** Intelligence: 15
magical rings, bracers, and amulets that raise Morale: 12 Hp: 30 w: 12
their ACs to - 2 . Thev often carry staves .f Alignment: Chaotic No. Attacks: 1 D: 12
pourer or staves .fwzzardv. As rulers, they can Damage: by weapon C : 18
draw upon enormous non-magical resources. Durhan rose to power in the kingdom of Move: 120‘(40‘) Charisma: 8
‘Though all the Wizards share a deep love Volde through a long sequence of brilliant Save As: M11
and sense of responsibility for their kingdom, military victories, ruthless backstabbings, Morale: 10
their character and appearance differ greatly. and fearless (even foolhardy) experiments Alignment: Neutral
13-yan, the informal leader of the group, is a with the darkest forces of magic:. His
tall, willowy woman with i t queenly manner. researches roused the attention of Orcus, an Valck has served many masters in his
She appears to be in her mid-forties (though,
I Eternal Immortal of the Sphere of Entropy. checkered career. Once the trusted servant
like iill the Wizards, she’s centuries old). Per- Orcus arranged for Durhan to “acciden- and advisor of the Ruling Wizards, Valck
haps it’s her great skill in the magic of sum- tally discover his powerful Shadow Belt, as a betrayed them to Durhan the Conqueror to
mon ing and control that has produced her test of Durhan’s readiness for Immortality. become Durhan’s minion. If that doesn’t go
somt:what haughty attitude. The arrogance is But the artifact drove Durhan insane, and well, Valck will betray Durhan and head for
only superficial; Dyan loves her kingdom and now his crazed power lust endangers all Eloy- greater opportunities elsewhere.
her iellow Wizards. sia. In his natural form, Valck is short, stocky,
Ja caine, the gloomiest of the group, often Durhan remains an overwhelming oppo- and very pale, with pure white hair and eyes.
lainc:nts the failure (so far) of his quest for nent despite his madness. Even without the His pose of arrogant superiority never falters,
I n miortalitv. His plump appearance shows he Belt, he is formidable, and can make an ongo- nor does his taste in clothing, for he is always
hasnI’t let such morbid thoughts interfere ing nemesis for any campaign. As d e r of fashionably attired, whether in the court or
W Jth his appetite. Jacaine’s alchemical mas- Volde, he has long since acquired every on the battlefield. He is far tougher than oth-
tery has produced many potions to aid the known spell for his spellbooks. His resources, er metamorphs.
M‘izards. both in the plane of Eloysia and elsewhere, Though completely amoral, Valck is a
SZiyhrook is bold, bluff, and vital - and are immense. powerful shapeshifter and capable fighter.
scmie say headstrong. H e has adopted the Most importantly, he has the grand turn of His mercurial shifting of form has made him
b!ue dragon as an emblem after a great battle mind that makes an insane tyrant truly dan- the winner in many unarmed combats. H e
in Mrhich he petrified one and made it his gerous. Overland invasions of other king- has become overconfident in his ability,
heatIquarters. His familiar, Popiel, has taken doms were thought impossible in Eloysia, though. With a taste for the broad gesture
the ib r m of a dragon herself. Saybrook looks because each is a floating island in its own and the dramatic ultimatum, Valck is likely to
quit1e younq and strong. His bearing is noble, orbit. But with the power of the Belt and the challenge any foe to single combat - even a
his manner jovially aggressive. His special enslaved labor of his subjects, Durhan con- clearly superior opponent. If the fight goes
aptirtude is shape-changing magic. structed an incredible network of grappling against him, he first tries to cheat, then to
K endall, oldest and perhaps wisest of the cables to literally link his land with ‘Tram. escape in one of his many flying forms.
VViz ards, is an elderly-looking woman whose Though Orcus is likely to take back the Belt For more about metamorphs, see p. 35 of
brig ht eyes are the only indication of her keen if Durhan is defeated in this advenrure, the the Master DM’s Book.

IM Map 11 The Mausoleum

M MaD 13 ~ . . .I TheCitvVault

I ' . .
. - 1
4 .
1 -
I _ .

-1 -

'rlp wn. 10. wurldc.
12. A M gurM.
Phoenix, Greater -2

Popiel (NPC) -4 2 .
Slug, Giant 8 9" 50

SP 0
36 a')
Sphinx, Female
- 0 12(5) 60 3 3-18~2/2-16
11 0') N 9 M Yes Ir

Spiders, Planar 5 3 0 1 2-12 14 M Yes Yes
Valck (NPC) 5 30 1 ,yweapoi 14 M Yes Yes
(Gorilla form) 6 3 0 2 14/14 __-_ 16 B No No
(Python form) 5'
3 0 2
30 2
2-5 x 2/2-12
dC 15
Yes No
No No
(Roc form) 4 - . .

Wizards (NPCs) up to 20d6

I (4). (5). or (6)indicates the creature has 4,5, 6 asterisks after its HD.

In an instant, the city of Lighthall vanishes

from your very midst! In its place come five
coins of amazing powers - powers to trans-
port you to a realm of fantastic worlds and
i-cvedible magic. In this realm, islands float in
i and vast armies battle at the brink of oblivi-
on. The return of Lighthall depends on the
defeat of one man: the evil enchanter, Durhan
the Conquerer.

Surrounding himself with the armies of Volde,

Durhan musters his strength for the final
assault on Trann. Defeating Durhan insures the
preservation of Eloysia. Saving Lighthall, how-
ever, is another story. Lost in the raging core of
the sun, the city balances on the edge of
destruction. The rescue of Trann, its Ruling
Wizards, and Lighthall itself all depend upon
the powers of the coins - and the brave adven-
turers who take the quest upon themselves.

This adventure is f th the DUNGEON

& DRAGONS" ru cannot be played
without the D&De
and Master Set
O1987 TSR Inc. All Ri

TSR Inc. TSR UK Ltd.

QOB756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva, Cambridge, C B l 4 A D
W15314' United Kingdo-

ISBN 0-86038-41 1-5



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