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we / ADVANCED e ill annette Dungeon Module D4 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth DRAGONS i KUO-TOA, f gress a1, QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB io (DUNG a 1,D2,D3 P sel). o Games Borkshop Printed inthe U.K. under licence trom BY Ye 1 Dalling Road TSRHOBBIES, INC J ondon we {{ TsRD1 4 MILE LARGE SCALE MAP: 4 HEX Underground RWver (80 fo 240” wide) Secondary Passage Tettiary Passage Secret (Tettiary) Passage FE Primary Passage ‘Nea Shaded is Shown on Players’ Map 4 F=4 Pd owl Encounter Area to be Designed by DM or in a Forthcoming Module* Mojor Encounter Area as Described Above" Encounter Area Detailed in a Module of this Series" Waters of the Suniess Sea Major Encounter Area os Described Above Islands of the Sunless Sea “not shown to scale ADYANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGORS | if f / We, BY. st Dungeon Module D4 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth by Gary Gygax This module contains background information, «large-scale referee's map with a matching partial map for players, referee's noes, special exploration and encounter pieces, a large map detsiling acavern area encounter and map matrix keys, and an ad aur for use with this module and the game as a whole. A complete seting for play of ADV. DRAGON ined herein. This modle can be played alone, asthe first par of a series of three modules (ccith SHRI KUO-TOA, D2, and VAULT OF THE DROW, 13), o os the fourth part of a continuing series of mad progressive campaign scenario (DUNGEON MODULES G1, G2, G3, DI, D2, D3, and QI, QUEEN OF THE LIS, soon tobe released) If you have found this male and its companions exciting, stay tuned for mare action from The Game Wizards! ©1978, 182 Games unique ich form a special DEMONWER Games Workshop 1 Dalling Road London W6 Printed in the U.K. uunderlicence trom BY ‘TSR HOBBIES, INC. ‘Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Module #D4 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth Background: The final confrontation with the giant, King Snurre, ‘and the entry of mighty adventurers into the cavers under his }0ld (DUNGEON MODULE G3, HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING) discovered that Dark Eves, the Drow, had instigated the ¢giant alliance and its warfare upon mankind and its allied races. Numbers of hese evil eNesfell before the onslaught ofthe party of ‘adventurers, but many of the important Drow fled away to the notthwest—ine escape route a seemingly natural passage a full 30’ wide extending endlessy under the earth. Investigation of this, ‘area (cloaked by a steaming Wer of lava) revecied that the ‘passage ran due northwest, slowly descending ever deeper into. the bowels of the earth. A pair of hoists on either side of the ver of ava enable the members of the party to safely move supplies, ‘equipment, and even mules across the dangerous area without ‘any difficulties. Pursut of these creatures is necessary, for unless thelr location and strength are known, the Drow can continue to stike where and whenever they lke without fear of counterattack orreprisal. Fortunctely, he party discovered.a map ofthe maze of tunnels under the earth—hundreds of miles of passages, areas shaded and marked with cryptic symbols, and what is most probably the course of an underground river! But such on ‘expedition will certainly require the utmost thought and care in planning and preparation. How many persons should comprise the expedition? how will they be supplied and equipped? and what of drinking water? Perhaps certain of the elvenfolk will help, for the Drow besmirch and stain their race, and such cid— whether in magical items, personnel, or both—might well prove the difference between success and failure, Ife and death, For ‘who knows who or what will be encountered in this gloomy underground world? How will the monstrous opponents sure 10 'be met there be deat! with and defeated? These questions and ‘mote must be answered before the party sets forth onits DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, Unlike the expeditions against the giants, no compulsion Is placed upon adventurers to undertake this journey. While it is ‘voluntary, there is also possible co-operation from avenging eves, ‘2099r 10 wipe out the Drow. The going willbe hard, interference of Unexpected sorts is likely, and the retum joumey could be a nightmare if the party Is incautious in its descent, seriously ‘weakened along the way, or holly pursued on the way back ithe {goal Is scores of leagues distant, the trip must be thought of as going and retuming both. The wise will not act rashly CAUTION: Those fomilir with the previous modules in this scenario wll be are that they are designed for play anly by playersof above-average ability ho have characters of high level 9th or Toth minimum, counting multi- tlassed characters as roughly equal toa single cased character to levels higher than the multi-classed characters higher level (ihvee levels if the ‘characteris triple classed), Judging from test ply, areltively small party can ‘eceed only if this module splayed alone aif they can return peraially to some bate inorder tarecover and regain spells and equipment. This ir as true of ery poswerful characters ait is of lesier anes. The made is designed for characters of shout TOth level, woth a party size of 7 to 9 If the players you plan to have adventure herein are of lesser level, or they lack numbers ar misc tems, there must be some “tdven aid” aculable. Be sure to read this shle ‘madule andthe other 180 (SHRINE OF THE KUO-TOd and VAUL. OF THE DROW) before deciding om howe much the “elves” ill volunteer. Too much is as“bad a5 nome at all, amd both extremes are bai for game enjoyment ‘tat: The passageway ftom the caverns beneath the Hal of King Snurte Iron Belly runs to the northwest,ough and twisting, tom 42° to 46! width for some 300’. Then it suddenly widens fo 30’ and more in places, obviously hewn, and goes almost perfectly rorthwest, slowly sinking in gentle slopes and by naturaltenaces. (Use the large-scale hex map of the whole underground ‘complex in conjunction with the piece showing the three widths (0f passages for the intial and subsequent travel and exploration. Aso place the porty near the center of @ passage of the ‘opproprate width, tuming the section as desired, whenever o Fandem encounter occurs.) You will note that the sample sections show there are fauils, spurs, splits, rubble, small cave ‘reas, sink holes, crevasses, columns, stalactites, ond slalag- mites. Most areas are damp and cripping, here ate occasional ools,rivulels, even streams. The rock is ofall colors, athough {F678 browns, and yellowish tan are mos! common. Bars ofthe Toute are worked, but much ofthe tunnel willbe natural passages, Caves, galleries, etc. The route always descends. Fortunately, the arkniass is not total, for there are sometimes patches of phos- phorescent lichens fo light he way with faint glow—clrnost ike faote fre. There are also swarms offre beetles now and again, cand their glowing abdomens shed sufficient light to see clearly Cave bats wil fuer ovemnead periodicaly, huge ugly things ‘which have forsaken the clean air of the upper word forthe foul tmosphere of the subferanean. (Should the party ever remain sil and listen, they will note many strange sounds —Wwitrings, squeakings, scrabblings. Various and sundry tiny noises will be heard, noises which are disturbing despite their muted sound.) Now and again 0 curent of dank, cold a can be felt, moving ‘downwards and bearing a musty scent throughout he condos of this cismal underwor Notes For The Dungeon Master Only Travel long the tunnels will be at a slow rate due to the slippery ‘and sometimes slanting floors. Footing is eacherous in places, ‘and the tiersto clamber down are sometimes neatty3'ftomtop to bottom. if mules are taken, they wil net slow progress at all, os they are surefooted and can negotiate the passageways with relative ease. The rubble and detritus, natural projections, protrusions, ledges, and stone icicles” are more pronounced ‘and prove hazardous only in the secondary and tertiary tunnels which are lesser traveled than the main arteries of the lightioss ‘world, ASSUME THE MAXIMUM RATE OFTRAVEL IS 4 MILE 1 hex) PER DAY PER 4” OF BASIC MOVEMENT RATE OF THE SLOWEST MEMBER OF THE EXPEDITION, only If unnecessary delays and careful map ‘making are avoided, Reduce movement by 4 mile for every hour of delay, and assume that careful mappingwillsiow the party to 6 miles per day maximum. ‘You may have crevasses and sinkholes as often as is ilustrated with the tunnel pieces, or you may include such hazards every inile oF 50, There is certainly a chance for a slip and fall into a crevasse If proper care is not exercised by the party. Crevasses ‘re 110'-300' deep, so consider any fall as fatal if it Is not prevented in some way. Adventurers roped together, using poles to hold onto, ete. are not likely to sip. Otherwise, consider there is 2-4 in 20 chance of slipping when trying to move around or ‘otherwise pass over a crevasse. Any such slip will precipiiate a fatal fall. Sink holes are 10'-80' deep. While there isnoreaichance Of slipping into them, ifthe party is running in haste or traveling without light, reat sink holes as pits, with a 4 in 3 (4-2 on dé) chance of falling In. Damage thus sustained is 4 d6 per 10’, Ceiling height in the primary tunnels ranges from 20’ to 50’, he ‘average being about 35’. In the secondary passages the roof ‘overhead varies from 45’ to 40° above the floor, with 25’ being Usual. Inthe narrow tertiary tunnels he celingis fom 8'to 25! high, with an average of 15' or $0, Where enlargements occur. the root will be near maximum height. In large caves or cavems, the celling height willbe 10'to 20° above normal maximum, Note that in the huge cavern where the module concludes, the ceiling height is 100’, 150" and as high as 200’in the center ofthe westem cavern section. Before players ind this place, however, there ore two encounter areas they must contend with, The fst encounter area is hex D3. It cannot be avoided. This Drow ‘checkpoint” will be detailed fully hereatter. The second encounter area can be avoided by taking a citcultous route of secondary and teriary passages. Hex M12/Is 0 secret advanced post forllithid (ming flayer) expansion in the area—a place the Drow are aware of, and if he expedition kil the ming flayers nd prove their deed to any Drow they happen to meet, It is 90% probable that the Datk Elves will be fienaly with the party despite ‘any past conics, and ifthe adventurers express an interest, give them a black madallion—the pass which will enable them fo go. through Drow areas without undue questioning or molestation! To reiterate some of the information contained in DUNGEON MODULE G3, the Drow are (chaotic) evil elves, driven from the Upper world by the good elves. They bear undying enmity for all surlace dwellers in general and elvenkind in particular. They area handsome race, but most depraved. The females are better looking and generally more powerul than males. All Drow wear specially woven black cloaks and sof black boots which make them 75% likely to move silently and be able fo hide in shadows, ‘even when observed, when ina dungeon or dungeonike setting. Any wearer of these garments gains this advantage ifthey are of the Drow size and build—if larger or smaller, the garments will necessarily have to be altered by a Drow tailor, Drow weapons ‘and armor are usually craffed ftom metalwhich isan adamantite alloy. Although these items do not radiate any magic, they are magical in effect. {Al noted encounter areas will be handled by the DM with great care. Antagonists of the party will react and act in organized fashion—the Drow and tlithids with great cunning and clever- ‘ess, the inhabitants of the terminal cavern encounter not quite 0 intelligently, but with vigor and purpose. (This, of course, excludes both the Drow watchers and the stupid creatures in the lace and applies to the trolls, Bugbears, troglodytes, etc.) There are separate tables for random encounters in the tunnels, each table according fo the category of the tunnel the party is marching through or encamped in, and for wandering monster ‘encounters in the module termination area, “The Wartens of the Troglodyies”. These tables are given herediter. Generally, one ‘check for a random encounter will be made for each mile of tunnel traveled through, with one check per hour being made in the terminal area, and one check per night being made when the expedition encamps for a “night's” rest. The probabilities of such an encounter vary according to the locale and are shown ‘on each table, You will obsewve that only piece I is used for encounters listed here. The other two pieces are simply added for use as desired when random encounters with wandering monsters occur. They can also be used for the other fwo modules in this series. if you desire larger encounter pieces, feel free fo draw up your own in ‘any manner which you believe superior, but be sure that such pieces generally conform to the circumstances of the module or encounter. Referees should note the inclusion of the new creature, the Jermiaine, a potentially dangerous nuisance monster which can bbe used fo interesting effect elsewhere as well. Full information regarding the Dark EWves is given in DUNGEON MODULE G3. Despite the diffcutly of the two encounter areas prior to the terminal one, this module is not as dificult and demanding as was HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING, for example. Just as STEADING (OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF prepared the players forthe successively «greater challenges of the next two modules, DESCENT introduces layers to a new environment and the hazards ahead in the succeeding parts of he whole. There is plenty of danger, though, ‘ond any party bent on sell-destruction can accomplish the task with relative ease. ‘As with any Dungeon Mastering, you must always be fairand as unbiased as possible. Do not penalize the patty if they take sensible steps o insure a successful adventure, such as deciding fo foke o number of pack mules fo cary supplies ond equip. ment—even an extta spell book. Nether help by suggestion oF inference nor hinder in any manner not called for. Managing a paaty with mules can be tying fora referee, but is probable hat these beasts wil be slain af the fis! oncounter area anyway. AS thete is no practical way of establishing any sor ofroute camp to Safely store goods of any sor, the players ill be presented with a great probiem in any event, for BEYOND THE FIRST ENCOUNTER [AREA TELEPORTATION OVER ANY DISTANCE GREATER THAN ONE- HALF MILE WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE! INFORM ANY CHARACTERS WITH THIS ABILITY THAT THEY CAN "FEEL MAGNETIC FORCES" WHICH THEY KNOW WILL CERTAINLY PREVENT NORMAL TELEPORTATION. Thus, shot of he use of owish, the paty is commited to go and retum ‘foot. They moy have fo fetum fo the surface ater conctuaing his module, or they may be able fo press on, forthe reasures along the way ate cimed at supplying them with the force necessary to Continue, and certain creatures have been placed in order that they may ofer assistance or succor. Here are the bones of the adventure. You must breathe lie into this framework offer you flesh it out RANDOM MONSTER TABLES FOR PASSAGES Encounters occur as shown; check each hex (1 mile) Primary Passage, 4 in 10 4, Drow patrol, mates 2: giant slug (60%)/purple worm (50%) 3, 44 trols win 9-46 troglodytes 4. 28 ghosts wih 9-16 ghouls 5. rust monster (50%)/2°5 fre beetles (50%) 6. Drow merchants, small train 7. Drow patrol, females 8. beholder (50%)/255 fre beetles (50%) 9. Drow merchants, medium train 410. gos spore (50%)/245 fire beetles (50%) 11. 342 shadows (S0%)/2-5 fre beetles (50%) 12, gas spore (50%}/2.5 fre beelles (50%) 43. 348 gargoyles (50%)/2-6 fre belies (50%) 44, Drow pattol. mixed 418: yellow mold (33-4/3%)/brown mold (33-1/3%)/ ‘green lime (33-1/3%) 16, 19-24 bugbears with 25-30 slaves 47. Drow merchants, large train 418.25 wererots wih 4-2 iithids 49, black pudding (33-1/3%)/ochre jelly (33-1/3%)/ gray ooze (33-1/3%) 20. Drow patrol, mixed dary Passage, 4 in 42 chance of encountering o monster 4.58 shviekers 2. 25 glan! spiders (662/3%)/1-4 phase spiders (33-1/34) 3. Drow patrol, mixed Drow merchants, smal rain lurker above (508)/25 fie beetles (50%) 4:46 shadows (50%)/25 fre beetles (50%) giant slug (50%)/2:6 fre beetles (50%) 2 subleanean lizards (huge, +4'hp. per dle) bulette (50%)/2'5 fre beeties (50%) 10. 520 piorcers (50%)/2:5 fe beetles (50%) ‘1, tust monster (508)/25 fre beetles (50%) 42. Drow patrol, mixed 43. 25 ghasts with 9-16 ghouls 414 1848 bugbears with 19-24 slaves 48, purple worm (50%)/2.5 fre beetles (50%) 18, 25 ropes (50%)/25 fre beeltes (50%) 47. Drow merchants, medium train 18. Drow patrol, males 49. 2-8 woreras with 4-4 Iithids 20. 1:4 Shrickers with 4-4 violet fungi Tertiary Passage, 4 in 42 chance of encountering a monster lurker above (50%)/2-5 fire beetles (50%) 25 xom (50%)/25 fre beeties (50%) Drow patol, mixed 4-2 umber hulks (50%)/2-5 fire beetles (50%) 1530 jermiaine {ust monster (50%)/2-5 fre betes (50%) 520 plercors (50%)/25 fre beetles (50%) green slime (50%)/2-5 fire beetles (50%) 4°30 glont ants 40. 15.30 jernicine 44. vampire (50%)/2-5 fire beetles (50%) 42 25'lhhias 413. Drow merchants, small roln 14 520 plercers 45. sithering tracker (50%)/2- fre beetles (50%) 46, lich (60%)/13-30 jormlaine (50%) 47. 4-4 shambling mounds (50%)/2-8 shriekers (50%) 48, Drow patrol, males 49. 44-30 giant ants (60%)/25 fre beetles (50%) 20. happer Drow patrol: There are three types of Drow patrols, male, female, and mixed. The composition of each type is: Males: There will be 7-10 fighters of 2nd level (HP.:9each; +4 ‘chain mail, 4 buckley, +4 for 15 dexterity, for an overall AC of 4) with +1 dagger, +4 short sword, and hand crossbow (6" maximum range) and 10 poisoned bolts (1-3 h.p. of damage, save v8. poison at -4 or sleep for 3-42 tums). Each ‘can use the equiolent of a dancing lights, darkness, and taetie fire spell (at 2nd level) once per day per spell. They wll be led by a 4th levelfighter (H.P.:18;+2 chain mall, ~2 buckle, ¥2 01 16 dexterity, for an overall AC of-2) wit +4 dagger, +4 short sword, atlatl and 3 poisoned javelins (9° range. +4/+2/+3 fo hil at long, medium, and short range, 2-7 hp: damage plus poison as above). He is also able to use the spells Noted above. The patrol wil be commanded by {ighter/magic-user of Sih/Sth level (HP: 23; +2.chain mail, +2, buckley, +3 for dexterity of 17, for an overall AC of -3) with +2 dagger and +2 short sword. He willhave the following spelis in addition to those noted above: First Level: comprehend languages, detect magic’, magic missile (x2), sleep Second Level: know alignment”, levitate’, mior image, web fireball ‘innate power of Drow over 4th level Females: There will be 7-10 fighters of 3c level (HP.: 18 each; +4 chain, +4 shield, +2for dexterity of 16,for an overall AC of 0), They are armed as are males. Each can use the equivaient of clairvoyance, daneing lights, darkness, detect lie, dispel ‘magle, faerie fire, and suggestion spells (at 3rd level) once ‘per day per spell. they willbe led by ath leveltightor (HP. 25: *2.chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 for dexterity of 16,for an overall AC of -2) with +2 dagger, +2 short sword, atiatl and 3 ‘poisoned javelins, She can use the spell powers noted above lus detect magic, know alignment, and levitate. the patrol ‘commander will be a female cletic'of 71h level (HP: 35; +3 ‘chain mail, +3 buckler, +3 for dexterity of 17, for an overall AC 1-5) wih +3 mace. She will have the following cletic spelis in ‘addition to those powers noted for the Sth level commander: First Level: cause light wounds, cure light wounds (x2), fear Second Level: hold person (x2), silence 45" radius Third Level: cause blindness, prayer Fourth Level: tongues Third Love Mixed: Mixed patrols will always contain 2 2nd level male fighters and a 4th level fighter with the same statistics as shown above fora patrol ofmale Drow. With the Drow will bea ‘number of lesser (by Drow standards) creatures to bear the brunt of any fighting. The type of creatures and number are as, tollows: PRIMARY PASSAGE: Die ___Greatures__ 4344-46 bugbeats (HP. 15 each) with ring mail jacks and large shields (AC 3) and each armed wih heaw moming stars (+2 on damage) and 2 heavy spears. One will be a leader (HP: 24) ‘tlacking as a 4 hit dice monster and adding +4 to damage ftom all weapon hits he scores. 45 2 tolls and 11-46 trogloaytes (H.P.: 9 each) ‘armed with a stone battle axe and 3 jovelins each. One will be cleader with 3hit dice (HP.:14) and cany a sword and 3 javalins. 6 4 ghasts and 7-12 ghouls. SECONDARY PASSAGE: Die Croctures. 144-44 bugbears as above. 25 — 2trolls and 44-16 troglodytes as above. 6 4 ghasts and 740 ghouls. TERTIARY PASSAGE: Di Creatures, 4-3. 2ttolls and 7-10 troglodytes as above. 46 © Aghosts and 58 ghouls Drow merchants: Each Drow merchant is mole and a cletic/fighter of aih/ath level (HP. 18; +3 chain mail, +3 bbuckier, #4 for dexterity of 15, for an overall AC of 3). Each is ‘armed with @ +2 mace. They have the following spells: First Level: cure light wounds (x2), detect magle ‘Second Level: hold person, speak with animals In addition, they hove the usual Dark Elven spelhike abiltios of dancing lights, darkness, and faerle fire once each per day at 4th level of experience, ‘he size of the train determines the components. The guards will conform to the same level of fighter found in a patrol of male Drow, or mixed patrol with respect to bugbears. Train Number of Slave Pack Slze_Merchants Guards and Level Bearers Lizards sm 4-2 -22nd, 414th pus 5B 42 ‘4 bugbears med. 34 6 2nd,24Mh, plus 163 '8 bugbears. 'g. 58 12.2nd. 34th plus 17-24 69 16 bugbears Slave bearers: wil be amixture of captives. The exact mixture can be determined as follows: Die Roll Race of Slave 4 bugbear 2 wort 3 otf 45 gnoll 6 goblin 7 holtelt 89 haltore - - 40-42 hobgoblin - 1347 human ~ 1849 20 ore froglodyte ~ Bearers are always leg chained in fles of up to 6. Bugbear ‘and trogioayte slaves are former servants who are enslaved for disobedience, commiting some error, et. Pack Lizards: These creatures are a breed of subtetanean lizatd—slow, sturdy, strong, stupid, and not easity panicked. The statistics on these creatures are: ‘ARMOR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 9" HIT DICE: 6+6 NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SIZE: L (15! long, broad backed) These creatures seldom will attack anything unless harmed fist. Their loads are canied on special back harnesses. Goods Carrled: In addition to the normal (relatively worthless) goods (cloth, leathers, wood, foodstuffs, wine, tc.) typically found in a Drow merchants’ train, there is & chance that some valuable items willbe carried. The chance. is 30% for a small, 45% for a medium, and 75% foralarge tran. It valuable items are indicated, roll on the following table, ‘once for a small train, twice for.a medium train, thrice for & large trai: Dice Roll Treasure 01-45 4410-300 siver ingots, 100 gp. weight each 4675 31-50 gold ingots, 100 gp. weight each 7680 5-40 piatinum ingots, 100 gp. weight each 81-83 2.5 mithtl bars, 400 gp. weigh! each" 84-85 4-4 adamontie bars, 100 g.p. weight each"* 8689 4-400 base 50 gp. value gems 9094 512 potions 9598 1-4 scrolls 99 4 ting oF tod/statt/wand 00 © miscellaneous magic tem ‘value in the underworld only is 2.500g.p,/bar “value in the underworld oniyis 4.000g.p./bar Drow Treasure: Unless stated otherwise, each Drow will have 444 pp. per level of experience, 2-8 pp. per level If mutt. ‘classed. Each Drow merchant will have an equal number of {gold pleces as well, and 1-4 100 g.p. base value gems.Each Bark Et above 4th level, as well as each merchant, wil have etther a black metal medallion on a fine metal chain (75%) ‘orboth a medallion and a special broach (25%). These pins ‘Gre always well hidden on the person ofthe merchant. Dice for which particular broach type is possessed, all merchants In a train having the same kind: Die Description of Broach 4 blue enameled prism 2 white enameled more! mushroom 3 bronze colled whip 4 siver crescent 5 fan enameled pulfooll mushroom, 6 lon hook, black 7 ‘usset enameled shelf fungi 8 brass chain links (3) 9 yellow enameled mushrooms (2) 40 pewter bors (4) 44 Violet enameled um 42 pink enameled horsetail mushroom 43 ted enameled gem 44 ioc enameled star of § points 45 green enameled lozenge 16 while enameled bone => Af Zs fw nay Special Note Regarding Drow Cloaks, Armor, and Weapons: All (of these items have special properties, although none of them fadiate any magic. The items are made under the concitions particulorto the strange homaland of the Drow, forthis placehas Unknown radiations which impart special properties to these ‘cloaks, armor and weapons. When such items are exposed 10 direct sunlight a rotting process sels in. The process is absolutely imeversible, and within 2 weeks cloaks wil fall fo sheds, while ‘amor and weapons become pitted and unusable. If terns ore ot exposed fo sunlight, they will etain their magical properties {or 34-50 days before losing them, and ifthey are exposedto the radiation of the Drow homeland 30 of so days, hey will remain potent. lems not spolled by sunlight will eventually lose their Special properties itnot exposed tothe special radiation, butthey will remain seviceable as normal cloaks, armor, shields, swords, maces, ete. ‘Drow sleep polson decays instantly in sunlight. Its power Is lost ‘offer about 60 days in any event, and the coating on the smal bolts and javelins must be periodically renewed with fresh ‘plications of the fungold substance, The Dark Elves will oflen have small barrels filed with several packets of his poison, each sealed to insure the poisonous substance remains fresh for about ‘year Troll and troglodyte groups are Drow servants, usuclly ‘checking on something specific orgoingto report forsenice. ‘Ghast and Ghoul groups are Drow-connected. They reportto the female Drow nobles and serve the deity of the Drow. Bugbear and slave groups ore maintenance crews going ‘about their duties of clearing paths and passages blocked by rockdalls or anything else. Beholders are generally friendly with the Ilithids and will ald them. Shadow groups are spies for the Drow, for hey are the major ‘creations of the Drow deity. Wererat and Ilithid groups ore exploring and observing, os the latter wish to expand into this area despite Drow resistance fo this alm, although they do not wish any open Cconfict at this tim ENCOUNTER AREA D3 Use encounter piece II for this meeting, facing elther end of the piece in a southeast-northwest direction to conform to the Passageway. The area is south of the tunnel nexus. tis dimiy luminated by phosphorescent lichens. This is o Drow checkpoint with two separate patrol groups, males to the let, erales to the right. The males will have 2 pickets out on duty to observe the passage in both directions. Despite rivalry, each will co-operate fully with the other in an inteligent attack ‘and defense pattem. The two groups are detailed below. Drow Male Contingent: There ore 10 male fighters of 3rd level fo the southwest, 2 of whom are on guard duty and will report the presence of any creatures moving along the possage. Other {than having 13 hit points each and AC 0 (because of 16 dexierty each), they are the same as a male Drow patrol, |e. +4 shot ‘swords and “4 daggers and canying hand crossbows and using dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fre (at 3rd level) once per ay per spell there ore 2 ath level fighters as leaders (HP. 18; ‘AC-2) with +2 shor sword, +2 dagger. and atlatl and 3javelins the ‘commander of ne uni is aéih levelfignhter(HP.:28,+3.chain mail, +3 buckle, +3 for dextertly of 17,foran overall AC of-3) armed with 72 dagger, +4 short sword, and hand crossbow with 10 poisoned. bolts, Hislaisonis a noble ighter/magic-userofSth/ 7th evel (HP. 33; +4 choln mall, +3 for dextenty of 17, for an overall AC of-2) with 22 dagger. +2 shot sword, and a rope of entanglement. with o hand erossbow and bolts hanging from his belt. His spells are: detect magie*, magic missile (x2), sleep, ventritoquism detect Invisibility, know alignment”, levi tate", mirror Image, ray of enfeeblement lightning bot, slow lee storm ‘innate power of Drow over ath level and in ‘addition to dancing lights, darkness, ond faerie fre (at 7th level) Third Level: Fourth Level: Drow Female Contingent: There are 8 female fighters of 2nd level (HP: 40 each; “4 chain mail, +1 buckler, +2 or dexterity of 16, or ‘an overall AC of 0) armed with +4 dagger, +4 short sword, hand ‘crossbow and 10 poisoned bolls. They have 2 fighters of 3rd level (HP: 15 each; AC 0) with +4 short sword, +4 dagger, atiall and 3 Javelins. Each fighter can use the following spelF-ike powers each ‘once per day: elalrveyance, dancing lights, darkness, detect lie, dispel magic, faerie fire, ond suggestion. Two female clerics ‘are in command of his group, a éth level (canon) subordinateio {9th level leader. ‘Canon: This 6th level cleric (H.P. 30; +3 chain mail, +3 buckler, +4 for dexterty of 15, or an overall AC of-3) camies a +4 mace on her belt, or her mojor weapon Is a shor-handled staf sing. This weapon hurls missiles up 10 9 distance (providing the celling ‘overhead is at least 30’ high), minimum range 3". Probability of hi is normal for ranges Out fo 6", -2 thereatter. Misses with the ‘special glass globe missiles (explained hereatter) will be Colculated as hifing somewhere, Roll d8 and 3dé (fordetermina fion of the distance in feet the sho! is off}: 4 = long over, 2= long ‘over right, 3 = wide right, 4= short right, 5 = shor, 6 = shor ief,7= ‘wide le, and 8 = long over ef. he has 3 glass giobesfiled with a fluid which is luminous infant which vaporizes to form a cloud ot 410" dlameter with a 42’ height. Note: Hits upon perpendicular surfaces reduce the cloud fo one-hall normal diameter. Creatures in this vapor cloud are covered with droplets which make them shine and glow, thus causing a reduction of their ‘armor from 1-4 places, as they are easier to hit. This effect lasts from 2-5 tums, of until the fuld is washed of. In addition, exposed ‘crectures mus! save versus poison at -4 on their dice rolls: hose ‘who fail are effectively blinded and out of action (scratching furiously) for 7-10 melee rounds or until the eyes and body are ‘doused fo cleanse them of the Initant (1 round plus 4 round recovery time in any event). She also has the following spells in ‘addition to those powers noled above for female Drow fighters: ‘cure light wounds (x3), curse, fear hold person, know alignment, levitate’, silence 45° radius, resist fire ‘animate dead, cure disease, detect magie" ‘innate power of Drow over 4th level Evil High Priestess: This 9th lovel cloric (HP. 48; +4 chain mall, +3 buckler, +3 dexterity bonus, for an overall AC of -6) is armed with a +4 mace and wears a special magical cloak under her normal black hooded robe. This device is a lurker cloak. It enables Viondhil, a special sevant ofthe Fane, to assume the form ‘and locomotion of lurker above once per day for up to 2 hours time. Volation is at normal speed even though the cloak does ot cause its wearer to grow to the actual size of a lurker above: size is about normal, ie.7’ wing spread by 51s" length in Viondli's cose. In addition to those spelhiike powers given above for the female Drow fighters, Vionaiilhas the following spells avaliable 10 her: First Level: bless, cure light wounds (x2), protection from good, fear (x2) Second Level: augury (x2), hold person (x2), know ‘alignment’, levitate’, silence 15° radius, snake charm continual darkness, cure diseasé, dispel ‘magic’, prayer, speak with dead ‘cure serious wounds, poison, tongues cure etitical wounds Fourth Level: Fifth Level: ‘Innate power of Drow over ath level If for any reason the Drow ore seriously threatened, she will ‘atlempt to save herself by using her magical cloak to change into a lurker above and fly off without notice or being noticed, for she is charged with reporting to the Fane any significant event which transpires after the fall of Snurr, ie. the ruin of Eclovara’s plans, for the latter is an opponent of ine Fane, Treasure: Each Drow has a small leather pouch on his or her person. It will contain 4-4 platinum pieces per level of experience (the higher in the case of dual class). The Drow above 4th level wll have 1 base 100 gp. gem for each level above 4th contained in” this purse. The side caves contain only a few sparse items—sieeping siks, several small boxes of provisions, and individual kts with eating Utensils, cup, etc. There are 2 black metal (adamantite alloy) medallions bearing @ likeness of a spider on one side and a female Drow on the other. Each is suspended by a fine loop of black chain. Hidden at the bottom of one provision boxisabone tube belonging to Viondil.Itis a scroll of 7 cleric spells:find traps, Reutralize poison (x2), tongues, cure eritical wounds, heal, stone tell, Itthe commanders are slain and the bodies carefully searched, the following small broaches will be discovered: on the mole magic-user, a small brass wand (inscribed in Drow runes, ALEVAL); onthe fernale curate a small blue-black mace inscribed DESPANA: on the person of Viondiil (hidden in her halt) is a golden spider pin with engraved runes which say in Drowic, TOLTH, DEATH QUEEN MOTHER. ENCOUNTER AREA M12 Use encounter piece Il, reversed, when this encounter occurs This crea is the westernmost spy post of the Ilithids, one which the Drow are well aware of but do not care fo deal with at this time due to the recent reverses sufered. As willbe usual throughout the ‘unless world, phosphorescent lichens growing sparsely about the passages and caves here make it possible for normal vision to function af up to 10’ There are 12.ratmen working wth the ming flayers here. 4 wererats ‘te in the tunnel proper, 2 above the caves crea, 2 below, about 60’ from the center. These watchers are in rat form, and they will soumy back to gle warming if any creatures approach. These Creatures ave +4 Drow swords (shor) —baldtics and hangers, kept io eltherside ofthe passageway where their8 fellows guard 2 Ilithids—4 to one side, 4 fo the other. Hit points ore: wererats 17 each, mind flayers 43 ond 38 respectively The stronger Ilithid is near the cave poo! with «bound Drow ‘merchant captive. The mind flayer Is questioning the Dork El ‘about the current alliances, power groups, and feuds between the Drow clans and noble houses. ifthe llifhid gets any chance, he will kil the Drow 80 no tales can be carried by him. When the party is sighted, the rat men will rush to wam their asters and fellows, and the 12 wererats will then ambush the Patty cfler 2 mind biasts ore delivered—1 ftom each lithic. The ‘weaker will survey the melee, using psionic domination upon any Character who approaches him, while he stronger telus to be ready to do away with the “evidence'. As soon os the battle goes against their servants, the mind flayers will fee northwest, then ‘nottheast to the secondary passage northwest, ond then into the secret tertiary adit fo the northeast. Treasure: The worerats nest in the caves opposite those which contain the pool. In a small space—suitable for their at size, Dut which must be crawled Into by even so small a creature as ‘gnome-—Is a nest of animal skin, old cloth, bones, ete. Under this {s a dull olve cloak (which does not radiate magic but could be valuable if tHe party eventually ctains module D3) which was ‘amongst the Drow merchant's possessions. Each ralman has a {gold ring set with a moonstone (value as jewelry, 4009.9, each) 98 indication of sence to the ilithids. Each wererat also hos 30 gold pieces. (On the other side, the mind flayers have encamped inthe alcove off he pool area. They have folding cots, a small able, 2folding stools, some utensils, and hampers for ood, Each has a small coffer of personal effects. Both coffers have poisoned needles in their latches. One contains a healing potion, a 5,000 g.p. gem, ‘and 200 gold pieces. The other has a ‘self potion, o scarab of death, o small siver disc whichis evidentally a broach ‘of some sort (Drow merchant clan, and usefulin MODULE D3), 150 gold pieces, and 58 platinum pieces. Hidden in a nook which is covered by a small boulder, is an iron cchest. Init are 300 ingots of copper (100 g.p, weight each) and the same number of siver ingots. These are used as bribes to subvert Drow servants. The handle of the chest lid is actually an iron scroll tube which contains a protection from undead scroll Insiga, ond hidden in on nner ning, « pretecton from demons scroll KEY TO THE CAVERNS AND WARRENS OF THE TROGLODYTES. Wandering Monsters: Encounter occurs 4 in 42, check each tum: Hatt Eastem Halt 4. Drow patrol, mixed 4, 748 troglodytes 2. Drow merchants” 2. 242 bugbears 3. 28 gargoyles, 3, 25 trolls 4. 25 foils 4. 7-48 troglodytes * equal chances for small, medium, or large train 4, ENTRANCE TO THE GRAND CAVERN: The terraced ledges lead down fo the glistening floor of this huge cavem, the ceiling of which drips wih stalacites, the floor with stalagmites, and here and there ittered with broken stone—detrtus andifallen stalactites. Thick columns and great masses ofrock stretch oll the way to the roof, with many protruding ledges and indented shelves here and there. This room of the cavern is 200’ to 300" wide, 200’ long, and ftom 475' to 250’ or more hhigh. The following letter designations should be noted: B; There are 3 such positions. Each hos 3 bugbear sentties (HP: 45 each; ring mail jacks and large shields for AC 3) ‘armed with hea moming stars (+2 on damage) and 2 heavy throwing spears. tan enemy/intruderis detected, 2 will aftack while 4 goes to alert the others D: There are 4 such postions. Each has 4 Drow fighter of 2nd level (HP.:8; +4 chain mail, +4 buckler, +4 for dexterity of 15, for an overall AC of 1) aimed with +4 shot sword, +f dagger, atlat, and 3javelins. intruders are identified, the sentry sighting them will cast dancing lights fo show the location and identity of the creatures. All are in positions where they can see at least one other senhy, and the ‘others will be alerted. The sighting Drow fighter wilreportto his superiors at location 6. (qv.), while the other 3 move to ‘postions near the location where they can observe the Intruders 2. SOUTH GALLERY: This passage Is filed with mineral deposits ftom dipping water, and iis also the home of 14 piercers (HP.:4 with dhit dice nave 19 h.p. each, 4 wih 3 hit dice have 43hp. each, 3with 2h dice have 9h.p. each, and 3with hit die have 5 hip, each). They are near the middie of the place, ‘and 1-3 will drop on each creature passing beneath. there Is no treasure. 3, GLITTERING CAVE: This small cave is only about 8’ high, ands walls have many crystals which cause light fo reflect and Tettact. The protruding crystals have no worth, but there Iso scattering of 121 base 40 gp. crystal gems in the northern {quarter of the cave—seemingly pieces which dropped ftom the walls. Ths s bait for a rapper (HP: 73) wih notreasure, as the Drow recently 100k it: 4, SIDE CAVERN: This orea has @ high celing (90'), and many ledges and shelves along the south, eost, and north curve of the cave wall house 15 gargoyles (iP. 22 each) who perch {at 65' to 80" heights fo swoop down on prey and attack from behing. They will pursue northwards, where the root of the gallery is high, but they do not go eastwards. They have no freasure. ‘5. SPUR CAVERN: A vary large purple worm (HP. 118) has recently moved into this place to lay her eggs, rest, and will then leave, There are 6 eggs in the northeast finger of the ‘cavern, and they will hatch in 3 tus. The "proud mama” is testing There is no treasure inside the worm, but there are Bot her castings about the place, and the éth contains 44 bose 4100 gold piece gems, and 4 vials of holy water. 6, CAVE: 14 Drow are located hereto oversee any activites inthe Cavern as 0 whole, as well a$ to ald merchants or scout for Invaders Males: 4 2nd level (HP: 9 each: AC 1) armed with +4 shott sword, +4 daggers, ond hand crossbow with 40 bolts are under command ofaath evel fighter (HP: 18; AC -2) armed with +2 short sword, +4 dagger, ond hand crossbow with 10 bolts. Each con cast daneing lights, dark- ness, and faerie fire. 8 3rd level (HP: 45 each; AC 0) armed with +4 short sword, +4 dagger, and Naif have hand ‘ctossbows, he balance atlat and 3 javelins. They ore under command of a ih lovel (HP: 30, +2chain mall, +2buckler, +4for dexter of 18, foran overall AC of-4) fighter who wil yield their charge fo the male commanderifthe postion ‘appears in jeopardy. She hos +2 short sword, +2 dagger, ond o death lance—c 10’ spear which discharges a negative force when thi, the force causing 342 hitpoints of damage in ‘addition fo normal (spear or lance) damage, ‘and any opponent 50 struck must save versus poison oF lose 1-4 life energy levels. The lance hhas 6 charges. This s the weapon she willtoke ‘with her when she goes tothe Drow areatothe orthwest fo inform her superiors. Her mount is nightmare (HP:: 32) stabled at the back of the cave. Each female can cas! elalrveyance, Females: magic, taerle commander con Giso use detect magie, know alignment, ond levitate. ‘Treasure: Each Drow caries a smal leather bag or pouch in which 4-4 pp. per level of experience are kept. The female ‘commander will have 2 100 gp. gems in addition to the Coins. Hidden on her person is a small pin of bronze, a night- ‘mate's head with NOQUARInscribed in Drowic on the reverse. The males sleep in the southem cave below 6, the females in 6. proper. There is a bedroll ofsiks foreach, and several boxes ‘of provisions in each cave. There are a few personal eating ‘and grooming items with each bedroll. There are some strange straps (hamess) and wooden racks in the males’ ‘cave (gear for pack lizards), and long metathooked poles (guiding ankuses for the creatures) stand nearby. Con ‘ceoled under the dung and fungus bedding of the night- mare's stalls a leactiined hollow in the stone flocr. It has a stone lid with a secret catch. Inside this cavity are 4,000 siver pieces in a wooden chest, 1,000 gold pieces in 10 leather bags, a belt which has 100 platinum pieces insidelt,cpouch with 20 base 100 gp. gems, 2 pieces of 5,000 gp. value Jewelry and a black metal chain and medallion (with spider/drow female figures) in an Ivory case worth 250 gp. ‘and a leather case wih 4 potions: healing, extrarhealing, Polymorph seit, poison (if mixed with wine in an iron cup it {ves the imbiber total poison resistance for 6 tums). The fon Cup Is in a comer of the cavity 7. SUNKEN CAVE: Two narrow fights of staivike tonaces lead downward about 20’ to debouch into a low celinged cave which appears totally dark and deserted. This is an illusion, fot itis the lair of a lich (66 hit points) with a +3 ring of protection (AC -3). This homtid creature normally rests on the ledge at the southern tip of the place. It will maintain the Illusion and not attack any intruders unless they are using ‘magic spells of any sort or ate obviously detecting magic. He will then attack The lich’s spelt level is 20; his spells are: First Level: burning hands, charm person, magic missile (x2), ventriioquism Second Level: Invisibility, mirror Image, ray of enfeeble- ‘ment, web (x2) dispel magic, fireball, fly, lightning bolt, phantasmal force confusion, charm monster, dimension door, fumbie, polymorph other cloudkill, cone of cold, hold monster, tele- port, wall of force globe of invulnerability, Invisible stalker, repulsion, flesh to stone limited wish, Mordenkainen's Sword, reverse gravity Bigby’s Clenched Fist, Otto's Irresistible Dance, monster summoning VI Ninth Level: time stop, power word kill (To determine which spell the lich will use, pick the best possible fhe is in danger of being slain. Otherwise, roll d1 for 10-13, 14. 45. is found, roll 0 second die to determine which spell will be Used, if necessary, or select the MOST LOGICAL spell) Treasure: The lich, Asberdies, has cast 600 magle mouth spells in various portions of his lair—walls, floor, ceiling, and on stalacitites and stalagmites too. Therefore, magic detection will show virtually everyplace in the cave as radiating magic. The hollow where Ne lies is lined with siks ‘and velvet cloths, but no treasure. Just afewfeet northwestis a small ledge with a few broken stones. One of these has o hollow spot into which is thrust afolded-up portable hole. The hole contains a jeweled crown (80,000 9p.),0. gem-set orb (50,000 9p), and a scepter ikewise encrusted with precious stones (65.000 g.p,) which were the lichsinlfe. hey now bear {@-curse upon anyone possessing them. The magic will tum the individual or individuals into a wight after sickening and dying, The curse can only be removed by acleric of 2th evel. (he items will radiate both magic andevilifeitherorboth are detected for.) Also In the hole are 4,000 gold pieces, 10 gems fof 100 gp. base value, bag of dust of sneezing and ehoking, a staff of striking, a potion of longevity. c scarab of protection from evil clerics, and a scroll of 7 magic-user Spells (knock, tongues, minor globe of invulnerability, wall of ice, stone fo flesh, charm plants, symbol (fect) ) SIDE CAVERN: This place is similarto cavem 4. has dozens of ledges and shelves at 70’ or more above the cavem oor, and these places are the roosts of 23 gargoyles (H.P.: 22 each), ‘These creatures greatly fear the Drow, and they will attack no creature with a Drow or wearing Drow garb, but they will clack any other creatures not so protected, They have no reasure. CAVERN STABLE: There are 6 pack lizards (HP: 33 each) tethered here near a mound of fungus fodder. The creatures {te for use by merchants in need of their services. if anyone ‘atlempis to unchain them, they will attack the indtvidual Unless he orshe caries a hooked goad which they recognize {9s the sign of mastership over them. ‘COMPLEX OF LOW CAVES: Ths s the temporary residence ofa ack of ghasts and ghouls on their way northwestto serve the Brow. They do not wish fo follow the broad andwelktrafficked primary passages, so they will take the one to the northeast earby as soon as the giant slug (14. below) moves on. The pack consists of 410, 32 ghouls (HP.: 40 each) with 4-6 gold pieces each. 44, 4 ghasts (HP.: 19 each) with 7 base 100 gp. gems. 42. 2. ghasts (HP:: 24 each) with a sack containing 3 pieces ‘of jewely worth 5,000, 3000, and 1.800 g.p. respectively, ‘and 2 tubes. One is a scroll of 3 cieric spells (cure light ‘wounds, tongues, conjure animals (3 brown bears with 28 hp.each)). The others a map showing the northeast Passage and the tertiary route which connects to the primary northwest-southeast passage ond encounter ‘rea $17-117: the map shows the latter passages only as ‘shown below. Draw this in for your players on thelr map. 43. 4 ghasts (H.P.:20 each) with 300 g.p. and 18 base 10g.p. gems, GIANT SLUG: (HP: 87) This monster blends into the niche thas found beside the passageway northeast, where It intially rested to digest o meal and then decided to stay because of the excellent food supply. (The Drow will soon getridoff) No reasure, 4100’ HIGH SHELF: 2 hieracosphinx (HP: 49, 43) are nested here awalting the retun of thelr Drow mistress and master. They will not attack unless some creature comes nearthem— ‘say 20’ of 3o—and will cometo oname commandonly.They have no treasure, but one has a medallion with a staf! ot ‘copper set round with 8 pertectty matched emeralds (24,000 @P. value) and the name EILSERVS in Drow characters ‘engraved on the reverse. 46-48, TROLL CAVES: These places are filed with a noisome mess of 192 rotting carcasses, bones, sticks, excrement, pelts, etc. The trolls dwelling In these areas have moved all oftheir treasure to the tibe leader's lair at 32 16.10 ros (HP: 29 each. 417.46 tos (HP: 30 each) /, 18. 18trls (HP: 34 each). Note: The stench ofthese coves is noticeable rom 10’ outside ‘each cave. ‘The trolls will move to suppor each other, the troglodytes, oF the bugbears if they become aware of attack through information, noise, etc. 28-30. 23. CAVE WARREN: This complex of caves and connecting passages serves as the lait ofc large tribe of bugbears who {re in indirect service fo the Drow. They have been equipped with fing mail jacks and heavy, well mace moming stars (+2 damage when a hitis scored) by their Dark Eifmasters. (Cl. B above) 49, 8 bugbears (HP: 15 each) with 11 gp. each + 20, 8 bugbears (HP: 16 each) with 14 gp. each. 24. 8 bugbears (HP: 17 each) with 12 gp. each. 22, 12 bugbeors (HP: 18 each) with 19 gp.e0ch. = “~ 23, 44 bugbears (HP: 16 each) with 13 gp. each. 24, HUGE CAVE: This is the den of 45 female bugbeors (HP.: 9 ‘each; fight as 4+4 hit die monsters) and 62 young (Shil points ‘each, fight as % hit dle monsters) There are 10 males here to {uord the females and offspring. Each male has 48 hit points, ‘Amidst the itter of bedding, food scraps, and junkis & chest with 683 ¢.p, 397 5p. and 155 go. CCHIEF'S DEN: Grubblk the chief (HP. 30; chain shit and large Shield for AC 1) is a huge creature who attacks as 0 4 die ‘monster, With him is his son Bruzblid (HP: 24; AC 2) who is leader. Grubblik does +4 hit points damage when hitting, Bruzblid does +3. They have 2 females of large size (HP: 14 each) who fant ax males. het reasure sn alarge fon or with o lock (Bruzbiid has the key). Inside ore 3000 g.p) 4 piece of jewelry worth 6,000 gp, and a poisonous spider "which he feeds 50 to keep there fo bite anyone who places hand inside. The spider bites 5 in 6 from its postion inside the lid, Saving throw is at +2. but damage is 620 due to sickness ftom the spiders poison. 42 bugbears (HP: 18 each) with 45 g.p. each.~ SUB-CHIEF'S CAVE: Ruddug (HP:: 25; chain shit and large shield for AC 4) is neatly as large as the chiel. He fights os 0.4 hit dice monster and does +3 on any damage scored. With him are two personal guards, each with 22 hit points, scale Jacks and large shields (AC 2), and doing +3 hit points of 26. 26. 21. ‘damage when a hit is scored upon an opponent. Ruddug likes cloth, so his quarters are a mess of piles, bolts, and bales ‘of such material Hidden on a high ledge behind a stone is a ‘a bag with 450 sp, 139.9p., 18 p-p, and 7 base value 50g. gems. - These areas designate the warrens of the troglodytes. (See also 36-38. & T.) Here the tunnel celings are only about ¢ high, and the caves themselves not much more spacious. All ‘of these trogs are one tribe, and they work in co-operation with the trolls and bugbears. The co-operation is demanded by the Dark Eves, of course, but the inhabitants of the place have found that they are ali prospering through mutual cid, 0 they now come wilingly to each other's assistance. Nearly ‘everything used by the frogs is made of stone or fashioned from bone. They have a few possessions of wood, leather, or cloth, but such items are rare. 1. UNIT DEN: Each unit den holds o small amount of troglodyte goods —valueless junk piled into a nest, and 1no treasure—and a male, female, and 2 haichling irogs (HP: 44, 7,5,2). Males have stone clubs, females ight as 414 hit die monsters, and the young as % die monsters. LONG CAVE: A trog gen of 36 young males is quartered here. Each has 40 hit poinis and is armed with a metc! battle axe and ametaltippedjavelin (+30n"tohit” dice, 2.8 hit points of damage). Thete is no treasure, GEN LEADERS: 4 large trogs (HP: 17 each) who attack os Shit dice monsters are lodged in the forepatt ofthe area, while 2 huge ones (HP. 22 each), the “elders”, who attack as 4 hit dice monsters, are housed in the ‘northemmost portion of the gallery. Each of these frogs has @ metal bardiche. Each leader wears a small medallion of gold hammered into alikeness ofa human skull (value 20 g.p_). The 2 elders have small rough gems (10 gp. base value each) set into their devices. On the shelf af the back of their area is a human skull sheathed in gold (230 gp.) with 2 2.000 g.p. gamets set in he ey2 holes. There ate 4 sheaves of 12 javelins each here also. COMMUNAL CAVE: This place is normally empty of ctivity except during tribal feasts, councils, or when the ‘males gather fo attack. There are 8 immature females (HP: 6 each) hete at all times fo tend the area, 31. EASTERN CAVERN: This portion of the great cavem ified with fungi patches which the troglodytes fend. The fungi supplies ‘much of the food for the creatures which inhabit the place. There are nartow paths wending between these fields of mushrooms and other strange and gigantic growins. (Tha fungi ate fed with the refuse and offal, and the place is less than fragrant.)A dim light rom many ofthe phosphorescent lichen growths reveals the strange shapes and blotched Solos of the fungi, and flame will how the colors as whites, grays, yellows, tans, browns, reds, oranges, pinks, mauves, ‘nd violets. $ postions indicate 1-4 shriekers, V positions are 4-4 violet fungl. Under he underlined patch of violet fungi (V) is hidden a 10,000 g.p. gem and a Jug of alchemy. 4 32-35. TROLLS’ DENS: The trolls live in relative peace with the 10 bugbears and frogs, as explained previously. They are rewarded with food and wealth by the Drow, and the co-operation with the other inhabitants of the cavem hes ‘caused them to prosper greatly. 32. CHIEF'S DEN: The tribal chief (H.P.: 49) and 5 lesser trolls (HP: 40 each) dwell here. The chief does +2 hit points of damage wheneverhis attacks succeed, andhis consorts cause 4 additional point of damage when they hit an opponent. A! the back of the cave is a natural hollow which is used as the repository for the tribal weatth 4,300 cp, 789 $p, 2011 gp, 84 PP, 38. gems of 10g. base value, 14 pieces of jewelry (7,000 gp. each), 0 potion of healing, and a bronze statuetie—an idol of ‘Some weird shark god—which is inlaid with Wory, cor,

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